WWE RAW 9/5/2011 LD – Alberto Del Rio and His Masters of Evil

The WWE has only had two world titles since 2002. It's not like they haven't done it before. With one world title the mid card automatically gets better and you can easily have that secondary title main event a house show. That's still a title and still great talent on the show.
You could when guys like Shawn Michaels, Triple H, The Rock, and Bret Hart held the title. Not so much anymore, since those titles haven't meant jack for a while now. Dolph Ziggler vs Jack Swagger or Miz vs Punk? There's a clear winner there.
I wouldn't call it a badly written segment, I would call it a segment written for an audience which isn't their target demographic, and probably went over the heads of most their audience.

Nah, it was badly written, because even to the demographic the HHH/CM Punk is aiming towards could not have enjoyed that segment. Punk didn't defend himself one bit. Seriously, when HHH was spouting off about Michaels, Rey Mysterio, Bret Hart, etc. not being body builders, they have all been proven to use steroids because of the pressure WWE puts on their wrestlers to be big. Of course Punk could never say that, but still.. it's patronizing and pointless to have a feud like this and only do it half ass. Everything HHH said Punk could have countered with a good point, but there was obviously a leash on him.

Punk and HHH just should have come out tonight and brawled, giving us a preview of the action we can expect Sunday. That would have been ten times better than the crap we saw tonight.
HHH/Punk just isn't clicking as well as Cena/Punk. I don't know if it's because Punk can only go so far with what he's doing or Cena playing the other side better or what, but something needs to change.
Nah, it was badly written, because even to the demographic the HHH/CM Punk is aiming towards could not have enjoyed that segment. Punk didn't defend himself one bit. Seriously, when HHH was spouting off about Michaels, Rey Mysterio, Bret Hart, etc. not being body builders, they have all been proven to use steroids because of the pressure WWE puts on their wrestlers to be big. Of course Punk could never say that, but still.. it's patronizing and pointless to have a feud like this and only do it half ass. Everything HHH said Punk could have countered with a good point, but there was obviously a leash on him.
Steroid use is not just for getting big muscles. The benefits to using steroids are much more than just looking like a bodybuilder. Muscle recovery, especially, is of great benefit to pro wrestlers.

Punk and HHH just should have come out tonight and brawled, giving us a preview of the action we can expect Sunday. That would have been ten times better than the crap we saw tonight.
I agree there should have been more of a buildup for the PPV match, but I'm guessing this won't be the last match between the two, so we'll see more angles between them.
I wouldn't have. I always wanted to see my favorites regardless of if they had a title or not. Sometimes they did and sometimes they didn't. Having a stronger mid card because of there being one world title also allows that secondary title to main event the other house shows.

And those titles, the secondary ones, mean nothing. Not enough to make most people that buy tickets go see them at least.
HHH/Punk just isn't clicking as well as Cena/Punk. I don't know if it's because Punk can only go so far with what he's doing or Cena playing the other side better or what, but something needs to change.

Probably because in his year plus away from the ring Triple H has gone from hated to respected in the IWC. Call it out of sight out of mind or abscence makes the heart grow fonder but Triple H isn't the IWC enemy he once was.
You could when guys like Shawn Michaels, Triple H, The Rock, and Bret Hart held the title. Not so much anymore, since those titles haven't meant jack for a while now. Dolph Ziggler vs Jack Swagger or Miz vs Punk? There's a clear winner there.

And those titles, the secondary ones, mean nothing. Not enough to make most people that buy tickets go see them at least.

Like I said, having one world title fixes that because it strengthens the mid card. When you have one world title the number of guys fighting in the main event gets cut in half. You could have Cena/Del Rio for the world title on one show and then have Sheamus/Christian for the IC title on another. Obviously one is greater then the other but the same holds true now with the RAW world title being > the Smackdown world title.
I'm not sure what to think about the end, but I really liked Punk hitting HHH and doing the "suck it" thing. It was a good move actually.
I think there is a real danger of WWE missing out on capitalising on Punk's heat from the summer. His anti-establishment gimmick has all the potential but when he gets on the mic, he is increasingly coming over as whiny. He is moving away from the "Voice of Voiceless" and becoming the "Voice of Punk," a self-centred complainer who is relying more on his past indy connection with certain towns than on his current personna.

It does not help Punk that he has no heel to bounce his rebellion off of - COO HHH could easily be that heel and perhaps in the near future we will see that.
Барбоса;3412060 said:
I think there is a real danger of WWE missing out on capitalising on Punk's heat from the summer. His anti-establishment gimmick has all the potential but when he gets on the mic, he is increasingly coming over as whiny. He is moving away from the "Voice of Voiceless" and becoming the "Voice of Punk," a self-centred complainer who is relying more on his past indy connection with certain towns than on his current personna.

