TNA Presents 'Genesis' — Will Jeff Hardy Retain the World Title Again?

According to Gorilla Monsoon at Mania VI you can't have a managing license and a wrestling license at the same time. ARREST THAT MAN!
Good match. Would have made a lot more sense to have AJ Styles screw Storm over here. Storm was the guy directly responsible for AJ not getting another title match until October. Would have liked to see a Storm/AJ feud, with Styles playing the proper heel. Mostly I just want to see what TNA's going to do with AJ.
So uh, it's 10pm and we've got two matches left, including an elimination match.

With official intros and video packages, I'm sure they'll push within five minutes of the 3-hour mark. That pointless waste of an in-ring promo killed a couple minutes. Bully pandering to the fans makes me kind of sick. The man is way too good to be mixed up in this awful storyline.

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