**Merged** Cena & Rock Discussion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!

Do you support The Rock or John Cena?

  • The Rock

  • John Cena

  • The Miz!!!!!

  • I'm just going to enjoy the show

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guys, obviously, this build-up/feud or whatever this is is SCRIPTED.. yes there is truth in what both says but i am pretty much sure both know that this is the path they have to take on the road to Wrestlemania.. so chill guys.. BOTH HAVE WON!!! WM 27 WON!!!

but here is what i have to say.. i respect Cena so much though I don't like him, i mean his character.. Cena worked hard to get to where he is let's face it..

BUT, i give due respect to my man THE ROCK.. let us give respect to the person aside from STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN, HBK, HHH and THE UNDERTAKER, who have brought the WWE where it is now.. if it is not for them, PROBABLY, the WWE is dead right now.. REMEMBER THE MONDAY NIGHT WARS??? WCW was kicking ass every single week with Goldberg, Sting, the NWO and other surprises Eric Bischoff brought under his sleeves..

It wasn't an easy thing to do for these men when they have a VERY TOUGH COMPETITION in WCW.. they have sacrificed a lot, through blood sweat and tears to be on top..

While on the other hand, John Cena is competing against WHO???? NO ONE.. not even TNA.. it is a much easier job for CENA since quite frankly.. THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION..

so guys please... both guys have done good promos to get us viewers watching and anticipating the next events.. BUT and BUT.. let us give due respect where it is deserved.. THE ROCK and the ATTITUDE ERA brought life to the WWE.. it was just a lucky thing Eric Bischoff and WCW mishandled things.. IF NOT.. then most probably Ted Turner would have bought then the WWF and not vice versa...
Hey guys,

I don't post much around here, but I do feel like getting involved with this one.

I just want to point out that it looks like WWE has done EXACTLY what they intended to do just from the looks of this board alone. We almost have a "Team Cena" talking about how Rock walked away from the business and so on and a "Team Rock" that is talking about how much Cena sucks yadda yadda.

With that being said, I think it is important to remember that The Rock is one of the top three in mic skills in wrestling EVER. I don't know how anyone could argue other wise. Personally, I think he is probably the best. The way The Rock delivers a promo he could almost talk the lines of "happy birthday" and make Cena look like a chump.

I have one problem with this whole thing. In order to have Cena compete with The Rock they had to have him GO BACK to a previous gimmick or character. When he was the "rap" stuff is not what he is known for now. He is suppose to be this family friendly "superman" person, but he has to convert back to his basicly "heel" gimmick to compete with The Rock? It is almost like if Rock came back as "Rocky Maivia" with a fro shaking hands, kissing babies and not saying a word.

Overall though, I think it has made for good TV.
guys, obviously, this build-up/feud or whatever this is is SCRIPTED.. yes there is truth in what both says but i am pretty much sure both know that this is the path they have to take on the road to Wrestlemania.. so chill guys.. BOTH HAVE WON!!! WM 27 WON!!!

but here is what i have to say.. i respect Cena so much though I don't like him, i mean his character.. Cena worked hard to get to where he is let's face it..

BUT, i give due respect to my man THE ROCK.. let us give respect to the person aside from STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN, HBK, HHH and THE UNDERTAKER, who have brought the WWE where it is now.. if it is not for them, PROBABLY, the WWE is dead right now.. REMEMBER THE MONDAY NIGHT WARS??? WCW was kicking ass every single week with Goldberg, Sting, the NWO and other surprises Eric Bischoff brought under his sleeves..

It wasn't an easy thing to do for these men when they have a VERY TOUGH COMPETITION in WCW.. they have sacrificed a lot, through blood sweat and tears to be on top..

While on the other hand, John Cena is competing against WHO???? NO ONE.. not even TNA.. it is a much easier job for CENA since quite frankly.. THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION..

so guys please... both guys have done good promos to get us viewers watching and anticipating the next events.. BUT and BUT.. let us give due respect where it is deserved.. THE ROCK and the ATTITUDE ERA brought life to the WWE.. it was just a lucky thing Eric Bischoff and WCW mishandled things.. IF NOT.. then most probably Ted Turner would have bought then the WWF and not vice versa...

That's actually a mid judgement. I'm Team Rock but even I think Cena has it harder. Rock was in an era with guys like HHH, Austin, Micheals, Taker his strengths were exemplified and his weaknesses overshadowed. Cena is one of those guys right now, the spotlight is on him and him only. If Cena isn't there WWE's gone. NO ONE is able to carry the company, there is no backup plan. Miz is an up and comer, sure. Orton's a face and get many pops but do you notice his pops are fading away slowly. He gets a nice amount of pop, sure but not the wild pop he had in the start of 2010 but I digress.

