**Merged** Cena & Rock Discussion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!

Do you support The Rock or John Cena?

  • The Rock

  • John Cena

  • The Miz!!!!!

  • I'm just going to enjoy the show

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^^^ Spot on. I think my biggest gripe is people acting like the Rock's promo will or has had any effect whatsoever on The Miz or John Cena in the long run. I actually thought the Miz had a perfect repsonse. The Miz had the crowd in the palm of his hand last night and just ran with it. He didn't have to be funny he just had to be himself. Granted, The Rock spent more time taking shots at Cena. Bottom line John Cena and The Miz are in no way buried.
I think they both did great the rock forced cena to up his game, then taker and hhh showed how to do a promo with no words. I hope everybody else in the back was paying attention. I really think cena has excellent mic skills but since he never has anyone to go against on his level he has to be corny just to keep the other guy relevant. I'm looking forward to see what comes of this the wwe is really stepping their game up now but its sad that neither champion was involved in any of these epic promos.
It's an interesting thing that you mention UltimateHitman about Cena and even The Miz making it sound that The Rock does not matter a lot. I think that the original plan was never to reference The Rock in their promos at all but The Rock through the power of his fans and his promo has forced Cena and The Miz to reference him. There are a few other points that I disagree with apart from this as well.

People are saying "Oh, Cena had to bring back an old gimmick to hold his own". And? The Rock didn't just re-hash a 7+ year old gimmick? Could he not have evolved himself by now to come up w/something that worked in today's WWE? Why did he have to revert?

You cannot serioussly compare Cena reverting to his rapper gimmick to Rock's situation, can you? It is the only gimmick that The Rock has had which has been successful. Cena, on the other hand, has achieved more success as the clean cut superhero that Rocky trashed last week. He has been forced to revert to his gimmick. The Rock was not forced to do that and so why should he come up with a new gimmick?

I hear other people saying the Rock "schooled" Cena. That's just absurd. I like both guys, but Rock did not "school" anybody. And here's why.

The Rock used shock value, attitude era promo work. It worked because it was refreshing and people hadn't seen it for years, but what did it truly amount to? The same stuff he used to do to everybody else? The whiny, insulting voice during the "You can't see me" bit? Done. The self-glorifying (most electrifying, people's champ, millions....)? Done. The catchphrases, the candy asses, the son of a bitches, the asses? All done.

Most of his stuff was the same except for one little thing. He mentioned how the WWE had gone from "Austin 3:16 just whipped you ass" and " If you smell what The Rock is cooking...." to **cue whiny voice** "You can't see me". And you know what it did sound lame.

So yes, Rock schooled not only Cena but the era as well.

What did Cena do? He came out, blew off one of the company's top faces in history, made this WWE legend and Hollywood mainstay into a joke, and "buried" him in a promo that turned him into a bunch of old catchphrases from a bygone era that brought nothing new to the table. Hmmmmmm, sounds pretty even to me.

Did he? Most of his attacks were on Dwayne Johnson rather than The Rock. The fact that Rocky left for movies is the only thing that Cena has on Rock. He did not make a single reference to The Rock's wrestling ability, promos or his fan following. He may have buried Dwayne Johnson, and that is a huge "may" because be rest assured that Rock will poke fun at Cena's own "stellar" movie career when he gets the chance to, but he did not bury The Rock in any form.
Ok, I got through most of the posts before commenting. Why can we not just give credit to both men for awesome promos? TBH, I even thought Miz' promo was decent because of the type of character he portrays and how his character comes across.

First of all, I understand there are a lot of Rock/Attitude Era marks out there. But I have been seeing inconsistencies in the posts coming from seething, rabid Cena/PG haters.

People are saying "Oh, Cena had to bring back an old gimmick to hold his own". And? The Rock didn't just re-hash a 7+ year old gimmick? Could he not have evolved himself by now to come up w/something that worked in today's WWE? Why did he have to revert?

I hear other people saying the Rock "schooled" Cena. That's just absurd. I like both guys, but Rock did not "school" anybody. And here's why.

