**Merged** Cena & Rock Discussion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!

Do you support The Rock or John Cena?

  • The Rock

  • John Cena

  • The Miz!!!!!

  • I'm just going to enjoy the show

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Whatever The Rock said came out from his own brain and not the creative team's. As the prev. poster said, Cena criticized the Rock for turning his back on the WWE and it's "Universe" to pursue his acting career. Now, whatever The Rock said was in response to this. The crowd booed Cena even when Rock named him so there's no chance in hell Cena could stand in the same ring, insulting The Rock. He would be booed out of the arena. And a Cena heel turn is inevitable. A poster said this would happen and I'm saying it again:

Cena says that he worked his ass out for the fans and did not miss even one single RAW when he was fit and fine. He worked day and night for the position he is in today. He didn't visit his mother, father, brothers, nephew and wife just for us morons (I hope he uses this word against the fans). And the fans boo him out of the arena just for a guy making a one-time appearance. A guy who turned his back on us morons to pursue what, an acting career, to make dollars and to fuck ladies (yes, he needs to say this). If that's the case, then he is no longer interested to make them happy. If they want to lick The Rock's ass, they better do because this man (Cena) is now a bad guy. He, is now, going badass.

And that's how he turns heel. I just hope the WWE gives up PG for a night and it could be the best night for Cena in years. This would also help Orton step-up as the new face of the WWE.
I'm really looking forward to a potential confrontation between Rock and Cena. I think if Cena is allowed to cut loose in his comeback promo the same way Rock did, it could be one helluva confrontation. Personally, I'd like to think this may lead to a potential match between the two at Wrestlemania... I mean, I genuinely think the Rock is reconsidering what he said a long time ago about never wrestling again. Besides, Cena/Rock at Wrestlemania intrigues me more than the likely Cena/Miz. In my view, beating the Rock at the biggest PPV of the year would do more for Cena's career at this point than winning the title again. Well that and Cena/Rock at Wrestlemania sounds more exciting.
Did anyone see Cena's response?

Here's what he posted on twitter: "Rock was in rare form tonight. It was great to see him enjoying himself out there. Even if it was at my expense. I've been called a lot worse. Just glad to see him back in action."

BOOOOOOO. Get some trash talk in ya Cena, stop being a little chump.

im thinking cena will make this into a joke like he always does

he will start making his own jokes rip his shirt off then tell the rock to come get some..

same thing cena always does
Nothing he can do can beat the Rocks imitation of his 'You cant see me' catchphrase.that was funny as hell.
Anyway Theres no way Cena reverts back to his PG childish phrases,thats for sure.The WWE would be making a huge mistake making him look silly after the quality of the promo last night, he would get torn apart by the older portion of the crowd.
Once Again , IWC has got overexcited.

Thou shalt not overreact or get overexcited even when The Most Electrifying Man In Sports Entertainment return after 7 years.Just enjoy it as much as you can.

Come on people.All I read and see and hear is that Cena is nothing , Rock is 100 times better than Cena or CENAZ HAZ TO TURN HEELZ!!!

The Rock did what The Rock always does.He is like Chandler Bing from Friends.He makes fun of everyone.That's why we love him.That's why we are a fan of him.Even back in his days He made fun of Austin as much as he could and I remember people,including Austin fans laughed as hard as they could.Don't you remember 2000's Armageddon promo of him.When he made fun of everything.Was that a proof why Austin needed to turn heel or why Rock was way better than him or OWNED him?

Or When He literally destroyed all of Hogan's catch phrases 9 years ago,Does that Hogan is nothing against him?The ironic thing is that people booed him harder than they ever did Cena that year.

Let's just not get overemotional.That wasn't Dwayne talking about John , that was The Rock talking about SuperCena.And this kinda shit has happened more than 50 times in WWE.

And to those people who think Cena will be embarrassed because he can't be as good as Rock on mic , well I can ask who can be?The Rock is the best mic guy to ever step foot in ring.Why the hell it's such a big deal for Cena?Who could ever outperform Rock on mic?NO ONE.So Can't Cena.

