TNA Presents 'Slammiversary XI' Can Sting Beat Bully Ray for the World Title?

Because they have such a large pool to select from otherwise? This is likely to be the trend for the next two or three picks as well.

Exactly my point. There's no sense in having a Hall of Fame for an organization that hasn't existed long enough for its stars to even have a career in the organization.

If you're inducting guys that are currently active in your top tier of stars, all you're doing is giving them an artificial push outside of their storyline. That's not what a Hall of Fame is supposed to do.
Hulk, take notes: THIS is how you put a roster over. Not by saying "you're my main man Jack" to each of them.
I totally get that WWE fans wanna see Kurt back in WWE, and I totally get that he's likely to close out his career there or at least return for one more match, but TNA would be remiss if they don't bring Angle back as a major proponent for the brand after he retires.

People like to talk about how Hogan can sell the company, but IMO no one can sell it better than Angle, having spent so much of his career there as one of it's most historic wrestlers.
Exactly my point. There's no sense in having a Hall of Fame for an organization that hasn't existed long enough for its stars to even have a career in the organization.

If you're inducting guys that are currently active in your top tier of stars, all you're doing is giving them an artificial push outside of their storyline. That's not what a Hall of Fame is supposed to do.

OK, well that doesn't change the fact that they have one and that they're not going to bail on it, so you just need to get used to it. The first few entrants are going to be active due to the young age of the company. There's no getting around that.
I totally get that WWE fans wanna see Kurt back in WWE, and I totally get that he's likely to close out his career there or at least return for one more match, but TNA would be remiss if they don't bring Angle back as a major proponent for the brand after he retires.

People like to talk about how Hogan can sell the company, but IMO no one can sell it better than Angle, having spent so much of his career there as one of it's most historic wrestlers.

It helps that Angle seems to genuinely love the business. I'm not saying Hogan doesn't, but he feels like he would sell the entire roster up the river for $18 cash if he had the chance.
Are they supposed to reveal the "big free agent" tonight? It's obviously gonna fall flat like all the other "huge announcements" have...

Who could it even be that hasn't already denied it?
It helps that Angle seems to genuinely love the business. I'm not saying Hogan doesn't, but he feels like he would sell the entire roster up the river for $18 cash if he had the chance.

Above all else, Angle has ties to the entire roster. He has reason to want to see them succeed other than monetary compensation because he's spent seven years of his life there wrestling along side them.
OK, well that doesn't change the fact that they have one and that they're not going to bail on it, so you just need to get used to it. The first few entrants are going to be active due to the young age of the company. There's no getting around that.

Hah, I understand that they're not just gonna close down the Hall of Fame.

I just think it reeks of desperation - another copycat move trying to make themselves legitimate. Do it with your talent and your PERFORMANCE, not by trying to artificially put your guys over with gimmicks.

What are they gonna do once they induct all the legit guys? In 5 years when Jarrett, Hogan, Styles, etc. are all inducted. Who goes in next? They have no one else beyond the first group of "stars". At that point, the Hall becomes a watered down joke that they are forced to keep inducting people into as tradition.
Chavo and Hernandez are the ham sandwiches of wrestling. they'll get you through the day but you don't go out of your way to get it.
Watching Evolve 22 (which has been great thus far btw) but saw on Twitter Kirk got inducted, just wanted to drop in and say beside Jeff Jarrett not a single person deserves it more. Kurt jumping from WWE to TNA was the first huge signing TNA ever made and the fact hes still there more then six years later is a testement to whatever their selling to him.
Hah, I understand that they're not just gonna close down the Hall of Fame.

I just think it reeks of desperation - another copycat move trying to make themselves legitimate. Do it with your talent and your PERFORMANCE, not by trying to artificially put your guys over with gimmicks.

What are they gonna do once they induct all the legit guys? In 5 years when Jarrett, Hogan, Styles, etc. are all inducted. Who goes in next? They have no one else beyond the first group of "stars". At that point, the Hall becomes a watered down joke that they are forced to keep inducting people into as tradition.

Inducting one at a time? Nah, they'll have plenty to work with by then. Look at the number of 40-something year old guys who've been there a while on the roster now, or who were part of it the last number of years.

Assuming Styles and Jarrett both go in the next two years, they still have a pool of Kevin Nash, Hulk Hogan (yes, Hulk Hogan), Mike Tenay, Ken Shamrock, the James Gang, Bob Backlund, Dusty Rhodes, Christian Cage, Scott Steiner, Roddy Piper, etc.
Watching Evolve 22 (which has been great thus far btw) but saw on Twitter Kirk got inducted, just wanted to drop in and say beside Jeff Jarrett not a single person deserves it more. Kurt jumping from WWE to TNA was the first huge signing TNA ever made and the fact hes still there more then six years later is a testement to whatever their selling to him.

I'd argue that Christian Cage was the first to jump ship as part of a "huge" signing, but Angle was the bigger of the two, no doubt.
Inducting one at a time? Nah, they'll have plenty to work with by then. Look at the number of 40-something year old guys who've been there a while on the roster now, or who were part of it the last number of years.

Assuming Styles and Jarrett both go in the next two years, they still have a pool of Kevin Nash, Hulk Hogan (yes, Hulk Hogan), Mike Tenay, Ken Shamrock, the James Gang, Bob Backlund, Dusty Rhodes, Christian Cage, Scott Steiner, Roddy Piper, etc.

And you really think all those guys should be in the hall, would make it legitimate, and actually would agree to do it?

Even if so, Christian, Nash, Backlund, Rhodes, and Piper are all under WWE contract and would have hurdles to jump in order to appear. Rumors have been circulating about Shamrock signing some kind of WWE deal, too. In my opinion, none of them save Hogan and Tenay have even had a run worth enshrinement.

You're not helping your side of the situation.
And you really think all those guys should be in the hall, would make it legitimate, and actually would agree to do it?

Even if so, Nash, Backlund, Rhodes, and Piper are all under WWE contract and would have hurdles to jump in order to appear. Rumors have been circulating about Shamrock signing some kind of WWE deal, too. In my opinion, none of them save Hogan and Tenay have even had a run worth enshrinement.

You're not helping your side of the situation.

What side? You assume I like the fact they put in a HOF this early in the company's history in the first place. I don't. I argued this point from the start. I'm just saying, it's in place, so there's no point in debating the merit of having one in an 11-year old company. You aren't changing that, and they aren't bailing on it, so the burden shifts to the merit of the performers being inducted.

As to the guys I listed, yes, absolutely I'd induct a number of them. Notably Nash and Christian Cage. That gives them at least two extra years.
LAXative are done. Finally we get new tag champs. That'll be three championships changing hands tonight, with a fourth on the docket still.

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