**Merged** Cena & Rock Discussion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!

Do you support The Rock or John Cena?

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Is hogan starting to make sense??

TNA star Hulk Hogan recently did an interview with Peter Rosenberg of HOT 97 FM. Hogan hyped the Impact taping in Fayetteville, NC being held tonight, and had the following to say concerning The Rock's return to WWE:

"That is one of the reasons me and Vince McMahon don't get along because we disagree on wrestling theory. He's a genius. He has done a great job keeping the business alive and keeping it rolling."

When asked if there was something Hogan didn't like about Rock's return: "Yeah, yeah. There is certain ways to do things. You know, for The Rock to come out and say, we've gone from Austin 3:16 to The People's Champion to all of a sudden, you can't see me (in whiny voice). They spent so much time building John Cena up. If it was me I would have said, from the Austin era to The People's Champion era to John Cena. And I just gotta know in my heart whose the better man. There is a way to really build somebody up. You know.

All of a sudden in three or four seconds he had the whole arena screaming that Cena sucks. Sometimes I just don't understand the philosophy because John Cena is going to be there all the time. And even though The Rock said he was back, he was only back for one day. He isn't going to be there wrestling every single week like John Cena is, you know, holding it down and keeping it real. All that stuff is scripted, they have Stephanie McMahon and writers telling The Rock exactly what to say. I just didn't understand why they wanted to destroy Cena so quickly."

This Son of a B Hogan just lied on this phone call!!!! The Rock went out there & free style that whole promo, what the hell is he talking about they told the Rock exactly what to say. They may have known what & who the Rock was going to talk about, but word for word they didn't know what he was going to say. John Cena is a big boy the man can handle himself in a promo battle w/the Rock as long as he not in the SuperCena character. I think Hogan didn't agreed w/what Rock said cause he know Cena is nothing more then an up to date version of him, those comments hit Hogan personally. He probably was having flash backs of when the Rock talked bad to his ass too!!!!
Cena and Rock will NOT confront each other at Raw. I would be very suprised to see The Rock on Raw again before Wrestlemania. We may see a Video Tape of him cutting a promo, but over exposure of the Rock and the anticipated showdown happening BEFORE Wrestlemania will harm the PPV Buy Rates.

With Wrestlemania been 5 weeks away, I see The Rock responding 1 more time. I then see Cena having his final say. That will be all until the big one. Cena will probably have the WWE Title held high before The Rocks music plays and he comes out to confront him. Then these 2 icons will be in the ring for the first time ever and what happens next is anyones guess. I see a brawl and possibly an appearence by The Rock on Monday Night Raw to explain his actions.
This Son of a B Hogan just lied on this phone call!!!! The Rock went out there & free style that whole promo, what the hell is he talking about they told the Rock exactly what to say. They may have known what & who the Rock was going to talk about, but word for word they didn't know what he was going to say. John Cena is a big boy the man can handle himself in a promo battle w/the Rock as long as he not in the SuperCena character. I think Hogan didn't agreed w/what Rock said cause he know Cena is nothing more then an up to date version of him, those comments hit Hogan personally. He probably was having flash backs of when the Rock talked bad to his ass too!!!!

I was thinking the same way. The funny thing about hogan is, when ever they asked him about the rock he always respond with "Oh, yeah, I remember the match we had at WM 18, when he got booed out of the building" LMAO he need to grow up. Beside, if that match happened 2yrs before that, rock would never got booed. And wasn't the 1st time rock got booed in canada. I don't know, maybe he's mad because rock whooped that ass twice.

The point is, Hogan was in the right pace at the right time.
I was thinking the same way. The funny thing about hogan is, when ever they asked him about the rock he always respond with "Oh, yeah, I remember the match we had at WM 18, when he got booed out of the building" LMAO he need to grow up. Beside, if that match happened 2yrs before that, rock would never got booed. And wasn't the 1st time rock got booed in canada. I don't know, maybe he's mad because rock whooped that ass twice.

The point is, Hogan was in the right pace at the right time.

