**MERGED** Finally.. The Rock... has come back... HOME (KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!)

How many times will we see the Rock?

  • Wrestlemania, the grand-daddy of 'em all. That's it.

  • Maybe one Raw.

  • TWO!!!!!!!

  • I reckon a good deal of appearances on WWE, including Web work and video promo's.

  • All the time, like on Smackdown as well. lol.

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Yes, it's true. He's baaaack, and I'm not talking about Kane, The Rock is back! And he is the guest host of Wrestlemania 27. What do you think of this? Will he fight John Cena at the event?

What about the promo he just did?

For me it was one of the greatest moments as a wrestling fan, it's like 4AM in Portugal, and I'm watching online RAW, and when I saw the woman I really tought it could be Stephanie McMahon or someone else, but it was The Rock and I'm so happy it was, he did a great promo, and as far as I am concerned, Vince McMahon has made a believer out of me. I will buy Wrestlemania 27 just so I can watch The Rock at WWE again.

I'm not sure if this comeback will continue in the next week or just at Wrestlemania, anyway, it's gonna be a long road to Wrestlemania, with some comments between Cena and The Rock it will certainly be fun to watch, I'm not sure if The Rock has one more match in him, because it wouldn't make sense to refer to Cena if they aren't planning on doing something in the future between the two.

Does this change the way you were thinking about Wrestlemania as a PPV?

I thought it was great. but I am sure it will continue all the way through, I really hope the rock is here to stay for good, probably not as a wrestler.


in this youtube video at 8:52 he says "I am never ever going away" which means to me he has a position within the company, however I dont think he will be an active wrestler again.
Dewayne Johnson buried Cena , the guy who has carried the ball for like 6 years. He made the cena era seem gay and weak. Vince caved to Dewayne and allowed him to bury John Cena. Im sure Cena was tickled in the back but deep down he has to understand how bad he got owned in that promo. It unvalidated everything he did in his career. That one promo obliterated cena. Because Vince allowed it.

That right there should speak volumes. Anybody can come out and blast Cena and say all of those things. The fact that The Rock could actually make Cena look bad shows that he's miles ahead of Cena on the mic.

Why are you so pissy about this? Do you actually believe The Rock personally offended you by leaving wrestling and disassociating himself from it? Should fans of the Real World be pissed that The Miz disassociates himself from MTV programming? The fact is The Rock owes you nothing, he did what he wanted to do with his life and now he's chosen to come back. Shut up and enjoy it for what it is.
I wasn't all that emphatic with The Rock's appearance either. Was I hyped? Sure. Am I hyped for Wrestlemania? Hell yeah. Does it mean I was totally happy with his performance last night? Not by a long shot.

I must preface this, however. I went into watching RAW remembering the shtick that he had when Austin quit on the WWE and Vince brought him back to save RAW. How he cut that promo directed at the roster - talking WWE-this, WWE-that. Saying how the industry meant so much to him, etc, etc. Telling the boys in the back that they had to lift, etc.

IIRC this is the youtube;


What didn't do it for me though was him coming out and rip not only Cena but the current WWE Champion as well. Comparing it to his and Austin's eras, ramming it down our throats that the current era doesn't stack up with it. We know that it doesn't, we don't need to be reminded of it.

I did find him ripping on Miz's "awesome" lines very hypocritical. Was it funny? Hell yeah it was funny - and yes I know that was the point. However, I find that someone that has to tell us a million times that he's the most electrifying man in all of entertainment must completely suck too. What's the difference? One does it as a good guy, the other a heel.

For him to rip on the very likely main event for Wrestlemania did break up my enjoyment of the segment. It also made me think. Why pay for the Wrestlemania pay-per-view if in the words of the guest host both of the main eventers suck? The Rock is meant to promote the main event not put himself over and make both guys look pathetic.

People suggesting that he ripped on Cena to set up a Cena-Rock match.... Why then rip on the champ? It's THE ROCK.... He's got his own catch phrases - he doesn't need a cheap pop at the expense of the champion. There's no way we're getting Cena Vs Rock. What I do say is that he made both main eventers in the likely WWE Championship match look bad.

