TNA Victory Road LD

Which should have been here instead, but that would make too much sense.

fair enough, I did think it was ******ed that they had the triple threat for the #1 spot end in double countout, I don't think I have ever seen any other triple threat match end in a fucking count out anywhere before, thought that was the dumbest thing I have seen in awhile
Exactly. Abyss is supposed to be this monster right? Yet he's won one time since turning heel: he beat Anderson, who might as wel be considered the main event jobber at this point. EIther push Abyss to the moon or drop the monster aspect.
Just thought of something.

Abyss is a Mankind rip off, right? At least, a mixture of Kane and Mankind?

I've just learned the irony that Mankind himself is a rip off of a character from Smoky Mountain Wrestling, Boo Bradley. Shame no one ever calls that out.

Boo Bradley is probably a rip off of the character from To Kill a Mockingbird
There was nothing that really stood out on this PPV. The tag match was good despite the false finishes. Even the Pope vs. Angle match was short. I think the PPV went downhill as soon as Rob Terry and Joe were announced as the mystery opponents instead of someone new. The card was stacked but it felt like a mediocre 3 hour Impact. At least it was better then Victory Road last year. Sharmell vs. Jenna Morsaca. Uggh.
Yeah instead let's just make him look like a guy that can't win something that he should have dominated.

We'll have the most over guy in the match get pinned.

Also, any idea why Madison let with the chick that cost her the title?

Because her ass looked fantastic on that bike.
dude there are plenty of other people in here that have said the same thing about TNA over and over, and you don't jump all over their asses, leave the kid alone, he did add to the conversation, granted it's not as amazing as the insight as you've given, gems like "her ass looked great" and all
I am a WRESTLING fan. I just didn't like this PPV. Plus it was an attempt at a joke.

Maybe I jumped to a conclusion, but the only other thing I saw you say besides that was negative as well. :/

Why the fuck did Rayne ride off with her? I don't get that.

Angelina cost Tara the belt and initially started the heel turn (Way back with that horrible, horrible Lockbox thing) and the two of them feuded. While it doens't make sense, expect Tara and Madison to be working together.

...I mean, you can retcon Madison having kicked Tara out of TNA in the first place, but yeah.

I don't like this return, at all (If it is her, which I'm 99% sure it is, as Tara goes to motorbike things allll the time, and that posture was rather... manly) I'd rather her have come out afterwards and just beat the crap out of Angelina after a semi-clean win. I guess this just makes controversy.
Problem is, she lost a RETIREMENT match. Unless someone comes up with a really good freakin explanation as to how she becomes unretired, you can't just have her come in looking for a match. It's bad enough that she's allegedly the chick on the motorcycle (not a surprise as she's talked of her love of bikes before in interviews and such), but I'm really hope that there's no illogical reason for return. That would be too WCW for me. Never a fan of the retirement matches only to come back a couple of months later.
Victory Road must be a curse on TNA or something.

Kendrick and Williams was just plain terrible. If they were trying to make it more a submission match rather than an ultimate X then there wasn't enough wrestling rather than just both men climbed the structure and Kendrick fell. Dead Crowd, shit match. A match that could've been great ruined.

Neal, Ray and Devon was just Ray and Neal before the last minute of the match which finally woke the crowd up due to Jesse Neal being probably the most over person in TNA. Devon is probably gonna be in this story further due to the fact Neal speared him. It was still a lame match and by the way why isn't Shannon Moore in any storylines?

Love and Rayne wasn't anything to begin with. It's like a RAW divas match where we got 1-4 minutes of action and then a stupid ending which made no sense whatsoever. If they were going to do a title change, why not do a clean finish? Why did the woman have to ride into the arena on a motorcycle? Why couldn't she just run out? No wonder people bitch about TNA considering now WWE's divas division is even better than TNA's.

Styles/Kaz and Terry/Joe was so fucking predictable for me if you look at this thread i guessed it before it happened. The match didn't get as much time as it should have but it was good with a good finish with both men using springboard moves on Terry. I would've preferred to see Wolfe not interfere as it just ended up in him being buried instead of an actualy feud but still what it could have been with 5 more minutes would've made it great.

Hernandez and Morgan was ok. Both guys were working really hard and it's hard to criticize a match where they took this type of punishment, especially Hernandez but parts of it were scary to watch and the finish was "too" creative for a Cage match. Again if it was given more time and less spots then it could've been great. Still compare a match like that to Edge/Jericho from Extreme Rules and you've got a clear winner.

Flair and Lethal match was good and probably better than anyone should have expected out of Flair at this point and time. I applaude TNA for finally realising the talent within Jay Lethal and considering he's only 25 he could be the next AJ Styles. The one thing i hated about this is that Jay Lethal used the figure four leglock which showed a great way to disrespect Flair and the mans history in wrestling. I liked putting him over but hated how it was done.

Beer Money and Motor City MachineGuns had a great match but why the fuck were those near falls so damn necessary?! TNA overbooked the shit out of this match which in the end made it only a good match because TNA ruined it. WHY WAS THE FALSE FINISH NECESSARY?. To give both teams a breather? Who wrote this anyways considering Vince Russo ( A guy i don't hate and don't understand all the hate for him) isn't writing for TNA anymore due to apparently being "Burnt Out" and they are trying to give him a differant position. Still fuck you TNA you ruined one of the best matches.

D'Angelo Dinero & Kurt Angle was too short of what it should've been but was still a Good, athletic match from bell to bell. The show began to pick up Steam in it's SECOND LAST MATCH.

The world title match was what was expected. Everyone worked on the heel for a while because the rest are faces. The finish was weird with Abyss chokeslaming Anderson onto Jeff Hard(Or maybe the other way around) pinning him then RVD hitting the Five Star Frogsplash on everyone then getting the win. This pisses me off as I don't like Van Dam at all as champ and a longer guy needs the strap like Anderson as Abyss needs a freaking manager to speak for him and Jeff could be in prison soon.

Most of the promos were well done and good stories were told but still all in all a massive dissapointment with only about 2 or 3 of the matches being what was expected of them. I rate this 5/10 it was originally 4/10 but Mr. Andersons promo deserved a point.

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