**MERGED** Finally.. The Rock... has come back... HOME (KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!)

How many times will we see the Rock?

  • Wrestlemania, the grand-daddy of 'em all. That's it.

  • Maybe one Raw.

  • TWO!!!!!!!

  • I reckon a good deal of appearances on WWE, including Web work and video promo's.

  • All the time, like on Smackdown as well. lol.

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If The Rock and John Cena ever do feud the Rock needs to be heel. His heel run in 1997-1999 and 2003 was gold. I remember the Rock concerts he had, his feuds with Austin, Goldberg and Foley as a heel, even short feud with The Hurricane were all awesome. Rock needs go heel if he ever feuds with Cena and hold Rock concerts.
The Rock changed the game by coming back on Raw. He come out... after SEVEN damn years and cut a promo that buries every promo that's been cut since he left. Mark Madden said it best when he wrote that The Rock's return is a good AND bad thing. It's good in that the WWE gets the booster shot it needs for Wrestlemania... but it's bad in that he comes out and SHITS all over the current product.

And all Cena can do is eat Fruity Pebbles. Because he has no answer for The Rock. He resorts to being his usual lame ass self. The Rock had me on the edge of my seat for a Monday Night Raw... something like that hasn't happened since The Invasion angle started. Overall, this is wonderful for wrestling in general. And makes me so glad The Rock didn't go to TNA. Imagine how lame that would have been. Instead of coming out to 15,000 screaming fans... he comes out to 300 screaming drunkards who think Jeff Hardy's the face of wrestling. The Rock will play a HUGE role at Wrestlemania...and one can only hope that this leads to a Cena/Rock competition somewhere down the line. The Rock can still go... and he'd whoop Cena's candy ass. Miz's too.

I'm looking forward to Raw tomorrow. That right there says it all.
Let me say this: the only reason that I am on this site, the only reason that I am even watching wrestling again, after a 5-year hiatus is because The Rock came back (home, he says) and delivered one flipping hell of a promo. I don't care what happens to Wrestlemania 27; I'm already sold on the idea that The Rock may own that event, even if it may not happen.

With the return of the Rock last monday night WWE has become THE buzzword around millions (and millions) of workplaces/schools/university's without a doubt.

But with his confirmation as the guest host of Wrestemania, do you think that we'll see him on 'The Road to Wrestlemania'? ala, how many RAW's do you expect to see him at? Will he attend a Smackdown? or will it purely be a Wrestlemania only appearance.

Let me know as I, purely because of the optimist in me, expect to see a bit more of the Rock than an appearance at the big one.

Oh, and just to clarify, I'm mainly discussing actual appearances, pre recorded or live streams just don't cut it for me.
I think we will probably see him a few times. I do not see him being on every RAW from last week until Wrestlemania. But, I do think he will make a couple more appearances on RAW.

I think how many times we see him has to do with John Cena. I am not sure exactly where they are going with this. I don't know if The Rock will end up as The Guest Referee for The Miz/Cena match or if he will just stick to his "Guest Host Duties", whatever those are.
I think he will be on one or two Raws to build up some hype for the Miz Cena match and tell us what exactly he will be doing at Mania and maybe have a promo or two with the Miz and Cena. Theres no way he will be on Smackdown though it took the WWE this long to convince him to come back so I imagine he will only appear a couple times.
I want to be optimistic and say that he will be at Raw tapings and do the usual trash talking. I have no idea though, at this point the ball is in his court. I do hope we see him more than just at Wrestlemania.
I don't think we will see Rock again until Wrestlemania. He may have said he's back, but he's absolutely not.

I'm more interested in being dissappointed in 2/21/11 than I am in being dissappointed that the Rock won't be on Raw.
If you're not counting pre recordings and live streams, I think it's just WM and that's it. Rock kept talking about how he would see Cena and Miz at WM, not he'd see them next week on Raw.