This is just stupid. The Rock used to always make fun of wrestlers. Kurt Angle and his milk, Undertaker and his mickey mouse tatoos, Triple H and his nose. Did it hurt any of their careers? No. Also you don't know what they have planned for at Mania. I personally think The Rock will be guest referee in a match between Miz and Cena. I might be wrong. If it is though then Rock is trying to get hype for that match.

If you honestly think this is going to hurt Cena's career then you you need to learn how things work. There is no pleasing some people. You said you enjoyed the promo so why you hating.

Also The Rock does love WWE. Of course he does. He left more movies where he could make more money, not get hurt and spend time with his family. That doesn't mean he doesn't love it. He took The Rock out of his name because he wanted to be known first as an actor for the past few years and there's nothing wrong with that.
Greatest moment in years. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. It's amazing to see Rock back and I can't wait for Mania. I pay just to see The Rock. I hope he does something interesting at Mania and hopefully he will be at a couple of Raws in the upcoming weeks.

I agree with Coco on the fact that the Rock may have written checks with his mouth that Vince and he himself will have to cash.

If he doesn't step in the ring at least one more time, it'll be a huge let down.

Hey I marked out as big as anyone else here last night. I rewound and watched that promo 4 or 5 times last night.

But...promos only go so far.

If Rocky isn't getting back in the ring anytime soon, then why cut a promo on the WWE's cash cow that is John Cena? I mean what now? Is Cena supposed to just smile and take this lying down? Or is he gonna stand by what he said a few years ago (which was true BTW)?

Now if we don't get a Cena vs Rock match at WM, it will be a letdown. A staredown followed by a Rockbottom or AA won't be enough IMO.
If you recall, The Rock took roughly one minute to talk to everyone as "Dewayne Johnson" and then ended that segment of actually portraying himself by saying "The Rock is back!"

Then went on a regular Rock promo. Lots of profanity, tons of yelling and just mocking everyone heel or face. It's what he's done for years and years. Then, The Rock explains that Cena said something a while ago that came across his desk.

This is basically the beginning of a work of an angle. It's part of a shoot to get The Rock out of the gate swinging. It's the same as Chris Jericho coming out here and calling us hypocrites, sycophants, etc. Does he truly believe it? Probably not...But his character makes him go and say that.

On top of that, it was awesome seeing The Rock put Michael Cole in his place like he used to years and years ago. Even setting up an angle against, possibly, Michael Cole and the Raw GM... :lmao:

By the way, that was the best WWE promo in 7 years! :icon_biggrin:
Actually, I think The Rock had done the right thing all these years. He didn't use his FAME or his NAME to succeed in Hollywood.

He dropped "The Rock" and tried to establish himself as a viable Hollywood Star on his own. You know what? He did that.

I have wanted him in WWE all these years, as much, if not MORE than anyone. But things change and people change. Dwayne Johnson went to Hollywood and became a success. Not by doing WWE Films movies. Sure they co-produced his first few movies, but that was for them, not for him. He grabbed the "bull" by the horns and tried to make it on his own.

Of course his popularity as a wrestler played a lot into it. But, that doesn't mean he was a shoe-in to be a HUGE movie star. Other big name wrestlers have tried to make it as well. Hogan, Piper, Austin etc...

Not one of them has made it like The Rock did. He did it without exploiting the WWE and also he did it without exploiting all of us.

Check your heartbeat FUCKERS, if you weren't electrified last night, you might already be DEAD!

Mouthy Idiot - That is a fitting name for you... Nuff said!!!
First off, how did The Rock "sucker" anyone? Apparently he suckered you, too; you were there right along with "the millions". Secondly, you speak as if there is no distinction between The Rock, this character--and Dwayne Johnson, this real life personality. Are you trapped in some fantasy wrestling paradox? Who are you going to diss next, Rocky Maivia?

Then you speak as if the guy's washed up. What about Randy Contour? You're telling me that someone can enter a sport that's real and as brutal as MMA at forty and win championships, yet The Rock who is in excellent shape can't put on a good display in a fictional ring? You're crazy.

Next you discuss how The Rock turned his back on wrestling fans. You really sound like a best bud who has lost his friend to marriage. That's pretty gay. Just as the best bud should share in the happiness with the groom, as a "real [guy] who [knows] about the biz", you should be proud of The Rock's Hollywood success; it does a lot for the wrestling industry.

