**Merged** Cena & Rock Discussion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!

Do you support The Rock or John Cena?

  • The Rock

  • John Cena

  • The Miz!!!!!

  • I'm just going to enjoy the show

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I might be biased, but I've disliked ena ever since hethrew away this 'rapper' gimmick and turned into the perfect, flawless face of the company. It's just my personal taste, but to me his jokes are corney, the manner in which he utters his joes is even cornier, and his entire shtick seems like someting out of the Reading Rainbow. I actually think he's a decent performer and is extremely capable of the mic, it's just how he's been executing himself for the past few years....

And as far as promos are concerned, I definitely think the Rock brought his heat back tonight. I felt like a chil again, as he was so intense in that promo I wasn't certain if Wresting was fake anymore during those few minutes. The fact is, Cena called him out on his 'abandonement of the WWE years ago, The Rock took the high ground and ignored those remarks until now, so I don't underand why everyone's running their mouths saying 'The Rock started it.' Cena had it coming, and this promo was more about The Rock explaining himself (which he really shouldn't have to) and bringing out a bit of the emotion and love for the WWE he has. And I would bet my left nut that everything he was saying was from the mind, while John Cena took days to recycle an old stye, old jokes, and old topics that he probably had pre-written. I thoroughly enjoyed the hell out of that promo, but content-wise Cena wasn't saying or doing anything that he hadn't said before. Granted, I do think The Rock should'vesaid more in his promo. It seemed like he spent the first half of it kissing up to the graveyard of corpses that was Buffalo...but hell, man, I thought the lines "Now Cena, The Rock is no rapper and clearly...neither are you..." and "Yabba dabba bith," were just little throw-away, provocative lines that prelude the verbal smackdown he's gonna administer to Cena at Wrestlemania....

By the way, I'm new here, found this forum through a random google search out of excitem..seems like a really interesting place...

P.S: I laughed my ass off at Miz's antics and him dedicating his actions to Cena an The Rock. He was like the little kid in the corner crying for attenion from his parents because mommy and daddy favored his two brothers more. Had me dyin'
As much as I like The Rock I think I'm beginning to like John Cena so much more. Although The Rock's promo was great two weeks ago, it wasn't as good as Cena's last monday. You see if it weren't for the rambuctiousness of the crowd whether it be cheering or booing for him The Rock would have nothing, he feeds off the audience. Especially when he continously says his three catchphrases, "Finally, The Rock Has Come Back to 'Whatever'", "And Millions", and "IfYaSmellWhatTheRockIsCookin'!" oh, and apparently John Cena's "You can't see me" now. I honestly bet that if you count the times he has said those catchphrases he has said as many words that have to do with someone or pretty damn close. Before I get into why I'm starting to like John Cena more I have to point something out about The Rock. I'm actually starting to get annoyed with how he keeps on bringing up the "You Can't See Me" jokes. I don't know if I'm the only one who hasn't noticed but John Cena has not used that catchphrase in quite sometime? Why? Because he doesn't need it and he doesn't need the fans to cheer or boo for him to cut a promo. Everyone keeps saying that John Cena is the new version of The Rock but it looks to me that The Rock is imitating him, so who is to say otherwise? The Rock is doing the same ol' song and dance that made him famous but John Cena? He keeps coming up with new material all the damn time. When he rapped last Monday he showed how far he has come, he showed that he doesn't need to talk in rhymes to make you look bad. You people should consider what he did as a bonus because if you recall he said that he was only going to do that once. God, I hope that's not true. I think John Cena is winning the word race with The Rock because I think it's more about what you say to the person you are up against than the fans. Do not get me wrong, I think the fans deserve a shout out every once and awhile but not every two and a half minutes. By the way I think John Cena won by default tonight when The Rock proved his point by not being there when he was.
Finally, the Rock has come back to Monday Night Raw...via "satellite." Let's be honest, it wasn't a live satellite feed. It was a recorded bit.

So are they still trying to sell us on "The Rock loves WWE so much and he's back for good" when he can't even be bothered to jump on a plane to cut a live promo in the ring? They gotta record it?

