MMA November - Anderson The Turkey is Ducking Chael. What a Chicken.

There is this word that is used sometimes, it's called context. If a number one team loses all but 16 seconds of a game to a severe underdog team it says a lot about both groups does it not?
To me it says the underdog wasn't good enough to win the contest, and the overdog (is that a word? if not, why not?) is still the best. You can see how it would apply here.

Not to mention your comparing two sports that couldn't be more different. In MMA, which ya know is the sport we are discussing, getting your ass beat for a huge majority of a fight (to an underdog) does matter.
Oh really? Tell me, who came out of the fight the winner? Who made the other submit?

Not really that much different. At the end of the day, winning for most of the contest means nothing if you lose the contest.

And the sex analogy sucks. If you're sexing up a chick, you've already won man.
If you're so terrible (or so ill-equipped) a girl falls asleep on you, there's no way you can be a winner. However, I do find this personal insight into your life quite interesting....;)

It's also hilarious that if Anderson had owned Chael for 24 minutes or knocked him out quickly the rib issue would have never come up.
Well, why would it? If Anderson could dominate with hurt ribs, why does it matter they were hurt?

It's not like Anderson was using it as an excuse for losing since, you know, he didn't lose.

And I'm thinking you aren't quite sure what TRT really is, because his testosterone levels were never at an illegal level. He was balancing the playing field, he never had any sort of advantage since his levels were on par with the normal. His approval for the TRT hadn't been cleared again (it needs to be renewed every few months usually, some cases vary) and that is what he was busted for. Not high levels, his levels were cleared.

I really should insert a picture here of Anderson taking the Vaseline that the cut man rubs on his face and sneakily wiping it all over his body when he's doing his dance around the cage. Rubbing grease over your body to stop takedowns and to aid sweeps from the bottom is a bit shady is it not? Oh...what's that you say? It isn't illegal? Neither was the levels of testosterone in Chael's system. Huge difference between cheating and being ******ed and not filing the proper paperwork. He fucked up, granted but cheating? Come the fuck on.
After doing a little research on this, here's what I've found. Feel free to source me to anything else I need to know.

1) Sonnen used a banned substance
2) Sonnen never told anyone, never listed on any report, never told any medical staff of WHY he was using the substance, nor provided any medical documentation for why he was using it until after he was caught.
3) The tests which showed his testosterone levels were "normal" came a couple of days after the fight (when the testosterone would have faded) and came from Sonnen's own paid physician.
4) According to the California State Athletic Commission, "Chael Sonnen tested for "well above normal levels of testosterone,". (source:

Now, from my research, that's what I found. Also from my research, I found there was no clear answer is Sonnen's levels WERE of a normal level, as the CSAC didn't test for that. So, unless you have a source I couldn't find, right now, I'm still putting Sonnen in the "cheater" camp.

Of course, that doesn't change the fact Sonnen still LOST the fight and was suspended. So while I currently place Sonnen in the cheater camp, you can amend my statement to say, "Excuse me if I don't sing the praises of the suspended loser. ".

Anderson cannot stop Chael's takedown. It isn't going to happen. He may stuff one or two but unless he knocks Sonnen out he will be taken down multiple times. If Sonnen has improved sub defense (it took Silva 24 minutes to pull one off last time) then things look grim for Anderson. Rarely do things go the same in a rematch as they did in the first encounter and anything can happen of course, but common sense says Spider will get taken down...multiple times. Better wrestlers than Silva couldn't stuff Sonnen's shots.
All conjecture. Perhaps you're right, perhaps you're not. But like you said, rarely do things go the same in the rematch. Perhaps Sonnen gets knocked out in the first three minutes. Perhaps Silva catches him with a different submission within 2 minutes.

But here's what I do know. Anderson Silva is the one riding the ridiculous fight win streak. Silva is the one who won the last fight. It's a little early to crown Sonnen the new UFC Middleweight Champion, as so many seem ready to do.

Okay now it's just clear you dislike Sonnen and won't let the fact that there's a very good chance he has Silva's number sink in.
I don't give a flying fuck about either Chael Sonnen or Anderson Silva. I think Chael Sonnen is a jackass, but I don't care who wins the fight.