Talking about speaking in a pompus and arrogant manner, you take the "pie". And what's with this poor Cena crap? Cena's a big boy; he can handle it. What did you expect, The Great One to call out some Jabroni? Last night was a good night for wrestling fans, not just Rock fans. Even if you're a John Cena fan, you can't help but to believe that was a great moment for Cena. Now John, and I like Cena, has the opportunity to step up. It works out for everyone: Cena, the Universe, the WWE, and the Rock... may be even The Miz. Hater, lol.
I did not watch RAW last night, I refuse to watch WWE anymore. But thank you Mouthyidiot for informing me of last night. The Rock came back and made Cena look like a jabroni. This really happened? This is what i've been waiting for for 7 years. For the Rock to come back and make a monkey out of John Cena. Sure it'll all end with a match at Wrestle Mania with Rock putting Cena over. But seriously, this is how Cena gets over.
It needs to be said. Cena has not beaten a guy as big as the Rock. Cena needs the Rock for credibility in my eyes. He has every kid and obsessed wrestling fans. But not mine. He needs to beat a true legend before and make it look natural before i can take Cena or WWE seriously again.

Can't believe the Rock is back. WWE may just get my viewership back. Bring back the Rock, get rid of Nexus and Michael Cole. And keep Triple H off tv.
wow who cares if he's been gone 7 years and if 'The Rock' was dropped from his name. The guy wanted to become a moviestar on his own without help! It's not like he HAS to return to the WWE, he's doing it for the fans. I dont care if it's as host, referee, wrestler or popcorn vendor! I'm happy he's back and his apperance last night was the best thing I've seen on RAW in many years

so nope not disgusted ;)
Its funny how people get upset over a TV show, the longest running soap in the history of TV. First, The Rock is like anyone before and after him a actor/performer ( Hogan,HHH, SC3:16, Y2J, Miz, Mil Mascara, El Santo,Cena and the list goes on ). All The Rock did last night was show how he got most of everyone eating out of the palm of his hands. Don't you think last night back stage Rock, Cena, HHH, Miz and Vince were laughing their ass off on how silly people acted in the arena and online. The sad part of all this is people are going to drop $60 to $70 for the Mania PPV and come on here and cry over how weak the show was, but did you see the Rock do that people's eyebrow and elbow, did you see Cena say I can't see you and The Miz he was Awesome getting his ass kick. So folks remember its only TV and its suppose to be watch for your entertainment not to sky rock your blood pressures. And for the people that got a orgasim last night over seen the Rock don't forget to wipe. Have a Nice Day and enjoy the show.
How in gods name was that disgusting?? First the Rock just proved how all these pg era lovers in here are fools and the attitude era was in fact that much better!! Yes the Rock pretty much buried 7 years of a John Cena build up in 20mins. The attitude era was filled with talent that could have done the same thing last night. You really think Cena could hange with HHH or even HBK from 98, the rock hasent been seen in years and killed it!!! Cena has been at this for a decade stright and cant come close to what The Rock did last night with a 7 year lay off. If anything this cheap version of the Hogan era gained a lot of knowledge last night i really hope they were as smart as you pg era fanatics claim a brought a note pad!!!
I did not watch RAW last night, I refuse to watch WWE anymore. But thank you Mouthyidiot for informing me of last night. The Rock came back and made Cena look like a jabroni. This really happened? This is what i've been waiting for for 7 years. For the Rock to come back and make a monkey out of John Cena. Sure it'll all end with a match at Wrestle Mania with Rock putting Cena over. But seriously, this is how Cena gets over.
It needs to be said. Cena has not beaten a guy as big as the Rock. Cena needs the Rock for credibility in my eyes. He has every kid and obsessed wrestling fans. But not mine. He needs to beat a true legend before and make it look natural before i can take Cena or WWE seriously again.

Can't believe the Rock is back. WWE may just get my viewership back. Bring back the Rock, get rid of Nexus and Michael Cole. And keep Triple H off tv.

