MMA GSD For March - The Michael Bisping Appreciation Station

I'm convinced that Gabriel Gonzaga and Wanderlei Silva could easily play Donkey and Diddy Kong in a live-action remake.
Wandy is another funny guy. Maybe it's his broken english that makes him funny, but everytime I watch his interviews I laugh. Another funny guy is Rampage. His interviews in Pride were some of the funniest shit i've ever seen. He spent an entire interview dry-humping the woman giving the interview.
I love Rampage, the greatest part about Rampage is that you can tell there's not much to him. He's pretty much the same guy, no matter what.
Nakamura's pre-fight interview where he says "Dear Wandy, shut the fuck up" is hysterical because he is smiling the whole time.
Rampage is a class act. He has acted the exact same his entire career. To think i used to hold an insane grudge on him for knocking out my favorite fighter at the time, Chuck Liddell. Glad I gave him a chance.
Rampage is a class act. He has acted the exact same his entire career. To think i used to hold an insane grudge on him for knocking out my favorite fighter at the time, Chuck Liddell. Glad I gave him a chance.

Minus that road rage incident and high speed chase...haha

Yeah, I used to hate him, too and then realized that he wasn't much different than myself.
In other news I was reading today someone who argued that Nate Diaz was above 200 pounds between fights. I found this statement crazy because that would mean he cuts 30+ pounds. Can a Diaz fan, or someone shed some light on this for me? He looked average to me at LW, and skinny at WW.
In other news I was reading today someone who argued that Nate Diaz was above 200 pounds between fights. I found this statement crazy because that would mean he cuts 30+ pounds. Can a Diaz fan, or someone shed some light on this for me? He looked average to me at LW, and skinny at WW.

That's not uncommon at all. Rampage walks around at like 250. He even cited this as the reason he didn't take the Shogun fight.

Anderson walks around at like 225-230. He cuts to 185.
Nick says he walks around at 190, and Nick is a MUCH bigger Welterweight than Nate. There's no way that statement about Nate is true.
That's qhat I thought. Nick looks much larger than Nate. I know it isn't uncommon ITGG, but I had trouble believing it because Nate looks so small the day of his fights. I can easily see Page, and Silva that big, but you can practically see Nates ribs. Even at LW he looked average. I don't think you can weigh 200+, cut to155, and still look small.
I don't think it's the case, either, but it wouldn't shock me given those examples. Looking back at Nate's earlier stuff (again, I hate the Diaz brothers, so I try to avoid them) I'd be inclined to agree with you.

The statement is probably false.
I reckon the UFC should cut all their fat heavyweights apart from Hunt and Russow. It brings the sport to pro wrestling's level.
Haha what makes Hunt and Russow so special ? To be honest, Hunt needs to be cut, too. He's only with the UFC because of a weird contractual obligation. He, likely, doesn't care about fighting much anymore. He's just going through the motions.
Russow is dangerous as he's showed in his last couple of fights and Hunt is their for being so fucking epic. He should get a fight on EVERY UFC and I sure as fuck care about him fighting. Complete shame he has no sub defense and shitty takedowns. I don't consider Roy Nelson fat BTW.
Russow is okay and Hunt is fun to watch against anyone that doesn't like the groins. Hunt vs. Barry would be very entertaining, but I don't see too many other fights that wouldn't end in him losing via submission. Maybe Yvel.

Roy Nelson is most definitely fat. I'm not sure why you wouldn't consider him fat.
Russow is okay and Hunt is fun to watch against anyone that doesn't like the groins. Hunt vs. Barry would be very entertaining, but I don't see too many other fights that wouldn't end in him losing via submission. Maybe Yvel.

Roy Nelson is most definitely fat. I'm not sure why you wouldn't consider him fat.

That ain't fat dude, that's compact muscle. I'm always entertained when I watch Hunt fight. He's fight at UFC127 was fucking hilarious.
I reckon the UFC should cut all their fat heavyweights apart from Hunt and Russow. It brings the sport to pro wrestling's level.

So you would cut Roy Big Belly Nelson then too? Dude could easily go the distance with anyone in the HW division, might not win, but he can hold his own.

Joking or not that's a stupid thing to say.
Lol, at Roy Nelson being not fat.


Doesn't mean he's not a good fighter but be real here.
That fat guy could beat anyone in the UFC's heavyweight division not named Lesnar, Velasquez, Dos Santos or Carwin. He could maybe even beat Carwin actually. I've got him to beat Mir this Spring.
Roy is one of the most well rounded Heavyweights in the UFC. Guy has a great ground game, solid takedowns and top control thanks to his belly, and huge power. Top notch fighter fat or not.
That fat guy could beat anyone in the UFC's heavyweight division not named Lesnar, Velasquez, Dos Santos or Carwin. He could maybe even beat Carwin actually. I've got him to beat Mir this Spring.

Hey, I never said because he was fat that he couldn't win. Although I have a feeling you were directing that comment to Munt.

I've stated time and again that Roy Nelson uses his "fatness" better than anyone I've ever seen. He couples it with his brilliant jiu-jitsu.

I don't think he could beat Carwin,though. Carwin has really aggressive wrestling when he chooses to use it and has fists of steel.

I know that people are questioning Shane's "cardio," even though just about every medical professional stated that it wasn't cardio that failed Shane in his fight with Lesnar. It's called Lactic Acidosis. It might be perceived as "gassing," but the two are massively different.

I think he will pick his shots better next time and follow the general rule of throwing punches. Everyone who's trained MMA knows that one of the first things your boxing/striking coach will tell you is to breathe as you throw punches. Control your pace.

Carwin got overzealous once he saw Lesnar hurt. That was his undoing. If he had done what Velasquez did after dropping Lesnar, he'd be holding the strap or Cain would have had to fight him for it.

Actually, after typing all of this, I truly believe that, if anyone, Nelson could beat Lesnar. Lesnar has shown that he does not like to get hit and Nelson can drop bombs. He's also got good takedown defense and offense.
Back to our conversation from last night another HILARIOUS guy is Matt Mitrione. Dude is awesome. He talks so fucking fast. He is also a great guy, and fighter. He is one of those guys with the mentality that he will always give you a fight, and never Jon Fitch a round. He will either finish, try to finish, or be finished. He is also very motivated. He wants to fight the best of the best.
Back to our conversation from last night another HILARIOUS guy is Matt Mitrione. Dude is awesome. He talks so fucking fast. He is also a great guy, and fighter. He is one of those guys with the mentality that he will always give you a fight, and never Jon Fitch a round. He will either finish, try to finish, or be finished. He is also very motivated. He wants to fight the best of the best.

I can get behind this. I didn't like Mitrione on TUF at all, but the dude is a very exciting fighter in the UFC and is pretty damn funny.
He is a personality that's for sure. I love guys like him, Randy Couture, BJ Penn, Brock Lesnar,and many more i'm sure. They don't want to fight cans, and easy fights. They want to push themselves against the best. That in my opinion is a true fighter.
I'm with Jon as well, Meathead came off as a weirdo on TUF, the whole telepathy thing with his wife. But since the show I've become a fan of his. Like we all agree on he is getting better in each outing.

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