But nothing I said was untrue.

I love how you're trying to play Chael off as a lay and pray fighter but anybody that knows shit about him or has seen his fights know he has one of the most active top control offenses. He's done plenty of visible damage to other opponents and Anderson has notoriously durable skin and I can't recall him ever being visibly damaged. Don't be delusional.
Are you really arguing that Chael Sonnen had powerful strikes? The guy hit Silva 320 times, and yet, at no time did it seem like he was close to knocking him out.

If that's not an example of striking with little damage, I don't know what is.

Also, I got a chuckle out of you implying Chael isn't a challenge. He sure seemed like a hell of a challenge the first time.
And I got a chuckle out of the fact you completely misread that sentence. Try it again.

Except the fact that it wasn't cheating.
Says Chael Sonnen and his paid physician, days after the fight.

Let's put it this way. If Chael Sonnen didn't have the use of that substance cleared, it WAS cheating. Perhaps you wish to argue it was to put him on a level playing field other fighters have, but if the substance was banned for him to use, and he used it anyway to his advantage, it's cheating. Plain and simple.

Personally, I hate Anderson. Not as a fighter but as personality.
Well now, there's a big surprise. ;)

Silva didn't ''get bored'' with Maia, he knew who would get subbed if he went to the ground so he never wanted to engage and risk a take down. He tried to play it off as just toying with Maia but it was out of fear and that was fucking obvious.
I'm sorry, but this is just an incredibly biased comment.

The only one scared in that fight was Damien Maia. Silva was ahead, it was Maia's "responsibility" to press the fight and try to get the victory. Silva had the lead, he's the champion, he held all the cards.

Don't let your bias get in the way of facts. Silva WAS bored with Maia, because Maia was too frightened to take a chance. Probably because he knew Silva would knock him out. Silva literally stood flat footed with his hands down, and Maia still wouldn't engage.

Chael is a character, he's interesting. People like you play directly into his game, getting butt hurt over the shit he says that is so over the top. It's hilarious that people take things he says seriously at all like he really believes it himself.
How does ANY of that change the fact he's a douchebag who says stupid, classless things and was arrested for fraud?

Don't be silly Armbar. Jon Jones is interesting, but he isn't a douchebag.

I still don't think anyone has a good shot against him outside of Sonnen.
Today. There's no telling what two years might bring.
This thread needs a little pick me up, here's GSP in a rarely seen interview right before cutting to 170. Very impressive.

Uhh... Guy, why the fuck wasn't this fight advertised in your OP? No fight this month will come close to matching how epic this was!

Uhh... Guy, why the fuck wasn't this fight advertised in your OP? Not fight this month will come close to matching how epic this was!


I heard ROH watched this footage and became insanely jealous of the production values associated with this fight.
That Shit was hard to watch, I still watched the whole thing but it was difficult. I cant tell what's worse, that Skynyrd's Simple Man is playing in the back ground or the fact that half of the fight was tank in the rape mount while both he and Scott are talking about how much fun fighting is. "Nothing like it in the world". Also it was pretty hard listening to the bum fucks in the crowd(of about 20) telling the red to watch for a tap, he was probably busy opening another beer.
I actually thought Tank's chin looked pretty good, all things considered. I don't know much about Scott but he tagged Tank pretty damn well a few times and Tank still had the intestinal fortitude not to buckle and kept coming forward. I still love Tank Abbott.
I actually thought Tank's chin looked pretty good, all things considered. I don't know much about Scott but he tagged Tank pretty damn well a few times and Tank still had the intestinal fortitude not to buckle and kept coming forward. I still love Tank Abbott.

Same here, I find it funny that even though his MMA career is nothing to get excited about and he aint exactly a class act, just the fact that he's a legend from the early days is enough to make me love the guy.

Also the fact that this is recorded as an official professional bout is ridiculous, I saw it on Wiki and I about died.
Same here, I find it funny that even though his MMA career is nothing to get excited about and he aint exactly a class act, just the fact that he's a legend from the early days is enough to make me love the guy.

