TNA Victory Road: In Your House

Based on the evidence they had they made a judgement call. They were 100% wrong.

Then again, since I had none of the evidence at my disposal and have reasonable reason to believe that, outside of the WWE, guys being in a rough state backstage is not uncommon, I'm not going to crucify anyone, least of all creative.
It was a terrible match, some people need to be ashamed of themselves, but if I'm honest I'm sure if you replaced Dixie Carter, Vince Russo or Eric Bischoff with Gelgarin then you'd still have got much the same end result. Shit happens.

Yes it does. However, this isn't the first time Jeff has had issues with being high or whatever. Also, this wasn't at some house show in the middle of nowhere with 200 people at it. This was the main event of a PPV that was the main push to the second biggest show of the year. Fans paid money to see this show and I can guarantee you that a lot of them won't buy another PPV from TNA again after this. Yes, shit happened, but that's the point: this happened. This wasn't something that they changed to keep it from airing. We saw it and it's a rip off at the end of the day. The actual reason for it doesn't matter. What matters is that this was the ending to TNA's PPV of the month.
No "Hardy got buried" claims? I'm in shock. Well, it's not like it would be a bad thing really.
Besides the absurdity and insulting-ness of that main event...I have to laugh at how FUKKEN BURIED Jeff Hardy just was. He deserves it too. I hope he's fired, I really do, because he'll have nowhere to go. ROH sure as fuck won't have him because the last time Jeff Hardy came to ROH was back in '03 and OH MY GOD THEY SHIT ON HIM SO FUCKING BADLY, they literally had to cut his match out of the DVD for that show because the crowd spent the entire time shitting all over Hardy. No way they'd bring him back now. Who does that leave for him? No one. Maybe Mexico or Japan I guess, those would be his only options left.

Man I used to really like you Jeff. What happened?
I'm not sure why everyone's leaving Sting out of this, he's in great shape and everything, but he's still 52 years old. There is a possibility that they just did this to protect Sting so he could make it to LockDown, especially with the main event shaping up to be a multi-man match, most likely again to hide the fact that Sting can't go that long. I may be highly wrong, but that's how I see it.

Also, what's this talk about Jeff and drugs? Did I miss something a few pages back?
Yes it does. However, this isn't the first time Jeff has had issues with being high or whatever. Also, this wasn't at some house show in the middle of nowhere with 200 people at it. This was the main event of a PPV that was the main push to the second biggest show of the year. Fans paid money to see this show and I can guarantee you that a lot of them won't buy another PPV from TNA again after this. Yes, shit happened, but that's the point: this happened. This wasn't something that they changed to keep it from airing. We saw it and it's a rip off at the end of the day. The actual reason for it doesn't matter. What matters is that this was the ending to TNA's PPV of the month.

I'm not entirely sure what your point is here. Seriously, not me being flipant, I don't get what you're saying.

Realistically I doubt it'll have a major effect on buy rates. For one, PPVs are in the toilet right now due to the recession; I think that's a major reason why TNA is focusing so heavily on TV at the moment. For two, if TNA fans were going to be turned off in droves by horrible PPV endings then they'd have gone already, this is not exactly the first time something like this has ever happened. I remember main events featuring Cute Kip and Eric Young that drew similar levels of ire at the time. Objectively this is worse, but not by all that much.
Michael "Mr. WZNexus" V.;2931851 said:
I'm not sure why everyone's leaving Sting out of this, he's in great shape and everything, but he's still 52 years old. There is a possibility that they just did this to protect Sting so he could make it to LockDown, especially with the main event shaping up to be a multi-man match, most likely again to hide the fact that Sting can't go that long. I may be highly wrong, but that's how I see it.
Bullshit. At 52 Sting can still put on great matches and he does not need to be protected going into Lockdown
Also, what's this talk about Jeff and drugs? Did I miss something a few pages back?
It's being said Jeff was high as the Swiss Alps tonight.
Besides the absurdity and insulting-ness of that main event...I have to laugh at how FUKKEN BURIED Jeff Hardy just was. He deserves it too. I hope he's fired, I really do, because he'll have nowhere to go. ROH sure as fuck won't have him because the last time Jeff Hardy came to ROH was back in '03 and OH MY GOD THEY SHIT ON HIM SO FUCKING BADLY, they literally had to cut his match out of the DVD for that show because the crowd spent the entire time shitting all over Hardy. No way they'd bring him back now. Who does that leave for him? No one. Maybe Mexico or Japan I guess, those would be his only options left.

