MMA November - Anderson The Turkey is Ducking Chael. What a Chicken.

Care to elaborate? GSP will come in with a chip on his shoulder. He's coming in aggressive with the intent to not only beat Diaz, but to destroy him and we'll finally witness what GSP is truly capable of. Most people seem to forget just how truly devastating GSP can be when he fights aggressive and if he does, Diaz will get hurt.


Just kiddin'. I see it being a competitive fight, Diaz has been on a tear. Hell, he might be coming into the fight with something to prove. I certainly don't think it will be a one sided beatdown though.

Care to elaborate? GSP will come in with a chip on his shoulder. He's coming in aggressive with the intent to not only beat Diaz, but to destroy him and we'll finally witness what GSP is truly capable of. Most people seem to forget just how truly devastating GSP can be when he fights aggressive and if he does, Diaz will get hurt.

Question: Why didn't GSP fight that way against Josh Koscheck? Kos said way worse shit about GSP than Nick Diaz ever has, yet now GSP has a fire lit under his butt? I don't get it. Is he racist against Mexicans or something?
Good question. I blame it on the sheer fact that Kos looks like a cheo-pet. Impossible to really get upset at him because he's so fucking funny looking. I also find Diaz to be much more disrespectful than Kos, but maybe that's me.
I also find Diaz to be much more disrespectful than Kos, but maybe that's me.

Hmmm... I find that interesting because you can clearly see and hear Cesar Gracie telling Diaz to call GSP a pussy when he was being interviewed by Rogan. However, in the fight presser where Nick was being himself, he said nothing but nice things about GSP.

Kos, though, I mean.. do you really want me to pull out some quotes he made about GSP from that motherfucker?

Oh, and not to mention...


Where is GSP's outrage over that?
Question: Why didn't GSP fight that way against Josh Koscheck? Kos said way worse shit about GSP than Nick Diaz ever has, yet now GSP has a fire lit under his butt? I don't get it. Is he racist against Mexicans or something?

I like GSP a lot, but I'm not going to believe he's ever going to let passion get in the way of a victory. GSP will come out and do whatever it is he thinks will win him the fight. If he thinks pressing the fight will earn the victory, he will do that. If he thinks wearing a guy down will win the fight, he'll do that. If he thinks standing up and jabbing a guy in the face so many times his eye swells like a balloon, he'll do that.

GSP is like Bret Hart's character. He's calculating, he's methodical, and he sticks to the game plan. That's also why he's so tough to beat.
"To make an omelet, sometime you have to crack a few eggs." I'll admit that I really like Chael, but sometimes his logic just makes the least amount of sense.
Maybe I mis-worded what I said. I should have said Diaz and his manager considering how much of a fucking prick Cesar has been.

Kos almost got his career ended in the GSP fight, but it was clear GSP wasn't as fired up with Kos. All indication points towards the opposite with Diaz. If it's true and GSP was as angry as Dana and Rogan say, it's bad news for Nick.

Is anybody outraged over Sonnen anymore? Seems to me everybody is just letting him be. Finally getting accustomed to his bullshit. Sonnen isn't the first to say that and he sure as hell isn't the last. GSP has nobody else to focus on besides Nick.

Five pages by November 2nd? Damn, it's going to be a great month.
I saw it, and I felt the need to post it.

Also, I'll stop spamming up the GSD, and talk about GSP vs. Diaz.

I think GSP will beat Diaz. GSP has by far the best wrestling in MMA right now, and Nick has never been tested against anyone close to as good of a wrestler GSP is. I see another 5 round GSP decision here, with GSP taking him down, and wearing him out early. No grudges, no chip on his back, no anything, St. Pierre will beat Diaz, but it won't be 50-45. Diaz will win at least one round in my opinion. If I were Nick, I would start training camp early and work on my take down defense, and watch St. Pierre's recent fights very closely. If anyone can find a hole and capitalize off of it, than it's Nick Diaz.
Diaz needs to work his scrambles, sweeps, and subs. Not his wrestling. No matter how much he trains his wrestling, hes getting taken down. Use your time wisely. He WILL NOT stop a takedown even uf he starts a camp a year early. Learn how to create scrambles better, master getting off your back, not stopping takedowns.
The reason I give Diaz the edge is because not only does he have the purest Jiu-Jitsu in the Welterweight Division, but he's also tremendous at Sambo. And when you combine those two together, you have a complete monster off his back. Shinya Aoki level monster. And even Aoki couldn't tap Sakurai in two fights, yet Diaz caught him in an armbar as soon as the fight hit the ground. He also tapped Cyborg immediately, and he's a BJJ blackbelt.

