TNA Ask a Question Thread

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E-Money: It stands for Total Nonstop Action. But it can't be an accident that they picked letters that also mean tits and ass. One of the major early storylines was more traditional NWA guys versus Vince Russo' Sports Entertainment eXtreme (SEX) faction.
Does anyone happen to know the status of Stevie's contract with TNA?

With Raven arriving, and him and Daffney getting quality TV time, I find it hard to believe they'd book him to lose next week...Unless of course his contract is almost up...
Well, putting Raven returning along with the stipulation that Abyss must pin him to get him fired, I assume Raven will return and interfere. So I'd assume his contract isn't going to end. Hope that helps.
Why did TNA drop the Unbreakable PPV name?

For one thing, it's a better name than most of the ones they use. It doesn't sound like gay porn or a Steven Segal sequel. For another, it held the most acclaimed match in TNA history.

So why ditch the name?
I tried searching though google but I couldn't find a reason why they changed the name. So my guess is that whatever name replaced Unbreakable they thought was better or maybe they are renaming some ppv's because of a similar reason to why WWE is renaming their ppv's.
How many times has Angle lost cleanly in TNA, and to who? I've only followed TNA strongly for about a year, and all I know of is Joe back in 06 (Turning Point?). Cos all the times I think it would make sense that he might lose, he doesn't, like to Morgan at BFG or Wolfe last week. In the rematch with AJ, the TNA CHAMPION, the only reason he didn't win was due to the time limit. So just wondering, how many times has he legitimately lost, and by whom?
I can't tell you exactly how many times he has lost ever since he joined TNA, but I can tell you that he has lost plenty of matches.

For example, last year when he was feuding with AJ Styles because of Karen Angle, he lost to him like 5 times. It might have been 4 times.

He has also lost to Christian when he was in TNA, Sting, Jeff Jarrett, and there are others. Those are just the ones that come to mind first.
Does anyone know what happened to Mickie Knuckles? Is she still employed with TNA or did they get rid of her? What has she been doing since the injury?
Does anyone know what happened to Mickie Knuckles? Is she still employed with TNA or did they get rid of her? What has she been doing since the injury?

After she broke her leg, she was released from the contract, and took a few month to heal and rehab.

After that, I don't know, and can't find, anything on her. Her personal website hasn't been updated in over a year, and there's no mention on her Wiki of what she's done.

I can guess that hse's only recently got done with rehab and therapy, and is working towards a return to either TNA or the indies. We all know she doesn't have the "look" of a WWE Diva.
Any word on what Petey Williams is up to these days? I miss Lil' Petey Pump and that awesome Canadian Destroyer finisher.

He's still wrestling, but on an extremely limited schedule. He's made appearance for some small indy companies, and wrestled a few matches for ROH.

I'm guessing there was no interest from WWE, and TNA didn't have any plans for him, and that hasn't changed yet, so he'll just keep up the training, awaiting a phone call.
How about Sonjay Dutt? Same for him? He was another really entertaining worker.

He's been wrestling pretty steadily for Pro Wrestling Guerilla, and ROH. He's made appearances for both, and according to his Wiki, there's future shows scheduled with him also.

He'd fit in well in ROH as a regular, but I'd like to see him come back, and fill the void in the X-Division heel category.

Just a reminder (to everyone, not just IDR): Post count is on in this thread, so please try to add a little meat to your questions.
I was watching Lockdown 2009, and of course they hyped the return of Christopher Daniels in the Lethal Lockdown match. One thing surprised the hell out of me: they mentioned him as a "former TNA World Champion" and there was even a shot of him holding the World belt, from Impact or something.

Unless my eyes and ears are fooling me, is this true? Was he a one-shot champion, or was he stripped, or was it an angle, or just propaganda? Enlighten me please.
No he's never been world heavyweight champion, but what they were likely going with was world X Division Champion or world Tag Team Champion. TNA has done stuff like that before so that's what my guess would be.
Has Daniels ever had a push like the one he's getting now?

This isn't really a "closed" question, as pushes are all up for interpretation.

Daniels' push to the X Division title, mirrored a lot of what he is getting right now. He called out AJ for being the "poster boy", and said that he is the best athlete in the company. They had a string of solid matches, and Daniels' stole the title in a Triple Threat Ultimate X that also included Chris Sabin.

He's never had a push for the TNA title like this, but this push is similar to pushes of the past.
i was wondering because i live in the UK i dont think we are having a tv station that is going to go live on monday night like we do for raw. So if there is anyone in the UK who knows when the latest episode of TNA Impact is on every week could someone please let me no and what station also thanks very much

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The normal time of Saturday on Bravo at 9pm. I have heard TNA will be having the full impact on their website from tomorrow due to Bravo only showing two hours on saturday.
I'm about 98% sure that both of those are trademarked by WWE, so the answer would be no. Nothing stops them from referencing it, however.
They definitely cannot use the NWO name as that is trademarked by WWE. Remember, when WWE bought out WCW it included all trademarks if I'm not mistaken.

As far as the Kliq I really don't know. My first assumption would be that they could use it since it was a backstage group and it would seem odd for WWE to trademark it. But you never know.

I hope that answered your question.
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