It does not help Punk that he has no heel to bounce his rebellion off of - COO HHH could easily be that heel and perhaps in the near future we will see that.
This is nearly perfect in every way. I was noticing the whining attitude (I think I called it high school drama attitude) weeks ago during the build to Summerslam.

Punk's not coming off as someone fans should want to get behind, he's just coming across as an annoying teenager. Perhaps the WWE wants to continue to use Punk as a heel, I don't know. But it's the only way to explain how they've run the Punk vs. HHH program.
Promos are great but in "reality" if two guys go back and forth shit-talking one another there should be some immediate violence. In professional wrestling if two guys go back and forth shit-talking one another there should be a ton of violence, not just a knock on the head with a microphone or announcing the main event for WM a year early.

Two subpar Raw's in a row makes GSB want to watch football.
I guess I'm one of the only ones, but I really liked the ending segment. I thought both guys came off really strong, HHH was sounding like his old self and CM Punk's "bodybuiler fetish\fantasy" line cracked me up. I also enjoyed the part with the real names being said and the mics powering off.
I guess I'm one of the only ones, but I really liked the ending segment. I thought both guys came off really strong, HHH was sounding like his old self and CM Punk's "bodybuiler fetish\fantasy" line cracked me up. I also enjoyed the part with the real names being said and the mics powering off.

It was Triple H completely destroying CM Punk, the guy who HAD been white hot only one month ago. It was Triple H destroying every single ignorant Internet wrestling "smark" who have no idea what they're talking about. It was a completely esoteric promo which did very little to make people want to pay to watch them fight.

There was virtually no good which came from the promo, other than Triple H channeling his inner Slyfox606.
I don't give HHH a lot of credit but he sure does know how to work a mic. You can tell like with John Cena by the emotion in his voice and the way he delivers that he really loves the business.

I also liked how he talked about Punk and opportunities. Punk won the MITB twice, the IC Title, Tag Team titles, and three world titles in a 15 month period. That's damn impressive.
Eh. I don't see how Punk has been held back at all. That and I don't see how the WWE 'killed' his momentum when he hasn't been delivering at all.. In the same weekly promo or in the ring. idk idk
Not a good show. Loved the Rhodes/Orton match, but outside of that, nothing to remember.

That HHH/Punk promo put me to sleep (literally passed out in my recliner). One thing I don't understand - if you hated this promo, why haven't you felt the same way for the past... I don't know, three weeks? I'm not sure what happened (poor writing, one guy better than the other, whatever), but this has no heat, at all. You get the hardcore fans chanting Punk's name here and there, and that's it. They're saying the same thing, exactly the same thing, each week.

I know this sounds very internet fanboyish of me, but that's how I feel. It feels old, and it shouldn't.
Not a good show. Loved the Rhodes/Orton match, but outside of that, nothing to remember.

That HHH/Punk promo put me to sleep (literally passed out in my recliner). One thing I don't understand - if you hated this promo, why haven't you felt the same way for the past... I don't know, three weeks? I'm not sure what happened (poor writing, one guy better than the other, whatever), but this has no heat, at all. You get the hardcore fans chanting Punk's name here and there, and that's it. They're saying the same thing, exactly the same thing, each week.

I know this sounds very internet fanboyish of me, but that's how I feel. It feels old, and it shouldn't.

No, you are right. The story is rushed and there's not a ton of heat between the two guys, so each week, rather than finding new ways to push the program forward, they are put in a ring to talk. WWE thinks "people like to hear Punk talk" so they put him out there, but he keeps saying the same stuff with maybe one or two breaks of kayfabe to impress the 5 people who are still impressed by that. "Oh EM GEE he used their real names! How EDGY!" At this point, it's almost like he's running out of shit to say that is breaking kayfabe so he'd better find a way to stay relevant without working so damn hard to have "shocking" material. It's not that shocking anymore and I don't know about everyone else, but I'm starting to sour on it.

I hope that something BIG happens at Night of Champions with this match. Part of the problem was that Big Kev came in and it was cool for 5 minutes and it seemed like surprises would come left and right. Then, Kevin sucked major ass in his role and nothing else happened on Raw to remotely be surprising. This story needs something BIG to happen soon or risk people turning on it very fast. Sunday is very important in that regard.
If WWE use simple booking then Cody should be the next no. 1 contender. I honestly wouldn't mind seeing that. They seem to have chemistry.
I liked the ending, accept the leash Punk is on with the Chosen Son in Law, and think most of Triple H's talking points are a nonsense smokescreen. Your knee-jerk reactions to the contrary are a more legitimate reason to hate the internet than anything else.
All things considered:

I probably should buy stock in toilet paper to clean up all the bullshit that came out of HHH's mouth.
BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS is supposed to convince me of something. Too bad I stopped buying into that one years ago. The well is bone dry.

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