The 'Ask A Question' Thread

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they dont usually completely fill it just enough so you cant see teh person
that don't make any sense, because the hole is like 6 feet deep and u can tell where the dirt level is so someone else explain to me. i think there is a trap door or something.
Cyber Sunday is the same thing pretty much as Taboo Tuesday. They just moved it to Sunday because it's hard to have a PPV on Tuesday with SD taping and all.

Flames Out
Jrock said:
that don't make any sense, because the hole is like 6 feet deep and u can tell where the dirt level is so someone else explain to me. i think there is a trap door or something.

I got this from Wikipedia:

In reality, the wrestler booked to be defeated escapes the "grave" via trap door on one side of the pre-dug hole. The wrestler lies in the grave until enough dirt has been piled onto the hole to conceal the escape and create the illusion that he has been "buried alive", at which point he moves into the hidden chamber joined to the grave.
I think its after unforgiven, that's how its been going with taboo tuesday...
Latino Heat said:
no PODs "BOOM" was the theme song to the second SNME in july wasnt it? it says on the wwe's site that the song to the march's ppv was by the sex slaves i just want to know the song title....
Yes, you're right. I'm going to say its called "Writing On The Wall', but I'm not 100% sure.
How do u get the pictures [or signatures]? How do u get them?
And how to u make a poll?
user manager at top of screen edit signiture
Jrock said:
How do u get the pictures [or signatures]? How do u get them?
This may look hard to do, but its very simple to do. Here is one of the easiest ways to do it. For a Signature this is what you want to do. First you have to save the picture to your computer (unless its already saved onto your computer). Then go to a file sharing website like and sign up for a membership. Once you get your membership it will then log you into your photo bucket album. Click on Browse and where ever you saved your picture go to there and click on it. Then click on "Submit". It will then upload your picture to your album. You'll then see your picture and right underneath your picture you'll see Url:. You then want to copy the Url of your picture by right clicking on your mouse pad. Once you do that come back to WZ Forum, then click on User Manager and it will take you to your Control Panel. Click on "Edit Signature" Once that opens you want to click on "Insert Image", which looks like this Once you do that right click on your mouse and paste your Image Url from Photo Bucket. Then click on "Save Signature".

Then you should be set. If you're still having trouble or have any questions just ask.

Jrock said:
And how to u make a poll?
Creating a new poll

When you post a new thread, you may have the option to also create a poll.

This function allows you to ask a question and specify a number of possible responses. Other members will then be able to vote for the response they wish, and the results of the voting will be displayed in the thread.

An example poll might be:

What is your favorite color?

5.Sky-blue pink with yellow spots

To create a poll when you post a new thread, simply click the 'Yes! post a poll' checkbox at the bottom of the page, and set the number of possible responses you want to include.

When you click the submit button, you will be taken to the poll creation page, where you can specify the question and the list of responses you want to include.

You may also want to specify a time limit for the poll, so that (for example) it only stays open for voting for a week.

Voting in and viewing a poll
To vote in a poll, simply select which option you want to vote for, and click the [Vote!] button. You may view the current results for a poll before you vote by clicking the 'View Results' link. Voting in a poll is entirely optional. You may vote for any of the available options, or cast no vote at all.

Generally, once you have voted in a poll, you will not be able to change your vote later, so place your vote carefully.

If you have any other questions you can review "FAQ" section of the Forum on how to do somethings.
Dman2654 said:
what does bump mean i dont under stand it
When a wrestler, referee, valet/diva or others hit the mat or ground. In professional wrestling, a bump occurs whenever a wrestler hits the mat or the arena floor after receiving a move from his/her opponent. It can also refer to hitting the floor as a result of a missed aerial move. Every wrestler is trained to take bumps while avoiding injury, though they are not always successful in emerging unhurt. Some wrestlers are more willing to take bumps than others, and some even base their entire careers on taking massive bumps.
While there are innumerable ways to take bumps, there are two basic varieties. The schoolboy bump is one in which a wrestler falls backwards, kicking up his feet and landing on his back. It is so named because it is the result of a schoolboy trip maneuver. A schoolboy bump in which the wrestler jumps into the air before falling backwards, as when being chokeslammed, is called a high schoolboy. The Biel bump is one in which a wrestler falls forwards, rolling forwards or performing a forward flip before landing on his back. It is named after the Biel throw. Other kinds of bumps are usually variations on these. A ref bump occurs when a wrestler collides with or otherwise attacks (whether intentionally or not) a referee. This usually results in the referee being "knocked out" or incapacitated for a time, allowing one or more wrestlers (normally the heel) to break the rules with impunity until the referee comes to or another referee is sent out to replace him. Ref bumps are an essential part of a successful Dusty finish. To emphasize the power and fortitude of the wrestlers, referees frequently knocked "unconscious" for long periods of time by moves that would not be considered particularly devastating when applied to wrestlers. For example, a wrestler being Irish whipped by his opponent may clip the referee. While a wrestler would probably only be knocked back in this situation, the referee would most likely be knocked across the ring and act injured or knocked out. This is referenced in multiple variations in WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2006 when a ref bump occurs, such as announcer Tazz's remark about the WWE needing "sturdier refs". Other performers can take bumps as well, including managers, valets/divas and others who are either participating or not participating in a match.
^^^^^ Bumping can also occur on the internet its usually done to get a Thread back to the top of the list so more people will look and reply to it :P
Did anyone else in NY only get a 1 hour show of smackdown today on the WB? It was listed to be on from 2 to 4 but it was only on from 2 to 3
There have been many DX members, but in it's first incarnation, the founding fathers of DX were, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Chyna, and Rick Rude (though he left to WCW soon after)
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