I know there's a lot of nostalgia for The Rock, if you were a wrestling fan before The Rock ever won a championship, you'll remember that he was always as loved and hated at the same time as Cena is now. There was always a section chanting "Rocky Sucks" even when he was a baby face, especially when he was a baby face.
"Now you just you opened the door yourself. And on the other side of that door is the jaborni beating, pie eating, trail blazing, eye-brow raising, Cena you say what you want, you reap what you sow, but The Rock will kick your monkey ass from here, all the way to Buffalo."

...I got chills.

The Rock is no rapper, and Cena, clearly, neither are you...."


Anyone that says that Cena's rap last week was better than that... well, it's your opinion. I respect it. :lmao:
Cena's lame attempts at humor, like tonight's bit about the Doctor's note, shouldn't appeal to anyone above the age of eight. Comparing The Rock's promo's to Cena's promos are like comparing Joe Montana to the quarterback on your local JV team.
Finally, the Rock has come back to Monday Night Raw...via "satellite." Let's be honest, it wasn't a live satellite feed. It was a recorded bit.

So are they still trying to sell us on "The Rock loves WWE so much and he's back for good" when he can't even be bothered to jump on a plane to cut a live promo in the ring? They gotta record it?

I know there's a lot of nostalgia for The Rock, if you were a wrestling fan before The Rock ever won a championship, you'll remember that he was always as loved and hated at the same time as Cena is now. There was always a section chanting "Rocky Sucks" even when he was a baby face, especially when he was a baby face.

So many Rock homers here thinking everything The Rock does is gold.

Pre-recorded segment. He could have fumbled and they would have edited it.

Cena's rap on Rock was way better than Rock's promo today.

Rock lost the audience and took 7-8 min to deliver his message where Cena took 2-3 min tops.

Not everything Rock does is gold so please take of the Attitude Era colored glasses and see Cena's response was clearly better than Rocks this week.
"Now you just you opened the door yourself. And on the other side of that door is the jaborni beating, pie eating, trail blazing, eye-brow raising, Cena you say what you want, you reap what you sow, but The Rock will kick your monkey ass from here, all the way to Buffalo."

Does that mean that John Cena has to go to Hollywood for The Rock to kick his ass? I must admit this is sounding more and more like they are going to be meeting up at Summer Slam.
The way I see it


Cena needs to come HARD next week, either way, this feud is GREAT! they are blurring the lines of scripted, and what's real heat
Doctors note promo :disappointed:

Rock was great as always. No problem at all from me with him not being there in person to cut the promo. WWE learned from last year when Bret Hart was practically live week in and week out, and it took plenty of steam out of his actual participation at WM.

I expect Rock to make one live appearance to confront Cena before WM, and when they are about ready to go at it, Miz comes in and injects himself..and the show ends right there and everyone has to see WM for the payoff and what not.
As much as I like The Rock I think I'm beginning to like John Cena so much more. Although The Rock's promo was great two weeks ago, it wasn't as good as Cena's last monday. You see if it weren't for the rambuctiousness of the crowd whether it be cheering or booing for him The Rock would have nothing, he feeds off the audience. Especially when he continously says his three catchphrases, "Finally, The Rock Has Come Back to 'Whatever'", "And Millions", and "IfYaSmellWhatTheRockIsCookin'!" oh, and apparently John Cena's "You can't see me" now. I honestly bet that if you count the times he has said those catchphrases he has said as many words that have to do with someone or pretty damn close. Before I get into why I'm starting to like John Cena more I have to point something out about The Rock. I'm actually starting to get annoyed with how he keeps on bringing up the "You Can't See Me" jokes. I don't know if I'm the only one who hasn't noticed but John Cena has not used that catchphrase in quite sometime? Why? Because he doesn't need it and he doesn't need the fans to cheer or boo for him to cut a promo. Everyone keeps saying that John Cena is the new version of The Rock but it looks to me that The Rock is imitating him, so who is to say otherwise? The Rock is doing the same ol' song and dance that made him famous but John Cena? He keeps coming up with new material all the damn time. When he rapped last Monday he showed how far he has come, he showed that he doesn't need to talk in rhymes to make you look bad. You people should consider what he did as a bonus because if you recall he said that he was only going to do that once. God, I hope that's not true. I think John Cena is winning the word race with The Rock because I think it's more about what you say to the person you are up against than the fans. Do not get me wrong, I think the fans deserve a shout out every once and awhile but not every two and a half minutes. By the way I think John Cena won by default tonight when The Rock proved his point by not being there when he was.

