**Merged** Cena & Rock Discussion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!

Do you support The Rock or John Cena?

  • The Rock

  • John Cena

  • The Miz!!!!!

  • I'm just going to enjoy the show

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I'm the biggest Rock fan on the planet (seriously, don't question my love of the Great One) but I could care less about the face off because it will lead to one of two things. 1.Nothing
2. The Rock loses to Cena.

There is no other outcome to this scenario. John Cena has only lost once at WM and Vince won't allow the golden boy to lose a match (and possibly lose merchandise $$$).

Seeing The Rock was probably the highlight of the last few years for me. I couldn't believe it. Now I just don't care. I blame all parties involved: Cena, Vince, the PG era etc.
I'll have to make this more then one line so I don't get a warning or whatever the hell they are..

I want to see the 2 in the ring together but have a feeling that vince will have the Miz look stronger then both the Rock/Cena. If you put them in the same ring 99 percent of the fans won't give a crap about the Miz which wouldn't be good going into Mania.

If they get face to face before anything could happen between Cena/Rock I see the lights going on off and the GM computer going off and the Rock not allowing anyone to read it which after a while the New GM will come out in person to say he hates being interrupted.

Hopefully this leads to a Rock/Cena match but I would rather see Rock against someone else if he had to have another match since it's obvious Cena would win or they would have a double DQ and no winnner but if that happens it will not be till next years mania..
As I have stated in other threads - I do not think this showdown will be held til Mania as it is the reason to buy the show (HHH-Taker a close second). Using it on Raw would be shooting a load early - unless!!! they plan to make the WWE Title match a three way W/ The Rock.

Rock-Y2J when Y2J debuted was pretty epic, maybe it didnt have the build up but the promos cut were awesome

I completely agree. I see The Rock and The Miz squaring off and maybe Rock dropping one on him. But having The Rock and Cena go toe to toe on Raw is bad for business. They need to plant the seeds and hope for that extra surge of PPV buys to see 'what transpires'.

I am interested to see how The Rock and Cenas confrontation tomorrow night will work. If they are going to go down the physical route then they need Cena to go over in the brawl. Personally I hope they dont share camera time in the ring together. Maybe they could have The Rock call Cena out but he is jumped by The Miz and we see the awesome one instead.
that backstage diva randy orton must be smoking crack. if he thinks cena is gonna outshine the rock tomorrow live in chicago the fans will be on every word the rock is saying.. i feel sorry for cena the rock is just gonna destroy him with a few words. Hopefully the rock writes some of cena lines for him tomorrow and gives cena a chance to actually look good in a promo for once
that backstage diva randy orton must be smoking crack. if he thinks cena is gonna outshine the rock tomorrow live in chicago the fans will be on every word the rock is saying.. i feel sorry for cena the rock is just gonna destroy him with a few words. Hopefully the rock writes some of cena lines for him tomorrow and gives cena a chance to actually look good in a promo for once

:lmao: I never thought that randy was that stupid. Cena outshinnig rock on chicago? That sound crazy, I mean that something even the immortal hulk hogan failed to do 9yrs ago.


Orton is either jealous or stupid. Cena is 10 times better than rock in the ring?! that's just...:shrug: As I said they better keep cena away from a face to face confrintation with rocky, unless they want to bury what they've been building for the last 7yrs. Though, I highly doubt they let them go at each other on the mic, that wouldn't be fair.
Orton is either jealous or stupid. Cena is 10 times better than rock in the ring?! that's just...:shrug: As I said they better keep cena away from a face to face confrintation with rocky, unless they want to bury what they've been building for the last 7yrs. Though, I highly doubt they let them go at each other on the mic, that wouldn't be fair.

Of course orton is going to side with cena. Him and cena have had many matches and are on the road together all the time. Of course current wrestlers are gunna side with eachother. Orton isnt going to bury a guy he knows hes gunna be around with for many more years.

Even so, Orton is playing into the hype. Im sure he doesnt even mean what he said, but hes saying it because he has 2.

Also, the reason why Rock hasnt shown up live on raw since the first night is because it builds MOMENTUM. The rock is a buyrate for mania. Wasting it all on raws before mania is extremely pointless and not good from a business standpoint.

And The Rock is just better in everyway. Cena better then the rock in the ring, comeon now is that a joke? Cena better then the Rock on the mic? Can you even name 3 memorable cena promos? I cant even name one to be honest, except the eddie rap. Cena just screams and yells during a promo to get people to cheer because they think they NEED to cheer when he gets all hyped up. Cant wait to see Cena get beat up for 20 mins at mania , just for him to all of a sudden get some strength , fly across the ropes with his shoulder , and hulk up and win the last 2 mins. :lmao:

I legit cant wait till raw , cuz this is what in all honesty is going to make people buy mania.
I know there is some other topics, but I just felt for this specific subject it was worth a new topic.