Yet another baseless post from you but I'm not surprised. Cena doesn't have to beat a true legend and the notion of that is silly. Hulk Hogan didn't beat a true legend to make himself credible. Stone Cold didn't have to beat a true legend to be one of the greatest of all time. We can debate all day whether Hart was a true legend as it relates to HBK and even The Great One established himself before he faced Hogan. Cena has beaten the best in his era and I find it silly to think that he needs to beat a true legend for credibility. HBK lost to Hogan and Michaels is considered one of the greats. It didn't damage his legacy so it's not going to damage Cena's.
The Rock is simply putting Cena over and getting ready to pass the torch to him. At Wrestlemania, he's going to completely bow out to John Cena. I'm pretty sure he's going to get involved in Cena vs Miz at Cena's behalf. Stop crying and wait for the storyline to unfold. You will never know backstage politics unless you are actually backstage. I don't care how much information leaks over the internet.
The more I think about this, the more I think this is going to turn into The Rock on the same side as Cena. I can TOTALLY see a stare down at Wrestlemania, a promo vs promor deal, maybe Cena even cuts into a rap for a little bit. But in the end, when Alex Reilly tries to interfere in Cena's match, The Rock saves the day and the two celebrate at the end.

I wouldn't be shocked to see The Miz take a People Elbow.
I have to say deep down that was pretty pathetic what he did on Raw. He suckered all of you in by showing up and cutting that pompous arrogant promo. I understand what he meant to the WWE at one point but I mean 7 years is a long time in the wrestling world. Just break this down for a second and this post isnt for you 'Rocky" marks or even Fame marks , this is for the real guys who know about the biz and the backstage politics. Honestly when hes been looking down on the WWE for 7 years in interviews and in his demeanor like dropping "The Rock" from his name. He said many many times WWE was his past and that he will not wrestle again. He kept dropping hints at a WWE return in some capacity but WHO CARES ABOUT HIM BEING A LAME HOST???? Everybody in that building and watching wants him to WRESTLE. I dont care who you are or what your place in life is , if you say you only wanna see him and dont care if he wrestles you are a LIAR. Then the clincher was when he said he would never leave again. Well guess what , just watch what happens when his little Hosting stint ends. He is a movie guy now and thats the truth. Im not putting down his success but he seemed desperate to me on RAW trying to be the 30 yr old Rock again. He looks buff and hasnt aged badly but hes not the same guy. Havent you seen his image makeover in the last 7 years. Acting all artsy and calm and hollywood in his talk show appearances and awards show gigs and all that. This is the bad thing about society , too many people are followers and will always be puppets to someone like 'The Rock'. This isnt about me being a 'hater' which is what some people will say. I am a guy who views the WWE from a standpoint of truth and logic. Plus WWE made John Cena look pathetic and bad last night on Raw. Dewayne Johnson buried Cena , the guy who has carried the ball for like 6 years. He made the cena era seem gay and weak. Vince caved to Dewayne and allowed him to bury John Cena. Im sure Cena was tickled in the back but deep down he has to understand how bad he got owned in that promo. It unvalidated everything he did in his career. That one promo obliterated cena. Because Vince allowed it.

Is that your opinion?


Was I offended? No. In actual fact, I was highly entertained by his comments about Cena. He didn't bury him, he merely used Cena as a platform to regain the arrogance he had before he left. To remind us all of the sarcastic yet insanely entertaining man we all knew before. And who better to insult live on TV, in a segment which I'm sure will be talked about for the next few weeks, than the biggest star in wrestling right now. How many times did The Rock verbally insult 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin during their numerous feuds? Plenty. Was he burying him? No. He was taking the piss out of his gimmick but that ain't burying what Cena has done since he left. In fact in one respect he's actually saying that Cena is in the same boat in terms of stardom as himself and Stone Cold. Personally I thought the whole deal was hilarious.

...oh and it ain't Dewayne, prick. A clear cut sign you actually know nothing about anything wrestling related when you can't even get the first name of the one of the biggest stars in wrestling history's name right.
Oh, would you people knock it off. There are points on both sides of the coin. Yes, the Rock absolutely kicked WM up a notch, and from a business standpoint was a superb move by Vince to make sure Mania had as much impact as possible.

That being said, there's also validity to the point people are making that you don't piss all over the ME and the top talent. Yes, I get it. That's the Rock's schtick. But when he did it as a WWE mainstay, he was being brought up at the same time, with the guys he was ribbing, in the same genre, etc. etc. He wasn't coming back, being a part of a past era, telling everybody this era and its top stars are shit compared to what came before.