1st I want to say that I respect your opinion, but I disagree w/u a little.

You see if it weren't for the rambuctiousness of the crowd whether it be cheering or booing for him The Rock would have nothing, he feeds off the audience. Especially when he continously says his three catchphrases, "Finally, The Rock Has Come Back to 'Whatever'", "And Millions", and "IfYaSmellWhatTheRockIsCookin'!

Your right if it wasn't for the crowd response it may be hard for him to cut a really good promo, but isn't that the idea of cutting a good promo getting the crowd involved, Thats Promo Cuting 101 As for as the catchphrases go that isn't anything new that he kicks most of his promos off the same & he ends them them same thats the whole point of having catchphrases, but the rock has never cut the same exact promo as a whole.

I'm actually starting to get annoyed with how he keeps on bringing up the "You Can't See Me" jokes. I don't know if I'm the only one who hasn't noticed but John Cena has not used that catchphrase in quite sometime?

Everytime Cena uses that hand gesture he is saying You can't see me so he does use that catchphrase damn near every match he has his hand waving around before he does the 5 knuckle shuffle. Besides The Rock just only made fun of Cena alittle in both his promos he didn't spend neither of his whole promos just on Cena.

he doesn't need the fans to cheer or boo for him to cut a promo.

Thats a lie cause Cena is always saying stuff to get the crowd on his side, he loves getting a reaction from the ppl cause thats Promo Cuting 101

Everyone keeps saying that John Cena is the new version of The Rock but it looks to me that The Rock is imitating him, so who is to say otherwise?

I haven't heard or read that if anything Cena is Hogan 2.0

The Rock is doing the same ol' song and dance that made him famous but John Cena? He keeps coming up with new material all the damn time. When he rapped last Monday he showed how far he has come, he showed that he doesn't need to talk in rhymes to make you look bad

The Rocks same old song & dance got Cena to cut the best promo he has cut in years, & he did have to rhyme just to try & make The Rock look bad.

I think John Cena is winning the word race with The Rock because I think it's more about what you say to the person you are up against than the fans.

Did you not hear what the Rock said to Cena, he was talking right to the man w/all emotion, couldn't even tell if he was really pissed or not cause he kinda seem pissed for real. Cena has never cut a promo w/that much emotion & Cena has cut some heat in his run w/the company.

By the way I think John Cena won by default tonight when The Rock proved his point by not being there when he was

Of course The Rock wasn't there tonite cause they are building up to when they have there face to face. If Rock was there tonite what would have stop Cena from coming out there then the whole build up would have been rushed & then we wouldn't anything to be excited for. You wasn't listening to The Rock he said Cena is going to see him before Mania. So its coming, Cena is about to get that ass whopped :lmao:
Rock was basically PLEADING and begging the crowd


For 8 long minutes while the crowd at HSBC was bored of watching the pre-recorded segment.

How can you say Cena's lines are corny when Rock actually said

Rock was basically PLEADING and begging the crowd


For 8 long minutes while the crowd at HSBC was bored of watching the pre-recorded segment.

How can you say Cena's lines are corny when Rock actually said

Cena was back to making his pathetic toilet jokes tonight.
Yet you hate on the rock?
Rock earned a point for defending himself?

All he did was respond saying he's still WWE. He didnt attack Cena this week.

He just repeated his same insult from the first time he addressed Cena.

