The Complaint Thread

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I would advise you to take this conversation into PMs with a mod, from here on. This is no longer complaint territory, and you are asking about things listed in our FAQ and Rules.

If you have further questions, PM someone. Probably Becca, she is a girl, and nice.

Do not spam up this thread any further please.

I can't recall the exact post that I was responding to because it all has been removed...but it was along the lines of asking who the big name jumping ship would be regarding Hogan and Bischoff in the limosine. People went back and forth with certain names but then saying that they didn't think they were big names. Then my response was as follows:

Pretty much meaning "I don't think it's going to be a major wrestler BECAUSE you would think if it were, they wouldn't blow him off in order to help a wrestler that's currently getting beat up in the ring."

To me, this answered the question and gave a very good response as to why I felt that way.

Although, seems like a lot of that overall conversation had been removed so maybe the original question broke the rules and anybody and everybody who respectfully responded to it is unfortunately lumped into the initial infraction?
If you look closer at your list of Infractions in your User Profile, the Infraction you received for that post was Reversed, at the request of the Infracting moderator. There were some wires crossed on our moderating Staff, but we got them figured out, and your Infraction was reversed.

As for why you received that Infraction, the post you made was in an Ask and Answer only thread, not a discussion thread. You were infracted because you weren't directly asking or answering a question. However, when the situation was looked into, it was noted that you originally made your post in a thread that got merged into that Ask and Answer only thread, which is why your Infraction was reversed.

As far as your other Warnings and Infractions go, I believe the other moderators have sufficiently explained why is necessary.
I would advise you to take this conversation into PMs with a mod, from here on. This is no longer complaint territory, and you are asking about things listed in our FAQ and Rules.

If you have further questions, PM someone. Probably Becca, she is a girl, and nice.

Do not spam up this thread any further please.

For the record, I brought up one thing. Several moderators all responded at once. I didn't "spam" up the board. In fact, the conversation had ended long ago and you brought it up again for whatever reason.

I'm finished with it and the other moderators were quite helpful. You, on the other hand, weren't.

This is over with. Thanks to those who helped me out.

For the record, I brought up one thing. Several moderators all responded at once. I didn't "spam" up the board. In fact, the conversation had ended long ago and you brought it up again for whatever reason.

I'm finished with it and the other moderators were quite helpful. You, on the other hand, weren't.

This is over with. Thanks to those who helped me out.


It was over at the first response, then continued into conversations about the forum and its rules itself, which included many things answered in the FAQs and the rules.

if it is/was over, then why are you posting in this thread again?

DO NOT post in this thread again.
Hmm. How bout for getting a warning for responding to people's criticism? Its funny how they get nothing but I get the slack for defending myself. Kinda odd. Oh, and an infraction for responding correctly to a thread. I actually had a few one sentence responses and got nothing but when I respond with just two sentences its apparently too short and I get an infraction. Props to the mods.

I don't require a response, just a notice.
Actually, I did infract him, along with you.

Little personal in fighting does nothing to add to a conversation, just as I explained to you in your PM. Please make posts which contribute to discussion in the future. Length of post has nothing to do with anything.
That's great. Tell that to Mr.Eko for me. He gave me an infraction for my response in "TNA needs a new name change" because it was two sentences. If it was for the actual response, I'd love for someone to point out how it didn't meet the criteria or was in any way spamming.
It wasnt becuase it was two sentances, it was because you provided no reasons to support why you felt the name should be changed to that.
Czena sux he only knows 5 moves. (One sentence, not spam)

I hate Cena, I really do, everything about him just pisses me off. Also Hornswoggle annoys me as well (two sentences, spam)

It's not about length it's about giving a reason WHY you hold that opinion, it's not because you "responding to people's criticism" it's because you failed to follow the forum rules.
Ahh I see. It's because I didn't follow the weird rules. Thanks.

My bad, I guess. I just thought saying "New World Championship Wrestling" was enough.

Especially since EVERYONE in the IWC KNOWS what I mean.
Well if its so obvious, then maybe dont make the post right?

It was spam. Follow the rules, and move on. No need to post here anymore in this thread then.
Ahh I see. It's because I didn't follow the weird rules. Thanks.

My bad, I guess. I just thought saying "New World Championship Wrestling" was enough.

Especially since EVERYONE in the IWC KNOWS what I mean.

