The 'Ask A Question' Thread

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I've always wondered about that too, but he runs the show basically. He just doesn't appear on TV. I guess he feels he is more suited to the 'attitude' of Raw. It would be good to see him as the WWE chairman of the Board and not just the Raw man. Perhaps he could be the instigator in a SD vs Raw feud soon? They need some sort of rivalry and Vince is usually the one in between the two GM's. And welcome to the board BTW
Hey guys, We never see VKM in Smackdown generally, he's always appaering on RAW but rarely in Smackdown , is there any reason ?

(after a longish absence from this forum, im back, yay lol :-D)
anyway, well he was involved in story lines on Raw in the past year (HBK, DX, etc.) If he appeared on SD during those feuds, it would throw them off. Right now, I think he's just trying 2 make Raw better, with comedy, which will just make it worse lol... Vince is like the GM of Raw, but technically he's A LOT more than that! SD has Teddy Long & I think SD's fine without Vince...

Now to my ?............... When the wrestlers bleed internally, is that real, or do they like sneak a capsule in their mouth n like chew/pop it so it looks like they're coughing up blood? Thanks
hey just wondering why did they stop with the hardcore was awesome when they had the 24/7 rule and everyone going after the belt( lol crash holly was best at that ) thx
In 2002 they had unification matches to make one champion RVD was the IC champion and beat Tommy Dreamer who was the hardcore champion at the time. They unified all the titles, intercontinental, US, Euroepan, WWE, World.
The european and the hardcore titles have yet to be reinstated.
Ever since winning the Royal Rumble meant a title shot at Wrestlemania, has a winner of the Royal Rumble not won the match at Wrestlemania?

In recent years;

Rey Mysterio
Chris Benoit
Matthew Boone said in a post on today that:

" doesn't seem to show the monthly WWE 24/7 schedule anymore for some unknown reason. Well, the schedule is available on a private site for their television affiliates and you can check out the remainder of the January schedule at"

But he didn't provide the link to the actual calendar and the website is password protected. Does anyone know where to find this link? The website is password protected.

I don't know about anyone else, but I think it sucks that stopped posting the calendar as it helped me decide what to watch and when.
can some one giev me a link to the kelly kelly topless pics without the "black bar" covering her..plz and thank you
Ever since winning the Royal Rumble meant a title shot at Wrestlemania, has a winner of the Royal Rumble not won the match at Wrestlemania?

In recent years;

Rey Mysterio
Chris Benoit

Jim Duggan, Big John Studd and Steve Austin (In '97) never got title shot's at W.M. Ric Flair won the vacant title at the Rumble in '92. And Lex Luger never got a chance at the title because he lost at W.M. to Yokozuna and did'nt advance to the main event.
its startin to piss me off, i see all those adds on and i dont know if there true, for example did brock lesnar sign a 3 or 4 year deal worth 12 mil wit WWE?
Do u think they will ever reinstate the hardcore title..i mean u can add more storylines with that belt and start new fueds and all that stuff.,..
its startin to piss me off, i see all those adds on and i dont know if there true, for example did brock lesnar sign a 3 or 4 year deal worth 12 mil wit WWE?

Those are just adds. None of them are true.

Do u think they will ever reinstate the hardcore title..i mean u can add more storylines with that belt and start new fueds and all that stuff.,..

They have with Edge and Mick Foley. But now they are not using it anymore.
what is the reason for all the wwe releases? is vince just pissed or are they tryin to get some more money to spend on someone?

It's not known yet. Although In 2005 when they released load's of superstar's like The Dudleyz, Charlie Haas, Mark Jindrak etc. It was because they were trying to free up a bit of money for Brock Lesnars return.
Didn't Cryme tyme win a number 1 contenders match for the tag titles?

If so then when are they going to get their title shot?, I'm tired of seeing Edge and Orton carry around those belts and do nothing with them
They won a title shot. But I think WWE gave them the number 1 contendership without really thinking about it. Do they really want two greenhorn's beating two of Raw's top heel's? Cryme Tyme will probably beat Rated R.K.O. but but It will probably be a cheap victory. I imagine H.B.K. will cost them.
im going to royal rumble, but im leaving saturday to san antonio cuz mickie james will sign autographs, but it says get there two hours early to get a wrist band at the core of the tour. what does that mean?
Can anyone remember what that love poem that mark henry gave to chyna years back? its the one thats on the WWF funiest moments video

i was hoping someone could give it to me word for word
can anyone give me sites or tell me where u can get superstars win loss records please!!
Does anyone know what the Free For All there advertising before the Rumble is. Is it like the episode's of Heat they used to show before P.P.V's?
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