Point is, Cena's the atlas of WWE. He's carrying the company on his back and the reason Vince keeps him the way he is because there is no one else to rely on. With the Rock, he was born for greatness but he had the chance to reinvent himself without anyone bombarding him into the main event.

But yeah anyway, GO TEAM ROCK!:worship:
LMAO Some people here think that cena's words got into rock's head, and that's why he showed some emotion. First of all, guys, Always remember, The Rock is a legit actor in hollywood. I wasn't surprised when he showed that kinda of emotions(Even though it was the 1st time I saw him cutting a promo that way). Second thing is, after what cena said last week, rock had to prove him wrong, how? by cutting an emotional segment explaining to the fans how much he loves the company and all that..

Rock was right about him paving the way to cena and all the wwe superstars. I mean, I agree hogan, piper were doing movies way before rock, but neither one of them was taken seriously. Rock is the only former wretler to become a legit actor in hollywood.

"John Cena, The Rock ain't no rapper, and clearly, neither are you" :lmao::lmao::lmao:

I'm a huge Rock fan, but a will admit that during his promo last night my eyes were rolling a little bit. The whole time when he's doing his finally the rock has come back to....., and when he was talking about his love for the WWE and how he has comeback for the WWE fans, I could only think to myself FINALLY the ROCK HAS COMEBACK WITH SOME PRERECORDED STATEMENTS. For the Rock to make a believer out of me that he has finally comeback, he has to make more appearance live on Raw.
That's actually a mid judgement. I'm Team Rock but even I think Cena has it harder. Rock was in an era with guys like HHH, Austin, Micheals, Taker his strengths were exemplified and his weaknesses overshadowed. Cena is one of those guys right now, the spotlight is on him and him only. If Cena isn't there WWE's gone. NO ONE is able to carry the company, there is no backup plan. Miz is an up and comer, sure. Orton's a face and get many pops but do you notice his pops are fading away slowly. He gets a nice amount of pop, sure but not the wild pop he had in the start of 2010 but I digress.

Point is, Cena's the atlas of WWE. He's carrying the company on his back and the reason Vince keeps him the way he is because there is no one else to rely on. With the Rock, he was born for greatness but he had the chance to reinvent himself without anyone bombarding him into the main event.

But yeah anyway, GO TEAM ROCK!:worship:

That's BS to me. For rock to become the top guy, and you have people like taker,HHH, AUstin, Angle, Jericho, Benoit and all of them are in their primes, just prove how great rock was. Just think about it, one world title, two shows(raw&SD), one roster(no extension), and a great rival(WCW). You see that's tough, really really tough. Do you think would gamble in making cena(If he was with the wwe back then) the face of the company 14yrs ago?
I've a feeling that we're going to see too much of The Rock/John Cena now, that it will get in the way of the Cena/Miz Fued and take some of the anticipation away.

It would of been good if they had Rock respond on the last Raw before Wrestlemania, but having them go at it face to face before Mania will ruin the Showdown I wanted to see at Wrestlemania.

Instead I think we will now get Rock and Cena having a staredown on Raw before Miz interrupts. Then the Rock will be added to the equation and be the Enforcer or Referee in the Match at Wrestlemania.

It felt real with the two having genuine heat and mentioning each other in there Promos on Raw the previous two weeks. I would love to of just seen The Rock come out at Wrestlemania and have the biggest staredown with Cena since Rock/Hogan at Wrestlemania 18.

But I guess they have no choice but to overuse the Rock up to Wrestlemania now, so it wont actually be that special when we see him make his big appearance at Mania.
We have two threads relating to the Rock's return, and both say to "keep it all in here". Since I don't really know what specifically belongs in which thread, I'll post something here too.

Last night, the rock's rebuttal was absolutely terrible. If anything, it put Cena even further ahead of the Rock. I went over why in the other thread so since I don't want to be a double poster, I won't go into details of why I thought that in this one.

However, at this point I think Cena is definitely looking better than the Rock, and I think the best thing the Cena character could do would be to completely ignore the most recent Rock promo. I know it probably won't happen, but if this were a real argument he should quit while ahead.

My biggest fear though is that this verbal sparring match is going to very quickly devolve into nothing more than juvenile antics and name calling. After last night, it is dangerously close to that already, which is another reason why I hope this back and forth stops now.
Ok, so he's getting the audience involved in his promos, classic trait of a face but The Rock has come in and targetted the number one babyface of the company. Theres just something not right with it all.....assuming Cena doesnt turn heel.

