TNA Victory Road: In Your House

I like how no one wants to know why THE NORCAL purchased the show, fuck the lot of you

Because of an impulse I thought.

I wasn't a huge fan of that match. It was good, but damn it's like they forgot it was tag rules and just made it into a tornado match.
Damn good formula tag match there, probably match of the night is my guess. ***1/4
It's not file sharing. People watching the streams aren't stealing anything. The sole responsibility falls on the guy hosting the stream.

Whatever you say. The data still goes onto your computer and you are still willfully participating in the illegal distribution of copywrite material. The most recent lawsuit filed by UFC against Justin declares 50,000 people of "illegally viewing UFC 121". Want to watch how that suit goes?

Steal the PPV if you want, there's nothing anybody can do to prosecute you for it, but please don't try to pass off that you have some legal justification for doing so. Stealing is against the law.
I have mixed feelings on this match on one hand I like AJ, on the other I think Matt is absolute shit, hopefully AJ can squeeze and half decent match out of him
Regarding the stream thing, no it's not the same as having friends over. Isn't there some law saying you have to have a permit to show it to more than X amount of people? Also there's a differnece between a private home and public on the internet.
The most recent lawsuit filed by UFC against Justin declares 50,000 people of "illegally viewing UFC 121". Want to watch how that suit goes? will lose the lawsuit, be fined, and prevented from hosting the material. Meanwhile, the viewers (me) will be affected by not being able to watch UFC PPVs on

This isn't really a complicated situation.
I don't care about the legality of it. If I were really worried about the law, I'd have bigger things on my mind than piracy or whatever.
I don't get it, man. Matt Hardy goes absolutely nuts on Twitter, saying that he worked like shit in the WWE because he was unhappy, and that when he goes to TNA, things are going to change, and he's going to be amazing. But then he gets to TNA and he's even more sluggish and uncharismatic than he was during the end of his WWE run.

What the fuck man.

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