The 'Ask A Question' Thread

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i know i should be asking this in the ppv thread, but i dont think anyone will see that since its so far down on the list, so i asked it here. where is no mercy being held? i heard its gonna be in chicago...
Im also looking for some info about the records of Wrestlers (Win-loss, number of PPVs, bios...)but most for the Win loss records, cause the bios are everywhere :)
hey just wondering, why was vince up against was said he almost lost his business there..just wanted to kno how it got to that point with congress i heard hogan testify against vince...
Every year lately, the WWE usually have a segment on RAW where they induct people in the Hall of Fame. I know that it will not be televised this year but does anyone when they will start introducing the Hall of Famers or even if there will be any Hall of Famers at all? thanx.
Quick random question. A friend and I are travelling out to see some wrestling action over spring break. If we fly out a day earlier, we can try to meet our favorite wrestler. Has anyone done this? Is it pretty easy to be "one of the first 200" that will actually meet him or is a waste of time to risk flying out (spending extra money) to meet one of the stars?
Has anyone noticed that WWE's video packages that are used to build hype for fueds are always better than the match that the 2 guys or girls have at that pay per view they build it for?
Every year lately, the WWE usually have a segment on RAW where they induct people in the Hall of Fame. I know that it will not be televised this year but does anyone when they will start introducing the Hall of Famers or even if there will be any Hall of Famers at all? thanx.

i looked on wikipedia, it says taker is inducting big bossman or something, and sabu is inducting one of the shieks that arent in there yet. i think.
How long has Cena had the title now without losing it? and when was the last time Cena lost the title? and to who?
How long has Cena had the title now without losing it? and when was the last time Cena lost the title? and to who?

He's been the champ since September 17 of 2006. He beat Edge at Unforgiven in a TLC match... So almost 5 months.

The last time he lost the title was on July 3rd. He lost it to Edge in a triple threat match which also involved RVD.... THis was shortly after RVD's drug bust.
Ok i got a hard question for all of u, in May of I believe 2002, The Undertaker won the WWE title. The next night on Raw, R.V.D. opened the show by walking to the ring, but was attacked by Taker saying that since he's the champ he should come out first. Later in the night, they had a match, R.V.D. vs. The Undertaker for the WWE Championship on Raw. R.V.D. hit a rolling thunder and pinned taker 1,2,3. Taker had his foot on the ropes and the referee didn't see, Lilian Garcia said "Here is your winner and the NEW WWE Champion...Rob Van Dam" and Flair came out and said to re-start the match cause he had his foot on the rope. R.V.D. argued with Flair, and Taker hit a last ride on R.V.D. and pinned him 1 2 3. Lilian then said..."Here is your winner and the NEW WWE Champion...The Undertaker." WWE fails to say that the title changed hands that night, and i have it all on tape. Why do they say it never happened?
More than likely its because the match was re-started, so while RVD won the title, it wasn't official and so it isn't acknowledged by the E
does anyone at all no it. i seriously need it very soon the presale ends in 4 hours so if anyone at all could give me it i would be very grateful. thanks.
So, will any of you guys be attending the RAW taping in Portland this Monday??? I will be, and I have a fantastic seat! Can't wait to see Vince and Donald Trump face off in the ring...What do you guys think will happen? I hope he dumps some more cash on the crowd!!! I was thinking earlier that maybe Donald would show up w/ Hogan to make a challenge for WM, but since Hogan said recently that he is done w/ WWE, it doesn't look likely...Unless it was a smoke screen, of course!

So anyway, what do you guys think is going to happen between Vince and Donald Trump this Monday??? :headbanger:
Does anyone know if Ryan Clark is a member of these forums? It would be interesting to see his view on everything as he is the writer of many of the stories on the front page.
does anyone know the song RAW uses in between the matches? It's the background music they use when promoting the next match or showing clips of previous shows.
Chavo & Benoit were starting to have a pretty good fued i figured he'd eventually win the US Title by cheating with or without Vickie or possibly have her turn to Benoit's side but then it went dead. they still show Vickie but i haven't seen Chavo since his beat-the-clock match did he get injured or did it just go stale, now Vickie's talking about a new prospect to take her to the top.

Any thoughts?
Chavo was in the Rumble. Maybe they just have'nt got anything for him to do at the moment. I dont care about Vickie's new prospect. They should get her off T.V. as soon as possible. She's possibly the worst actress ever in WWE.
I can see them letting Vickie stay on air to help her out but it seems like they dropped the whole Chavo-Vickie-Benoit angle without any ending they just left it up in the air.
The Benoit/Chavo feud ended a few week's ago. They had the usual blow off match. And Chavo fired Vickie so it was wrepped up. Vickie is in desperate need of money. But that's no reason to have her on t.v. WWE should pay her for the remained of Eddie's contract whatever that may have been.
Just a quick question, as on they have RAW advertise to air on Thursday, yet here in the UK, WWE Raw - Live is scheduled to show Tuesday 4:00am(Usual time is Tuesday 2:00am) and there's no WWE Raw in the Sky Planner to show on Thursday, just find this abit odd and wonder if there's an explanation for it please :)
Because every other channel besides the USA network is still showing it at its usual time. Here in Canada its still on The Score tonight at 8:00 pm. Its only pre-empted on USA because of the dog show.
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