I think Cena and Miz will both trash talk Rock over the next week or two, he'll have a message for them va satellite announcing that he's going to be the special guest referee for their match, and that's it. I'd love to see him more, but I don't see it happening.
WWE should have The Rock appear live on Raw every week now until WM27 for the WM27 build up because it would make Raw amazing to watch every week. If you have The Rock Cena, HHH, HBK, and Undertaker on Raw every week now until WM27 Raw will be nasty. I triple dare TNA to come back to Monday nights now LOL.
My guess is that Rock will come out on every other Raw, so Rock last week, Cena this week, Rock next week ect, ect. I don't think it's gonna be a live satellite link deal, Rock will most likely only be making live appearances here and there.
I would love to see The Rock live on RAW again! And if it happen's, I hope we get some kind of confrontation between the two. Maybe Cena in the ring and the Rock on the stage or other way around.

I would prefer him to be there Live. And yeah, that photo is bad ass!!!
well i would also love them to have a back in forth but i would love it to be happening with both of them standing in the middle for the ring! With the segment ending with an AA or rock bottom depending on who gets the upperhand
I can't see them being in the same ring until Mania. If Rock & Cena are in the same ring going back and forth, there would have to be some physical action, and I really can't see WWE creative giving us that until Mania when Rock costs Cena the title with a Rock Bottom!!!
oh my did the rock ever just ripped cena a new asshole wow what a promo could this mean the rock is looking to wrestle again to prove his love for wwe pg just went out the door
I changed my entire post. Putting it in a different thread.

I will answer the poll question, though. I would have voted, but there wasn't a choice for don't really care one way or another.

I think the Rock overdid it on his promo this week, and he just used the same old jokes and drew it out way too long. Kind of a snoozer if you ask me.
The title pretty much says it all. The Rock cut a ten-minute promo on Cena, basically saying how he loves WWE, WWE is his family, his blood. Well, where I come from, you don't leave your family. I understand that he had other goals he wanted to accomplish, but he could have at least said "Thank you for the support, I'm moving on to another part of my life to pursue my other dreams" and I'm sure most people would have been satisfied with that. Instead, he decides to leave without a word, completely ignoring the fans that made him for seven years, before he finally decides on a whim to come back, and then he expects us to welcome him with open arms? I'm as big a fan of The Rock as the next guy, and I'm glad to see that he's back, but don't insult my intelligence by telling me that you love the business that you abandoned. As an example, when a guy falls in love with a girl, he proposes to her, he doesn't run away from her. The Rock also more or less called Cena a coward because he didn't say what he said to his face. Well, The Rock didn't even show up the last two weeks to confront Cena to HIS face. Now, I know all of this is scripted, and I know that all of it is a show, but as a fan, I feel like The Rock has insulted my intelligence by saying he loves the same people that he abandoned seven years ago for a Hollywood paycheck.

The title pretty much says it all. The Rock cut a ten-minute promo on Cena, basically saying how he loves WWE, WWE is his family, his blood. Well, where I come from, you don't leave your family. I understand that he had other goals he wanted to accomplish, but he could have at least said "Thank you for the support, I'm moving on to another part of my life to pursue my other dreams" and I'm sure most people would have been satisfied with that. Instead, he decides to leave without a word, completely ignoring the fans that made him for seven years, before he finally decides on a whim to come back, and then he expects us to welcome him with open arms? I'm as big a fan of The Rock as the next guy, and I'm glad to see that he's back, but don't insult my intelligence by telling me that you love the business that you abandoned. As an example, when a guy falls in love with a girl, he proposes to her, he doesn't run away from her. The Rock also more or less called Cena a coward because he didn't say what he said to his face. Well, The Rock didn't even show up the last two weeks to confront Cena to HIS face. Now, I know all of this is scripted, and I know that all of it is a show, but as a fan, I feel like The Rock has insulted my intelligence by saying he loves the same people that he abandoned seven years ago for a Hollywood paycheck.


