TNA Presents 'Slammiversary XI' Can Sting Beat Bully Ray for the World Title?

I'll be checking back for updates. I'm glued to the Kings/Hawks game. Plus I'm a cheap bastard.
Ringing endorsements for the new X Division champ. Wow. I dunno about all that Hogan/Andre stuff, but that's a nice moment for Sabin. Just wish they let him cut a promo on top of it, but fuck nitpicking.
Old Sting footage makes me so annoyed that he chooses to wrestle in a t-shirt now. I really, really, really hate that he does that.
What a generic intro for Bradley. Even worse for Shaw. Seriously, TNA — is it that difficult to get some footage put together to highlight for these guys?
Have a feeling this match is gonna get booed out of the building. Probably not smart to put this on so late in the PPV. Should have just been a pre-show match.
I don't see the appeal of Shaw. He looks like any other indy guy. Bradley has a presence to him and looks very comfortable in the ring.

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