TNA Victory Road: In Your House

Jesus fucking christ.

I would like any, ANY TNA mark to try and defend that main event. Anyone.

Holy fuck that was just a big FUCK YOU to everyone watching this show. I wish there was a match rating lower than DUD I could give that.
Go ahead. Go ahead TNA fans. Defend it. I'm DYING to hear this one.

I... don't know.
Possibly once I find out what the fuck is going on...

In fairness, I'm legitimately confused as to whether this is what was supposed to happen or not, which is the kind of intrigue TNA love to generate.
I'm stumped. And what the hell's wrong with the audio? I keep hearing the bell over and over.
The worst part of this is that TNA Marks will somehow find a way to defend this in the stupidest way using the stupidest logic which will probably piss me off to no end and make me pull my hair out.
I'm interested... I'll be haunting the dirtsheets trying to find an explanation.
Thats... something.

Yeah; shit though.
Hardy was acting pretty weird. My money is on either he came out in absolutely no state to wrestle and Sting had to make shit up as he went, or we just watched an angle where we are supposed to believe that he came out in absolutely no state to wrestle and Sting had to make shit up as he went.

Coin flip as to which.
By the way: this is what I mean by alienating fans. There are people that buy these shows that point at the length of the wrestling as validation for their purchases. I can understand that even though I disagree with it. The TNA fans, the people that buy their shows and pay out 40 dollars to TNA to see them, were just told "Haha we got your money and you get a 60 second main event. WE WIN!" Nice job TNA. You probably just lost the fans you had left.
I wish I had 30,000 thumbs so I could point all of them down for my review of this show. What a joke. I'm dying to see the TNA mark crew defend this.

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