**MERGED** Finally.. The Rock... has come back... HOME (KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!)

How many times will we see the Rock?

  • Wrestlemania, the grand-daddy of 'em all. That's it.

  • Maybe one Raw.

  • TWO!!!!!!!

  • I reckon a good deal of appearances on WWE, including Web work and video promo's.

  • All the time, like on Smackdown as well. lol.

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So, I did not catch all of Raw tonight (nothing unusual there these days) but I did catch the best part of the show, and that was the Rock's promo. It was powerful and actually felt as if he really was upset that John Cena would question his loyalty to the business given his lineage's history in the business. Great way to make the conflict seem personal.

I do not think these two will meet at Wrestlemania, but I sense that the Rock is a competitive person and going back and forth with Cena verbally over an extended period of time may possibly lead to a match. If their are indicators that this match could really be the biggest in WWE history, the Rock's competitive nature will not allow him to miss out on the opportunity to claim involvement in the biggest match in sports entertainment history. Practically speaking, it would make business sense: big pay day for the Rock and the mainstream buzz it would provide if promoted correctly for Rock and WWE would be beneficial. You know, Hulk and Andre from the Main Event from 1988 has claim to being the most watched wrestling broadcast in American history, 33 million. Could a Rock-Cena special break that? I believe so, and man that would be awesome!!!

Randy Reed
The Rock's most recent promo...was terrible. First of all, there's an extremely childish air to what he did this time, compared to his first promo which was undeniably fantastic. This time, he was extremely defensive and whiny, like a child caught doing something wrong. His mimicking Cena at the beginning and at the end was also childish. Instead of a great verbal sparring, I feel after last night that this has quickly devolved into lame, repetitive namecalling. Even the picture they posted online from I guess rock's twitter account of him stepping on a cena shirt is extremely childish.

Second, everything he said seemed forced and fake. He did not genuinely seem angry, just in character. I didn't see where he was coming from with him and his family being insulted and why it has now become so personal.

Third, if he really wanted to be taken seriously and make us believe he is finally back for good, why would he send in a taped segment from his home? He would show up in person. It also made the cheap pop for the hometown crowd even worse, since Rock wasn't even there.

Fourth, his excuse for leaving was to open the door for guys like Cena? No one in the world would buy that. What, it was his plan all along to create a scenario where a bunch of guys could jump ship and leave WWE to star in movies? Seriously? Not only does that not make sense, but if that truly is to be believed, then that is not something honorable...creating a situation where other guys who are top draws, making money for the business that the rock supposedly loves, can up and leave at the height of their popularity.

All in all, terrible. Two weeks ago, Rock was leagues ahead of Cena. After Cena's rebuttal, Cena was a few inches ahead of Rock. After last night's promo, Cena is leagues ahead of Rock. The smartest thing for the Cena character to do would be to completely ignore everything the Rock just said before this does turn into a juvenile name calling back and forth, which it is dangerously close to being right now.
The Rock's most recent promo...was terrible. First of all, there's an extremely childish air to what he did this time, compared to his first promo which was undeniably fantastic. This time, he was extremely defensive and whiny, like a child caught doing something wrong. His mimicking Cena at the beginning and at the end was also childish. Instead of a great verbal sparring, I feel after last night that this has quickly devolved into lame, repetitive namecalling. Even the picture they posted online from I guess rock's twitter account of him stepping on a cena shirt is extremely childish.

Second, everything he said seemed forced and fake. He did not genuinely seem angry, just in character. I didn't see where he was coming from with him and his family being insulted and why it has now become so personal.

Third, if he really wanted to be taken seriously and make us believe he is finally back for good, why would he send in a taped segment from his home? He would show up in person. It also made the cheap pop for the hometown crowd even worse, since Rock wasn't even there.

Fourth, his excuse for leaving was to open the door for guys like Cena? No one in the world would buy that. What, it was his plan all along to create a scenario where a bunch of guys could jump ship and leave WWE to star in movies? Seriously? Not only does that not make sense, but if that truly is to be believed, then that is not something honorable...creating a situation where other guys who are top draws, making money for the business that the rock supposedly loves, can up and leave at the height of their popularity.

