MMA February Doesn't Need This Shit

I still think there were better fights to make for both Griffin and Ortiz. I think that since both were coming off losses, Forrest vs Machida or Davis would have been good. Rich Franklin is also looking to return in late spring and would make since against Tito or Machida.

Ortiz has said this will be his last fight, why not give him someone he hasn't faced yet? Forrest only has like 2 or 3 fights left probably and there's a few interesting guys left for him to face. I don't hate the matchup because I could really don't care either way, but there were better choices.
I dont think KZ should be in a #1 contender fight yet, but i guess there arent many challengers left. All three should be great fights.
Rumor has it Josh Koscheck has left AKA. If true, that's a bummer, but I think he could really benefit from changing camps. AKA is so WW heavy right now, plus I would love to see Kos vs. Fitch.
He ready said he'd never fight Fitch even though he left. Eddie Alverez is close to a UFC deal as well.
He may have said it then, but not being in the camp changes a lot of things. What's to say Fitch doesn't like Kos bad mouthing Javier Mendez which he has been on twitter. I wouldn't be surprised to see them fight, though I don't think it is likely. I was simply saying I wished to see it happen.
Holy shit Primetime was in-fucking-credible tonight. I really hope myself and Fizzy haven't been the only ones here watching.

God I love Nick Diaz. I will be absolutely devastated if he loses tomorrow.

Your devastation tastes amazing to me.
Your devastation tastes amazing to me.

He didn't lose in my eyes. And if he hadn't been busted for pot, then he would have been in a position now for a rematch, just as I predicted just minutes after the fight was over.
Kos is still affiliated with AKA, just not the main gym. He operates his own in Fresno and said he will still be working with Fitch.

And what world, besides the world consisting of Diaz's biggest fans, did Nick win? I seriously don't understand this...he was out struck. He didn't change his game up at all...taunting doesn't earn points or win fights. People can say that Condit lost because Diaz controlled the pace but I'm pretty fucking sure Condit avoided being pushed up against the cage and redirected it towards the center. In what world does that not constitute Octagon control and fight dictation? Oh but Diaz was more aggressive right? Diego Sanchez is almost always more aggressive than his opponent but that doesn't mean he deserved certain decision wins like the one against Kampmann. Shogun beat Machida in a very similar way and 90% of people argeed that Rua had won that fight. The thing is, Condit doesn't have the sentimental value that Shogun has and the fact that everyone wanted to see GSP vs Diaz cloud their judgement. I'm a much bigger fan of Condit, but I not only picked Diaz to win but wanted him to. It just didn't happen.

What's also bullshit is if Diaz had eeked out the decision, a rematch for Condit wouldn't have been made and everyone knows it.
I've made this post all across the net, and the only people who've disagreed with me are those who had nothing to say but only call me a whiny Diaz fan while not refuting a single thing I said. The fact of the matter is that my argument for Diaz winning is as legitimate as it comes.

Nick Diaz clearly won the fight. Clearly. There is absolutely no arguing it when you truly break it down by American MMA judging criteria (he also would have won it with Japanese rules, too). You look at Fight Metric, it's clear as day even though they still for some stupid reason gave the W to Condit.

Look at Round 1 specifically though; that's the toss up round. Total Strikes for Condit was 30, while Nick had 28. However, over half of those 30 strikes for Condit were, as Nick put it, "baby leg kicks" that caused no damage whatsoever, while Diaz's shots were punches to the head and body. And then when you factor in the fact that Nick was the aggressor and had octagon control (2 of the 4 factors in judging an MMA fight in the states), he wins the round. There's absolutely no arguing it.

And then the rest is simple... Diaz clearly won round 2, Condit clearly won rounds 3 and 4, and Diaz clearly won round 5. So, by American MMA judging, Nick Diaz should have won that fight 3 rounds to 2 (48-47). Only a pure Nick Diaz hater would argue against it.

If after you read that you still feel Diaz lost, you still cannot deny that my argument holds merit and that you can understand why I feel the way I feel about this, diehard Diaz fan or not.
I've made this post all across the net, and the only people who've disagreed with me are those who had nothing to say but only call me a whiny Diaz fan while not refuting a single thing I said. The fact of the matter is that my argument for Diaz winning is as legitimate as it comes.

If after you read that you still feel Diaz lost, you still cannot deny that my argument holds merit and that you can understand why I feel the way I feel about this, diehard Diaz fan or not.

You say ''diehard Diaz fan or not'' but then also say only a Diaz hater fan could disagree...come on man. Don't do this ''anyone that doesn't like ____ or disagrees with the decision must be a hater'' because that's ******ed Sherdog poster logic.

