The title pretty much says it all. The Rock cut a ten-minute promo on Cena, basically saying how he loves WWE, WWE is his family, his blood. Well, where I come from, you don't leave your family. I understand that he had other goals he wanted to accomplish, but he could have at least said "Thank you for the support, I'm moving on to another part of my life to pursue my other dreams" and I'm sure most people would have been satisfied with that. Instead, he decides to leave without a word, completely ignoring the fans that made him for seven years, before he finally decides on a whim to come back, and then he expects us to welcome him with open arms? I'm as big a fan of The Rock as the next guy, and I'm glad to see that he's back, but don't insult my intelligence by telling me that you love the business that you abandoned. As an example, when a guy falls in love with a girl, he proposes to her, he doesn't run away from her. The Rock also more or less called Cena a coward because he didn't say what he said to his face. Well, The Rock didn't even show up the last two weeks to confront Cena to HIS face. Now, I know all of this is scripted, and I know that all of it is a show, but as a fan, I feel like The Rock has insulted my intelligence by saying he loves the same people that he abandoned seven years ago for a Hollywood paycheck.