All in all, terrible. Two weeks ago, Rock was leagues ahead of Cena. After Cena's rebuttal, Cena was a few inches ahead of Rock. After last night's promo, Cena is leagues ahead of Rock. The smartest thing for the Cena character to do would be to completely ignore everything the Rock just said before this does turn into a juvenile name calling back and forth, which it is dangerously close to being right now.

Read this post and read it well ladies and gentlemen, I agree with pretty much everything you said.
Yabba-Dabba-Bitch? Really Rock? You came out with both guns blazing and absolutely OWNED Cena in your first promo. And I have to hand it to SuperCena he did a fantastic job of retaliating against a promo everyone thought was unbeatable.
But then The Rock comes back with THIS crap?
When you say that you're going to respond to the man, DO IT IN PERSON.
How's it gonna look when you say you love the people and never leave them when you can't even defend yourself in person.
It doesn't mean you need to show up every week but if you're gonna bash people DO IT IN PERSON.
We KNOW you're a fantastic talker but it'd be so much more effective to do it live and actually show the fans that when you say you're "back" that you mean it.

This is just my opinion though, I'm sure people will have enjoyed this promo and people will think it's ok for Rocky not to show up until Mania. But as for me I disagree.
Read this post and read it well ladies and gentlemen, I agree with pretty much everything you said.
Yabba-Dabba-Bitch? Really Rock? You came out with both guns blazing and absolutely OWNED Cena in your first promo. And I have to hand it to SuperCena he did a fantastic job of retaliating against a promo everyone thought was unbeatable.
But then The Rock comes back with THIS crap?
When you say that you're going to respond to the man, DO IT IN PERSON.
How's it gonna look when you say you love the people and never leave them when you can't even defend yourself in person.
It doesn't mean you need to show up every week but if you're gonna bash people DO IT IN PERSON.
We KNOW you're a fantastic talker but it'd be so much more effective to do it live and actually show the fans that when you say you're "back" that you mean it.

This is just my opinion though, I'm sure people will have enjoyed this promo and people will think it's ok for Rocky not to show up until Mania. But as for me I disagree.

This is a storyline, the WWE are keeping the two apart until WM or another RAW down the line. So it makes sense for Rock to do a taped promo so Cena has something to say in response. Im thinking that Cena will rip on the Rock for not being there and then saying that is proving his point. So again Rock was in his house because WWE wanted him there, if he came to the show there is no way to really have him call out Cena without Cena responding right then and there. They dont want that to happen on Raw or at least not yet, they want you to pay them to see that on Wrestlemania. You will get a little taste. There is nothing more to it than that. Its all apart of the plan. Whats funny and yet awesome to see at the same time is fans from both sides taking this to the heart and getting into this emotionally. Just look at Twitter, you get a hands on about how the fans are feeling. Everything is playing out pretty well IMO.

The Rock's most recent promo...was terrible. First of all, there's an extremely childish air to what he did this time, compared to his first promo which was undeniably fantastic. This time, he was extremely defensive and whiny, like a child caught doing something wrong. His mimicking Cena at the beginning and at the end was also childish. Instead of a great verbal sparring, I feel after last night that this has quickly devolved into lame, repetitive namecalling. Even the picture they posted online from I guess rock's twitter account of him stepping on a cena shirt is extremely childish.

Second, everything he said seemed forced and fake. He did not genuinely seem angry, just in character. I didn't see where he was coming from with him and his family being insulted and why it has now become so personal.

Third, if he really wanted to be taken seriously and make us believe he is finally back for good, why would he send in a taped segment from his home? He would show up in person. It also made the cheap pop for the hometown crowd even worse, since Rock wasn't even there.

Fourth, his excuse for leaving was to open the door for guys like Cena? No one in the world would buy that. What, it was his plan all along to create a scenario where a bunch of guys could jump ship and leave WWE to star in movies? Seriously? Not only does that not make sense, but if that truly is to be believed, then that is not something honorable...creating a situation where other guys who are top draws, making money for the business that the rock supposedly loves, can up and leave at the height of their popularity.