Lots of people on IWC not necessarily on this site , have made me laugh buy comments such as : Wow , Cena might not have slept last night , Or I wonder What is truly going on in Cena's head.

For the record , I'm not saying that Cena must not turn heel or he is not going to turn heel , but to think that just because made fun of him on his return after 7 long awaited years he needs to do so , is idiotic as hell.

The fucking problem you guys have is that you expect Cena to be Hogan , Austin , Rock ,HBK and Hart at the same time.
Truthfully, with his current persona, it'd be hard for him to match the intensity. However, this will be interesting.

Nonetheless, I will assume that Cena will do what he does best currently; he'll play off the fact that he's hated by all of The Rock's fans but he's a good enough guy to accept it. Play it up a little bit, and potentially mention that he's the new guy on the block type thing.
I see cena saying " Yeah rock well you left the company to go to hollywood and turned your back on the WWE who made you " .. Which would be pointless .. Simply because the rock can respond with " Yeah John , you wouldnt be where you are right now if you didnt see what i did on tv and look up to me when you were coming up, and btw , my movies grossed about 100 million more then any of yours ever could. "
perfect time for cena to turn heel say something bad about the rock and the fans and there you go he would be the biggest heel wwe has seen in a long time
Once Again , IWC has got overexcited.

Thou shalt not overreact or get overexcited even when The Most Electrifying Man In Sports Entertainment return after 7 years.Just enjoy it as much as you can.

Come on people.All I read and see and hear is that Cena is nothing , Rock is 100 times better than Cena or CENAZ HAZ TO TURN HEELZ!!!

The Rock did what The Rock always does.He is like Chandler Bing from Friends.He makes fun of everyone.That's why we love him.That's why we are a fan of him.Even back in his days He made fun of Austin as much as he could and I remember people,including Austin fans laughed as hard as they could.Don't you remember 2000's Armageddon promo of him.When he made fun of everything.Was that a proof why Austin needed to turn heel or why Rock was way better than him or OWNED him?

Or When He literally destroyed all of Hogan's catch phrases 9 years ago,Does that Hogan is nothing against him?The ironic thing is that people booed him harder than they ever did Cena that year.

Let's just not get overemotional.That wasn't Dwayne talking about John , that was The Rock talking about SuperCena.And this kinda shit has happened more than 50 times in WWE.

And to those people who think Cena will be embarrassed because he can't be as good as Rock on mic , well I can ask who can be?The Rock is the best mic guy to ever step foot in ring.Why the hell it's such a big deal for Cena?Who could ever outperform Rock on mic?NO ONE.So Can't Cena.

Lots of people on IWC not necessarily on this site , have made me laugh buy comments such as : Wow , Cena might not have slept last night , Or I wonder What is truly going on in Cena's head.

For the record , I'm not saying that Cena must not turn heel or he is not going to turn heel , but to think that just because made fun of him on his return after 7 long awaited years he needs to do so , is idiotic as hell.

The fucking problem you guys have is that you expect Cena to be Hogan , Austin , Rock ,HBK and Hart at the same time.

I agree, lets remember here Cena is the face of the company and has alot of fans because alot of people buy his merchandise. He would not be the face of the company if he did not have alot of fans. All Cena needs to do is come out and be John Cena.
Once Again , IWC has got overexcited.

Thou shalt not overreact or get overexcited even when The Most Electrifying Man In Sports Entertainment return after 7 years.Just enjoy it as much as you can.

Come on people.All I read and see and hear is that Cena is nothing , Rock is 100 times better than Cena or CENAZ HAZ TO TURN HEELZ!!!

The Rock did what The Rock always does.He is like Chandler Bing from Friends.He makes fun of everyone.That's why we love him.That's why we are a fan of him.Even back in his days He made fun of Austin as much as he could and I remember people,including Austin fans laughed as hard as they could.Don't you remember 2000's Armageddon promo of him.When he made fun of everything.Was that a proof why Austin needed to turn heel or why Rock was way better than him or OWNED him?