You can say that again, but what is really funny is that he made it seem like the only reason why The Rock got booed is cause he is just that big of a star that it don't matter who is the #1 guy in the company the ppl is just gon side w/Hogan anyways.

Now I don't want anybody to get me wrong I think Hogan is the man, but he sure knows how to make it sound good cause anybody w/a brain should know 1 of the main reasons why The Rock got booed was because everybody was mad he was off making a movie & junk. Not to mention they where in Canada & the canadian fan is just weird like that, but what's really is weird to me is the reason for why the fans turned on him, but Hogan also left the business to do movies before so why booo one star & get behind another that took the same career path once. smh

The samething happen to Rock when he did his match w/Brock, ppl knew the Rock was gonna lose & leave so they booooed him, the ppl have turned on the Rock way more times then he don turn on them.
You can say that again, but what is really funny is that he made it seem like the only reason why The Rock got booed is cause he is just that big of a star that it don't matter who is the #1 guy in the company the ppl is just gon side w/Hogan anyways.

Now I don't want anybody to get me wrong I think Hogan is the man, but he sure knows how to make it sound good cause anybody w/a brain should know 1 of the main reasons why The Rock got booed was because everybody was mad he was off making a movie & junk. Not to mention they where in Canada & the canadian fan is just weird like that, but what's really is weird to me is the reason for why the fans turned on him, but Hogan also left the business to do movies before so why booo one star & get behind another that took the same career path once. smh

The samething happen to Rock when he did his match w/Brock, ppl knew the Rock was gonna lose & leave so they booooed him, the ppl have turned on the Rock way more times then he don turn on them.

First to of all, In my last line, I meant to say "Place" not "Pace" ;)

Yeah people booed rock in his match with lesnar because they knew he was leaving to make another movie, but that wasn't the case with hogan. You see, ever since rock came back in the summer of 2001, he wasn't the same. He seems to me like a hyped up kid. He changed his voice tone(wasn't as deep), he smiles alot, he made some 7yrs old jokes, you see that's not the rock the fans knew(1999-2000). He simply wasn't as funny or as good as he was in the mic before he left. Another reason is, he showed alot of respect for hogan before he made the challange. The last reason is, canada, that wasn't the 1st time rock get booed in canada, not to mention that hogan is the 2nd popular wrestler(bret being the 1st) in that country(That's why vince choose montreal to be the place for rock-hogan II). And his fued with jericho during that period was an icing on the cake. If you don't believe me, just take alook at this vid:


As you can see the crowd was 60-40 with rock. They had another promo on smackdown just 3 days away before WM and the crowd was clearly behind rock, why? because that was in the US.

To prove my point once and for all, the night after WM, when rock came out during hogan's promo, the whole crowd were booing the hell outta him Why? Canada. And that's why he did this classic promo:

Is it just me or was the reactions of those days just "feel" so much more epic than most we have today. Minus the other Monday when Rocky returned. That Rock/Hogan feud was a goosebump maker and will be hard to match.
That is the beginning of a heel turn for JOHN CENA, possibly at wrestlemania?

I know there has been ton's of rumor's to possibly turn CENA heel, and he's so over that they haven't done it yet.

Then THE ROCK comes on and trashed CENA, and everyone start's booing him.

Could this be a possible start to a huge swirve(heel turn) for CENA. His excuse could be that the people turned on him, and he did what he had to, and that he doesn't need the fan's bla, bla bla...

So is it even remotely possible that this is what the CENA bashing segment by THE ROCK was for?
People didnt boo Cena, they went nuts for him during his rap, the crowd is still very much procena, even with rock bashing him they sstill stayed loyal to him thats unreal and shows how over cena is turning him heel would crush sales and thats why wwe wont do it, we all know cena can work a good heel, but he is so good as a face that turning him, especially at mania where he is facing a heel, would be risky, and wwe doesnt take risks now a days
People didnt boo Cena, they went nuts for him during his rap, the crowd is still very much procena, even with rock bashing him they sstill stayed loyal to him thats unreal and shows how over cena is turning him heel would crush sales and thats why wwe wont do it, we all know cena can work a good heel, but he is so good as a face that turning him, especially at mania where he is facing a heel, would be risky, and wwe doesnt take risks now a days

