WWE RAW 8/22/2011 -The Kliq, Conspiracys & More Twists Than Anywhere Else...Brother

I think many of them were at least three months.

And this means he can't do anything besides chase the title? They still need to keep things interesting with Cena, and having him go after Triple H and his lackeys would be great for that.

A couple were and one long one...the rest were short. Meanwhile Cena has had 3 over 6 months, 2 over 8 months, and 1 over a year. Austin never even approached that in any reign he had and he's arguably the most popular ever.

I'm not saying Cena can't do anything else. For a large portion of the Nexus angle he wasn't really chasing the title as much as feuding with Nexus. But like I said, an anti-authority guy needs to be someone that almost everyone gets behind to fight "the man". Cena cannot do that, he never will. No matter what angle he is in, a lot of people will always boo him. It makes more sense for Punk to, especially right now when he's red hot.
A Tim Horton's reference! Good thing we had a discussion of what those were this week in the bar room.

So who wants to bet there will be a threat complaining that we had two segments with Punk and Triple H during the show?
Nash being Triple H's muscle makes sense..

The Rock sent it.. LOL

What would clinche it is if Destiny was Razor ...
Yeah, I'm starting to think the same thing.

It wouldn't surprise me if it turned out to be the anonymous GM.

Would make a lot of sense, being that he hasn't been shown in awhile. They won't us to forget about him, and then BAM. Out of nowhere.

I don't think the Anonymous GM will be anyone though, or at least it originally wasn't supposed to be somebody.

Hell, it could turn out Nash will come out and say he didn't get a text at all, and he just wanted to screw CM Punk, he was tired of seeing Punk get all the hype.
He's doing just that tonight. He clawed his way back in after making it seem like he didn't care about going after the title last week. If he wins tonight, he's got the shot. But he'll get screwed again and then have to wait...in the meantime going after Nash/Trips even more.

Yet he made a big deal about it at the beginning of this Raw.

And yes, he's going face to face with Trips and Nash now... and he once again references the title.

See the thing with this is, Punk claimed he was upset because he thought he was the best and didn't have the big time main event like Cena does. One way to go could be to have him in a WWE title match. But I think the bigger matches would be Punk vs Austin or Punk vs Taker. That way people are looking to that match almost as much as Cena vs Rock.

Punk is never going to get Austin. Ever. He might get Taker, but that will have nothing to do with what's going on now, and it won't be even a fraction as big as Cena/Rock. I also don't see how this has to do with anything.

Except that it made sense with Cena, as he was the golden boy and all that jazz. Seriously, Punk feuding with Del Rio at this point in time is wasting his heat.

How is a WWE TITLE FEUD wasting heat? Seriously?

Why do you even want Cena to feud with the system?

Who said I do? I just think that it's gonna happen.

I like A-Ry. It appears we disagree on two wrestlers! Besides, Riley winning tonight is only to base Swagger vs. Dolph, most likely.

Who's the other one? I like Punk. Fuck, he's in my fav. 5. We just disagree on where he's headed.

Or, as he stated in weeks past, he wants there to be change. Whether that is him as champ, or someone else as long as it isn't Cena. How else is he going to get change other than fighting the system?

By becoming the champ?
I know nothing of Tim Horton's :(

Well you should come into the Bar Room more often, son.

It's a coffee and doughnut chain from Canada that also has a number of stores in the US, though it's not nearly as popular as it is in Canada. It's basically the Dunkin' Donuts of Canada, except even more popular.
But how about that CM Punk? Best part of the opening segment, best part in the top of the hour segment, and is going to main event the show. Best in the World, baby. Best in the World.

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