The WZ Ask a Staff Member Thread

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When will their be avatars for Roman Reigns,Dean Ambrose,Seth Rollins,Bray Wyatt,The Shield,The Wyatt Family,New Evolution,The Authority,Daniel Bryan,Cesaro... all the new guy's basically
A few weeks ago, I saw a member had 5 red reputation bars... Does this mean he has more than (minus)400 reputation points? Or do the red bars have some other method of calculation?
I know advertising your own site is forbidden. But can someone start a thread asking for, and showcasing, other stuff and other sites?

For example, I was gonna start a thread asking for and showcasing some of my favorite free games. Totally legal stuff, not roms or anything, just free entertainment for those of us who can't afford a Ecks-Bawks Hwan or the P.S. 004.
I know advertising your own site is forbidden. But can someone start a thread asking for, and showcasing, other stuff and other sites?

For example, I was gonna start a thread asking for and showcasing some of my favorite free games. Totally legal stuff, not roms or anything, just free entertainment for those of us who can't afford a Ecks-Bawks Hwan or the P.S. 004.
If you're unsure, I recommend the Bar Room.
Something strange that likely totally doesn't matter: I changed my email address which made my account inactive for a moment until I activated in the email, but I noticed that while I was still on the site, there would be a little trash can icon next to every thread that had posts deleted in it like I was a mod. Once I activated my account, it was gone again.
I would like to upload an avatar of my own (A photo of Gordon Solie), and for some reason, I cannot find the place to do it. Any help?
I have a question, and I know it will seem like a dumbassed one, so I'll apologize in advance.

Where are Klunderbunker's review threads? I notice he posted on the RAW LD thread on Monday night he had put a review up, but I can't find it anywhere on the forum. Thanks.
Is there a code you guys know of where I can post a youtube video at a specific time? Tried fooling around with a few different formats for what I thought will work and I got nothing. I can post the whole url link with the start time, but was wondering if there was a way to do it in tags so it embeds.
Is there a code you guys know of where I can post a youtube video at a specific time? Tried fooling around with a few different formats for what I thought will work and I got nothing. I can post the whole url link with the start time, but was wondering if there was a way to do it in tags so it embeds.
You do the normal BBCode for embedding a Youtube video (which is the numbers and letters after "v=" in the URL) and just add "&start=xxx" where "xxx" is the number of seconds into the video you wish to start.


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