Man I used to really like you Jeff. What happened?

I'm sure Mexico would take him in an instant.
PWInsider reports that numerous TNA sources indicate that the main event for the TNA World Heavyweight Title at tonight's Victory Road pay-per-view lasted only 1 minute and 28 seconds because of backstage concern over Jeff Hardy. Other speculation is that Sting wouldn't agree to wrestling a long match with Hardy if he was in bad condition. More details on what happened tonight should be coming out in the next few days.

For what it's worth, Jeff Hardy's court date on drug charges is next Monday, March 21st.
You'd think by now TNA would have learned that when booking Jeff in a ME match on PPV, that you ALWAYS need a back up plan in case shit like this happens, fucker deserves to be fired, or at the very least suspended without pay until he's cleaned up
I'm not entirely sure what your point is here. Seriously, not me being flipant, I don't get what you're saying.

Realistically I doubt it'll have a major effect on buy rates. For one, PPVs are in the toilet right now due to the recession; I think that's a major reason why TNA is focusing so heavily on TV at the moment. For two, if TNA fans were going to be turned off in droves by horrible PPV endings then they'd have gone already, this is not exactly the first time something like this has ever happened. I remember main events featuring Cute Kip and Eric Young that drew similar levels of ire at the time. Objectively this is worse, but not by all that much.

Yeah I wasn't incredibly clear on that. My point is someone has to take the fall for this, be it Hardy or creative or Hogan/Bischoff/Carter/Russo. What I mean is that this happened and it shouldn't have. They picked this as the best option and it failed. That's what needs to be punished for.
Michael "Mr. WZNexus" V.;2931851 said:
I'm not sure why everyone's leaving Sting out of this, he's in great shape and everything, but he's still 52 years old. There is a possibility that they just did this to protect Sting so he could make it to LockDown, especially with the main event shaping up to be a multi-man match, most likely again to hide the fact that Sting can't go that long. I may be highly wrong, but that's how I see it.

Also, what's this talk about Jeff and drugs? Did I miss something a few pages back?

Because 52 is not 100 and Sting doesn't need to be protected.
Matt was actually pretty decent tonight. You can't read too much into somebody having a decent match with AJ Styles, I could probably have a decent match with AJ Styles, but it does look like he's making an effort. Some habits are hard to shake off, and Matt had basically spend the better half of a decade working more or less the same match at a slower pace that TNA looks for.
I think he might be picking his game up again, it's just happening slowly.
Alright, having read this entire thread, I was ready to agree with everyone in the sense that TNA fucked up pretty badly with this decision. Then I saw this.

Does anyone thinl that the match wasn't booked to be about 2 1/2 minutes long. One thing I saw, after the match ended, Sting had a sort of confused/upset look on his face, it looked like he knew something was wrong, also Taz's facial expression when they cut to the announcing table seemed a little different as well. Also, they had a pretty long recap(I don't normally watch TNA PPV events to often and I haven't seen one live in a while), but maybe they had that long recap to shave some time off of what was supposed to be the main event? I don't know, even with Russo I didn't think that I would see a very short main event the PPV before one of the biigest events of the year.

Anyone else think that?

And then I came to a very grim realization.

This is going to turn into a storyline.

Now, it may not have been Russo's intent for it to be a storyline, although I wouldn't put it past him if it was his intent, but either way, this will somehow wind up becoming the main story heading into Lockdown. Jeff will go on about how he was screwed out of his victory, he won't be punished in any way, the lines of reality and kayfabe will continue to blur, and no one will care.

Yeah, this is probably just a conspiracy theory, but you can't deny that Russo would concoct such a plan.
Even fucking Hogan knows this is a sinking ship. Apparently, the Honky Tonk Man had this to say about him:

"HTM has been told Hogan will bolt to WWE if asked. Sources within TNA have said Hogan will leave [Eric Bischoff] behind like a rat. Hogan is on his way out of TNA. Dixie has had to advance Flair money to pay his debts. Strange things are happening at TNA! Hogan's TNA contract is results and incentive based. Either party can walk anytime."

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