The NEW WZ Ask a Staff Member Thread

Can videos from Instagram or Facebook be played somehow on here? I know how YouTube videos can but what about Instagram & Facebook?
They cannot and I'm not interested in trying to make it happen, especially if they would autoplay in the forum.
Why is sending a PM to a moderator an offense worthy of a temporary ban?
You just can't stop lying, can you? You didn't get banned for PM'ing me, you got banned for not following directions, which resulted in you accumulating points which triggered the automatic temp ban.
Rulebook said:
D. Pissing off Staff: We will not put up with it. If you are being persistently and intentionally annoying to a Staff member, the Staff member has every right to infract or ban you. Do not be afraid to discuss and debate Staff members; just do not “Troll” a Staff member.
Moderators and Administrators cannot put users on Ignore, so when they tell you they do not want you to PM them back, you need to obey.

You were explicitly told not to reply to your Infraction message and you PM'd me anyways. So you got an Infraction. In that Infraction, you were told again not to PM me. You PM'd me again, so you got another Infraction. That Infraction put you at 3 points, which is what earned you a ban.

You didn't get a ban for PM'ing me, you got multiple Infractions for not following instructions. You got enough Infraction points which automatically triggered the temp ban. As I told you in the Warning you received, you need to review the Rules of the forum.

This matter is now closed. This means you should not reply to this post. Doing so may earn you another Infraction.

Have a great day.
You just can't stop lying, can you? You didn't get banned for PM'ing me, you got banned for not following directions, which resulted in you accumulating points which triggered the automatic temp ban.

Moderators and Administrators cannot put users on Ignore, so when they tell you they do not want you to PM them back, you need to obey.

You were explicitly told not to reply to your Infraction message and you PM'd me anyways. So you got an Infraction. In that Infraction, you were told again not to PM me. You PM'd me again, so you got another Infraction. That Infraction put you at 3 points, which is what earned you a ban.

You didn't get a ban for PM'ing me, you got multiple Infractions for not following instructions. You got enough Infraction points which automatically triggered the temp ban. As I told you in the Warning you received, you need to review the Rules of the forum.

This matter is now closed. This means you should not reply to this post. Doing so may earn you another Infraction.

Have a great day.

For future reference, if you tell me not to PM you and expect me to actually read it, please put it in the title or at least in the first sentence of your PM. Just like you don't read my PMs, I don't read yours all that closely either.

Thanks for the explanation on how the automatic temp. bans work.

One last question....I understand why moderators can't put users on ignore. I'm curious why users can't put moderators on ignore though? Some moderators might make terrible posts that are better off being ignored, to avoid pissing them off simply by owning them in a debate.
For future reference, if you tell me not to PM you and expect me to actually read it, please put it in the title or at least in the first sentence of your PM. Just like you don't read my PMs, I don't read yours all that closely either.
No. You are not important on this forum and we don't cater to morons. If you choose not to read the PMs, that is fine, just understand what you might be missing. In this case, you missed why your stupid, lying ass got banned.

Thanks for the explanation on how the automatic temp. bans work.
You're welcome. However, if you had simply read the rules like I told you to in your Warning, I wouldn't have had to explain it again. Luckily for you, I'm somewhat kind and patient. Hell, if I wasn't kind and patient, you'd be banned again right now for posting again in this thread.

Consider that when trying to decide whether you should post again in this thread about this issue when you've already been told to not reply again.

One last question....I understand why moderators can't put users on ignore. I'm curious why users can't put moderators on ignore though?
For the same reason you got banned. Moderators are more important on this forum than you and if we need to contact you, whether it's through a PM or an Infraction notice, you need to be able to receive notice.

Some moderators might make terrible posts that are better off being ignored, to avoid pissing them off simply by owning them in a debate.
I've read your have nothing to worry about on that front.
You guys don't get paid enough.
At least I got a raise last year and am now making $90,000 a year. It's not much, but it at least helps pay the bills.
What is the process for becoming a moderator? Following that one guy's example, I'd like to think that I can curse at people, insult them, make up arbitrary reasons to give them infractions during sports debates, continue baiting them by red repping them 4 times in a row in a matter of seconds, then get real petty and give them numerous infractions to get them banned just as well as anybody else out there.

So where/how do I apply? Thanks.
What is the process for becoming a moderator? Following that one guy's example, I'd like to think that I can curse at people, insult them, make up arbitrary reasons to give them infractions during sports debates, continue baiting them by red repping them 4 times in a row in a matter of seconds, then get real petty and give them numerous infractions to get them banned just as well as anybody else out there.

So where/how do I apply? Thanks.
Here are the things you need to improve on before you can be considered:

The first step is understanding the difference between a moderator and an administrator.

Second step is not be a liar.

Third step is to post intelligently.

Fourth step is to not follow an administrator around the forum because you're sensitive and got your feelings hurt because you weren't allowed to lie in a debate in which you were clearly trounced.

Fifth step is to not be banned.

Actually, on second thought, you should probably start with that last one first. And don't post in this thread again with your lying, childish fit throwing.
.....I need to fire my agent.
Your agent told me last time you held out for some kind of beverage? I don't know anything about that.
Wow, scary thread 0_0

So um I'm new and I was wondering what's up with profile pictures?
It says it can be max 100x100 which mine is but whenever I try to upload it just says invalid file.
Hi what's happened to the avatars? Most have disappeared.
I notice that since the change the avatars have disappeared. Can anyone tell me how big our avatars can be and if the forum will be providing any for us to use, I can't seem to find any?
You can use any (appropriate) picture you want, it doesn't need to be an "avatar" style picture.
I had saved a bunch of the old ones. If you want one of those and remember which then I could PM it to you.

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