All in all, terrible. Two weeks ago, Rock was leagues ahead of Cena. After Cena's rebuttal, Cena was a few inches ahead of Rock. After last night's promo, Cena is leagues ahead of Rock. The smartest thing for the Cena character to do would be to completely ignore everything the Rock just said before this does turn into a juvenile name calling back and forth, which it is dangerously close to being right now.

Both men thew some childish insults out there. Whats the big deal. And its always been personal. Cena attacked the personal decisions of Dwayne Johonson. Whats so hard to get about that? Also as I said eralier, This is a storyline, the WWE are keeping the two apart until WM or another RAW down the line. So it makes sense for Rock to do a taped promo so Cena has something to say in response. Im thinking that Cena will rip on the Rock for not being there and then saying that is proving his point. So again Rock was in his house because WWE wanted him there, if he came to the show there is no way to really have him call out Cena without Cena responding right then and there. They dont want that to happen on Raw or at least not yet, they want you to pay them to see that on Wrestlemania. You will get a little taste. There is nothing more to it than that. Its all apart of the plan. Rock did pave the way for guys like Cena. That may or may not have been his original motive but there is no denying that he paved the way.

Perhaps I should have clarified myself a bit more. I know why he left, and I understand that completely, but he could have at least come in and said "Thanks for the support, but I'm moving on with my life." I think most of my grievance as far as him leaving is that. He never bothered to come and say thank you to the people that made him. My whole point though is I don't want to be fed any bullshit about "I love WWE" when he has done nothing in the last seven years to even ACKNOWLEDGE, let alone THANK, his WWE fans.

Are you blind? Rock has done this NUMEROUS times. He has acknowledged and thanked both the business and the fans. In radio Interviews, on TV and even in the WWE in 2003 on the episode where he was on the red carpet for the opening premiere for his move Rundown.
@Wrestling4Ever. I agree with you allow me to add my points:

I wondered if it really was personal between these two. It wouldn't be the first time that performers had personal gripes with one another behind the scenes and in the ring. That being said, if WWE wanted them to meet face to face, they could have done that when the Rock returned in the first place. If you thought they had ratings with his return imagin what it would have been if Cena confronted him. My feeling is they don't want them to go face to face in the ring because they feel if they were to do that it would completely put Miz in the background and then people would get the idea that they would be competing against each other in the ring at WM which doesn't help Miz at all. I'm beginning to think that this exchange is actually counterproductive to their efforts. The Rock's the host, he shouldn't be so much of a focus. It takes away from the event and performers at the event. I don't think was Rock's best promo but I agree with a few points he made which are these:

This started as a result of Cena questioning why the Rock hadn't returned to WWE in so long. He's not alone. Many people of bitched about how he left for Hollywood. Fans bitched. When he returns to do the WWE HoF he gets blasted by Rick Flair. He gets called a B rated actor by Triple H on Raw. Then Cena runs his mouth. If WWE wanted him around more often, they need to reach out to him to get him to do that. Second, you're the main eventer now. You don't cry for the previous main eventers to come back for the audience. It's your job as main eventer to be the reason for people to watch. It's Cena's job to carry the ball now. The Rock's done his duty and moved on. Be a man, Cena, step your game up and stop looking for others to come to your rescue, you're no damsel in distress.

Let me add another part to this, The Rock is in an institution. Like Bret, Owen and Natalya, Randy Savage, Randy Orton, The Von Erichs, Cody Rhodes and Goldust, The McMahons are institutions. What I mean by that is they were born into the business. They saw what their families went through in this business. They have known everything, the good, the bad everything they've seen this business warts and all. So to see all that a person, a family can go through in this business when they have nothing but this business to fall back on, he decided that as soon as he found another avenue to make money he was going to take that. And the truth is just because Flair, HHH, Cena don't like that and have an opinion doesn't mean the world needs to hear them.

As far as the Rock opening the door for other performers, that isn't entirely wrong. How many performers have done films in addition to wrestling after seeing the Rock's success ? Cena, Ted Dibiase, Show, Triple H, Kane, Batista have all done films and if they could make a career of it, you think they wouldn't take advantage of that ? WWE has a film production company after producing one of the Rock's films 'The Rundown' so he has point there on that issue.