The Rock used shock value, attitude era promo work. It worked because it was refreshing and people hadn't seen it for years, but what did it truly amount to? The same stuff he used to do to everybody else? The whiny, insulting voice during the "You can't see me" bit? Done. The self-glorifying (most electrifying, people's champ, millions....)? Done. The catchphrases, the candy asses, the son of a bitches, the asses? All done.

What did Cena do? Instead of coming out like he was pissed off at the world (which wouldn't work for his positive, happy go lucky attitude btw) he came out nonchalantly and used NO profanity, just clever innuendo. He actually answered the Rock inside the PG guidelines without throwing out swear words and getting riled up. He stayed true to his young fans, while giving the grown ups something to go "Awwww, damn!" about. He blew Rock off as somebody that wasn't really worth his time, yet responded anyway. It was the best way to go. Show that the comments weren't all they amounted to, yet respond to the challenge to show he won't back down. Genius.

Who pisses you off more in a war of words? The person that gets amped up and emotional, or the person that chuckles and laughs you off and pushes your buttons while not letting your words get to him? The person that smiles as you get defensive and serious while you go on a tirade, or the person that plays into your baiting and gets wound up? Exactly.

I was blown away by Rock's promo, don't get me wrong. I watched last week and thought "Damn, why would you bury your top face like that?" I thought, at first, that Cena's credibility was in jeopardy. Then I saw Cena answer last night and realized Rock's promo wasn't as bad as it originally seemed. And then I realized that it was the same old Rock of old, and I was just taken aback by simply not seeing it for so long.

People say "Rock buried Cena in a matter of minutes". They say he took the top face and reverted him to a joke in no time. What did Cena do? He came out, blew off one of the company's top faces in history, made this WWE legend and Hollywood mainstay into a joke, and "buried" him in a promo that turned him into a bunch of old catchphrases from a bygone era that brought nothing new to the table. Hmmmmmm, sounds pretty even to me.

Even Miz put forth a decent promo considering what he was working with and around. What is Miz' gimmick? How is that gimmick portrayed on screen? An overly arrogant, loudmouthed braggart. Is he known for his witty catchphrases, his banter, his subtle humor, his innuendo? No. He's known for talking the same way he talked last night. Acting like he's the best, being his own biggest fan, and talking down to people. He's not supposed to make people laugh and cheer. He's supposed to garner heat. And his promo did what it was supposed to and fit his character like it was supposed to.

All in all, every promo was good. Every promo did what it was supposed to, and every promo was well done. I think that people are letting their own likes and dislikes and biases fuel their words and speaking w/more emotion than objectivity.

At any rate, I think both promos were good for what they were, but if I have to give a vote I'd go with Cena. (And I don't even like rap, for the most part.) I just thought it was a nice, subtle, effective promo that still kept him at his current position w/the company, got him some respect from the haters (even if temporarily), and answered Rock in a brilliant way. He had some nice jabs, and didn't take things seriously or to heart. It fit his character, and flowed smoothly even with a little more of an edge than normal.

Rock's promo was about: coming back after being away for 7yrs, thanking the fans who stood by his side, talking about hosting WM, insulting cole & miz, AND he focused on cena for only less than 30sec.

As you can see, his promo wasn't about cena, it was about him hosting WM.

On the other hand we have cena's promo or should I say freestyle: It was about the rock, it was about the rock, AND it was about the rock.

He had 4min promo to insult roc..actually all his insults were towards dwayne. And cena going back to his old gimmick proves who was clearly the winner.

If the wwe is planning to have both of them in a face to face promo, they better reconsider it. Because I said it before and I'll say it again, It would be cena's downfall. A very few amount of wrestlers can handel their own against rock on the mic.
Why does everyone keep bringing up that Cena "had to revert back to his own character" like that actually means anything. So what. It isn't like he ripped off someone else's character. It is John Cena's gimmick is it not? His character has evolved over time. The Rock evolved too did he not? John Cena CHOSE to use that method to retaliate. Who cares.