He doesn't get a point for defending himself he gets a point for just how he
delivered the promo as a whole, the emotion that he displayed is second to none. As for as I'm concerned Cena 0 Rock 2 cause Cena's promo last week was good his best in years, but lets be honest not only did he have to go back to his old gimmick to get his point across he hit The Rock below the belt w/his promo! Now I now there are no rules when defending yourself in promo battles, but Cena didn't attack The Rock The Peoples Champ cause he can't really match up w/The Man that was the face of the company before he was. So what does Cena do, he reminds all the sometimers why they was mad at the Rock in the 1st place tryn to make it seem like he loves the business more then the Rock. Not to mention he talked about the Rock movies, but they all was successful, they wasn't that great but they where successful. What does Cena have one movie that did aight in the BO & the rest straight to dvd they go! Cena may have started this whole shit talking just because he knows that no matter how hard he trys he will be nothing more than just a wrestler, but the Rock & other great talents like Y2J & Austin can be so much more.
I'm the biggest Rocky homer you'll find so it pains me to have to say that tonight's promo was lame.

First of all, it was pre-recorded. That alone takes 50% of the pop out of it. And don't try to convince me that it was "live, via satellite."

If they wanted to put Rock's response out there for us, they should have done it another way. Have Cole or Matthews say something like, "After Cena's response las week, our WWE cameras caught up with the Rock and here's what he had to say:"

Then the Rock could have cut his promo in an interview style. Have him make fun of the interviewer (Stryker or Grisham) and then go into his promo on Cena. That would have spared us his lame ass kissing up to the fans in Buffalo and that lame ass "my energy is spread into the WWE fans in Buffalo and this somehow affects Cena" lines.

And for those who say that Cena would ruin a live promo, that BS as well. If the Rock had been there tonight, they would have waited until after Cena's cage match when he would be too out of it to come out and reply. Even if Rock gave his response before the match, Cena's response could have been something like, "I got a cage match to worry about right now. I already said last week, it doesn't matter what The Rock is saying! I got more important things to worry about... like this upcoming match and trying to get the WWE title back at Wrestlemania!"

That would have heated up this war of words a lot more that this whole "Live via satellite" crap the WWE tried to feed us tonight.
The Rock's promo was kind'a a letdown. There were some good parts in it, but it probably would've been better live. It was still the best promo of the night though.
So Cena tells Rock he's gay and deserted the people in a rap...

Rock responds with the same FRUITY PEBBLES joke and adds the word "BITCH"

And wins?

Katy Perry says BITCH in her songs too... You think she's hardcore?
Cenas rap proved what a contrived phony his character currently is.
ROCKY keeps it real
John Cena has a chance to become a bigger star than he is....if he seizes this chance.
first of all

something all of u need to understand....
THIS ENTIRE THING IS SCRIPTED. Rock vs Cena is not real and theres no point awarding points or saying Cena has the upper hand or Rock has the upper hand. The outcome would be the same whether the rock kicks cena ass, or it ends in a handshake or an AA to rock.

tht being said. i thnk tht cenas response last week to the rock was perfect and the rocks response to cena this week was perfect. its building up to the epic confrontation between cena and the rock before wrestlemania.

creative team had cena go back to an old gimmick because in all honesty and we all know its true. cena cant cut a promo worth shit against the rock with his current jokes. i mean did u see the promo against miz and alex riley today. it was quite pathetic.

last week he raps. it was awesome i enjoyed it, u enjoyed it. some ppl say cena won the first round. the next week the rock comes back saying tht the rock spoke like a man and what does cena do. he raps.

now tht was a pretty good comeback although some might disagree. plus theres the fact tht he didnt appear. im glad he didnt otherwise ppl wudv been pissed tht cena didnt come out to see him. and if he did 34 days before wrestlemania we have a staredown. it doesnt work like tht. im sure the rock wudnt have had a problem being in buffalo for the show.

so who won tonight. rock or cena? the answer is no one did. theyre both going along as they should. although i thnk cena deserves points for carrying a feud with miz and rock at the same time.

btw the best line in the promo. the rock aint no rapper and quite clearly john cena neither are u.

tht may not be true but tht line had me rolling arnd in laughter
So Cena tells Rock he's gay and deserted the people in a rap...

Rock responds with the same FRUITY PEBBLES joke and adds the word "BITCH"

And wins?

Katy Perry says BITCH in her songs too... You think she's hardcore?