There were plenty of boos there , maybe its my surround sound or something that makes me hear them lol , but i really do think it depends on where the WWE is at the time of the show. Depending on the city, cena either gets booed to hell ( MSG NYC ) or cheered like crazy. Im starting to think a heel turn is going to happen at mania , but then again , IT REALLY CANT. The reason it really cant is because there is nobody to take his place. When bret hart went heel there was HBK. When HBK went heel there was Austin. When Austin went heel , there was the rock. There isnt that HUGE iconic name out there to take his place.
There were plenty of boos there , maybe its my surround sound or something that makes me hear them lol , but i really do think it depends on where the WWE is at the time of the show. Depending on the city, cena either gets booed to hell ( MSG NYC ) or cheered like crazy. Im starting to think a heel turn is going to happen at mania , but then again , IT REALLY CANT. The reason it really cant is because there is nobody to take his place. When bret hart went heel there was HBK. When HBK went heel there was Austin. When Austin went heel , there was the rock. There isnt that HUGE iconic name out there to take his place.

They have Randy Orton. He's in the same position that all of those other guys that you mentioned were in at the time of their mega push. He's been number two for a while now and we've seen him vs Cena WAY to many times but this time it could be different as they reverse the heel and face rolls.

I doubt this will happen though because Cena was booed when Rock was there but when Cena gave the rap the fans went crazy. No one has to be the heel in this feud since both of them are such huge stars they could pull of face vs face
First of all, dwith, learn the rules of using apostrophes. Good God.

Secondly, no I don't think this is the beginning of a heel turn. Regardless of face/heel status, Cena vs. Rock is something that WWE fans have wanted to see for years. Now that they're finally in WWE at the same time, they need to capitalize with a little trash talk. Now, could Cena turn heel much later this year and maybe set up a WM 28 match with Rock? In a perfect world, that would work. But if a Cena heel turn is something you've been waiting for, I don't think I'd get my hopes up for it quite yet.
A "Cena heel turn" thread...what a pleasant surprise.

If he does turn heel, who will be the top face? Orton? yeah, that's believable; he sucks as a face. All the Attitude guys have pretty much died out and the last of them are on their last legs. WWE needs Cena as a face. Unless of course the Rock meant what he said about not leaving us again. If that's the case, then sure, Cena could turn heel, but it probably wouldn't be long. For him to turn heel, he needs to do something to really make the kids hate him, kinda like Hogan joining the nWo, ya know? What could he possibly do? Cena could lock the STF on an old woman and still get cheered.
So, we just saw Rock's response to Cena and honestly, he's done it again because I swear I thought the Rap did "make sense" but once again, I'm in awe at the greatest promo worker in the entertainment as he ripped at Cena. The way he said "And you rapped to me." Just destroyed might have destroyed Cena's cred.

So, I ask you, was Rock's promo sufficient to Cena rap?

In my opinion....

It's a tie once more.

Cena's rap made sense, but so did Rock's promo and forgive me for alluding DBZ at this point, but it's like two forces colliding and negating each other.

So, I leave it to you. Which was better?
oh man cena had a good rap but the rock brought from the heart, but i think that he is trying to make up for the 7 years away to show he loves wwe, all i know i felt the rocks promo the pg rating went out the door and it felt as if the rock is ichin to get back in the ring
The Rock's promo was great as it always is. he seemed to speak more from the heart and told Cena how he felt. It almost had a shoot quality to it. The one thing that rang especially true was when the Rock said he paved the way for guys like Cena to break into Hollywood...so true.
Rock is ripped , and he just showed he can cut a better promo then Cena ever could .. again.