What difference does any of it make in the endstate. Do you think the Rock actually changed anything with his promo? I've said it before and I'll say it again. Cena and even the Miz both just brushed off the Rock last monday and looked fine doing it. In a few weeks the Rock will disappear again and Cena and the Miz will continue on. Let's not get overly dramatic about all of this when we all know that Cena will most likely show up the day after Wrestlemania with the damn title again and the Rock will be long gone again.
I'm not sure about Cena choosing to attack The Rock's movies, especially with the ones that he has made. At least, The Rock gets his in theaters. I guess that he could only target Dwanye Johnson and the leaving, because I think that he knows that alot of people won't consider Cena's own career to be anywhere near the level of The Rock's wrestling career. I'm not saying whether that's true or not, but I think that is most people's opinion between the two. Cena's only bullet is him leaving. If The Rock could somehow cut a promo explaining why he left and didn't return (and why he will leave again) and get the fans to say, "You know what? I'd do that, too.", then Cena's going to be in trouble, because like I said, that's all he's got. He can't attack The Rock as a wrestling character, because I believe that people would prefer The Rock over John Cena.

BUT...I wouldn't be surprised to see The Rock's presence be put into the background starting next week. He made such an impact last week. I sort of think that it caught WWE off guard a little bit. The obvious question was, "How would Cena respond?" I think they said, "Let's have Cena respond at the start of the show. Then, we'll start the build for the Cena vs. Miz match." Let's be honest, does anyone really expect to see Rock again until WrestleMania? I mean, if he's on there every week, then what's the point of him hosting WrestleMania? That's the draw. The draw is being able to see The Rock again and a possible confrontation with John Cena. If he does that before, then it's totally pointless.
I think you are exactly right with the Rock being put in the background until the big day. I doubt we will see him (at least in person) until Wrestlemania.

In fact as soon as Raw picked up after Cena's rant the Rock was an afterthougt and never mentioned again. Judging from the pop Cena and the Miz got in the main event (at least when Miz was teasing the face turn) I would think the focus will shift towards building the rivalry with Cena and the Miz for the next few weeks.
I like the promo battles between them two. I can't wait for The Rock to respond to Cena's rap about him. Usually, when Cena rap in order to diss people, they have his opponents to rap in order to compete with him. I hope they don't have The Rock rap. They could make it good, but I rather not.

I hope to see The Rock again on the shows, but it seems like we won't.
Last night was actually incredible for many reasons. The first of which was John Cena reverting back to what got him over in the first place. Personally, I was blown away that he was talking about The Rock so strongly and I am just waiting for the day that these two guys collide in the ring.

The thing that confuses me, is why the WWE would do something like this?

I mean, The Rock has nothing to gain from this. Yes, he will be guest hosting WrestleMania but where does it go from there? I mean, he will appear on WrestleMania with absolutely nothing to do to make sure that everything is going smoothly. He will then call out John Cena and then the two men will have a little confrontation that will end in The Rock hitting some sort of move on John Cena. Then The Miz will likely come out and take advantage of that before Super Cena comes back to win the macth against all of the odds.

To me though, neither party is getting anything out of this, especially when The Rock is now going to disappear until WrestleMania and then disappear after it. The WWE are going to bury him against someone who has no vested interest in the overall product after he leaves. He will come in, hit Cena with something and then leave. Now, what would make more sense is them building to some sort of climax. If The Rock came out on Raw and challenged Cena to a match at WrestleMania, then this would all make sense to me. However, where is this all going? Out with the scenario I have already outlined, there is no point in this...

That is unless... They are building to something... BIGGER!

My thinking is that The Rock is not done with the WWE after WrestleMania. Yes, he may go away to do some more films but I do think that he will come back for something more at a later date and John Cena is the man that will step up to the plate. At least, that is what I hope happens in the future.
I will admit I was pleasantly surprised with Cena's promo last night. I don't mind one bit that he had to "revert back" because of the way he brought it up. Admitting its been a while since he did that and say "but I do still have a degree in thuganomics". I had forgot how good Cena can be on the mic. He is no Rock imo but he does have the ability to cut good promos when let loose a little bit
I hope this is a permanent change for Cena. If he goes back to his rapper gimmick the older fans will start to cheer for him again and the younger fans won't hate him because he doesn't have to turn heel. The thing that confuses me is it's a cliche, "If it ain't broke don't fix it" and I don't understand what made the WWE change Cena's gimmick so much when he became such a big icon with the rapper gimmick.
I hope this is a permanent change for Cena. If he goes back to his rapper gimmick the older fans will start to cheer for him again and the younger fans won't hate him because he doesn't have to turn heel. The thing that confuses me is it's a cliche, "If it ain't broke don't fix it" and I don't understand what made the WWE change Cena's gimmick so much when he became such a big icon with the rapper gimmick.