1. You're right. It's scripted. So don't take it too seriously. It's all pretend drama for your entertainment.

2. If he didn't like the WWE or didn't want to give back, he wouldn't be in it today.

3. He wanted to do other things. Movies and stuff. He basically retired from the WWE and went to another career. Similar to Brock Lesnar. How would you want him to leave?

4. Even if you wanted him to leave in a certain way, it was up big boys to pull it out.

Now, I feel the whole criticism of him saying that he loves the WWE, but never appearing in person may be something to whine about. But there are a few WWE stars out there who don't appear in the WWE because they are retired. The Rock is no different.
Perhaps I should have clarified myself a bit more. I know why he left, and I understand that completely, but he could have at least come in and said "Thanks for the support, but I'm moving on with my life." I think most of my grievance as far as him leaving is that. He never bothered to come and say thank you to the people that made him. My whole point though is I don't want to be fed any bullshit about "I love WWE" when he has done nothing in the last seven years to even ACKNOWLEDGE, let alone THANK, his WWE fans.
Perhaps I should have clarified myself a bit more. I know why he left, and I understand that completely, but he could have at least come in and said "Thanks for the support, but I'm moving on with my life." I think most of my grievance as far as him leaving is that. He never bothered to come and say thank you to the people that made him. My whole point though is I don't want to be fed any bullshit about "I love WWE" when he has done nothing in the last seven years to even ACKNOWLEDGE, let alone THANK, his WWE fans.

Stone Cold didn't say that when he left. He just retired in the shadows, but he did come back to stunner people every now and then. Hogan said screw the WWE and went off to WCW and TNA. Even Mick Foley said screw the WWE and went to TNA. Usually wrestlers don't get a retirement party when they leave. Even if they did, it's up to Vince and most of the time it's off camera. The Rock said that he was leaving for a while in 2003 off camera. There are a few who get retirement parties like HBK and Flair.

There are only a few wrestlers that will say "Goodbye, and thanks for everything" while on camera and in character.

And The Rock made some pre taped vids for the WWE during those seven years, but other than that he was in retirement. A person could love the WWE yet not be in it. What do you want him to do? Come back and do a few promos about random stuff?

I do feel there is a gap between him loving the business and someone like...HBK or Undertaker. I feel like when he says he loves the business, but don't really show up, it is giving the fans weird message. But he does have another career now. He is back now, and he didn't have to come back, we can enjoy it while it last.
lol the rocks promo did sweet fuck all for me, it was just full of hypocrisy. As a fan of the rock i am quite disappointed. I mean, as i was watching him speak i was like "yeah what ever..." it absolutely did nothing for me.

Like Cena said... "You say you love us, but i'm here every week to prove it". Until he actually rocks(no pun intended) up to raw, i won't be interested at all in what "The Great One" has to say.
Apparently Maryse wasn't a fan of the Rock pre-tape based on these retweets.

Hyping Wrestlemania or a look in how the WWE locker room views the Rock?

My mistake, those are Maryse retweeting John Cena's retweets. Boy Cena sure did a bunch of retweeting, wow.

God 10 years ago that sentence would have confused the hell out of me. But seriously that was lame. I marked out when Rock returned but doing a pre-tape and including the "Finally the Rock has come back to Buffalo" was a slap in the face to all the people who attended the event.
I understand that Vince want's to keep Rock's appearances limited that way by the time WM rolls around the impact is lost.I liked this promo Cena continues to run his mouth and now we have a build up to a confrontation.
My whole point though is I don't want to be fed any bullshit about "I love WWE" when he has done nothing in the last seven years to even ACKNOWLEDGE, let alone THANK, his WWE fans.

Exactly. I almost couldn't believe how wany people bought that, then I remembered how everyone had a huge hard-on for him 10 years ago. Also, it's fitting Dwayne does his promos on the big screen, since that's where he works now, not the ring. Anyone who thought Dwayne was going to travel to Raw each week and show up on TV is a complete idiot. The guy is clearly in great shape, he should be wrestling at WrestleMania, not just "hosting" or taking the Mike Tyson special enforcer role.

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