The Rock is attacking John Cena the wrestler, not the person. Heels usually do this but hardly ever get "personal" in order to preserve the babyfaces image.

John Cena is attacking Dwayne Johnson, not The Rock. I have no ill feeling towards Dwayne Johnson at all (I'm a fan of his), whatever the guy does with his life is his choice but when Cena puts his little spin on it, then I suppose he does make a valid point. This is where I feel The Rock WOULD NOT be targetted if he was to be a face.

The fact is, there arent really any no-go areas for faces to attack heels. It draws support for the face, and draws heet for the heel. We mock them, we laugh at them, but when they eventually turn face, they are cheered and the past is forgotten and never really spoke about again.

I just get the feeling Cena is going to come out and say "I told you so" and will gain alot of momentuma and respect for calling it all right. Another thing is The Miz. Why hasnt The Rock had a face off with this jackass yet? Yeh he spouted a few words, The Miz retalliated but is this all part of the master plan? Are The Miz and The Rock pulling the wool over our eyes and going to go in this together to screw Cena? Maybe Rock is the Raw GM? Sure the email noise bellowed out during his promo, maybe that was The Miz sending the message - notice the email wasnt read out by Cole? Again, The Rock gave him a verbal bashing, maybe it was just to keep away the scent?

If The Rock turns on Cena, what has he got to lose? NOTHING! The Rock was heel on his way out in 2003! If The Rock turns, everything he has said about Cena is invalid, he was playing the heel and we take his comments with a pinch of salt - why else would WWE let The Rock say this stuff? He's burying him! It seems to me that these promos The Rock is making are just a way of putting Cena over in the long run - we will sympathise with Cena and feel betrayed by The Rock. Passing the torch if you will...if Rock turns, Cena will have the last laugh and The Rock will eventually dissappear again for a while (its gunna happen).

The biggest face in the company versus the biggest face of the past just doesnt make sense, oh its making great TV and Mania will be a blast but SOMEONE has to turn eventually, it just wont make sense otherwise. One is going to come off the loser in all this and turn on the fans!!!
You know a few months back when cena was feuding with Barette and the Nexus, I was wanting him to turn heel and everyone else seemed against it.

Now everyone wants Cena or the Rock to turn heel but I don't want that. I want a face vs face feud.

It wouldn't make sense for the Rock to leave as a heel just as it wouldn't make sense for Cena to turn heel and not have a face to feud with once the Rock leaves.
I've been watching this war of words develop and I have to say that I don't really see a clear face or heel in this struggle. It seems to be simply a feud between Rock and Cena, period. Neither is a face, neither is a heel, and it's all about a matter of principle for both of them. For The Rock, it has to do with his love for the WWE being questioned and for Cena, it's about what The Rock says vs. what he did. They don't see eye to eye on this and neither is the type of man to back down. It has nothing to do with who is a face and who is a heel, but everything to do with that issue.

I think that's why Cole is having trouble waffling back and forth between being for and against Cena. On one hand he's against Rock and on the other he's for Miz and Cena's in a battle with both.

Still, as far as the Rock being a heel...I suppose he could be considered that afterwards when he leaves again. That much is inevitable and probably an "I told you so" moment is in the works. We'll just have to watch and see.
I don't think that either is trying to be the heel, but I have heard more boos going towards Cena (no surprise there). I dont think The Rock will leave right after Mania. The feud could (and should) go into Summerslam.

I don't see a full heel turn for Cena but in regards to this feud, he will be the heel as he has and will continue to get more heat than The Rock.
It looks like The Rock is more of the heel in this situation. I feel this is similar to when Hogan and The Rock came together for the passing of the torch. I'm a Rock fan from when he was a part of The Nation of Domination. You really cannot say which one is which. With the older crowd who remembered who The Rock was and is to the business know where he is coming from. From the young people who really didn't get the chance to see him in action and what he meant to the WWE seems him as the bad guy picking on Cena.

Either way I feel this is a way he can try and help WWE and their big stars (such as Cena and The Miz) become bigger and better. This is the first time in a long time where you can not pick out the superstars (besides HHH and The Undertaker). There are a bunch of talented stars but not that one who carries the company to that level (other than Cena).
cant really say if he his being a heel yet because in a way they kinda messed up so far unless they do it soon but what about the miz? rock and cena are going back and forth but Rock also called out miz when he returned, when is rock going to call out miz? Miz already did somewhat of a promo on rock and so far its looking like Miz is being like a third wheel in this, if the wwe is so high on miz right now then they better start actually squeezing him into the cena-rock stuff, actually have rock put promos on them both or else otherwise people wont care at all about Miz and im sure Vince wont be pleased by that when nobody boos him
I see this 'feud' as yet another example of a 'Wrestlemania Rewind'.