Don't know either, but the fans were booing Cena when he had the rapper gimmick too (when he was a face). Just not as much when he faced Angle and the rest.
Based on what I have seen WWE do in the past, I wouldn't be surprised if, at WrestleMania:

(a) Rock and Cena go into the match having words with each other;
(b) The Rock appears to be calling the match with a little more favortism towards Miz;
(c) Cena (and possibly The Rock) is down for whatever reason, and Miz is about to take care of things once and for all with, say, a chair, when The Rock manages to grab the chair away from him; Miz stares at The Rock for a moment, only to turn and end up on the receiving end of an Attitude Adjustment;
(d) after the match, The Rock pulls off his referee shirt to reveal the all-new "every run out and buy this - if you don't own it, you're Nexus" Cena T-shirt (or when The Rock hands Cena the belt, Cena hands him a new T-shirt and hat, and they both pose to end WM).

Anybody else remember Steve Austin, Mike Tyson, and WrestleMania XIV? I have a feeling Vince hopes that his fanbase doesn't.

(Please, anything except the return of THE HYPNOBELT...)

-- Don
is it really a question?

The rock made fun of Cena's gimmick
Cena had to go personal.
its obvious if the rock were to go personal it wouldnt really be a contest.
Cena's rap was a shoot, The Rock will come back strong.
Cena's rap on Monday was epic, that was one of the best moments Cena has had in a long time. So far with the Rock's comments and Cena's rap I'm really looking forward to seeing what all of this cultimates to.

Personally I hope that this all leads to a match at Summerslam between the 2. Like if Rock cost Cena his title match against the Miz and they built like a 5 month program and have a big blowout at Summerslam between the 2. Its seems plausible that the Rock would consider 1 more match and might as well do it with the biggest star currently in the WWE, he's really the only one left to fight.

It probably won't happen but overall I'm liking what I'm seeing between the 2 and it has me looking forward to next weeks raw (I can't remember the last time I said that).
I find it funny that a week ago everyone was say that Cena could stay with Rocky. Now everyone is saying Cena can hang with him or is better. Yes, Rock's promo was great last week. Cena's promo was just as good last night. I've always thought that they were close on the mic with Rock being just ahead of Cena. It will be interesting to see both go at it face to face. I think they'll do this leading up to Mania with them carrying Miz to his first ME at maina. Because I don't think Miz is quite ready for the main stage with Cena by himself. So It will be fun to watch.
I'm not a Cena fan... never was, ever since Angle and Jericho jobbed to him when he first appeared... well... that's an embellishment, because I was quite amused and entertained by the rapper gimmick, but if I was ever a mark for him it didn't last. Now that I establishe my anti-Cenaness, I will go on record for saying I thought Cena's rebuttal to The Rock was great... I don't care that Cena went personal. As much as I hate seeing Cena going for the belt at Mania, I bet that's only happening because the Rock said no to a match with Cena. But Cena made some great points, and whether I like it or not, that ring is Cena's turf, that Rock left behind and promised he wouldn't come back to, so what purpose did The Rock's dissing the main eventer's serve other than the promo itself, and controversy for its own sake, and not for the sake of a match.
Because maybe there's not a bigger picture in all this. Not anymore. I don't think The Rock's promo was meant to initiate a fued, but he did such a good job at antagonizing Cena, that Cena had to retaliate just to shut everyone up about Rock, because the road to Wrestlemania isn't supposed to be about the host of WM... it's about the wrestlers, so I think Cena just felt obliged to get everyone back on track. And he did so by reminding everyone who's been touring the better part of the last 7 years city to city and internationally in the ring and in front of live crowds and cameras working his ass off for the industry The Rock just waltzes back into in order to steal his thunder... Cena should've been pissed, but he handled it gracefully and again... I don't like the Superman gimmick, and I don't want Cena to win the title, but I'm gonna give this round (and hopefully the only round) to John Cena, just on the basis of the effective counterstrike and the rebound to his reputation and why he's the man right now in the WWE.
I don't like the idea of postponing Rock/Cena to SummerSlam. To me, this Wrestlemania should have been considered their best and ONLY opportunity to dance... How could they set this up any better at a later time than how it could have went just now...? WWE could be wishing for a future Rock match, but I think if he didn't agree to do it at WrestleMania, what's the point? And if he's not wrestling, what's the point in antagonizing the current face of the biz as if he would? So in effect I'm going with the probability that the Rock/Cena thing is gonna fizzle down to Miz v Cena and Rock hosting WrestleMania as opposed to The Rock referring or enforcing their match. You know he's gonna hand out a Rock Bottom or two. But it's possible we'll see an angle where Cena has earned the respect of the Rock at or by Wrestlemania and Rock allies with Cena and helps put him further over and shake and raise his after the match, thus "passing a torch" in a similar fashion to that which he would after he had lost a WrestleMania match to Cena himself (of course that would be saying a lot more).
Yeah i think its to Cena's credit that people are even having to qustion which promo was better. Although i would have to say the Rocks, he only focuised on Cena for around 30 seconds and tore his gimmick to pieces, the rock always has the crowd in the plam of his hand and is well capable of holding evyone attention for as long as he wants and finally i doubt Cena's promo will actually suceed in turning any fans against the rock in the same manner as immediately after Rocks there was a large backlash against cena.
I really did enjoy Cenas rap, however, that was a shoot on Dwayne Johnson the person, not Dwayne Johnson the Wrestler. The Rock kept it in the WWE ring by slating Cenas gimmick. It will be interesting to see how Rock responds...Marine, 12 Rounds, his Rap Album could be brought up!