I don't want to discuss the feud, well I do... but I'm here to get an answer from all you guys.

Who's side are you on? Who you backing?

Is it, The Rock? The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment who has only been seen on Raw live once in 7 years.... who BRINGS IT? Do you enjoy him back and his Cena bashing?

Or are you standing behind Cena and the CeNation?!? John Cena, the man who stepped up into The Rock's place when The Rock left.. the man who put WWE on his back for the last 7 years, giving blood, sweat, and tears to this business?


My answer... is.... JOHN CENA!!!!! What? I'm a fan from 1999 so I basically grew up with The Rock, but there is a pain in my stomach when I think about how he just ditched us. Its like helping your kid grow up and become huge, and he just runs away to Hollywood and doesn't even call for 7 years and randomly comes back home.

Now I'm willing to forgive The Rock, in fact I really don't even care that much because I marked out when he returned, but... when it comes to John Cena/The Rock ... I'm going to stand behind the man who was there for us! Rocky needs to prove he's really back to stay and not going anywhere before I start selling out for The Rock.

So the question begs.. who do you support, John Cena or The Rock?!?
Seriously? Why does The Rock owe everyone? Stone Cold and The Rock carried the WWE for years. He has more talent than MOST WWE Superstars so he was able to branch out his talents into movies BEFORE WWE had its own movie company and BEFORE the WWE allowed superstars to take months off to film.

The Rock doesnt owe anyone anymore than the explination that he gave. He is still a more talented and energetic personality than 99% of the WWE right now and everyone should be thanking him for coming back in ANY form to help energize a product that has been struggling from lack of talent.

Im not at all mad that The Rock found other work and was able to do more with his life at least he DID come back when the product REALLY needs it and he didnt have to. Im 100% behind The Rock and glad he has given me a reason to tune into WWE again to watch what happens!

He WILL be back in the ring again, most likely not full time, but he will be back to do more than just HOST WM.
Source: The Wrestling Observer

It's being reported that The Rock's return to WWE thus far has worked out much better than both sides ever expected it to. As we first reported in an exclusive you can read if you CLICK HERE, WWE is already anticipating Rock vs John Cena, and it looks as if The Miz will be involved in the mix as well.

While WWE is keeping a very tight lid on what future plans The Rock has with the company, it's being said that The Rock has enjoyed his WWE return so much that he is indeed open to working a few more matches with the company. If Cena vs Rock does not take place first, then the feeling is that Rock vs Miz will be The Rock's first bout, with Cena vs Rock happening at a later date.
Happily sitting on the fence here and just enjoying the show. Feuding with The Rock will help Cena no end. Maybe WWE will continue to be just a little less "PG" because of this potentially epic feud.
Will this be a possible heel turn for Cena? Cuz with that last attack and the seriousness on his face, it just shows something like that.
John Cena just verbally kicked the Rock's ass all the from Chicago to Atlanta. His speech to the Rock tonight was monster. He absolutely crushed him. All of the Attitude era/anti-PG era apologists bitching about how promos suck now compared to then can shut up now, because Cena just out promo'ed the Great One tonight, and it wasn't even close.
Will this be a possible heel turn for Cena? Cuz with that last attack and the seriousness on his face, it just shows something like that.

I think it was Cena sending the Rock a point with the words that he stated about being there for the kids, not so much a heel turn but him actually being angry and letting know he was serious
Will this be a possible heel turn for Cena? Cuz with that last attack and the seriousness on his face, it just shows something like that.

Doubt it. Once The Rock leaves the whole thing will blow over and he'll be back to his routines. But damn did the fans show whose side they were really on tonight.
Of course they're on the Rock's Side. Most 'wrestling' fans have been against Cena since he's been there. Mainly because they still have dreams about the attitude era.

However Cena has a point, the Rock left.

However again. What an awesome Raw.
John Cena just verbally kicked the Rock's ass all the from Chicago to Atlanta. His speech to the Rock tonight was monster. He absolutely crushed him. All of the Attitude era/anti-PG era apologists bitching about how promos suck now compared to then can shut up now, because Cena just out promo'ed the Great One tonight, and it wasn't even close.

hahah gett outta here... the rock calling cena a homeless power ranger was way to funny... John cena looked like he was about to cry after the rock made fun of him for weeks :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
John Cena showed that The Rock was a successful troll. :icon_rolleyes:

But he did make good points and basically told The Rock that if he couldn't accept John Cena for who he was, then he should just fuck off, which I liked. And Rock's comeback after that was pretty bad I must say.
I watched RAW for the first time in months tonight, eagerly anticipating the war of words between The Rock & John Cena, two of the greatest performers in the history of pro wrestling.

