Anthony Miranda, a 24-year-old from Chicago, allegedly attempted a robbery on the Southwest Side of the city late Friday night. Police say he strolled up to a parked car, asked the driver for a light, and then pulled out a handgun.
The driver was reportedly an MMA fighter, and a few minutes later, Miranda had a bullet in his ankle courtesy of his own gun, the battered mug you see above, and a court date. From the Tribune's report:
The man in the car replied that he didn't have a light, and the other man pulled out a handgun and demanded the driver's valuables, Mirabelli said. The driver handed over his cash, wallet and valuables, and the gunman then ordered him out of the car.
At some point, the older man was able to grab hold of the handgun, and during a struggle, the robber discharged a round, striking himself in the ankle, Mirabelli said.
His target, described only as an "older man," told police that he competes in Ultimate Fighting Championships. Chicago Police won't release his name, but if any loyal members of the Deadspin I-Team have any idea which MMA fighter beat the shit out of his would-be assailant in Chicago on Friday night, please let us know.