Also, people still dissing the Rock for leaving. Sad, bitter people you are zzzzz. I got a tape recording of The Rock in a meeting with his Career Advisor around 2002. I've typed it up...

Career Advisor: So Rocky, what can I do for you today?

The Rock: Well as you know, I have been in WWE for around 6 or 7 years now. I have won numerous WWE Titles, IC Titles, Tag Titles, Royal Rumble, I have been involved in epic matches, I have been all over the world and I have drawn big at every PPV. I feel like I have accomplished everything there is too do! AND I am only 30 years old.

CA: Well Rock, I saw the Scorpion King and you did a pretty good job acting to say it was your first proper movie. Did you enjoy the Movie business?

TR: Of course, it's great. Something I have dreamt of doing since I was a child. Hmmm maybe acting is for me...will Hollywood take me seriously?

CA: Hmmm, I think you might need to leave WWE. Look what happened to Hogan.

TR: But I love Wrestling it is in my blood?

CA: Yes but lets look at the pros of moving away. In movies, you do a few months work and earn what you would in an entire year working for WWE. You arent damaging your body, you are stamping a legacy elsewhere, you arent travelling the world 250 days a year and you get to spend more time with your family.

TR: Thats a good point. I never looked at it like that. You think my Fans will understand?

CA: Well there....


CA: Well there will be a few bitter people who think the world revolves around WWE but you can take your huge fanbase over to Hollywood with you? Wrestling fans like Movies too?

TR: Yeh, and if Hollywood isn't for me, I can always return can't I?

CA: WWE would take you back with open arms.

TR: Right, I'm gunna try this movie stuff, take a few years off from WWE, heel my body, earn lots of money and spend time with my family and kmost importantly DO SOMETHING I WANT TO DO.

END.........and he did come back, yet people are still bitching.
I really did enjoy Cenas rap, however, that was a shoot on Dwayne Johnson the person, not Dwayne Johnson the Wrestler. The Rock kept it in the WWE ring by slating Cenas gimmick. It will be interesting to see how Rock responds...Marine, 12 Rounds, his Rap Album could be brought up!

Also, people still dissing the Rock for leaving. Sad, bitter people you are zzzzz. I got a tape recording of The Rock in a meeting with his Career Advisor around 2002. I've typed it up...

Career Advisor: So Rocky, what can I do for you today?