Or When He literally destroyed all of Hogan's catch phrases 9 years ago,Does that Hogan is nothing against him?The ironic thing is that people booed him harder than they ever did Cena that year.

Let's just not get overemotional.That wasn't Dwayne talking about John , that was The Rock talking about SuperCena.And this kinda shit has happened more than 50 times in WWE.

And to those people who think Cena will be embarrassed because he can't be as good as Rock on mic , well I can ask who can be?The Rock is the best mic guy to ever step foot in ring.Why the hell it's such a big deal for Cena?Who could ever outperform Rock on mic?NO ONE.So Can't Cena.

Lots of people on IWC not necessarily on this site , have made me laugh buy comments such as : Wow , Cena might not have slept last night , Or I wonder What is truly going on in Cena's head.

For the record , I'm not saying that Cena must not turn heel or he is not going to turn heel , but to think that just because made fun of him on his return after 7 long awaited years he needs to do so , is idiotic as hell.

The fucking problem you guys have is that you expect Cena to be Hogan , Austin , Rock ,HBK and Hart at the same time.

I dont get your main point. Cena should be embarrased if he fail to respond back. This guy's character has been a knock off of the rock, terrible one btw. Hes promo style, and catchphrases are based on him. Cena is built as the guy who likes to make mockery of his opponents.

Cena is the current Face of the organization. Cena needs to step up. Otherwise everything that cena has been known for will be a complete joke, literally.
Who in the bluest of blue hells has ever said that Cena is a Rock knock off.There are similarities but even my own personality has a few similiarities with Rock but it doesn't make me a Rock knock off.Was Rock a rapper?Does Cena wear sunglasses?Did Rock ever wear a fruity T-shirt or jean shorts?There are similarities but to call him a Rock Knock off is absolutely stupid because his years in WWE more than Rock's active years.

have you ever seen any HHH or DX promo.Don't they try to mock their opponent?Remember Vince likes Cocks?Does this make them a Rock knock off.

The thing that you have to accept is that Cena is his own guy and has his own ways of doing his job.He does what Vince needs , Just like Rock did at his time.

What I'm saying why after all these years people think that Cena HAS to respond as great as Rock started things.No one has ever been capable of that and Probably Cena too.

I'm sorry for you because you think 3 minutes of television can make the guy who literally is WWE and has been for 6 years a complete joke.That is called being overexcited.
I think Cena's response will be similar to the stuff he wrote in his twitter account. He said in his twitter account that he was happy to see The Rock back in action and in full form even at his expense. He said that he did not mind as he had been called much worse before.

That is exactly what I expect Cena's response to be. He will come out on Monday after winning the Elimination Chamber match and talk about how he is going to fulfill his dream once again of maain eventing WrestleMania. He will mostly talk trash to The Miz and maybe make a passing mention of The Rock. And of course the kiddies are gonna cheer the hell out of him for being such a hero and quietly backing out against The Rock.

I would really love to see Cena explode though and say that he said nothing wrong and that The Rock is a hypocrite for saying that he has come back never to leave again. Unfortunately I do not think that Rock vs Cena will happen at WrestleMania and so I doubt if there will be an actual verbal warfare between the two.
I'm actually looking forward to Cena's response as much as I'm looking forward to seeing the Rock back on WWE television....

Cena has feuded with many stars, but never a Rock or an Austin. He has not gone against someone with superior mic skills. Cena has always had the last laugh in general and has made fun of many superstars in his time. If he goes against The Rock, he'll be up against a man who has already verbally torn him a new asshole, making fun of the "You Can't See Me" and the colored shirts (LOL). As I mentioned in another thread, a feud with The Rock may actually help Cena, rather than bury him. WWE can either choose to turn Cena heel (perfect opportunity), or they can just have both guys go at it in a battle of wits + fists. Either way, it'll make for good television!
I think Cena's response will be similar to the stuff he wrote in his twitter account. He said in his twitter account that he was happy to see The Rock back in action and in full form even at his expense. He said that he did not mind as he had been called much worse before.

