WWE RAW 9/5/2011 LD – Alberto Del Rio and His Masters of Evil


I have a sneaking suspicion that WWE will try to somewhat recreate the Hart/Austin and Austin/McMahon rivalries with Punk/HHH.

For that to happen, something big needs to occur at Night of Champions that makes HHH the monster heel/authority figure that Punk needs to play off of such as the formation of a new Corporation/Evolution.

Should it be successful in creating some actual heat, there could a long series of Punk/HHH encounters with the COO repeatedly getting away without losing all the while screwing over Punk and giving him some new material to play with on the mic but also the opportunity to just dispense with the talking and throw some fists.

I could easily see a HHH victory by DQ at Vengeance due to Punk being unwilling to release the Anaconda Vice due to his frustration.

Unfortunately, such a long build will likely be hampered by the upcoming PPV schedule and Punk/HHH could easily be hot-shotted into a Hell in a Cell match.

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