It's either because you didn't follow the "weird rules" that 14,000 other members seem to do okay with, or it's because you're an idiot.

We can let the masses decide. I, personally, refuse to throw my support to either side, but I do imagine I know how it will turn out.
Hey, I got a complaint. Some dipshit left a page sized sig on my rep board that I find to be innappropriate and offensive. How can this be rectified?
I checked the pics. They're not inappropriate.

Bullshit, their chicks in their underwear and the fucking thing says "You're A Cunt" and it's taking up half the page? Now if there aint some kind of retractable rule in their to remove it, then please tell me where you WOULD find one. I find it offensive. It's large. It's vulgar. And it's spam. If you chose not to recognize it as such, then please point me in the direction of someone over you so that I may take this up with someone on the next level.
The only thing bad about the pics is that they're large. The content of them are fine. There are no rules to what can and can't go in rep, especially in regards to spam. Why in the world would rep comments have to be spam?

They're not inappropriate.
The only thing bad about the pics is that they're large. The content of them are fine. There are no rules to what can and can't go in rep, especially in regards to spam. Why in the world would rep comments have to be spam?

They're not inappropriate.

Well for one the size is ridiculous. And for two, I find pics of women in their underwear to be offensive. This is a wrestling size, not a porn site. It was neither constructive nor reasonable and I am asking that it be removed. I can not about the red rep. If you like, you can remove it and red rep me yourself and I will think nothing of it. But the size and subject matter of the picture is offensive to me and I am asking that it be removed.
1, It's not porn.

2. Those don't look like women to me. Transvestite Irishmen are not women.

3. It's red rep. Why would you expect constructive criticism?

4. It's gone.
Wow been here only three days and already an infraction.

Would just like to say and I will only say it once so I hope that this doesn't lead to another infraction.

Your rules suck.

an infraction for going over 800 pixels? Guys can have sigs that are half a page long but no pic an that is ok, but i put up a pic that was what maybe 850 pixels an I get an infraction.

I won't go out an post anywhere else in the forums about this. I like how in these boards you can say cock shit and fuck without getting called offensive, so i will keep the one liners to the spam section and my sig pic below 800.

Also for the record I am in agreement with one of the posters on the front page of this thread, he made a very logical and meaningful post and I don't think he should have been penalized for it...

Maria should give up wrestling and fuck on camera.:lmao:
Wow been here only three days and already an infraction.

Would just like to say and I will only say it once so I hope that this doesn't lead to another infraction.

Your rules suck.
As does your ability to follow said rules.

an infraction for going over 800 pixels? Guys can have sigs that are half a page long but no pic an that is ok, but i put up a pic that was what maybe 850 pixels an I get an infraction.
No member can have a sig over 800 pixels. That's been the rule for years. Also, regular members are limited to a certain amount of lines in their sig, as decided by the forum software.

"Half a page" means different things to different people with different display resolutions. Please keep that in mind.

I won't go out an post anywhere else in the forums about this. I like how in these boards you can say cock shit and fuck without getting called offensive, so i will keep the one liners to the spam section and my sig pic below 800.
That's certainly a reasonable way to go.

The Staff did notice however you were Disciplined twice for the same thing, so we went ahead and reversed one of those. It just so happened two people were giving discipline at the same time, but one of those have been taken care of now.

As does your ability to follow said rules.

BWahahahaha, you guys sure are on top of the ball, i like how you can speak your mind without someone playing the morality card,

The Staff did notice however you were Disciplined twice for the same thing, so we went ahead and reversed one of those. It just so happened two people were giving discipline at the same time, but one of those have been taken care of now.

Which one was wiped the infraction or the warning? Would really prefer the infraction. Hope the NXT thing goes far, i will prolly stick around, but this thing has really drawn my interest something the wwe hasn't done since they bought out WCW and the Rock retired.

BTW are you the Big Cheese around here? New here and would feel honored to be rebuked by the Big Cheese
The Staff did notice however you were Disciplined twice for the same thing, so we went ahead and reversed one of those. It just so happened two people were giving discipline at the same time, but one of those have been taken care of now.


thanks btw don't want to seem ungrateful. I have visited the prison. ;)
who are the admins for this bs forum, go on fucking ban me, you take this shit too seriousely. fucking ******s
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