The 'Ask A Question' Thread

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so will it be shown over here in England on Sky Sports at 2am? or at this 4am ive heard??
First off I'm new to the forum so hi everyone!

I was a big wrestling fan for years but stopped watching in early 2005.

It's been far too long so I've decided to tune in again as I'm pretty sure Wrestlemania is coming up in a few short weeks.

Just wanna know what is going on? What are the feuds I should know about? (I dont care about midcarders and shit.. just the big ones)

Are Stone Cold or the Rock back for their usual Mania appearance yet?

Last but not least I hope to have fun discussing wrestling with all you folks!:headbanger:
Well, its going to be stone cold, the rock, bret hart, HBK, HHH and chris jericho in an armageddon hell in a cell for the WWE champonship.
LOL! To fill you in austin 3:16, The Rock has since had his contract terminated, Austin should be back in a few weeks to promote his new movie, Cena is now a main eventer, Batista is also a main eventer, the main events to WM 23 are John Cena(c) Vs Shawn Michaels and Batista(c) Vs Undertaker. Crazy huh?
LOL! To fill you in austin 3:16, The Rock has since had his contract terminated, Austin should be back in a few weeks to promote his new movie, Cena is now a main eventer, Batista is also a main eventer, the main events to WM 23 are John Cena(c) Vs Shawn Michaels and Batista(c) Vs Undertaker. Crazy huh?

So that basically means Undertaker will beat Batista since he's undefeated at wrestlemanias right?

Do you know what role Austin will come back in?

God do I ever miss Austin.
BTW no hard feelings lol. Yes cena is STILL champ. Benoits been dropped to US title, Jeff hardys back and holding IC championship. WGTT reunited and trying to get tag team division started again after its horible horrible death
Why the hell is John Cena still world champion? You mean he hasnt lost a match in 2 years?

How can WWE look at themselves and actually make Cena the champ for so long?

What happened to real entertainers/wrestlers being champions?

Cena is NOT a good wrestler, in fact he's got a skillset of about 5 moves. That's fine if your name is Hulk Hogan and you're even 1/10th as charismatic as Hogan was but...

HBK to challenge for the world title? Hasnt he slowed down a bit cuz of his age?
So that basically means Undertaker will beat Batista since he's undefeated at wrestlemanias right?

Do you know what role Austin will come back in?

God do I ever miss Austin.

As stupid as it sounds vince plans to give batista the victory. As for Austin the plans are for him to be a special guest referee.
I don't think that she left the WWE with any tension between herself and the company, but rather it was because she felt it was time to move on from the industry, and the way the women's division was heading, I can't blame her for doing it. She is in fact starting up a band called the 'Luchagores" and I hope that she is not the singer. Can you imagine Lita's irritating voice trying to accomplish a feat as hard as competently singing? But I think she is playing a guitar of some sort. I don't think the WWE advertised it because they weren't too happy about her leaving or the band didn't want it to be ruined by her heel character. The reception wouldn't be good for them if they did a promo on Raw.

As for her and Edge, Edge was spotted with his former ex-wife who I believe he is back together with. Lita and Edge were never a real life item for too long in my opinion, but the charisma they had on TV couldn't be hidden between them. It's a shame how that angle came about, but I think Matt should have gotten over it by now. But no, Edge and Lita are no longer an item if they ever were, which I don't think they were for too long.
The WWE Doghouse is where wrestlers are in trouble with the agents and uppermanagement for lack of effort or multiple other things that they see as wrong in their basically when your there your not getting push or u will be de-pushed and or job to others....
The list in the WWE doghouse is interesting though:
-Johnny Nitro
-Shelton Benjamin
-CM Punk
Those are the ones in there off of the top of my head.
isn't funny though with Nitro how since hes dating Melina and she the one really in the doghouse he gets put there too...i mean what if Mickie James gets in the doghouse does that Mean Kenny D. is sent back down to OVW?? kinda funny thought but its amazing how one thing can set you back
what does turning someone over mean? is it like turning someone into a heel or a face?
Do u think foley or jbl will wrestle at mania, if so what do u think will be there role?

JBL is almost a 100% no, Foley you never know but as there was supposed to be a Foley vs McMahon match at wrestlemania and that has seemed to change I doubt it.
Ummmm actually i disagree. I think there is a pretty good chance we'll see JBL in action at WM after TTT and kicking Masters maybe they could have a match or atleast a master lock challenge at WM and it could finally be broken. They could even move JBL over to RAW because the stipulation was retireing from SD
Ummmm actually i disagree. I think there is a pretty good chance we'll see JBL in action at WM after TTT and kicking Masters maybe they could have a match or atleast a master lock challenge at WM and it could finally be broken. They could even move JBL over to RAW because the stipulation was retireing from SD

He won't be moved, he is an Color Commentator on SD! and McMahon doesn't want him to not do it anymore. So unless they find someone better he won't be removed.
Just noticing with the new breed vs. originals on ECW the lack of Stevie he injured or anything?
Perhaps he has been taken off the roster. Al Snow etc. They did'nt fire him but maybe he's back training or whatever he was doing a few year's ago.
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