The Rock: Well as you know, I have been in WWE for around 6 or 7 years now. I have won numerous WWE Titles, IC Titles, Tag Titles, Royal Rumble, I have been involved in epic matches, I have been all over the world and I have drawn big at every PPV. I feel like I have accomplished everything there is too do! AND I am only 30 years old.

CA: Well Rock, I saw the Scorpion King and you did a pretty good job acting to say it was your first proper movie. Did you enjoy the Movie business?

TR: Of course, it's great. Something I have dreamt of doing since I was a child. Hmmm maybe acting is for me...will Hollywood take me seriously?

CA: Hmmm, I think you might need to leave WWE. Look what happened to Hogan.

TR: But I love Wrestling it is in my blood?

CA: Yes but lets look at the pros of moving away. In movies, you do a few months work and earn what you would in an entire year working for WWE. You arent damaging your body, you are stamping a legacy elsewhere, you arent travelling the world 250 days a year and you get to spend more time with your family.

TR: Thats a good point. I never looked at it like that. You think my Fans will understand?

CA: Well there....


CA: Well there will be a few bitter people who think the world revolves around WWE but you can take your huge fanbase over to Hollywood with you? Wrestling fans like Movies too?

TR: Yeh, and if Hollywood isn't for me, I can always return can't I?

CA: WWE would take you back with open arms.

TR: Right, I'm gunna try this movie stuff, take a few years off from WWE, heel my body, earn lots of money and spend time with my family and kmost importantly DO SOMETHING I WANT TO DO.

END.........and he did come back, yet people are still bitching.

I couldn't have said it better myself the only reason why ppl think Cena won this round is cause there still mad at the Rock for leaving!!!!:confused: :wtf: Some Wrestling fans I just don't know............My Man Rock must have to end up like Hogan just to get respect from some of these ppls. I already stated my opinion on who won the 1st round of this great confrontation & it was The Great One. Cena hit below the belt just to win the fans over just cause its no secret that ppl are still mad for Rock leaving so it only made sense for him to attack Rock's decision to leave instead of attack The Rock the wrestler. In the end Cena did a damn good job cause what he said was funny.
We all know a Cena/Rock confrontation is coming. Whether it be next week on RAW or at Wrestlemania, it's going to happen. So the question here is, which are you going to back when the time comes: Cena, WWE workhorse and face of the company for the past six years, or The Rock, arguably the most gifted performer and entertainer to ever grace a wrestling ring .

Let's break it down:

John Cena-- Cena has been a massive target among fans for years. He is hated for many reasons; from his "5 moves of doom", to his slightly corny promo style, his colorful T-shirts, etc. Cena has been ridiculed for everything by the IWC and has received arguably the most mixed reactions ever for a babyface. Yet Cena has done a ton for WWE. I think a lot of people over look the fact that Cena had to pick a post Austin/Rock WWE up and try to carry it forward. After all the big, household names from the late 90'- early 00's departed, there was no-one who stepped up and became "the man". Triple H did the best he could, but I don't think he was ever meant to be the sole guy standing on top. Cena became the man, and help WWE fix itself up and move forward. Did he ever bring the company to new heights? Not really, but you need to remember that WWE went from the attitude era, to having stars flowing out of their ass after buying WCW, to having all the excitement die down and needing to reinvent themselves. Cena was the guy to bridge that gap.

The Rock--Like I said at the beginning of this post, The Rock was/is the most gifted performer in history. The Rock was born with skill that can't be developed or learned. He had the unique skill of making anything and everything entertaining. I have met countless people in my life that, when I tell them I'm a wrestling fan, they respond with "I used to love The Rock, when he left I stopped watching". There is no getting around the fact that he could cut the best promos off all time. Another aspect to remember is that The Rock was a damn fine wrestler. His selling of moves was legendary (see the stunner), he could move like no-one else (shades of his father who also could move incredibly well), and was just a phenomenal in-ring performer. The Rock is a huge draw and will still bring fans flocking back to this day. Don't believe me? Go read the OP of this thread: http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=155814

So who are you going to side with? Cena or The Rock? Does Cena deserve to be forgotten and turned on because The Rock decided to show up for a promo and an appearance at Wrestlemania? Or is being entertained all that really matters at the end of the day and contributions don't make a difference in who you cheer for?