Although it was a relatively short segment, I wasn't disappointed. At the same time, it wasn't what I expected either.

Cena completely threw me off. I was sure he would be full of intensity, but I also assumed he would engage in the type of witty banter he usually does with his other opponents. Instead, he seemed to speak straight from the heart, and quite honestly, I think he made the Rock's charisma and catchphrase-laden promo look cheap in comparison.

I know that a lot of people don't like Cena, and like he said tonight, his character isn't marketed towards the Attitude Era generation, but tonight, I think Cena reached a whole new level. Whatever you think of him, its hard to deny that he "brought it" directly to the Rock, and The Great One looked genuinely caught off-guard and pissed.

All in all, excellent microphone work by both men, but I think Cena definitely won this round.

The special appearance by Mr. "Doesn't belong in the same ring", the Miz was quite a time waster, no?
I gotta go with John Cena delivering the better promo, he spoke from the heart while the Rock continues to bounce around with monkey ass catch phrases.

The crowd was chanting Rocky for the majority of the segment, but after Cena finished his entire promo, the crowd like stopped... they were buzzing... but it almost sounded like it was a battle for a Cena chant or a Rock chant between the crowd...

Anyone else notice that?
raw just endend and cena miz and rock were going at it cena wins the brawl with the AA on rock truthfully cena cant lose this fued anymore cena has all the mouemotem and crowd hates him right now I loved it rock wanted to hid he hid he came back to the ring two weeks later and got showed up this isnt a buisness for old people and rock is old if he wants to beat cena he needs to learn the rules and pay his dues again he left for seven years and is now paying for it if he wants to earn respect start bringing it instead of talking about bringing it because his shit is getting old he wants more fans on his side he should stop bieing a bitch
The rock controlled the crowd tonight and completely owned Cena. Cena was talking like he didnt know why the Rock was calling him out. The rock said from the beginning promo exactly why he went at Cena, so why was cena asking why why why? It made no sense to me. The rock just wanted to fight tonight and Cena doesnt wanna do anything , goes on the mic after the rock talked nothing but crap about him , and talks about how he likes the fact that Rock is back. Comeon man , that made Cena look scared and seem like he was trying to get on the fans good graces. Be that as it may , Cena still had an amazing segment and had one of the best promos ive heard from him from a talking stand point.

All around amazing segment , miz shouldnt even be there , but Rock owned. Just listen to the Crowd, it tells all.
Tonight was one of the best promos (non-rap) I have ever heard from Cena. Both The Rock and Cena killed it on the mic tonight. It was absolutely.... ELECTRIFYING! Cena mentioned one thing tonight that was absolutely true...and that is The Rock belongs in wrestling. Despite Cena having one of the best promos of his life, I was fully behind The Rock. The Rock is a much bigger star than Cena is...period. The fans in Chicago tonight also made that pretty damn clear. When it happens, The Rock vs John Cena will be one of the biggest matches WWE has had in quite some time. I'm pretty damn excited.
Cena tore the house down with his segment and I was on the floor when the crowd was chanting Cena sucks and he said I will get to that in a second. Dwayne did the Rock stuff (and it was great) but Cena was himself and let the crowd and the Rock know.

The only good thing about the Jizz showing up was him getting the people's elbow
Even though The Rock has stated he does'nt want to wrestle again, I think he will. And who will be his opponent, John Cena.

After tonight, this might've been a tease at a future match between the two. I mean, Cena AA'ed Rock for absolutely no reason, other than to get revenge for Rock's verbal rambling about Cena.

Cena AAing the Rock really make's it seem like something will be happening in the future between the two.

But, did anyone notice Rock's botch on the kick-up. It makes sense becuase he hasn't wrestled for awile, but he need's to really work on his in-ring skill's, he nearly injured himself.

Anyway, Cena/Rock might happen, and after tonight I think it's more of a chance it'll happen.

Whenever it happen's, I don't know, it might now even happen. But Cena vs. Rock is money, and if Vince want's buyrates for Summerlslam or Wresltmania 28, this is Hogan/Rock all over agian. This one match can sell the whole card.
i wouldnt say he POWN him but cena did speak from the heart... I think all the jokes the rock has bin making about john cena really got to him and he got emotional like a girl on his period.. Cena promo was real and from the heart thats why it was good not like this stupid promos were he tries to be funny.. But sunday i bet the rock causes cena the belt this wrestlemania better be epic and not a flop!!!!!

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