TNA Victory Road: In Your House

Are we totally sure this is Hardy though? I mean, this is TNA. They just had a double countout match not ten minutes before.

I'm just going off what PWTorch is reporting about Hardy showing up "in no condition to wrestle" which is a polite way of saying he was high as a fucking kite. If that's the reason the match was so short, he should be fired.

Fucking christ Jeff, learn from Rob Van Dam, that dude has been high for the last 20 years and he still shows up to work. Then again RVD only smokes pot and doesn't eat painkillers like they were pez, big difference.
I really don't think anyone backstage said "fuck the crowd - go home in seventy seconds".

My guess is that Jeff was off his head, but was telling everyone "I can still go - I'm fine - I can do the match". My guess is that before most matches Jeff is off his head but is telling everyone "I can still go - I'm fine - I can do the match" and up till now he has always been able to.

We get to the ring, Sting sees how bad he is, and unlike most other guys simply makes the judgement call to go home immediately. Had it been Hardy vs almost anyone else I'd imagine we'd have got a shit but functional main event.
On top of things if they let hardy wrestle high as shit he could have seriously injured Sting.

So in that regard I'm glad it was so short.
The creative team should be gone also. They had 150 minutes minimum to come up with an angle or a story to give us an actual match. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE would have been better. Throw out Anderson vs. RVD vs. Sting for a triple thread or even put out someone from Immortal. Flair even would have worked.
I really don't think anyone backstage said "fuck the crowd - go home in seventy seconds".

My guess is that Jeff was off his head, but was telling everyone "I can still go - I'm fine - I can do the match". My guess is that before most matches Jeff is off his head but is telling everyone "I can still go - I'm fine - I can do the match" and up till now he has always been able to.

We get to the ring, Sting sees how bad he is, and unlike most other guys simply makes the judgement call to go home immediately. Had it been Hardy vs almost anyone else I'd imagine we'd have got a shit but functional main event.

Let's say that's the case. Let's say everything you just said is true (which it very well may be). This is why TNA is looked at as low rent. Hardy will likely get no punishment for this while he makes TNA look awful. Doing this on TV or in an earlier match is one thing, but this is the main event of a PPV that people paid their money to see. Messing up one match is one thing, but messing up the selling point of a PPV is another. Jeff is a married man with a company counting on him to an extent. Grow up dude. Grow up or go away and get help.
I am willing to bet that at this point, Sting is really, really wishing he actually had been a second mystery man in the 2/21/11 vignettes. Rather than being at the helm of the Titanic. Because even though I did not actually see it myself, as ever since Bound For Glory last year, I decided that I will never ever purchase a TNA PPV ever again, this sounds brutal. The only thing surprising about it is the fact that people were actually surprised by it.

And to think that earlier today, I was criticized by a fellow poster for a pro-WWE and an anti-TNA bias. Really, how could you blame someone for feeling this way, after what TNA did tonight, after what they have been doing on an ongoing basis, and considering what in all likelihood, they will continue to do.
TNA had to have booked it this way, why else have the ref continue the count? If Hardy was high as a kite and TNA was just saying "fuck it, let him go" then Sting would have gone too. No way Sting just says "Fuck it, I'm out".

I. Give. Up.
Exactly. Things happen, but if you have a quality creative team, things can be put together on the fly. They have to have one or two people that can still improv matches, it doesn't have to be forged in iron weeks beforehand.

There's literally no excuse or fucking justification for it. Period.
More evidence that this wasn't planned. The NoDQ stip.
It had zero relevancy, wasn't announced in advance and didn't kill any time. If the plan was to go home in sixty seconds why announce it? My guess is that it was there to try and help get a workable match out of Jeff. Didn't work.
Fucking christ Jeff, learn from Rob Van Dam, that dude has been high for the last 20 years and he still shows up to work. Then again RVD only smokes pot and doesn't eat painkillers like they were pez, big difference.
It's an elaborate work. Van Dam's never touched marijuana in his life.
More evidence that this wasn't planned. The NoDQ stip.
It had zero relevancy, wasn't announced in advance and didn't kill any time. If the plan was to go home in sixty seconds why announce it? My guess is that it was there to try and help get a workable match out of Jeff. Didn't work.

1. Even more proof that TNA is incompetent. They knew Hardy was bombed and still let him go out there. Put a damn foot down for once.

2. It's a Russo booked company and this is the same show with fake blood being squired on someone to win a gimmick match. I wouldn't put much stock into an added on gimmick at the last second.
Based on the evidence they had they made a judgement call. They were 100% wrong.

Then again, since I had none of the evidence at my disposal and have reasonable reason to believe that, outside of the WWE, guys being in a rough state backstage is not uncommon, I'm not going to crucify anyone, least of all creative.
It was a terrible match, some people need to be ashamed of themselves, but if I'm honest I'm sure if you replaced Dixie Carter, Vince Russo or Eric Bischoff with Gelgarin then you'd still have got much the same end result. Shit happens.
Jeff Hardy should be fired. End of story. Going into a PPV smashed and unable to perform? Absolutely fucking despicable. I can't imagine any other company where someone would get away with this... except WCW... and maybe Sandman in ECW.
Then again, since I had none of the evidence at my disposal and have reasonable reason to believe that, outside of the WWE, guys being in a rough state backstage is not uncommon, I'm not going to crucify anyone
This isn't trashy indy company X working fifty people in some dive. This is a company that supposedly has serious goals on the national stage. What's "not uncommon" outside the WWE shouldn't be the standard this company is holding itself up to.

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