It is possible GSP can get a lay and pray victory, but I just don't see him going 25 minutes without getting caught. The only way I see GSP winning is if Diaz gets a horrible cut and the doctor stops the fight, which is always a BIG possibility in a Nick Diaz fight since he cuts easy.

Diaz needs to work his scrambles, sweeps, and subs. Not his wrestling. No matter how much he trains his wrestling, hes getting taken down. Use your time wisely. He WILL NOT stop a takedown even uf he starts a camp a year early. Learn how to create scrambles better, master getting off your back, not stopping takedowns.

I agree with this.

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, at 170 pounds is keeping GSP from taking them down. The guy is incredible.

I also hate giving the impression that I don't like GSP. I do like him, especially as a person, but the fact of the matter is, Nick Diaz is the only fighter in the Welterweight Division I will pay to watch GSP fight at this point. I just don't enjoy the playing it safe aspect he brings to his fights. He fucked Koscheck's eye up in the 1st Round, and still wouldn't go for the kill. He gave up in the Shields fight. I mean, the guy simply doesn't have a killer instinct, and it makes him really unpleasant to watch.

Still though, as a person, it's damn near impossible not to like and respect the guy.
The reason I give Diaz the edge is because not only does he have the purest Jiu-Jitsu in the Welterweight Division, but he's also tremendous at Sambo. And when you combine those two together, you have a complete monster off his back. Shinya Aoki level monster. And even Aoki couldn't tap Sakurai in two fights, yet Diaz caught him in an armbar as soon as the fight hit the ground. He also tapped Cyborg immediately, and he's a BJJ blackbelt.

It is possible GSP can get a lay and pray victory, but I just don't see him going 25 minutes without getting caught. The only way I see GSP winning is if Diaz gets a horrible cut and the doctor stops the fight, which is always a BIG possibility in a Nick Diaz fight since he cuts easy.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't BJ Penn considered a world class BJJ fighter when GSP beat him both times?

My point isn't to compare Diaz and Penn, but rather point out it's not like GSP is going to come in unaware or inexperienced against guys who are good on their back.

I also hate giving the impression that I don't like GSP. I do like him, especially as a person, but the fact of the matter is, Nick Diaz is the only fighter in the Welterweight Division I will pay to watch GSP fight at this point. I just don't enjoy the playing it safe aspect he brings to his fights. He fucked Koscheck's eye up in the 1st Round, and still wouldn't go for the kill. He gave up in the Shields fight. I mean, the guy simply doesn't have a killer instinct, and it makes him really unpleasant to watch.
And I just don't have that big of a problem with it. I don't see why it's necessary for someone to try and have to finish fights in order to be enjoyed. I enjoy watching the artistry GSP brings to the fight, the pure athleticism and great skill on display.

Still though, as a person, it's damn near impossible not to like and respect the guy.
Very good to see you say that.
Who cares?

If you have sex with a girl for 24 minutes, and she falls asleep in the middle of it, do you consider that a win too? When I was a freshman in high school, our varsity basketball team trailed for all but 16 seconds of our state playoff game. The last 16 seconds, we tied it up and won the game. Do you think the team we played gives a damn about the fact they were head for the other 31 minutes and 44 seconds?

There is this word that is used sometimes, it's called context. If a number one team loses all but 16 seconds of a game to a severe underdog team it says a lot about both groups does it not? Not to mention your comparing two sports that couldn't be more different. In MMA, which ya know is the sport we are discussing, getting your ass beat for a huge majority of a fight (to an underdog) does matter. And the sex analogy sucks. If you're sexing up a chick, you've already won man.

Chael Sonnen lost. He lost when Silva had hurt ribs. He lost when he was benefiting from the use of steroids. He lost, even though he had sex with the girl for 24 minutes.

No one...I repeat no one has tried to say he didn't lose. If I were to fight like Anderson did and damn near lose a fight like that but win with a hail mary submission my coach would still have my ass for it. It's also hilarious that if Anderson had owned Chael for 24 minutes or knocked him out quickly the rib issue would have never come up. And I'm thinking you aren't quite sure what TRT really is, because his testosterone levels were never at an illegal level. He was balancing the playing field, he never had any sort of advantage since his levels were on par with the normal. His approval for the TRT hadn't been cleared again (it needs to be renewed every few months usually, some cases vary) and that is what he was busted for. Not high levels, his levels were cleared.

Excuse me if I don't sing the praises of the losing cheater.