Rock comes like a man , Cena comes like a child
The Rock seemed genuinely upset about what Cena said. I know that it is a storyline, but I wouldn't doubt if the Rock was really mad about what Cena said about him not loving the business. By now he is probably over it, but it made for a good promo.
Cena better thank the rock for paving the way in Hollywood thats for sure
if it was not for him and im not including Hulk just the Rock guys like HHH Ted Anderson the show would not make it to Hollywood
The Rock is a great wrestler and yes he did alot to help other wrestlers get into the movie business but there have been other wrestlers before him who have been in movies who I'm sure paved the way for Rock himself to get into movies ~ how about Hogan? Roddy Piper? Andre? They may not have had successful movies but they were making movies before Rock ever did so he does have some truth to what he said ................. however, to Me personally I'm still 100% behind Cena and his rap to Me still trumps over The Rock's promos!

Not everyone will agree with Me and thats ok, its just My own personal opinion :)
For sure Cena promo was okay but you have to admit that the rock does electrify you as he speaks he has a way to get you on the edge of your seat
Hogan, Piper, and Andre did get into movies first and opened the door, but The Rock was the one whose movie career actually thrived and broke the "pro-wrestlers can never be a viable and legit movie star" stigma.
Rock was fantastic again. However, every time he shows up he breaks my heart a little more. We all know he isn't really coming back. I guess I should be happy to see what little of him I can, but he's kind of doing the WWE a disservice. I've never been more pessimistic about the future of the roster than I am after seeing this Raw. HHH? Probably his last match. Undertaker? Once a year. The Rock? Once or twice a year. SCSA? Once or twice a year.

I think The Rock could do something special here, and that's put over John Cena with the 15+ crowd. Keep running with how much The Rock cares, and how much Cena cares... have The Rock betray the fans, AGAIN. Have Cena defend the fans, and in the end have Cena beat The Rock (who would at the point be a massive heel).

Unfortunately, it won't end that way. At Wrestlemania The Rock and Cena will bury the hatchet... and probably The Miz.
His promo was great. He didn't use that many of his catch phrases, and he wasn't trying to make jokes or make fun of John Cena, although he did do it, shortly, but so, so sweetly. He was being dead serious, and he was speaking from the heart, I think I even heard him get a bit emotional when he was talking about his family. He was addressing everything seriously, laying it down to all of his detractors who say he doesnt love the business, and by saying he paved the road for everyone else, which he did. The Rock actually very recently said on his facebook:

"..I was passionate about my words tonight 'cause I meant them. It's not a joke to me. It's my word. My family. My LOVE for my fans and WWE. "

He didn't have to make jokes. He just had to speak from his heart, and that's what made the promo good.

Also, to you people saying he should've been in the arena, you can't give THE ROCK away so much when hes pretty much the main attraction at Mania. its called building suspense. if he had shown up we wouldve questioned why cena didnt come out and face him.
Rock 2
Cena 0

It showed all to well tonight that The Rock is still a professor of promos, and just about everyone else is still in high school. The Rock doing a taped promo comes off as more genuine, more inspired, and more natural, than John Cena did live with his rap. Each time we have seen Rock he looks more like he's bulking up for a comeback, maybe one last run. Personally I dont see that happening, but a Rock vs Cena match could be interesting.

I still want to see what happens when/if they are both in the ring at the same time, each with a live mic.
Rock was fantastic again. However, every time he shows up he breaks my heart a little more. We all know he isn't really coming back. I guess I should be happy to see hwat little of him I can, but he's kind of doing the WWE a disservice. I've never been more pessimistic about the future of the roster than I am after seeing this Raw. HHH? Probably his last match. Undertaker? Once a year. The Rock? Once or twice a year. SCSA? Once or twice a year.

I think The Rock could do something special here, and that's put over John Cena with the 15+ crowd. Keep running with how much The Rock cares, and how much Cena cares... have The Rock betray the fans, AGAIN. Have Cena defend the fans, and in the end have Cena beat The Rock (who would at the point be a massive heel).

Unfortunately, it won't end that way. At Wrestlemania The Rock and Cena will bury the hatched... and probably The Miz.

The more this goes on, the more i feel this will NOT end with them burying the hatched. I believe rock will screw over Cena at mania and lay the smackdown! Theres no way these 2 shake hands

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