TNA Presents 'Slammiversary XI' Can Sting Beat Bully Ray for the World Title?

Oh, thank God.... Based on what Killam said, I assumed Matt Morgan was taking D'Lo's place.

Really enjoyed, glad that I bought this
I'd say that was a solid friggin' Pay-Per-View. The only real dud of the night was Sam Shaw/Jay Bradley, but I think everyone had that pegged as exactly that from the start, no?
Yeah it was worth it even though the first hour I was watching I almost fell asleep, but the upper card delivered for me. Btw replace taz he makes way to many mistakes and his o " o I'm having fun out here commentary is even worse. He laughs during high spots and he never puts any of the segments over as must see tv.
Slammiversary is always been at least decent if not good to great. And for some reason it's always better than BFG.

I blame the BFG Series. The problem is it's just a tournament, making it hard to care about the main event. There's no personal story between the two guys and that's hard to care about. They tried to tack one on with Aries and Hardy but it only worked to a degree.
Excellent show for the most part, AJ/Angle was match of teh night as expected, Tag title, & Ultimate X were also great matches, & Sting/Bully Ray was much better than I expected, Stings best match in years.
I blame the BFG Series. The problem is it's just a tournament, making it hard to care about the main event. There's no personal story between the two guys and that's hard to care about. They tried to tack one on with Aries and Hardy but it only worked to a degree.

The BFG series is a factor but I blame it also for being the PPV where all the swerves that nobody likes happens. 2010 it was the Immortal thing, 2011 it was Angle retaining the belt and Sting/Hogan ending the show, 2012 it was Devon being the first revealed member of A&8's with people being so disappointingly stunned Aries/Hardy was an after thought.
Hulk motherfuckin Hogan called people *****es and a bitch. That, in and of itself, puts it at least B grade level.

Good fuckin show. Wildly stupid ending. Were the fuck was the rest of TNA?

"hey Sting is fighting against 27 people right now, maybe we should help him?"

beyond that, damn good show. TNA, I dont understand you.
Finally got a chance to watch it, summary of my thoughts.

Really happy Sabin won the X-Division Championship, dude deserves it. TJ Perkins fits Suicide perfectly but I think the differences between his offense and that of Daniels/Kaz are really obvious. The post-match promo from Hogan was cool and a nice rub for Sabin, if he becomes the X-Division Champion I'll be really happy cause I've supported the dude since I first saw him in Ring of Honor and TNA, but if he gets this sort of push where was it for Alex Shelley who (with all due respect to Sabin) is a much more charismatic person?

Hogan calling Ace's and 8's a bunch of *****es was cool, Anderson's reaction was priceless. Six man tag team match is only thing that let me down, cool to see Jeff back and he has a nice beard now but the match was just meaningless, Wes Briscoe screwing up the Twist of Fate not once but TWICE is proof that despite who your father and uncle were, you can still have little ability in their profession. Also not too sure about putting the TV title on Abyss but at least it gets some attention, think Joseph Park would have been the better option though.

Kurt Angle being inducted into the Hall of Fame - said it before but I'll say it again - is the next best option after Jeff Jarrett. He was the first big guy to jump from WWE to TNA - Christian was nice and had a lot of fan support but wasn't big - hes had countless top matches, countless title reigns, been the focal point and honestly the face of TNA since he debuted so this is perfect for him. Looked legitimately shocked to be getting the nod too which was cool.

TexAXAmerica losing the titles is nothing but good to me, now please let Hernandez break away from Chavo who holds Hernandez back. Hernandez has been the star of the duo, anyone who thinks different has no fucking eyes. James Storm and Gunner getting the Tag Team Championships is cool - Storm was obviously holding back due to his injury, why is he being allowed to work injured? IDK - but this is the most interesting Storm has been since the feud with Roode ended, hes been a snoozefest up until about three weeks ago.

Gail Kim versus Taryn was the Match of the Night - typing that makes me feel dirty. Absolutely phenomenal, mostly from Gail who carried the match and took the two big spots, but also because Taryn couldn't even lock the ringpost Figure Four correctly, surely someone would show her the move before having her apply it in a match? Awesome finish off the stage and a really unexpected hard hitting KO's match, while the division is sometimes neglected since Dutch/Zeb Colter left still a ton better than whatever WWE is doing.

AJ Styles' new theme fits him to a tee, really is awesome. I get what IDR was saying about the background graphic, but the lights to me are what stands out the most, it's like they got the theme song last minute and didn't have time to change the lighting pattern of all things. Match was really good - until the end, I thought it was a really cheap ending, I know Angle just got the HOF nod and all but have the match end fairly with a decisive winner and not a roll up.

Main event was underwhelming. Sting wrestling in a t-shirt just... no. I don't mind Kevin Steen doing it cause that is his character, or Bray Wyatt or whoever the hell else, but Sting doesn't even need it when hes wearing a singlet! Match itself was very "eh," Ray dominating Sting was just mundane and boring, but I was expecting Brooke to turn so because they didn't at least it wasn't predictable.

Overall a great PPV for TNA, best PPV since last years Slammiversary which was also pretty fucking good. And to those in previous posts who mentioned the "new signing" not appearing, why would they do it unadvertised? They'll advertise the damn thing and make people watch so even if it isn't who you want it to be, they'll at least get some bump in the ratings. Why is common sense a rare commodity in most wrestling fans?

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