A few years back, Mike Tyson came in, siding with Sean Michaels and DX against Steve Austin.

And ultimately at Wrestlemania, Tyson ended up siding with the 'good guy'.

I expect to see history repeat itself with the Rock ultimately siding with Cena at Wrestlemania as Cena gets another title run that nobody wants to see.
like many who have said this is the tyson re-work (becouse we didnt see it not long ago with jericho getting punk'd grrr) i agree

i think the rock will say something like at least cena loves the wwe and that uv got to respect where as miz doesnt represent well with his heel ways etc

all in all we aint going to see the cena ass whoooopin everyone over 18 wants to see :(
I see this 'feud' as yet another example of a 'Wrestlemania Rewind'.

A few years back, Mike Tyson came in, siding with Sean Michaels and DX against Steve Austin.

And ultimately at Wrestlemania, Tyson ended up siding with the 'good guy'.

I expect to see history repeat itself with the Rock ultimately siding with Cena at Wrestlemania as Cena gets another title run that nobody wants to see.

Yeah I'm thinking the Rock will side with Cena because in the end he "respects" him and they'll bash on the Miz. IE finishers. Cliche and been done to death, but I think it's the only way to do it to please Cena fans and keep his power. The Rock can't squash him. Won't ever happen. That'll make him look to vulnerable.
Yeah I'm thinking the Rock will side with Cena because in the end he "respects" him and they'll bash on the Miz. IE finishers. Cliche and been done to death, but I think it's the only way to do it to please Cena fans and keep his power. The Rock can't squash him. Won't ever happen. That'll make him look to vulnerable.

The difference is that was hbk vs austin. Why at all would the Rock respect Cena for beating the miz? I dont see that happening at all. I see the rock screwing cena out of the title.
Ok I know I’m brand new to this board but i shall hit many of these questions and statements here ok.

who is face and heel?
ok technically Cena is the heel on this one cause he kinda started this with an interview back in 08 where he talked about the rock how he turned on the fans. This kinda counts as almost a cheap shot because Rocky wasn't into wrestling at the time and Cena took a shot anyway.

You can read the interview here http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/wrestling/871607/Read-John-Cena-interview-in-full-John-Cena-Wrestling.html

Who's got the upper hand?

The Rock has the upper hand cause more of the wwe universe is behind him (also making him the face) rock kicked this into 2nd gear last night and he has taken control on the situation (for now) and week after next will set the tone for their confrontation at mania.

Where the miz fits in here?

Miz will be the turning point of this feud cause if miz walks out champ or not will determine where and when cena will fight the rock if miz loses to cena. cena defends against the rock in the next 3 to 4 months if miz wins cena fights rock at summerslam

What will be the rock's role in the Cena Miz title match?

the rock will clip cena during his match with miz. miz will try to capitalize thinking the rock got cena back for their confrontation on the Mar 21 or 28 edition of raw where cena pwns the rock in some way then the rock will drop miz where either cena wins and picks up the title the rock and cena stare down and ends with a tell next we meet type of thing OR (my personal favorite hopeful prediction) the match ends at this point where rock and cena showdown set up for summerslam. whew ok
Ok, so he's getting the audience involved in his promos, classic trait of a face but The Rock has come in and targetted the number one babyface of the company. Theres just something not right with it all.....assuming Cena doesnt turn heel.

The Rock is attacking John Cena the wrestler, not the person. Heels usually do this but hardly ever get "personal" in order to preserve the babyfaces image.

John Cena is attacking Dwayne Johnson, not The Rock. I have no ill feeling towards Dwayne Johnson at all (I'm a fan of his), whatever the guy does with his life is his choice but when Cena puts his little spin on it, then I suppose he does make a valid point. This is where I feel The Rock WOULD NOT be targetted if he was to be a face.

The fact is, there arent really any no-go areas for faces to attack heels. It draws support for the face, and draws heet for the heel. We mock them, we laugh at them, but when they eventually turn face, they are cheered and the past is forgotten and never really spoke about again.

I just get the feeling Cena is going to come out and say "I told you so" and will gain alot of momentuma and respect for calling it all right. Another thing is The Miz. Why hasnt The Rock had a face off with this jackass yet? Yeh he spouted a few words, The Miz retalliated but is this all part of the master plan? Are The Miz and The Rock pulling the wool over our eyes and going to go in this together to screw Cena? Maybe Rock is the Raw GM? Sure the email noise bellowed out during his promo, maybe that was The Miz sending the message - notice the email wasnt read out by Cole? Again, The Rock gave him a verbal bashing, maybe it was just to keep away the scent?