Hell, if people were going to take offense, that's what they should take offense to. The fact that he just called everybody that bought Mania tickets or is buying the ppv a stupid piece of blind monkey crap. Fuck you, Rock. Die, Rocky, Die. :D

Point is, it was great marketing, but still has the potential to slightly backfire as it relates to the current product/talent. How about everybody either discuss it rationally, calmly, with an open mind and a little courtesy, or drink a nice, tall glass of STFU until we see more of it unfold?
Are you kidding me man? Anybody with a computer knows the backstage and the biz at this point. This is 2011 man. Your a mark who is on The Rocks jock and cant handle when someone points out something reasonable. Who cares about the biz anyway?.
Anyone with a computer knows the backstage and the biz at this point? No, anyone with a computer thinks they can know the backstage and the biz at this point, because the internet has emerged as yet another facet through which to conduct "the biz" of professional wrestling. This is 2011, man! "The biz" has evolved, and ignorant schmucks like you who think they understand "the biz" have been completely left behind by this development.

Dirt sheets exist for the sake of making wrestling fans think they know more about secret stuff then other fans. You have bought into this hook, line, and sinker. Who cares about the biz anyway? You were the guy making a plea that this post was only for the "real guys who know about the biz".

I reiterate- the closest you've come to "the biz" is begging CM Punk for an autograph outside of an Auntie Anne's.

For the record, I never even mentioned my opinion on the Rock. My opinion in my original post was strictly limited to the thought that you're so full of shit someone could kick you in the stomach and make crap come out your ears. If anything, your response has solidified that thought.
The only sad thing for me is that I can't think of anything in the next 10 years that will get me as pumped and make me mark out as much as I did watching the Rock return. I was literally in tears.

Also, if you couldn't enjoy that last night then I really think you should stop watching wrestling and look at yourself seriously for complaining on a message board about the show.
He didn't bury him, he merely used Cena as a platform to regain the arrogance he had before he left. To remind us all of the sarcastic yet insanely entertaining man we all knew before. And who better to insult live on TV, in a segment which I'm sure will be talked about for the next few weeks, than the biggest star in wrestling right now. How many times did The Rock verbally insult 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin during their numerous feuds? Plenty. Was he burying him? No. He was taking the piss out of his gimmick but that ain't burying what Cena has done since he left. In fact in one respect he's actually saying that Cena is in the same boat in terms of stardom as himself and Stone Cold. Personally I thought the whole deal was hilarious.

...oh and it ain't Dewayne, prick. A clear cut sign you actually know nothing about anything wrestling related when you can't even get the first name of the one of the biggest stars in wrestling history's name right.

As much as i agree with you on the most part The Rock was epics last night after a 7 year lay off and being able to out do every wrestler "cough" Cena who been at this for a decade streight and cannot come close to what The Rock did last night, Take notes Cena! The Rock did bury Cena, as to argue you point when The Rock and Austin were doin there thing they came up around the same time in the same era would be kinda hard to bury another at that time, Imagine if Hogan came back in 99-2000 and slammed austin or The Rock... Thats exactly what The Rock did last night a almost forgotten legend returned and bashed the biggest star from the new generation into obscurity. Well done Rock atta boy proved how weak this new pg crap really is! THANK YOU!!!
The only people that are butt hurt at what happened lastnight are Cena fans, by Vince bringing the Rock back(no matter how long it lasts) Is vince saying step your game up cause that was how a promo should be done thats what wrestling was like at its peak the monday night wars when they had all types of wrestlers that could go out and have the crowd and viewers at home on the edge of their seats not even having to throw a punch shit aint like that now and hasn't been for a long time it makes for good tv, besides if that was all that it took was the Rock to talk about Cena for 5 minutes to destroy him than that should tell you something right there, the only people Cena is over with are children and women not real wrestling fans.
All of us are wondering what will happen next. That's the main reason why we tune in every Monday and Friday night. We want to be amused. Instead of arguing and getting angry with each other, just anticipate the future with hope and speculation. None of you have any idea what the Creative Team is coming up with. It's hilarious to see you people fight over sports-entertainment. Yes, wrestling is real but it's also scripted; everyone knows that.

