TNA Presents 'Lockdown' — Can Bully Ray Finally Become World Champion?

See, and this is the only real down side to this whole angle. I've said it since the start. It has to end in the ring, and if it ends in the ring, how do you not have Hogan ultimately wrestle?

This. At the end of the day, barring a BIG swerve, we're looking at Hogan vs. Ray at Slammiversary. Hogan is not going to work well against a power brawler like Ray, not when he's pushing 60 and held together with duct tape.
I really don't want to see Hogan wrestle again but it only makes sense at this point. I don't know maybe they can have Bully vs Sting with Hogan getting physical at some point in it. That or Styles steps up and ends them.
My issue with it is simple: while a very cool moment, this doesn't make up for 9 months of ineptitude and winning almost nothing. At the end of the day, Ray basically leads the Eight Stooges. Also, this means Brooke Hogan talking and I don't think my head can take that.
Forgive the lateness fellas. But big ups to Ray for getting the title. The angle dragged for a little too long but, hey, at the end of the day.... But now here's my question for the day. Why would Hogan put Ray in this match anyway when he wasn't in line to compete for the belt? He did switch up overnight to trusting him; just makes Hogan look like a huge knucklehead.
My issue with it is simple: while a very cool moment, this doesn't make up for 9 months of ineptitude and winning almost nothing. At the end of the day, Ray basically leads the Eight Stooges. Also, this means Brooke Hogan talking and I don't think my head can take that.

True indeed.
Forgive the lateness fellas. But big ups to Ray for getting the title. The angle dragged for a little too long but, hey, at the end of the day.... But now here's my question for the day. Why would Hogan put Ray in this match anyway when he wasn't in line to compete for the belt? He did switch up overnight to trusting him; just makes Hogan look like a huge knucklehead.

thus now we have a sub plot Hogan might take his anger out on him for a time for changing his mind.. Sting will feud with Bully...

Also Anderson and Bully sub plot.. remember from IMmortal they didnt get a long..

where does AJ stand? what happens to EY after tonight?

lots of scenrios this can go..

Also lets not forget.. the goal of Aries/Roode was to get every title.. do they turn Face? the TV and World title are with the Dudley;s now...

I also think Hogan unleashes Morgan Monster to handle Aces and Eghts too..

Sooo many scenerios that werent there before tonight.
thus now we have a sub plot Hogan might take his anger out on him for a time for changing his mind.. Sting will feud with Bully...

Also Anderson and Bully sub plot.. remember from IMmortal they didnt get a long..

where does AJ stand? what happens to EY after tonight?

lots of scenrios this can go..

Also lets not forget.. the goal of Aries/Roode was to get every title.. do they turn Face? the TV and World title are with the Dudley;s now...

I also think Hogan unleashes Morgan Monster to handle Aces and Eghts too..

Sooo many scenerios that werent there before tonight.

It's a lot of different directions to go in for sure. Yet I don't see Roode and Aries going face. They can be the wild the wild cards; hell maybe they can forge an alliance with Morgan and maybe Bad Influence. Another stable with its own agenda.
Could it be possible that they stretched this out until they were going on the road?

Really liked the show and I LOVE HEEL Bully Ray Champion the promos are going to be EPIC
thus now we have a sub plot Hogan might take his anger out on him for a time for changing his mind.. Sting will feud with Bully...

Yep. Called Bully vs. Sting for Slammirversary yesterday in one of the TNA threads.
I have to say, this was awesome!! an the crowds legit heat reaction was awesome too the trash n the ring... this was a great night for TNA.. I soo look forward to Thursday.

Im pretty sure the whole fans throwing trash in the ring thing was setup. It felt like it was setup to give the closing angle that nwo feeling when Hogan turned heel.
I'm happy D-Lo wasn't the big reveal. I can stop acting like a smark now.

Bully Ray takes any stable up a notch or two. The rest of Aces and Eights can be bums if they have someone talented leading them. And make no mistake, the rest are bums.
I'm putting my money against Hogan wrestling one on one, but he'd have a better match with Ray than he would against pretty much anyone else in the industry. Ray is just about the only guy who can get heat and give his opponent legitimate baby-face sympathy in a match by doing nothing but chops to the chest.
I have to say, this was awesome!! an the crowds legit heat reaction was awesome too the trash n the ring... this was a great night for TNA.. I soo look forward to Thursday.

Legit heat? :lmao:

The "fans" throw trash in the ring whenever TNA wants them to.
Better late than never; time to watch the fucker. Observation numero uno; that crowd is fucking massive for a TNA event.
Observation 2; the camera legitimately just zoomed in on a sign reading "Hulk Hogan, kind of the sex tape". Too focused a shot to be accidental.
Brooke is not good at saying words.
Zema Ion is better than Kenny King.
Joseph Park is starting to get old but is still better than his brother.
Bully Ray calling Hulk Hogan 'dad' was highly entertaining.
TNA is coming up a little short in the middle of their stories but they keep coming through when it matters. The part I am most looking forward to with this story is it backfiring. I have my doubts the smarks feel that bad for Brooke. We already saw it when Bully was trashing her and the crowd started chanting stupid bitch. I'd love to see a Hogan-Bully match where the crowd turned on Hogan. Then again it could get ugly because Hogan won't give it up and they clearly want to force it with the staged trash throwing. Although I shouldn't be too worried because Bully is talented enough to quickly sell his role to everyone that is willing to buy it. Should be interesting to see how AJ fits into all this. AJ-Bully BFG could be fun.
Awful show, besides the X division match. Why do TNA feed their Lockdown crowds thanksgiving dinner directly before the show? Perhaps they wouldnt be so docile if they skirted that tradition.

Absolutely worth it for the last 5 minutes though. Woefully predictable, but still fucking AWESOME. Thank goodness. I got a feeling this will be a brilliant run for Bully Ray. Well deserved, and overdue.

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