TNA Victory Road: In Your House

So let me get this straight, Gel purchases PPV then instead of watching said PPV he spends the next 2 hrs. and 20 mins. arguing with people online about the legality of watching a stream of the same PPV he just spent $40 to apparently not watch, hmm... interesting

Actually I get the PPV for free on account of being English, but yeah.
I'd like to make clear that I'm not judging anyone of telling them not to do anything; I could give a shit. I'm simply having an interesting academic debate on copywrite law, this kind of thing entertains me.
Neither man wanted to lose to the other and look bad. So a double count out meant neither loses but nobody looked good. At least thats what i think happened.
Actually I get the PPV for free on account of being English, but yeah.
I'd like to make clear that I'm not judging anyone of telling them not to do anything; I could give a shit. I'm simply having an interesting academic debate on copywrite law, this kind of thing entertains me.

It's been more interesting than the show.
That's interesting, because my broadband provider constantly monitors my uploads and downloads, and after watching a show, a youtube video or streaming a football match there is a massive increase.

Watching online still downloads the file. It doesn't store it, but in order for your computer to display the images they still have to be downloaded into shot term memory. The internet is not a magic portal into somebody else's monitor.


1. They don't monitor your activity, aside from noticing that you're using bandwidth to download/upload something. That would be illegal.

2. Even if you were watching a stream, they could see a download in progress, but they don't see the contents of the download.

3. Yes, it downloads the video to your computer's short term memory, but until there is a warrant for the seizure and search of your computer, no one is going to know you are watching TNA streams on the internet.

4. Even if it WERE illegal to watch streams, the federal government doesn't have the resources to pursue every single person watching a stream when they can just go after the people providing them, and achieve the same desired results.
Watching online still downloads the file. It doesn't store it, but in order for your computer to display the images they still have to be downloaded into shot term memory. The internet is not a magic portal into somebody else's monitor.

I don't think you understand how Flash works. At no point is any video file being stored in your PC's short term memory. If it did then there wouldn't be a point to programs that download FLV files from streaming sites, because you'd already have the FLV file on your hard drive.

Again, streaming is not file sharing.

Sorry Gelgarin, but you're just flat out wrong here. The only people breaking the law are the ones streaming the events. I'm done with this circular argument.

Yay, time for Sting to embarrass him in the ring again.
Who came up with the visuals for this ppv? Why make everything look like boring road signs? Can't they make some look faded or with dirt or anything but boring dull green?
It's been more interesting than the show.

I must confess, I'm bored.

Not sure why, objectively the in ring action has been perfectly acceptable and would usually hold my attention, I'm not wild about the top of the card though.
Think I just might not be in the right mood.
I might be one of the few people that bought Hardy as a heel. It's one of the few positives of the Hogan Regime in my view
I must confess, I'm bored.

Not sure why, objectively the in ring action has been perfectly acceptable and would usually hold my attention, I'm not wild about the top of the card though.
Think I just might not be in the right mood.

The problem with this show isn't that it's bad as some of the stuff has been ok. The problem is that this show does not have a purpose. These matches aren't solving anything and this show is here because they had a PPV slot to fill. That's why it's dull: none of this means a thing. That can be ok if the wrestling is great, but when it's just ok that doesn't work.
They have to give Sting a lame robe to go with the lame belt. How can anyone hold that belt with pride?
Huge LOL at Tenay trying to convince us that this is the most important and impressive title win in Sting's career. Steve Borden should slap you negro.

1. They don't monitor your activity, aside from noticing that you're using bandwidth to download/upload something. That would be illegal.

2. Even if you were watching a stream, they could see a download in progress, but they don't see the contents of the download.

3. Yes, it downloads the video to your computer's short term memory, but until there is a warrant for the seizure and search of your computer, no one is going to know you are watching TNA streams on the internet.

4. Even if it WERE illegal to watch streams, the federal government doesn't have the resources to pursue every single person watching a stream when they can just go after the people providing them, and achieve the same desired results.

I. Dont. Care.
These are all issues of ethics or practicality. I am not remotely interested. All I was interested in was the very simple question of "is this against the law".

Watching a TNA ppv online registers a download of around 2GB depending on quality. Downloading takes place.
The problem with this show isn't that it's bad as some of the stuff has been ok. The problem is that this show does not have a purpose. These matches aren't solving anything and this show is here because they had a PPV slot to fill. That's why it's dull: none of this means a thing. That can be ok if the wrestling is great, but when it's just ok that doesn't work.

So would you consider this to be like Elimination Chamber? Just a filler show before we get to the main show where everything will matter? You know, just much less entertaining?

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