The 'Ask A Question' Thread

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Heres a question....

Lets say WWE wants to add Jim Cornette to its HoF... But hes under contract to TNA... Can he still be inducted to the HoF being he's in TNA?
Here's a tough one for you all - Your answer will probably depend on if you're a loyal TNA or WWE fan, lets try to avoid the "WWE Sucks, or WWE is better" crap for this one. Here goes:

With the WWE on a recent Legends DVD creation spree, the next DVD that comes to mind would be one for Sting. I love what Sting is doing for TNA, and no one really knows how long he'll be involved with them. Sting has refused WWE offers for years, but a possible DVD (which would include all the NWA/WCW video that WWE owns) and a possible Hall of Fame spot may entice the Stinger to WWE?
Does anybody think this could happen in our lifetime?
greenbeast95 said:
Here's a tough one for you all - Your answer will probably depend on if you're a loyal TNA or WWE fan, lets try to avoid the "WWE Sucks, or WWE is better" crap for this one. Here goes:

With the WWE on a recent Legends DVD creation spree, the next DVD that comes to mind would be one for Sting. I love what Sting is doing for TNA, and no one really knows how long he'll be involved with them. Sting has refused WWE offers for years, but a possible DVD (which would include all the NWA/WCW video that WWE owns) and a possible Hall of Fame spot may entice the Stinger to WWE?
Does anybody think this could happen in our lifetime?

First off a Sting DVD done by WWE I don't know if that will come out anytime soon. Granted that the WWE does own the video footage you speak of if you look at the other DVD's that have been put out (Bret Hart, Jake Roberts, Ultimate Warrior, Rick Flair) they did at one time or another compete in a WWE/WWF ring which Sting has not.
As for Sting coming to the WWE now, I think it all depends on which way TNA is planning on taking the storyline they are running now with him and Jarrett. If Sting takes the belt then we may see Sting making a long run in TNA becasue the next obvious choice for Sting to go up against is Christian after what he did to him at the last Pay-per-view.
And it may depend on Sting's Contract with TNA. When he first came in I heard that he was on a "per appearance" basis. Does anyone know if that is true or is he under a long term contract?
Does any one know what ever happen to Orlando Jordan??

And were the hell is Tagrii??
true true... what are the chances and who do ya think will it be that DX has 3rd member for Unforgiven??
night_angel said:
true true... what are the chances and who do ya think will it be that DX has 3rd member for Unforgiven??

That's more of a discussion question. There's loads of threads about DX. Go on to them.
Is ECW going to be in madison square garden with raw because it said they were
I don't think so.

I have a question. I love Scotty 2 Hotty, he is my favorite WWE superstar. I heard rumors that Too Cool was coming back with the Truth. Is there any chance that S2H will ever get pushed?
Sylvan is in the WWE Doghouse right now. He apparently was very animated a few weeks back right before a match in the gorilla position, complaining about his push, As a result of that he is now being de-pushed.

wut does this mean i no wut push means and doghouse mean but gorrila position and complaing bout his push
undertaker69 said:
Sylvan is in the WWE Doghouse right now. He apparently was very animated a few weeks back right before a match in the gorilla position, complaining about his push, As a result of that he is now being de-pushed.

wut does this mean i no wut push means and doghouse mean but gorrila position and complaing bout his push
It means exactly what it says. He was sitting backstage like "gorillas" do, so thats why they said he was sitting in the gorilla position. He believed he wasnt getting a decent enough push, because hes been in WWE for a few years now and they never really gave him that much of a push other than when he was in La Résistance. He felt he wasn't being used to his full potential, so he was animated about it. Some wrestlers do get like this and some get what they want, but not everyone. As a result hes going to be jobbing more than he already did, so I don't see him even getting a little push anytime soon.
Edge is not with Lita anymore. They splitted up a couple of months after the Edge-Hardy rivalry. At this moment Edge is trying to get back to his ex-wife.
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