Also the fact that this is recorded as an official professional bout is ridiculous, I saw it on Wiki and I about died.

I can't imagine Wikipedia is correct on that. I would think an official professional fight would have to be sanctioned by a fight commission.
I'm pretty sure both fighters in that fight were licensed by the Athletic Commission of the state the fight took place in. I'm unsure if the fight itself was sanctioned, but I read somewhere that the fighters were licensed.

Also, I hate Tank Abbot.
I know it's not MMA, but I feel that it's close enough. Did anyone hear about Joe Frazier? Really sad stuff there.

Also, I really, really don't like Abbott. Don't really want to watch that video either.
Thank god Fulton got KOed. The guy is a disgrace to the human race and the biggest piece of shit in MMA.
I don't know much about Fulton. What's the story behind him being the biggest scumbag in MMA? I always gave that honor to War Machine.

After taking a beating from China Smith (Right),Travis Fulton lashed out at African-Americans the only way he could, verbally.

Travis Fulton (above) in trucker cap and sporting a goatee.

After his recent humiliating loss to African-American boxer China Smith, the one time MMA jobber turned boxing tomato can, Travis Fulton, has lashed out at African-Americans, Hispanics and homosexuals for causing the AIDS virus to spread into the white community. Listed below is the tirade that a beaten and humiliated Fulton made on the notorious 'Otherground' forum.

For years I have predicted how the next great plague will come about. I think that it will come in the form of HIV/AIDS.

Now with the US jumping over the 1 million mark in HIV/AIDS we are a step closer to my prophecy coming true.

Ive stated numerous times that the rise in interacial sex mostly white women with black or hispanic men, will initiate the next great plague.

With blacks accounting for 51% and hispanics 28% of the US HIV population. The crazy thing is that blacks represent over half of the US AIDS cases, but only account for 11% of the US population.

How often do you see black men with black women anymore? It is only a matter of time before these infected white women in turn infect white men.

Now of course HIV is highest in homosexuals. Well once again, homosexuality is booming right now. Everybody knows or has met somebody who is gay. There are also tons of bisexual men out there as well. They will also in turn infect the white women who will in turn infect white men.

Now I know Im going to take a lot of slack from the liberal idiots out there who say Im a racist for stating such facts, and they will also say that AIDS is higher in the minorities because they grow up in the projects, or some dumb excuse like that. So have at me. - Travis Fulton.

Posted a story when he was on the UG about going into Wal-Mart. The story entailed him shouting obscenities at customers and employees. He saw a black male and his white girlfriend and approached them asking the women how she could disgrace herself and her family like she is. Black guy plays him off and tries to walk away, but Fulton stops him and starts insulting the man. Man tries to walk away again and Fulton starts mouthing off about how tough he is and how great of an MMA fighter he is. Finally security comes and try to take Fulton away. He calls them "N" words and says if they attempt to touch him he will hurt them because he's such an amazing MMA fighter and pioneer. As he leaves, he shouts more obscenities at the interracial couple and tells the black male to meet him outside by his car.

This isn't made up. Straight from Fulton's computer and onto the UG.
Wow, I respected him because he'd been in so many fights with so many legends but all that respect is out the fucking window.
So now that he beat Leben, it's time to consider Munoz a definite contender at 185.

Munoz has some vicious Ground and Pound, and with Anderson not having the greatest takedown defense, he could definitely get Silva to the ground and unload. At the same time though, I'm not sure I like his chances. After all, he wound up on Matt Hamill's highlight reel, and he was almost KO'ed by Kendall Grove...
Definitely hear ya there, he's proven he's legit and he's taken out some top guys and I do like him but I have reservations. I do think that his time at Black House has helped him improve drastically and that Hammil fight was a long time ago, not saying it isnt something to consider but he's grown up a lot since his UFC debut, and even more since his loss to Okami. He definitely has the ability to get Anderson down and once he did his Ground N Pound would be something to worry about for Silva but Anderson would wreck him on the feet if he avoided the TD's.

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