That is exactly what I expect Cena's response to be. He will come out on Monday after winning the Elimination Chamber match and talk about how he is going to fulfill his dream once again of main eventing WrestleMania. He will mostly talk trash to The Miz and maybe make a passing mention of The Rock. And of course the kiddies are gonna cheer the hell out of him for being such a hero and quietly backing out against The Rock.

I would really love to see Cena explode though and say that he said nothing wrong and that The Rock is a hypocrite for saying that he has come back never to leave again. Unfortunately I do not think that Rock vs Cena will happen at WrestleMania and so I doubt if there will be an actual verbal warfare between the two.

Besides his theme song, this really shows how conflicted the john cena character is and wwe way of branding the guy. If you're gonna brand him as this rock wanna be who likes to make fun of vicky guerrero and all the others with unfunny jokes, then stick with that.

Apparently, the wwe likes cena to be a good role model by having cena portraying this respectful guy who is willing to endure anything and aheive his dream and like to say hustle loyalty and respect.

So how does that work? john cena, the guy who makes fun of everybody, backs down from an insult BECAUSE he lives by the code of hustle loyalty and respect?
I'm actually looking forward to Cena's response as much as I'm looking forward to seeing the Rock back on WWE television....

Cena has feuded with many stars, but never a Rock or an Austin. He has not gone against someone with superior mic skills. Cena has always had the last laugh in general and has made fun of many superstars in his time. If he goes against The Rock, he'll be up against a man who has already verbally torn him a new asshole, making fun of the "You Can't See Me" and the colored shirts (LOL). As I mentioned in another thread, a feud with The Rock may actually help Cena, rather than bury him. WWE can either choose to turn Cena heel (perfect opportunity), or they can just have both guys go at it in a battle of wits + fists. Either way, it'll make for good television!

I honestly dont see Cena saying much of anything about it. For all we know , rock might have went shoot that entire part about miz and cena. Even so , if it wasnt, i see Cena just coming out either

A. If he wins the chamber, just comes out and hypes the match between him and the miz , with maybe a brief mention of the rock saying " Blah Blah i respect the rock , and im a man , and if you wanna see me , you know where to find me , i wont back down , ill see you at wrestlemania "

B. Cena loses the chamber , which that right there would almost 100 percent make me believe that he will face the rock at mania
I honestly dont see Cena saying much of anything about it. For all we know , rock might have went shoot that entire part about miz and cena. Even so , if it wasnt, i see Cena just coming out either

A. If he wins the chamber, just comes out and hypes the match between him and the miz , with maybe a brief mention of the rock saying " Blah Blah i respect the rock , and im a man , and if you wanna see me , you know where to find me , i wont back down , ill see you at wrestlemania "

B. Cena loses the chamber , which that right there would almost 100 percent make me believe that he will face the rock at mania

I don't honestly think that it'll happen at Wrestemania (Rock Vs. Cena). I do think that Wrestlemania will kick off their feud somehow though. I see Cena winning the Elimination Chamber match and facing Miz @ Wrestlemania. Maybe Rock will be special guest referee, which could be a catalyst to kick-start a feud between him/Cena, if things don't go Cena's way.

Rock Vs. Cena would be more likely to happen at Summerslam. Plenty of time for Rock to shake off any ring rust.
I don't honestly think that it'll happen at Wrestemania (Rock Vs. Cena). I do think that Wrestlemania will kick off their feud somehow though. I see Cena winning the Elimination Chamber match and facing Miz @ Wrestlemania. Maybe Rock will be special guest referee, which could be a catalyst to kick-start a feud between him/Cena, if things don't go Cena's way.

Rock Vs. Cena would be more likely to happen at Summerslam. Plenty of time for Rock to shake off any ring rust.

