TNA Presents 'Slammiversary XI' Can Sting Beat Bully Ray for the World Title?

I can't help but laugh at the P1 tights. That's what the deejay's of the morning show I listen to call their fans.
Still a reasonably good song. I was hoping AJ would get an new theme song and this is great. Suits his new character.
Not debating that. It's a good song and it's a commercial which is new for TNA who always went for indie stuff or house produced.

Was that Dixie's "big signing"?
Hall of Fame isn't decided by length of time spent in the company, if it was Brooklyn Brawler would be in WWE's. It is decided by the impact you made in the company and after Angle, Jarrett and Hogan, not many have made the impact Christian did.

Came back in to say - solely cause my Twitter interaction lit up with people tweeting me because I've been very pro this and have always detested his last "I Am" crap - FINALLY AJ Styles has a new theme and I heard it's pretty awesome. Great to hear.

You know that's not what I was saying. Nice straw man.

You have to be great over an extended period of time to get into a Hall of Fame. Christian was great for a short time. Brooklyn Brawler was never great.

Moving on...
Not debating that. It's a good song and it's a commercial which is new for TNA who always went for indie stuff or house produced.

Was that Dixie's "big signing"?

I have no idea. I think she said a wrestler though so yeah.
Ugh. Great match between two great guys.

Why does TNA always end this type of match with a rollup? Great matches are remembered for their spots - they need to end them with big spots.
You know that's not what I was saying. Nice straw man.

You have to be great over an extended period of time to get into a Hall of Fame. Christian was great for a short time. Brooklyn Brawler was never great.

Moving on...

Didn't Donald Trump just get inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame?
Great match, don't even care about the ending, but a little dumb.

I just realized... Aces & 8's has seven members now....
Didn't Donald Trump just get inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame?

Yep, and he shouldn't have been. The WWE started a celebrity wing and started inducted people who are famous for other stuff and have had appearances in WWE. It's stupid, and it makes the real deserving guys' inductions look weaker.

I'm not comparing TNA's Hall to WWE's.
Yep, and he shouldn't have been. The WWE started a celebrity wing and started inducted people who are famous for other stuff and have had appearances in WWE. It's stupid, and it makes the real deserving guys' inductions look weaker.

I'm not comparing TNA's Hall to WWE's.

Why not? We're talking about Halls of Fame, not just TNA's HOF. You are making declarative statements about HOF's inductees needing to meet certain criteria, ergo all HOF's are subject to scrutiny — especially the WWE's.
I don't care how petty it sounds. I'm so sick of seeing Sting wrestle in a fucking t-shirt. At least cut the god damned sleeves off!
I actually feel the same way about his hairline, but there's not a whole lot that can be done. Something doesn't seem right watching Sting wrestle with a perm
I actually feel the same way about his hairline, but there's not a whole lot that can be done. Something doesn't seem right watching Sting wrestle with a perm

I can deal with a receding hair line, or loosening skin, or gray hair, etc. A t-shirt is unacceptable. It's like wearing sweat pants to an interview.
This is a great main event. He may not be able to go the way he could even four or five years ago, but Sting's putting on a great show here.

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