I dont know what you were watching but that joke was the least of what was great. Rock wins for being real about everything he says and notsitting there making the SAME corny jokes that Cena always does. Cena used the same blow me line against Edge years ago.
First post - but this Rock return has gotten me back into the overall gig...

You guys do realize the point of this feud is to pass the torch, AND you should feel conflicted by the back-and-forth. One week The Rock gets the mic and sets the bar, and it's on Cena to keep up. We've seen Rocky's preliminary statement, Cena's prelim, and The Rock's response. (Whether or not you like it, The Miz IS the odd man out in the WM27 build)

With that said, if you cannot see the former, then I understand how you miss the latter. But the reason The Rock did a video feed instead of being there live is why: Is it because Rock's too big of a star to show up live to a WWE tv event? Is it because giving him away for free vs. PPV buys held him out?

No. Of course not.

Have you been watching?

John Cena called out The Rock a while back on the very subject that's being addressed presently. You know the history, and if you've been following WWE for any substantial amount of time, you're aware that Rock has cut promos via satellite since he left. Why would that change NOW?

Rocky, while he cut another intense promo, threw Cena a bone. No doubt it was a part of the plan; but, a bone nonetheless. Obviously, Cena will answer "Dwayne" with something about Rock not showing up to see "his people" and putting out another "live from Hollywood/his house" promo.

But obviously the IWC is going to jump all over anything and EVERYTHING that doesn't resolve anything right away. If it rubs you wrong NOW, then it IS wrong. The WWE is its audience's puppitier; and, even if they won't admit it, the IWC consistently falls victim to its elitist attitude and WWE seems to be very advantageous when it chooses to capitalize.

It's doing it now. You are supposed to be conflicted between Rock/Cena. You are supposed to want to see it resolved. You are supposed to see Miz as the "third wheel." And you know what? It'll be resolved at Wrestlemania 27...it'll only cost you $49.99 or ten bucks more if you want HD.
First off, I think it's a bit unbalanced when Cena has to keep his promos PG and Dwayne gets to say ass & bitch, his bread and butter. I'll give credit where it is due, Dwayne cuts promos like no one else can. His voice inflection, pacing, and emotion make him electrifying. Dwayne was able to go from being a great pro wrestler to being a sucessful actor, nobody else has ever done that. But to do that he distanced himself as far away as he could from WWE. He even dropped "The Rock" from his name completely. He even comes back to raw as "The Rock" and then tells everyone to follow him at facebook.com/DwayneJohnson! I don't have a problem w/ any of this, just don't come back after 7 years of pretending you never wrestled and lie to the fans. I'm sure he was genuinely touched by the cheers because deep down he knows he deserves boos for walking out on the WWE Universe and leaving them in the cold. Again, I have no problem with him doing so, just don't lie and act like you didn't Dwayne.
First off, I think it's a bit unbalanced when Cena has to keep his promos PG and Dwayne gets to say ass & bitch, his bread and butter. I'll give credit where it is due, Dwayne cuts promos like no one else can. His voice inflection, pacing, and emotion make him electrifying. Dwayne was able to go from being a great pro wrestler to being a sucessful actor, nobody else has ever done that. But to do that he distanced himself as far away as he could from WWE. He even dropped "The Rock" from his name completely. He even comes back to raw as "The Rock" and then tells everyone to follow him at facebook.com/DwayneJohnson! I don't have a problem w/ any of this, just don't come back after 7 years of pretending you never wrestled and lie to the fans. I'm sure he was genuinely touched by the cheers because deep down he knows he deserves boos for walking out on the WWE Universe and leaving them in the cold. Again, I have no problem with him doing so, just don't lie and act like you didn't Dwayne.

The bold is exactly my point. Rock HAD to come back as Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. It gives Cena something to target; plus, it gives his previous critique of Rocky more legitimacy.

I really am fathomed at the amount of people getting all up in arms about this. But it makes sense. This whole feud is to have Rock pass the torch from his generation to the NEXT. Obviously Cena is in line to receive it, but is The Miz going to take it? That's the question that will be answered immediately at Wrestlemania. But for the long term - Rocky's back to try and give the more broader audience a reason to keep up with the business he left. Rock helped bring them in, they followed him to Hollywood, and now he's trying to give back to the business he left.