And the real truth is that Cena should be kissing the Rock's ass. WWE had Cena vs. Miz, Taker vs. HHH, and Vince was confident he'd make money with that card, he calls up the Rock and pays him to host the event. Cena's will never see the money or the attention he's going to see, now that Rock's come back to the WWE to host WM. Right now while fans are taking sides and thinking it's personal, Cena is thanking Vince and Rock for this exchange which has made him more relevant. That's just my take.
@Wrestling4Ever. I agree with you allow me to add my points:

I wondered if it really was personal between these two. It wouldn't be the first time that performers had personal gripes with one another behind the scenes and in the ring. That being said, if WWE wanted them to meet face to face, they could have done that when the Rock returned in the first place. If you thought they had ratings with his return imagin what it would have been if Cena confronted him. My feeling is they don't want them to go face to face in the ring because they feel if they were to do that it would completely put Miz in the background and then people would get the idea that they would be competing against each other in the ring at WM which doesn't help Miz at all. I'm beginning to think that this exchange is actually counterproductive to their efforts. The Rock's the host, he shouldn't be so much of a focus. It takes away from the event and performers at the event. I don't think was Rock's best promo but I agree with a few points he made which are these:

This started as a result of Cena questioning why the Rock hadn't returned to WWE in so long. He's not alone. Many people of bitched about how he left for Hollywood. Fans bitched. When he returns to do the WWE HoF he gets blasted by Rick Flair. He gets called a B rated actor by Triple H on Raw. Then Cena runs his mouth. If WWE wanted him around more often, they need to reach out to him to get him to do that. Second, you're the main eventer now. You don't cry for the previous main eventers to come back for the audience. It's your job as main eventer to be the reason for people to watch. It's Cena's job to carry the ball now. The Rock's done his best.

Let me add another part to this, The Rock is in an institution. Like Bret, Owen and Natalya, Randy Savage, Randy Orton, The Von Erichs, Cody Rhodes and Goldust, The McMahons are institutions. What I mean by that is they were born into the business. They saw what their families went through in this business. They have known everything, the good, the bad everything they've seen this business warts and all. So to see all that a person, a family can go through in this business when they have nothing but this business to fall back on, he decided that as soon as he found another avenue to make money he was going to take that. And the truth is just because Flair, HHH, Cena don't like that and have an opinion doesn't mean the world needs to hear them.

As far as the Rock opening the door for other performers, that isn't entirely wrong. How many performers have done films in addition to wrestling after seeing the Rock's success ? Cena, Ted Dibiase, Show, Triple H, Kane, Batista have all done films and if they could make a career of it, you think they wouldn't take advantage of that ? WWE has a film production company after producing one of the Rock's films 'The Rundown' so he has point there on that issue.

And the real truth is that Cena should be kissing the Rock's ass. WWE had Cena vs. Miz, Taker vs. HHH, and Vince was confident he'd make money with that card, he calls up the Rock and pays him to host the event. Cena's will never see the money or the attention he's going to see, now that Rock's come back to the WWE to host WM. That's just my take.

From what I have read and seen, there was legit heat between Rock and Cena. However, from listening to an interview by Dave Metzler, they buried the hatchet at the HoF event where the Rock inducted his father/grandfather. Appertently, all the stuff that Cena was saying about Rock was feed to him by the WWE. Vince was pissed when Rock cancelled on him to host Raw a couple of years ago. It's only simple to use what is thought of as a real life feud to build a stroyline between the two.
The truth is , anyone who bashed the rocks promo last night ( which is insane ) , will be cheering like crazy when he appears on raw live again. I find it funny how some of you said " The rock didnt even come to raw to face Cena like a man ". Well .. Cena was in the building the night he got verbally abused like a child by the rock and stayed in the back also so you cant complain. In reality, its a show, its not real, and theres alot of time before mania. You cant put it all out there right away.

Do i want to see Cena respond on raw again? No i dont. I dont want it to get stale before mania. The reason to me why rock wins this so far is obv because hes just completely better on the mic then cena ever will be. Cena cant come out and play the tuff guy rapper role one min then next time come out on the mic with the childish humor jokes on the miz. It doesnt seem real. Thats why last night i HATED cena talking on the mic. He sounded dumb and he was back to his classic pg jokes. Doctors note? Give me a break.