True but you have to agree .. If Cena doesnt win this sunday, something in the plan deff changed. Who would he face??? Maybe a 3way? Doubt it. Im gunna stick to if he doesnt win on sunday , theres a good chance that match will happen. lol
He'll take a shot of Rock playing a gay guy in Be Cool and wearing a tutu or however you spell it in Tooth Fairy, but Rock will say well atleast all my movies arent second rate failures or something like that and they can last in theaters and not be straight to DVD or in certain theaters limited time only

they should let Cena be his 2002-2004 self by next year though a Vintage Cena Rap on The Rock, epic, Cena excells at freestyles, nowhere near as great on the mic as Rocky, but that's the strongest he could bring is The Doctor of Thuganomics, but I agree he should stay PG for an Attitude vs PG split fanbase and feud, awesome!
I wondered for a brief moment if this would be the beginning of the inevitable Cena heel turn. An attack on The Rock would certainly be a good start. However, let's remember that the Austin-Rock feud, for the most part, occurred while they were both faces and they pulled it off.

One thing I do agree on is this: You know the verbal confrontation is coming. Vince is going to have to turn these guys loose for just a few shows. Let's remember, though, that Cena got fined for saying he was going to whip CM Punk's ass a few weeks ago and, well, we all heard what the Rock said earlier. Don't know about a fine, but I wonder if Vince will even say anything to him. Such a refreshing change tonight!

And if you believe that, you believe anything...:lmao:

You really think Cena, the companies number 1 guy was fined for saying "ass" on TV? You seriously think he would brag and make a mockery out of it on twitter?

Some fans are just so naive!!!
IMO, the Rock would embarrass Cena on the mic. It's not even close. If you want an entertaining promo going into some sort of Cena-Miz program at Mania, you're better off getting it from The Miz.

And while Rocky's back, I'd love to see him and CM Punk get into it on the mic as well. Miz and Punk are probably the only 2 guys on the RAW roster who can go toe-to-toe on the mic with The Rock and not embarrass themselves.
I don't honestly think that it'll happen at Wrestemania (Rock Vs. Cena). I do think that Wrestlemania will kick off their feud somehow though. I see Cena winning the Elimination Chamber match and facing Miz @ Wrestlemania. Maybe Rock will be special guest referee, which could be a catalyst to kick-start a feud between him/Cena, if things don't go Cena's way.

Rock Vs. Cena would be more likely to happen at Summerslam. Plenty of time for Rock to shake off any ring rust.

Yeah Summerslam is gonna be in LA too so it be perfect for The Rock v. John Cena. I mean The Rock can give a rock bottom to Cena at WM and Rock could appear months later before SS and Cena remember what Rock did and they wrestle at SS for one time only, with Cena winning of course and earning Rock respect.
I personally dislike Cena's stale "superman" gimmick.. I think it's tiresome and a little old, but the main stream audience likes it.

I think many people are underestimating the guys mic skills though.. He isn't bad, hell I'd consider him a "great " mic worker.. At least on guys like HHH/Jericho/HBK ect.'s level.. The Rock is on a level all his own when it comes to working a promo though, nobody can TOUCH him. The one thing it does do though is bring out the VERY best out of the person he's feuding with..

Both the Miz and John Cena are hopefully going to respond to The Rock's bashing of them.. I can't wait to see how good these two truly are , because John Cena , and the Miz have NEVER been tested like they were last night by the Rock..

The Rock knocked his segment out of the park, it's time for Cena and Miz to step up there game and show they aren't over rated.. If they can do that they will not only prove they aren't over-rated hacks, but most likely earn the respect of a ton of new fans in the process, and solidify themselves as guys who CAN be the face of the WWE for years to come..

As they say it's time to put up or shut up
I think Cena's twitter post is just a stall, there is no way he can avoid actually firing back at Rock, the crowd will chant Rocky when he cuts his next promo and long term he has to react.
The following is a new tweet from the official Twitter page of WWE Superstar John Cena:

"CeNation. Just finishing morning bowl of fruity pebbles. Holy hotspurs?! Did spurs beat milan?!"

Honestly i read this and was like WOW .. This dude is such a little baby. Its not even funny and just makes him look like an idiot

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