Octagon Control: Diaz tried to push the fight up against the cage and failed. The fight was fought mostly in the center of the Octagon, where Condit put it. How would that be ''control'' by Diaz? Sounds like the exact opposite to me. Had Diaz successfully put him against the cage THAT would indicate control, not allowing his opponent to slip out of harms way every fucking time while also outstriking him.

Aggression: This is one of the dumbest aspects of winning a fight that the unified rules has because it means fucking nothing. So coming forward and matter how much you are out struck by...wins you this category? Because that's what Diaz did...he came forward. He didn't land as much, he missed much more than Condit.

Offense: I laugh so God damn hard at ''baby leg kicks''. Diaz had slowed down quite a bit towards the later rounds because of those ''baby leg kicks''. Condit is one of the most potent strikers, and finishers obviously, in entire division and even MMA as a whole. There is nothing about his offense that is ''baby''. Diaz is KNOWN as a volume striker who doesn't possess a lot of power, he's even fucking said it himself. That sounds more like ''baby'' strength offense to me. Again, Shogun beat Machida with ''baby kicks'' and if I remember correctly you agreed before that Rua got robbed in that first fight. Watch boxing if you don't credit leg kicks. The myth that Diaz outlanded Condit by a huge margin in power strikes is pretty weak as well: The margin that Diaz outlanded Condit in terms of body shots wasn't that large as it was 6 (for jabs to the body) and only a 2% difference in body power shots. Condit actually outlanded Diaz percentage wise for power head shots. So what was that about baby kicks to earn points? If Condit's ''baby kicks'' shouldn't be scored for much, than neither should Nick's ''baby jabs''. And if neither are scored, than Nick loses because of less landed power head shots.

Fighting to Finish: The fact that people are saying Condit, a man who has finished 26 of 28 wins, didn't try to or wouldn't have tried to finish Diaz had the opportunity aroseis absurd. They love giving credit to Diaz for everything else, why isn't his known toughness a factor in why Condit didn't get a finish? People didn't give Condit shit for not finishing Ellenberger who is also known as a very tough guy to put down. The funniest part is Diaz himself saying ''I would have finished the armbar had I known I was behind on the cards'' is the fucking DEFINITION of points fighting. He's saying he could have finished but didn't go for it because he thought he was ahead on points. Fact is, Condit has more finished than Diaz has total wins.

I'll never understood how Diaz fandom can turn an otherwise unbiased thinking guy (not speaking of just you in particular jmt) into someone who can't put aside their feelings and see shit for how it went down. So Condit didn't win because he was smart enough to not fall into Diaz's trap? The one that so many illogical fighters have fallen for? He didn't buy into Diaz's talk, did what he wanted it to do, did it with a finesse and strategy that Diaz couldn't deal with. Credit to Diaz for a tough fight, but he didn't change his game up at all and his one dimensional mentality (striking wise) cost him the fight. Had he taken down Condit sooner he could have subbed him, which was my official pre-fight prediction.
You say ''diehard Diaz fan or not'' but then also say only a Diaz hater fan could disagree...come on man. Don't do this ''anyone that doesn't like ____ or disagrees with the decision must be a hater'' because that's ******ed Sherdog poster logic.

No, that was just a copy and paste from other sites that I purposely put to get under people's skin and bait them to argue with me. I put something similar here without that sentence since I respect the posters here.

Octagon Control: Diaz tried to push the fight up against the cage and failed. The fight was fought mostly in the center of the Octagon, where Condit put it. How would that be ''control'' by Diaz? Sounds like the exact opposite to me. Had Diaz successfully put him against the cage THAT would indicate control, not allowing his opponent to slip out of harms way every fucking time while also outstriking him.

Diaz pushed Condit back the entire fight... that's octagon control to me and seems to be the case with most people who watched the fight. What if Diaz didn't move forward? There would have been no fight. Diaz controlled where the fight went since he was the one willing to engage.

By your logic, man, Bisping had octagon control in the Sonnen fight because he defended Chael's takedowns nicely and kept the fight from going to the ground the first 2 rounds. That just doesn't make sense.

Aggression: This is one of the dumbest aspects of winning a fight that the unified rules has because it means fucking nothing. So coming forward and matter how much you are out struck by...wins you this category? Because that's what Diaz did...he came forward. He didn't land as much, he missed much more than Condit.

No matter how dumb you think it is it's in the unified rules so it must be counted. So, looking at round 1 since that's the toss up round, the striking is pretty much even (even though I still personally give Diaz the edge for it), octagon control is apparently debatable to you so that goes either way, there was no grappling... that leaves it to aggression, and Diaz UNQUESTIONABLY takes that. He wins round 1 based on aggression, because it IS a factor whether you like it or not.