I'm with Cena on this one. Even if his mic work is a little lame at times, he still busts his ass to entertain us and puts on a great show.
Since it's "cool" to hate Cena because little kids and women like him and that I guess would somehow make a bunch of IWC geeks look like.... geeks? I assume most people will cheer for the Rock as he is one of the main faces of the Attitude Era and that's what everyone misses.

I don't blame The Rock for leaving. He is a human being who wants to be as successful as he can be and wants to do whatever he wants. People who say he's a traitor or any of that nonsense can go play marco-polo in traffic. It's the guys life, let him live it.

With that said however, I like Cena at this point. He means more to the business right now and it's not like the Rock is going to stay as a wrestler anyway. Sorry for liking the guy that is the face of the company and an absolute monster for it in every way possible - marketing, in-ring ability (yes, in-ring ability), promos, everything. Yes the Rock was that way at one point, but the torch has been passed.
I'm with Cena. I really hate to write another Cena defense thread, so instead I will link to a few that I've written. That should suffice. Then I will summarize, because no sense beating a dead horse.



The first one is the one you want to read if you want to know my stance about Cena. It pretty much hits all of the reasons I go with him.

His work ethic, his genuine attitude and personality, tenacity, dedication, determination, integrity, genuine love for the business and the fans, the list is huge. I don't doubt the Rock's love for what he does, and don't think he's such a "callous Hollywood type" as he's sometimes made out to be. I'm just looking at the world of professional wrestling in its present state. That, and Cena has done well beyond what could ever be asked of him and is simply a class act in today's sport which deserves accolades, not resentment.
Cena and The Rock will come but it won't be a one-on-one match, I can only see it being a confrontation followed by a bit of a brawl, ending with either the Rock Bottom or the FU.

But, I'll answer your question anyway.

I have to pick The Rock. I do see where the bit of hate can be directed towards him. We all get it, the kids don't. The Rock left the WWE in 2004 and even told certain people in interviews that he was done and that he wasnt coming back. At Wrestlemania 20 The Rock was booed, and he was jeered for being a sell-out. But he's still The Rock. I grew up watching The Rock, I marked out when he returned with his Hollywood persona, I actually prefered that Rock.

And then there is John Cena. I have said this other times, outside the ring John Cena is a great guy, fine. Does his Make-A-Wish stuff, does charity work, tells kids the right things to do and seems like a perfectly nice guy, but when he's in that ring I dislike him. I haven't liked him since he ended his feud with Edge at Unforgiven 2006, in one of John's best matches to date. I don't personally think he's even that good on the microphone when he cuts a promo, but what he did with the rap was the old Cena and the good Cena, but a "one night" rap doesn't change my opinion.

I'm standing behind The Rock, Cena isn't of the same level IMO.
Is hogan starting to make sense??

TNA star Hulk Hogan recently did an interview with Peter Rosenberg of HOT 97 FM. Hogan hyped the Impact taping in Fayetteville, NC being held tonight, and had the following to say concerning The Rock's return to WWE:

"That is one of the reasons me and Vince McMahon don't get along because we disagree on wrestling theory. He's a genius. He has done a great job keeping the business alive and keeping it rolling."

When asked if there was something Hogan didn't like about Rock's return: "Yeah, yeah. There is certain ways to do things. You know, for The Rock to come out and say, we've gone from Austin 3:16 to The People's Champion to all of a sudden, you can't see me (in whiny voice). They spent so much time building John Cena up. If it was me I would have said, from the Austin era to The People's Champion era to John Cena. And I just gotta know in my heart whose the better man. There is a way to really build somebody up. You know.

All of a sudden in three or four seconds he had the whole arena screaming that Cena sucks. Sometimes I just don't understand the philosophy because John Cena is going to be there all the time. And even though The Rock said he was back, he was only back for one day. He isn't going to be there wrestling every single week like John Cena is, you know, holding it down and keeping it real. All that stuff is scripted, they have Stephanie McMahon and writers telling The Rock exactly what to say. I just didn't understand why they wanted to destroy Cena so quickly."

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