TNA Presents 'Genesis' — Will Jeff Hardy Retain the World Title Again?

It's a shame the Aces and Eights thing is still going on, because one of the easiest ways for Roode to survive, were he not to win, or fall out of title contention, is to simply start a small faction actually called The Selfish Generation with Bully Ray and someone else.
Are you insinuating that Bobby Roode is a HAS BEEN!? The leader of the selfish generation is the longest reigning Champion of Impact's past...and it's future. Get in line, or get run over. Doesn't matter which to me.

IDR said it best, without the belt Roode struggles. Aries can do great without it even in a horrible storyline such as Bully/Brooke. Resistance is futile Killam, you can't deny TGMTEL.
I dig Roode, but he definitely struggles without the main event/world title picture right now. If TNA actually had an IC-type title, he'd be a prime guy to compete for it as a mean sto build himself back up again over time to get back into the WHC picture.
Called it.. Hardy/Daniels is next on the horizon.. Aries/Roode might become a part time tag team maybe stable with Daniels/Kaz?
Damn. Fantastic match, no matter the winner, and I really can't complain. Nobody looked weak. It took both of them to put away Bobby Roode, and 3 finishers in 30 seconds to put away Aries. Damn good match.
TNA leaves 10 minutes on the clock. Which is pretty crazy because I felt like, with 9 matches, none of them were particularly short. Must have just flown through the programming tonight; not a whole lot of backstage stuff, or extra-curricular shenanigans.

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