And again, if aggression doesn't matter, then by your logic on octagon control, Bisping beat Sonnen 2 rounds to 1 in their fight on Fox. Yet, I bet you won't make that argument, will you?

If you say Sonnen beat Bisping then you're completely contradicting yourself here. Just because Diaz/Condit was a stand-up battle and Bisping/Sonnen was a grappling struggle, it doesn't make it a difference with what your saying. A fight's a fight, and if we were arguing about the decision in the Sonnen/Bisping fight, you'd be arguing for Bisping with your logic when it comes to Diaz vs. Condit.

Offense: I laugh so God damn hard at ''baby leg kicks''. Diaz had slowed down quite a bit towards the later rounds because of those ''baby leg kicks''. Condit is one of the most potent strikers, and finishers obviously, in entire division and even MMA as a whole. There is nothing about his offense that is ''baby''. Diaz is KNOWN as a volume striker who doesn't possess a lot of power, he's even fucking said it himself. That sounds more like ''baby'' strength offense to me.

Whether they "slowed" him down by the end of the fight (which I don't agree with anyway since Diaz was able to get a takedown in the final round) or not, that doesn't take away from the fact that punches to the head and body > leg kicks, period. And Diaz should get the edge in the striking department for the first two rounds because of that.

Again, Shogun beat Machida with ''baby kicks'' and if I remember correctly you agreed before that Rua got robbed in that first fight. Watch boxing if you don't credit leg kicks.

Shogun moved forward that entire fight and threw much more than just leg kicks. Bad comparison.

The myth that Diaz outlanded Condit by a huge margin in power strikes is pretty weak as well: The margin that Diaz outlanded Condit in terms of body shots wasn't that large as it was 6 (for jabs to the body) and only a 2% difference in body power shots. Condit actually outlanded Diaz percentage wise for power head shots. So what was that about baby kicks to earn points? If Condit's ''baby kicks'' shouldn't be scored for much, than neither should Nick's ''baby jabs''. And if neither are scored, than Nick loses because of less landed power head shots.

I saw Condit land one good punch on Diaz and even that was goofy looking and it was in Round 4 I believe, but that was it, whereas I saw Diaz's punches knock Condit's head back multiple times, so yeah... edge: Diaz.

Moreover, Condit is medically suspended because of damage to his face, whereras Nick didn't get medically suspended at all. That tells me everything I need to know when it comes to "significant striking" in this fight.

Fighting to Finish: The fact that people are saying Condit, a man who has finished 26 of 28 wins, didn't try to or wouldn't have tried to finish Diaz had the opportunity aroseis absurd. They love giving credit to Diaz for everything else, why isn't his known toughness a factor in why Condit didn't get a finish? People didn't give Condit shit for not finishing Ellenberger who is also known as a very tough guy to put down. The funniest part is Diaz himself saying ''I would have finished the armbar had I known I was behind on the cards'' is the fucking DEFINITION of points fighting. He's saying he could have finished but didn't go for it because he thought he was ahead on points. Fact is, Condit has more finished than Diaz has total wins.

I don't know why you said this because I didn't bring it up. Going for the finish has nothing to do with winning a fight under American MMA rules.

And I also said Diaz was full of shit in that armbar comment.

I'll never understood how Diaz fandom can turn an otherwise unbiased thinking guy (not speaking of just you in particular jmt) into someone who can't put aside their feelings and see shit for how it went down. So Condit didn't win because he was smart enough to not fall into Diaz's trap? The one that so many illogical fighters have fallen for? He didn't buy into Diaz's talk, did what he wanted it to do, did it with a finesse and strategy that Diaz couldn't deal with. Credit to Diaz for a tough fight, but he didn't change his game up at all and his one dimensional mentality (striking wise) cost him the fight. Had he taken down Condit sooner he could have subbed him, which was my official pre-fight prediction.

Dude, all I'm saying is that if you break down the fight round-by-round, Diaz should win rounds 1, 2, and 5 based on American MMA judging criteria, with round 1 being the only one that's debatable. And I gave my reasons why I gave the edge to Diaz for that round, and they make complete and total sense. And many professional fighters and analyst agree that Diaz won, so it's not just "nuthuggers."

You can't say I'm not thinking logically about this. My points are all valid.
I've been thinking a lot about Diaz and i've just been getting more and more pissed off. The guy could be the biggest thing in MMA. He is the person that the sport could really use right now and yet, he fucks it up for himself every single fucking time. Who knows what he could do if he just fucking obey's the rules.
Koscheck vs. Hendricks is your UFC on Fox 3 co-main event.