If The Rock turns on Cena, what has he got to lose? NOTHING! The Rock was heel on his way out in 2003! If The Rock turns, everything he has said about Cena is invalid, he was playing the heel and we take his comments with a pinch of salt - why else would WWE let The Rock say this stuff? He's burying him! It seems to me that these promos The Rock is making are just a way of putting Cena over in the long run - we will sympathise with Cena and feel betrayed by The Rock. Passing the torch if you will...if Rock turns, Cena will have the last laugh and The Rock will eventually dissappear again for a while (its gunna happen).

The biggest face in the company versus the biggest face of the past just doesnt make sense, oh its making great TV and Mania will be a blast but SOMEONE has to turn eventually, it just wont make sense otherwise. One is going to come off the loser in all this and turn on the fans!!!

Good points.

Why did rock bash this whole "You can't shee me!" Lol era in his 1st promo? And why did the wwe allowed him to bury thier number one guy? Michael cole agree with what cena said about the rock?! hey what about the miz? I really don't know, but it seems to me that cena is being pushed over rock, he's getting more time to bash rock in his promos? And after cena's response, why would rock respond in full defense, explaining how much he loves the company showing that much emotions? After cena's freestyle, they got a topic in wwe site with "cena giving rock a lesson" title which is another"?" Is rock the raw GM? The big question is: what's the point of this whole feud since their both face, and since rock won't wrestle in a ring again?

That's weired, but one thing for sure is that this feud is not a face/face, heel/face, or heel/heel type of feud, atleast for now. The only way I see cena getting the benefit from this situation is by turning heel. I don't see the fans booing the rock heel or face, they may boo him first as a heel, but eventually(A month or two) he'll get them back just like he did in 2003(Which was a lot worse scenerio for the rock), and that's a big IF they turned on him.

And it could be just another tyson/austin result. For know, we don't know.
I agree with everyone saying that there isn't really a clear heel/face in this feud thus far. It just seems like (right now anyway) the WWE are letting both guys have their say and letting the fans decide for themselves. To be fair, I like that. Its keeping everybody talking, keeping people guessing and created the kind of hype around Wrestlemania that we probably haven't seen since Rock/Hogan.

Now in regards to a heel turn either way, I just don't see it happening. A) How long will The Rock even be around for after Wrestlemania? Because to be perfectly honest I wouldn't be surprised if come the night after Mania, he's gone. And B) Turning Cena heel is irresponsible if indeed The Rock isn't back for the long term. There's no one to fill his shoes as the top face in the company. And as for people wishing for a Summerslam match between the two? I would love to see it happen, don't get me wrong. I think its wishful thinking though. Rock isn't even wrestling at Wrestlemania, so I just don't see that happening at Summerslam.
I can't even remember half of what Cena said, but the point was that he basically wanted the Rock to show up more often if he was gonna talk trash, and stuff.

So... this thread's title is a little misleading but its more about every single insult John Cena throws at people... they always seem to be about a gay a joke or *********ion. I don't find it funny, I think its really sad and stupid. Its like a 10 year old child going "You're gay, You're gay" or going "Ewww you touch yourself."

So, The Rock tells John Cena he will bring it to him, and John Cena replies by saying... "You beat yourself"?

Does anyone else think that Cena addressing the Rock should be at ALL more serious...?
Too nit-picky in my opinion.

This feud that's been developing has kept me very interested, because both men are capable of really epic promos.

I'll admit that it does get a little tiring, but the majority of what Cena said made me laugh quite a bit.

Worthy of calling a Final Knockout? No.
The first Cena promo was brilliant.

But this one, not great, but I thought it was alright. Both Cena and Rock will run out of new things to comment on, so all they can really say is 'You left WWE' from Cena, and 'I love WWE, and will lay the Smackdown' from Rock. Yeah, they say more than that, but that's the gist of what they say.

Cena shouldn't change anything he's doing. I loved the first promo, and this one, I think was just a way to make the Miz look stronger. Think about it, if the Miz stayed in the same position he has been in for the past few weeks, would their probably main event match be worth watching? It would just seem like it would be a squash match to get the title back on Cena.
Cena's promo tonight was one of the worst I've ever heard. There will be no point in the Rock responding because there isn't really anything to respond to. What a pathetic promo. Final knockout? Sure, if Cena was trying to knock out himself.

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