It's not on him to keep them there. That's on Cena, Miz, and the rest of the youth movement.

And that's what I think this Wrestlemania is all about.
First off, I think it's a bit unbalanced when Cena has to keep his promos PG and Dwayne gets to say ass & bitch, his bread and butter. I'll give credit where it is due, Dwayne cuts promos like no one else can. His voice inflection, pacing, and emotion make him electrifying. Dwayne was able to go from being a great pro wrestler to being a sucessful actor, nobody else has ever done that. But to do that he distanced himself as far away as he could from WWE. He even dropped "The Rock" from his name completely. He even comes back to raw as "The Rock" and then tells everyone to follow him at facebook.com/DwayneJohnson! I don't have a problem w/ any of this, just don't come back after 7 years of pretending you never wrestled and lie to the fans. I'm sure he was genuinely touched by the cheers because deep down he knows he deserves boos for walking out on the WWE Universe and leaving them in the cold. Again, I have no problem with him doing so, just don't lie and act like you didn't Dwayne.

When has the Rock ever pretended that he never was a wrestler, & he walked out, no he didn't he retired there's a difference!! Stonecold, now that's who walked out & nobody has never questioned if Austin loves the business. Austin was welcome back w/open arms & he said it himself that he told VKM to kiss his ass & he took his ball & went home. He isn't acting like nothing, cause he hasn't done anything.
No I think people may have got it wrong here. Just because the two men cut a promo every week to 1 up each other doesn't mean they win for that week. Because it will always be a draw, you know cena wins 1 week, rock wins the next and so forth. Back to my original point I think some people here have got it wrong. If anything it is still 1-0 to cena because we saw last night that cena's words from last week got to the rock. The rock has never been this emotional, you could see he was kinda pissed off. But that is what cena wanted to do (I know it is scripted, but nonetheless, there is a hint of some personal heat). He wanted the rock to get worked up and it worked. Even though I hate this current john cena, I'm with the doc in this confrotation with the rock. Just another little thing, we know that austin will be there at WM and the whole austin passing the torch onto the cena. Could we see the rock passing the torch onto the miz? In doing so, we could have the rock on the miz's corner and austin on cena's corner.
Pass the torch? The only torch Dwayne has to pass to anyone is the "You guys can say bitch again" torch. The link between Dwayne and Cena is that Cena became the man in Rock's old world (WWE) while dipping his toes in his current world (Hollywood). It was always a no brainer that their paths should cross if WWE ever threw enough money at Dwayne to show his face again. Miz is caught in the middle because Dwayne is the "host" and isn't there for a match. Should they have Dwayne propose WrestleMania be a triple threat next week and have Miz & Cena accept? Yes. Will that happen? We'll see. Dwayne looked like a beast when he returned 2 weeks ago, if he doesn't end up in a match w/ Cena at SummerSlam we should all be pissed.
Pass the torch? The only torch Dwayne has to pass to anyone is the "You guys can say bitch again" torch. The link between Dwayne and Cena is that Cena became the man in Rock's old world (WWE) while dipping his toes in his current world (Hollywood). It was always a no brainer that their paths should cross if WWE ever threw enough money at Dwayne to show his face again. Miz is caught in the middle because Dwayne is the "host" and isn't there for a match. Should they have Dwayne propose WrestleMania be a triple threat next week and have Miz & Cena accept? Yes. Will that happen? We'll see. Dwayne looked like a beast when he returned 2 weeks ago, if he doesn't end up in a match w/ Cena at SummerSlam we should all be pissed.

Yeah, you know what, after WM blows over what then? Once mania's over, cena will go back to doing whatever he is doing and the rock will go back to movies. They will kiss and make up at mania and the weeks leading up to mania would have been for nothing. But on the other hand, we all know that vince loves it when a legend of the past meets the best they have in the present. We saw it with rock vs hogan WM18, will we see a follow up at Summerslam?

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