I really should insert a picture here of Anderson taking the Vaseline that the cut man rubs on his face and sneakily wiping it all over his body when he's doing his dance around the cage. Rubbing grease over your body to stop takedowns and to aid sweeps from the bottom is a bit shady is it not? Oh...what's that you say? It isn't illegal? Neither was the levels of testosterone in Chael's system. Huge difference between cheating and being ******ed and not filing the proper paperwork. He fucked up, granted but cheating? Come the fuck on.

And I'm sure Silva is just sitting at home watching the latest episodes of The Office. What do you want to bet?

Anderson cannot stop Chael's takedown. It isn't going to happen. He may stuff one or two but unless he knocks Sonnen out he will be taken down multiple times. If Sonnen has improved sub defense (it took Silva 24 minutes to pull one off last time) then things look grim for Anderson. Rarely do things go the same in a rematch as they did in the first encounter and anything can happen of course, but common sense says Spider will get taken down...multiple times. Better wrestlers than Silva couldn't stuff Sonnen's shots.

Perhaps Chael Sonnen could get on top of Silva and strike with very ineffective punches and obviously not very damaging strikes and earn a victory that way. Then again, perhaps the man arguably the greatest pound for pound fighter in the world does the same thing he does to everyone else people think might be a challenge.

Okay now it's just clear you dislike Sonnen and won't let the fact that there's a very good chance he has Silva's number sink in. I love how you're trying to play Chael off as a lay and pray fighter but anybody that knows shit about him or has seen his fights know he has one of the most active top control offenses. He's done plenty of visible damage to other opponents and Anderson has notoriously durable skin and I can't recall him ever being visibly damaged. Don't be delusional. Also, I got a chuckle out of you implying Chael isn't a challenge. He sure seemed like a hell of a challenge the first time.

But, for all the people singing the praises of Chael Sonnen, nothing will erase the fact the man was a cheater the night he fought Silva, and nothing will change the fact Silva was obviously hurting.

Except the fact that it wasn't cheating. There is a difference between illegal and cheating. What Pete Rose did was illegal, but he wasn't called a cheater. A college ball player accepting any sort of compensation is illegal, not cheating. Do you have an issue with him beating Marquardt or Okami? Because he was on TRT then as well and his levels were the same as they were for the Anderson fight. He was on TRT for the Stann fight as well and his levels had to be approved. So beating the second and third best MW's in the world deserves some praise...unless your just extremely bias.

And here's the thing I really don't understand. Why do people WANT Chael Sonnen to beat Anderson Silva? Because Silva gets bored with guys who aren't on his level? Chael Sonnen is a first rate douchebag, in almost every sense of the word. Why do people want him to beat Silva? I've yet to understand this. He runs his mouth, says stupid things, gets caught cheating, gets arrested for fraud...the guy is a total creep. The fact people actually cheer for him to beat Anderson Silva is amazing to me.

Personally, I hate Anderson. Not as a fighter but as personality. He comes across as incredibly fake and there are many people that feel that way. As a fighter he's amazing and no doubt in the top two pound for pound best fighters in the world. I've never tried to say otherwise. Silva didn't ''get bored'' with Maia, he knew who would get subbed if he went to the ground so he never wanted to engage and risk a take down. He tried to play it off as just toying with Maia but it was out of fear and that was fucking obvious. That's the fake shit I'm talking about. ''Oh my God, he's just SO good he can dance around for five rounds and not knock out a fighter who has notoriously green stand up. He's THAT good!" Give me a fucking break. Chael is a character, he's interesting. People like you play directly into his game, getting butt hurt over the shit he says that is so over the top. It's hilarious that people take things he says seriously at all like he really believes it himself.

Anderson Silva's day in the sun will be coming to an end very soon. He's mid 30s, and has a lot of fights in his career. Perhaps it will be Chael Sonnen, perhaps it will be someone else, perhaps he'll just retire. But he won't be around much longer. But the idea people want him to be replaced by a creep like Chael Sonnen hurts my faith in humanity.

I still don't think anyone has a good shot against him outside of Sonnen. Despite what Ed Soares (who is a real douchebag) said, Anderson will continue to fight for another five to seven years. That's from his own mouth. This isn't pro wrestling...people aren't replaced by the biggest merch seller or biggest draw. They get replaced by the fighter that beats them. People want the number one fighter in the division to be champ. It may be Silva, it may be Sonnen. Love him or hate him, having someone who has people so split as either a champion or contender to hype fights is good for business. People wanted to see Brock get his ass beat or beat someones ass and he became the biggest draw in the company. No matter the sport, controversy draws.

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