The 'Ask A Question' Thread

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Just a quick note about Romeo--he was in my town the other day to do the job to the promoter of one of the three local feds. He showed up minutes before showtime, wore work out pants and sneakers, and left.

I like to know how do I contact the WWE divas ? is because I wanted to design their outfits and whatnot. I had a WWE diva, that I wanted to design for. But the problem is...I can't find no contacts or agencies for the WWE divas, on WWE website they don't do business propsals so that sucks !!! if you have any information that would be nice please and thankyou !!!
Try going on their official websites and than contacting them from there.

To night_angel- you can't close you're own thread unless no ones posted in it. Only Mods and Admins can do that.

Flames Out
Does anyone know if they have any plans on making a Kane dvd similar like waht they did with the Undertaker?
Eternal Dragon said:
Is WWE at MSG Classics going to end or keep going on?

Flames Out

It's going to be on selected weeks but its going to be ongoing for a while, as long as they draw ratings. I guess they'll stop when they run out of matches, lol.
I kno this was prob asked already,, But what channel is CW gonna be on... UPN or WB?
PauLwaLL50 said:
I kno this was prob asked already,, But what channel is CW gonna be on... UPN or WB?

tjis has been asked several times. The CW will most likey be you're WB network. UPN is changing to My 9. Chances are it's whatever your WB is now.
Alright good... I kno it has... I really didnt want to go through 40+ pages tho :)

Another question... Is Droz still fully paralyzed... Last I heard he was on the road to recovering
PauLwaLL50 said:
Alright good... I kno it has... I really didnt want to go through 40+ pages tho :)

Another question... Is Droz still fully paralyzed... Last I heard he was on the road to recovering

he is recovering but i dont think he wants to wrestle again, he'll probably be a on road agen or something. I don't know if the WWE would even push him, then again he's been loyal to the WWE all this time, maybe he would be pushed.
I was just watching Wrestlemania 19, one of my favorites, for shits and grins, and I was again amazed by the Brock Lesnar/Kurt Angle match. My question is: At the end of the match lesnar misses the shooting star press, and it made me wonder if he was supposed to hit that for the win, or what the original finish was supposed to be. I read in a wwe scrapbook a few years ago that Brock said he didn't remember anything after he jumped until he was walking back up the ramp!
Was this:

copied from this:

k i havnt been to a live wretling event in years and i want to take my girlfriend cause she used to watch back in the day and always wanted to go and they are finally coming to sacramento again but i dont know if its a house show or an actually telivised show. if it is a house show how much have they changed? are they actuially worth the money and do they have the actuall setup for the show? heres what has posted as far as the live event for that day

Sat, Oct 14
ECW Live - Tucson, AZ 7:30 p.m. Tickets
The Marine presents WWE Smackdown Live - Sacramento, CA 7:30 p.m. Tickets
“The Marine” & WWE present RAW LIVE! - Reno, NV 7:30 p.m. Tickets
Please tell me someone here can tell me what year and what PPV.. or match when Shane took on test.. and shane went flying off beem onto Test????
well i wasnt really sure were 2 go with this and i figure it has the besat chance of being answered here so how do u start up an indy promotion i already have info on a ring and place 2 rent but wut about insurence and that kinda stuff how do i do this kinda stuff
Hello im wondering i was reading the wz news coverage and on the pole it said video stream what is that and how can i get it ty :wwf:
oooHEYooo said:
is smackdown going to be live when it goes to the CW network?

No. Well, not this Fridays anyway. I know because tomorrow night in Montreal they are taping Smackdown! then having RAW Live.
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