If and when the rock and cena get in the ring, cena stands no chance. I think thats why its gunna not happen until mania, but even so , this whole thing completely takes away from the miz vs cena. They are better off making this a 3 way for the title.

Quick side note: Rock said he never comes alone and hell see cena sooner then he thinks. Do i smell rock coming back next week along with stone cold?? Would love to see them in the ring together again
This is a storyline, the WWE are keeping the two apart until WM or another RAW down the line. So it makes sense for Rock to do a taped promo so Cena has something to say in response. Im thinking that Cena will rip on the Rock for not being there and then saying that is proving his point. So again Rock was in his house because WWE wanted him there, if he came to the show there is no way to really have him call out Cena without Cena responding right then and there. They dont want that to happen on Raw or at least not yet, they want you to pay them to see that on Wrestlemania. You will get a little taste. There is nothing more to it than that. Its all apart of the plan. Whats funny and yet awesome to see at the same time is fans from both sides taking this to the heart and getting into this emotionally. Just look at Twitter, you get a hands on about how the fans are feeling. Everything is playing out pretty well IMO.

I know it's a storyline, and from a business standpoint what you're saying DOES make sense. After this, people are going to want to see what Cena says next week and so on and so forth.
Like I said, some people will enjoy it but others like myself will just not be impressed.
Great response though, I should've thought about the business aspect a bit more before I posted.
More than disappointed that the Rock didn't show up live. I feel like a lot of the momentum is gone and for me at least I'm not as excited as I was. It's just reinforced the fact that he'll be gone after wrestlemania because he can't even be bothered to show up for RAW. Sure he might love the WWE but he loves making movies more and he has 2 in production. Suddenly everything seems very bland again, the Miz/Cena fued seems very last minute and stale and even though everyone would like to see Cena/Rock it's not going to happen other than perhaps a verbal confrontation.

A lot of my excitement is gone now unfortunately.
I have to say that while the promo was great, it did kill it for me a little that he was not in the building. If he isn't going to appear live, then just leave it alone and let the tension build. Let Cena talk because it seems like he says things that make people actually kind of stop and second guess Rock. You could do that for a couple of weeks and right when people are feeling that all hope is lost Rock hits him with a Rock Bottom and Peoples Elbow right before mania and the hype is through the roof.
From what I have read and seen, there was legit heat between Rock and Cena. However, from listening to an interview by Dave Metzler, they buried the hatchet at the HoF event where the Rock inducted his father/grandfather. Appertently, all the stuff that Cena was saying about Rock was feed to him by the WWE. Vince was pissed when Rock cancelled on him to host Raw a couple of years ago. It's only simple to use what is thought of as a real life feud to build a stroyline between the two.

Ah, okay. If true, Vince is a petty bastard. Well, it's pretty good of the Rock to forget about waht Vince did and come to help WWE this time.
I really...don't believe it was The Rock's decision to stay home tonight. It's been said before that this was likely a savvy business move more than anything else. They obviously don't WANT Cena and The Rock in the same ring together before Wrestlemania, and if that were to happen it would diminish their encounter at the biggest ppv event of them all. If Rock and Cena met at Raw, stare at each other, exchange promos/insults, why the hell would anyone get excited to see the same, exact thing happen at Mania? If Rock was there tonight, and last week, what...they're just gonna have Cena stay in the back and take more of The Rock's abuse? After a while, it's gonna seem very, very insincere. Naturally, the WWE would want to limit any chances of a Rock and Cena confrontation happening BEFORE WM. Is that really such a complex concept to grasp? Is it...is it really that unbelievable? Cause I don't know why most people are looking at this from a..."Omgz rock is a total hypocrite he didn't even show up tonight and said he was gonna be here, his promo sucked ass rage11!!!1" as if they know, for a fact, WHY he wasn't on Raw.

I do believe The Rock's promo wasn't as good as the one prior, and I'll even go so far as to say that Cena won with the return of 'Thuganomics' he had going on here, but it's not because The Rock 'wasn't there'. Of course, I'm really expecting him to be on the next Raw, as a face-off between him and Stonecold is too awesome an opportunity to pass up. Interested to see where that goes. Who knows, maybe I might be eating my words.
I am the Biggest Rock fan ever. I think that his most recent promo was not as good as it could have been... but I think this was done by Vince purposely. I think Vince is thinking, ok. How do I make this feud mean more and make it worth while. Keep the Rock at home for a "pre tapped" segment. The Fans will be upset. And Cena will come out next week and respond saying "See, you cant even show up live on Raw. You have to tape it from your house. You dont love the WWE, you cant even show up to respond to me. You are afraid" or something like that.