The Rock took a part of the Attitude era last night on Raw and brought it together with today's targeted generation. Those who have been watching wrestling for over 15 years, including myself, know that what we're seeing now will never live up to what we experienced when we were younger. But I wouldn't have it any other way. Although Superstars like The Rock and Stone Cold are getting older, they helped build this company and us older fans are more than excited to see the guys we looked up to still get in that ring. Today's talent will not be buried by bringing in a few Legends. If anything, it will make them stronger.

It's all about product consumption. We can't judge either The Rock or John Cena as people based off of something written down on a piece of paper for our entertainment. Their characters are created from scratch, from a concept in their heads. They're just like everyone else in the sense that they want to make a living for themselves and for their families; except they get paid more money than you and I will ever receive. In all likelihood, no one will chant your name in an arena filled with thousands of people. Vince McMahon is a millionaire because of us. And he knows how to pull the strings. He's a capitalist genius.

I don't know about you, but I felt like a kid again watching my idol do what he does best. The Rock could have verbally attacked the Miz or even CM Punk for that matter, but John Cena was chosen for a reason. I could care less about your opinions of Cena as a whole. As The Rock would say, "It doesn't matter what you think!" From a marketer's point of view, he sells. Hulk Hogan passed the torch to The Rock at Wrestlemania 18 and now The Rock will give it to John Cena in the near future.
Perhaps the seeds for a potential feud between Rock and either Cena or Miz have been planted? By the time I started watching wrestling, the Rock had already left and I haven't seen much of his work besides short clips I've seen on Youtube. That said, I LOVED his promo last night. I don't use the phrase "marking out" very often but that is exactly what I did last night when his theme song hit. Watching him verbally destroy Michael Cole was also icing on the cake. As for what I got out of the promo, I have to say I'm curious what he meant when he said he was never leaving again. Was he sincere when he said it? Is he back full time or will he at least make more appearances? Still so many unanswered questions.

Watching Rock's promo last night though made me feel sorry for a lot of the current WWE roster. I thought his promo in some ways made them inferior in the sense that if the vast majority of them aspire to come CLOSE to the level of the Rock, it's gonna be one big mountain they're gonna have to climb. Not even Cena or Punk (in my view, two of the best mic workers on the current WWE roster) come close to the Rock in terms of overall charisma.

I do wonder if the Rock will make more appearances on WWE television over the next few weeks or if he'll just appear at Wrestlemania. I'm very interested in seeing a confrontation between Rock and Miz and Rock and Cena.
The Rock returning was the greatest thing that I have seen in wrestling since his confrontation with Hollywood Hulk Hogan. His promo was the best that I have seen in years. I was freaking out acting like my favorite team had won the world series when he came out. I read the spoilers and saw that he was going to be there. But seeing it was something totally different. I hope that he is really back to stay past Wrestlemania. As a fan of the Attitude Era I greatly appreciated last night.
Meh, Rocky has repeatedly mentioned how he's not interested in ever wrestling again. I think the lines he tossed about "never leaving" and seeing Cena were just put in to keep up a draw and some interest for potential PPV buyers. The potential problem with bringing him our prior to Wrestlemania was that people that bought the PPV would'nt get that exclusive moment of his return, so it makes sense to give people a reason to still tune in, even if it's not likely to be the same moment that's being spoken about at the moment.

Personally, I was ecstatic. I was freaking out when he came out. And so was everyone else, it was insane. Best moment in WWE recent history. Still in shape, still capable in the ring (no major injuries or surgeries, etc.), still a mic genius, and ultimately, one of the better wrestling draws we've ever seen. I'm glad he decided to make a return to the WWE. Although.. to be fair, it's not like it would've been a good move to turn it down considering how well his past few movies have done.

Good job Mr. Johnson, way to defibrillate the wrestling audience. We needed it, sincerely. First time I've cared about wrestling in a long time. I just left Raw on in the background, then I hear "If ya smell!" and... my night improved.

As a side note, I was over thrilled by his language. I was soooooo happy to *not* hear yet even more watered down PG crap that I jumped out of my chair. Hopefully, if Triple H has his way, we'll be heading back towards a more "Attitude Era"-esque company.
I could'nt believe they actually censored The Rock for a line, and let all the "son of a bitches" and "candy asses" through. Funny stuff.

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