TNA Victory Road: In Your House

Some more news on this guys

"Security quickly rushed Jeff Hardy to the back who was trying to rile up the crowd to chant "BULLSHIT" over the finish."

Oh and Sting was said to look "Really pissed off"
You're right. I'm so engaged and can't wait to throw money away on LockDown to see what way those crazy guys fuck up next month.

Puh-lease. Worst attempt at positive spin on this I've seen yet.

I'm a WWE guy, but I cant wait to read the spoilers or dirt sheets to hear what happened tonight. If its a clean match I would have had little interest.
If it's true that Sting refused to wrestle a long match with Jeff, can you blame him? If Hardy was wasted, he could be at serious risk of getting hurt, possibly even maimed if Hardy is really drunk. One botched suplex could break a man's neck, one botched high flying move could snap his windpipe, things could have gone horribly horribly wrong.

This is on Jeff primarily for coming to the show drunk, and then on TNA for not adjusting the show for a new main event.
Yeah; bad main event and all, but let's not get quite so wrapped up in ire that we're going to start bringing up anything said by Honky Tonk Man. The man has been simply making information up for yours in order to garner attention.
Somewhere Scott Keith is starting to write the introduction to a Death of TNA book.
If it's true that Sting refused to wrestle a long match with Jeff, can you blame him? If Hardy was wasted, he could be at serious risk of getting hurt, possibly even maimed if Hardy is really drunk. One botched suplex could break a man's neck, one botched high flying move could snap his windpipe, things could have gone horribly horribly wrong.

This is on Jeff primarily for coming to the show drunk, and then on TNA for not adjusting the show for a new main event.

If that's the case, Sting has nothing to apologize for. It's basic human safety issues here and Sting could have been worried about his own health. Not a thing wrong with that.
In other news, we have officially entered my favorite time of the year. For a short but wonderful period I only have to stay up until 3am in the morning to watch TNA broadcasts instead of 4.
So, looks like Hardy was high as a kite and Steve wasn't having any of that.

Sad. Before the double countout of the number one contender's match and that, it was a good PPV.
I just rewatched the 1min main event and Hardy was clearly trying to kick out but Sting held him down. LOLz. The fact that Hardy was standing and throwing a fit after the bell made me lol.
I guess its safe to say that this was the worst PPV of the year? I don't think TNA could pull of a crappier PPV later this year if they tried. Maybe I'm giving them too much credit. It sounded like a fairly decent PPV until the last 3 matches.
If Jeff was as fucked up as we've read, Sting had every right to veto that shit. I wouldn't trust Jeff Hardy to make me a fucking ham sandwich, let alone trust him with my health.
I guess its safe to say that this was the worst PPV of the year? I don't think TNA could pull of a crappier PPV later this year if they tried. Maybe I'm giving them too much credit. It sounded like a fairly decent PPV until the last 3 matches.

It wasn't awful. It wasn't good either, but it wasn't awful. Ultimate X was decent as was the tag title match. The problem this show had was it didn't need to exist.
If Hogan leaves TNA would anybody be surprised or mad? I wish him and Russo would leave but we all know Russo has a job set for life (until TNA goes under).

This will turn into a storyline guaranteed.
Yeah Sting has nothing to be ashamed of here. If Jeff was that gone, would you want him trying a Twist of Fate or a Whisper in the wind or even a right hand on you?

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