This will set up The Rock to come back and show the WWE he cares, by comming to the following Raw and meeting Cena face to face. Leading to something that im not sure whats gonna happen yet :) but im hoping for a Triple Thread Match at WM so The Rock can own both The Miz and Cena.
the rock needs to carry the wwe into the next era.
and hell i would love for his too wrestle, the chance of that happening is actuali quite high coz this feud with cena is esculating. i would love to see cena vs rock at summerslam.
The Rock will never wrestle again. He doesn't need to, and he has no incentive to wrestle. He didn't leave with unfinished business that he needs to clean up. The WWE possibly gets a temporary gain from him wrestling, but any amount of money they pay him, they have to hope to make up from the actual event. No matter his popularity, I don't think the WWE can offer him the money he would need to potentially jeopardize his acting career, at least temporarily. Imagine if he got hurt in the ring. The time he'd potentially miss would be worth millions.
Does anyone here think the Rock will appear on another edition of Raw before WM? Speculation as to whether or not he will show up again before WM has been mixed? Do you think it's a good idea for him to show up again before WM? At this weeks RAW (March 7th), it seems as if the WWE is teasing a return.
He'd might be doing on and off appearances like Brett Hart did last year. Something to similar to that may be.
I think he will be finishing off his angle with The Miz and Cena. That's all I can say. There are so many things that could happen. Cena could win, Miz could win. Rocky could help Cena to win, Rocky might not. Rocky might accidentally help Miz to win. Rock and Cena might shake hands, they may not. You get the gist. But I think this will be the conclusion of the Rock's involvement in this current 'feud'.
Maybe it will be like a "farewell" appearance or something. I honestly do not see The Rock appearing on WWE television after that edition of RAW. Heck, I didn't even see him appearing on television after the pay-per-view. But if he's booked then well I guess he's booked. I'm pretty sure The Rock has some movies to shoot after Mania and maybe this will be his "good-bye" again. Whatever the case maybe I'm sure this will The Rock's last TV appearance. For who ever will be asking if this will just continue his feud with Cena, or building to an eventual match at SummerSlam or whatever please stop thinking that because The Rock is done and will go back to Hollywood come April 4th, 2011.
There's no point, he hasn't been making appearances on the Raw's leading up to Wrestlemania. So why show up after it. At first I was excited for his appearance, but now I'm just disappointment. So personally I could careless if he showed up after Wrestlemania, unless it was to announce he was staying in the WWE for a little bit.
There's no point, he hasn't been making appearances on the Raw's leading up to Wrestlemania. So why show up after it. At first I was excited for his appearance, but now I'm just disappointment. So personally I could careless if he showed up after Wrestlemania, unless it was to announce he was staying in the WWE for a little bit.

He has made two appearances, one live & one taped recording, & you do know that him not being there is apart of the storyline right? Also how can you say there's no point to him being there when his angle w/Miz & Cena isn't even over yet?
The Rock has been confirmed for the first Monday night Raw after Wrestlemania.
Here is the link: http://www.wwe.com/shows/wrestlemania/exclusives/therockonrawafterwrestlemania

Could this be a follow up to something which happens between he and Cena?

Do you think this will be the last time The Rock is ever on WWE tv, apart from his HOF induction?

Do you think The Rock will be back sporadically over the next year possibly building to one final match at Mania next year?
I still think WWE convinced Rock into a Summer Slam match with Cena. The interview where Rock said he wouldn't wrestle again came about a week before his return, I think that was to work the IWC.

IMO Rock WILL wrestle at Summer Slam. If not, than I think he'll be gone again for a long time, possibly until he is inducted into the HOF.
I think Rock will be back spariodically and that Him and Cena will eventually have a match not sure if it'll be Summerslam or Wrestlemania but with the storyline going something has to be done.

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