That should be a great fight... Hendricks is basically a younger version of Koscheck.
Hoping for the best, but that fight has disappointment written all over it, ala Rashad vs. Phil Davis.
I think its a much safet bet than Davis/Rashad. At least these guys have power in their standup. They wont move in and out all the time like Rashad and their striking is a lot closer in terms of skill than Davis and Rashad. Should be a good fight. Also, Rolles Gracie destroyed Bob Sapp this weekend
Koscheck and Hendricks to me is a good fight, i can guarantee it'll be better than Phil Davis and Rashad that was dogshit.

Just wondering...even if Diaz won, would he even receive the fight against GSP after his suspension?
Just wondering...even if Diaz won, would he even receive the fight against GSP after his suspension?

I'm pretty sure it would have depended on the length of his suspension. If he could have fought by November or December, then I'm sure the UFC would have still made that fight. If not, then someone else would have gotten it and Diaz most likely would have gotten a #1 Contendership fight for his return.
LOL why don't you like Alan Belcher, Indy?

Should be a great fight. Belcher was on a roll before the eye injury, and he looked great in his return.

Damn Joe Silva though. I want Bisping/Paul Harris.
Apparently low-level marijuana traces are allowed, so Nick Diaz still has a chance of not getting suspended. Let's hope for the best!

Nick Diaz tested positive for marijuana metabolites at UFC 143 and is widely assumed to be facing a long suspension - but that may not necessarily be the case.

Fighters Only learned today that there is a certain tolerance on the part of athletic commissions for marijuana metabolites in an athlete’s system - it is not a strict requirement that there be no trace of marijuana use at all.

The Nevada State Athletic Commission, like most others in the US, actually allows 50 nanograms of THC metabolites per millilitre of urine sample. This is a similar level used by many other bodies which test for marijuana use but do not have a zero-tolerance policy.

Some years ago, some athletic commissions had a 100ng limit in place but it was discovered that his limit could be cheated by the testee drinking excessive water and bringing the level of metabolites in the urine below that 100 ng/mL level.

According to a US laboratory which Fighters Only contacted, and which regularly provides testing for corporations which are drug-testing employees and potential recruits, “anything below 100 ng/ml is relatively low and would broadly indicate either light general use or heavy use in the two or three days prior to the sample being provided.”

“Levels between 100 and 250 ng/ml generally indicate moderate use while anything from 250 to 750 ng/ml would classify as high and probably indicates ongoing heavy use or use within the last three days. If the level exceeds 750 ng/ml they are very high and would indicate very recent use indeed.”

Fighters Only asked the Nevada State Athletic Commission if any information was available on the ng/mL numbers that Diaz posted in his UFC 143 drug test. The answer, delivered by email, was a flat “no”. Diaz now has to respond to the allegation before NSAC will schedule a hearing, likely to take place in April.

The half-life of THC - the psychoactive element in marijuana - varies between strains and from person to person depending on dosage and method of use. But in general terms it can be said to be around three days and so levels will half in the urine every two to three days after use.

Levels should be below 100 ng/ml quite soon but lower levels (under 50 ng/ml) can persist for some time. It is apparently not unusual to find levels of between 20 and 50 ng/ml chronic heavy users for as long as three months after ceasing use.

It is generally accepted in the testing industry that prolonged exposure to marijuana smoke in an enclosed environment - eg a sealed vehicle for several hours - could produce a level of up to 30 ng/ml. But it is also widely accepted that individuals are extremely unlikely to tolerate the kind of conditions that would lead to such levels of passive intake.

A marijuana advocate and card-carrying member of the fraternity which advocates its use as a medicine, Diaz is unlikely to play coy when asked if he smokes. He has gone on the record many times to say that he does. Instead the issue now centres around what the ng/ml level of his sample was, and whether that can be determined to indicate use that was ‘recent’ to the Carlos Condit fight.

If he has posted 50ng/ml or under, Diaz is likely to be in the clear and will escape a suspension, as the usage will be determined to have been effectively ‘off season’. For comparative purposes, his 2007 positive test in Nevada was a level of 175ng/ml and was decreed to have indicated recent use.
I still hold a grudge against Belcher for when he subbed Cote while Pat was trying to get the ref's attention for spiking. Plus I'm enjoying Mr Harris's antics in the octagon.
Do you really, though? Bisping would kick his ass pretty easily, man. It's just a bad match-up for Palhares.

I just think the buildup alone would be entertaining, as Bisping would probably have some funny trash talk about Palhares.

It's an interesting stylistic matchup though. Bisping would have to stick and move and even though Bisping's TDD is really good, Palhares has unorthodox ways to get you to the ground and out of this world strength.... plus, Bisping is still prone to do stupid shit in his fights.

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