Ask a Forum Question Thread

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The extra traffic won't last, and that 1/8th of an inch won't make the difference. Plus if you want to be pernickety E comes before T so we should have ECW top and ROH second.

I think it'll stay where it is.
where is the quote button to do that?? I know where it is on a post already made, but when im creating one I dont see it anywhere

It's the button that looks like a box with text in it and an arrorw at the bottom right hand corner. It's on the right side of the toolbar.
found my problem had to change my settings no it shows it!! I was wondering what the hell you were talking about thought I was going mad cause I wasnt seeing it then had the idea to check my control panel and saw I was still set at basic settings!
Thanx for your help though now I see what your talking about!!
Quick question on something that's not really a big deal. I recently made a thread about Randy Savage's best feud. I included a poll. I noticed that somebody changed one of my choices. Somebody replaced Big Bossman & Akeem with DDP. That probably was a better feud, but as the thread creator I thought I would have the choice of who to put in my poll. I'm wondering who changed it and why. Not a big deal. Just curious.
That was me. I can change it back for you if you'd like, just with everyone asking where the DDP option was I figured it'd be a better choice than Big Bossman and Akeem...because let's face it, no one's going to vote for Bossman and Akeem.

I can change it back for you if you'd like.
That was me. I can change it back for you if you'd like, just with everyone asking where the DDP option was I figured it'd be a better choice than Big Bossman and Akeem...because let's face it, no one's going to vote for Bossman and Akeem.

I can change it back for you if you'd like.

No need to change it back. I was just more curious than anything else. I have no doubt that DDP is the better choice. I just didn't put it there because I'm not as familiar with WCW. I should have so I could judge the impact on that feud compared to the WWF feuds. I'll keep that in mind going forward. Thanks.
Hey guys... It's been awhile. This is Gunnz187... I haven't been on here in forever, but when I tried to log on the other day, it said I was permanently banned?! Can anybody enlighten me as to what happened? Is it because I hadn't logged on in months or what? I don't think I did anything to get banned... Help?
Hey guys... It's been awhile. This is Gunnz187... I haven't been on here in forever, but when I tried to log on the other day, it said I was permanently banned?! Can anybody enlighten me as to what happened? Is it because I hadn't logged on in months or what? I don't think I did anything to get banned... Help?
It was because Gunnz187, which was actually Gunnzwashere, was an alternate account of "The Living Legend" Johnny Gunnz.

We don't allow alternate accounts here at WZ, so you need to either post as Jonny Gunnz, or not at all. And don't even bother with trying to say it wasn't an alt, we know for a fact it was. This account will now be closed as well, as your question is answered.
I looked up how to use a youtube video in here and followed how to do it, but my video never showed up, the thread is in the bar room under Modern Warfare 2, I was the last post. Any thoughts why it didn't show up?
I looked up how to use a youtube video in here and followed how to do it, but my video never showed up, the thread is in the bar room under Modern Warfare 2, I was the last post. Any thoughts why it didn't show up?
You had a space before and after the Youtube code. I fixed it, and it works now.
Hey guys. I went to the applications for efed and the forum was closed. The last post was made by TheOneBigWill saying that we should PM him our forms. I did this maybe 5 days ago. Can someone clarify whats going on?
Ah yeah Will isn't in charge there anymore. Try Lee or one of the other mods instead. There's a list of them under forum leaders at the bottom of the forums page, although I believe there's a post count requirement.
I asked a question in the Old School Wrestling "Ask a Question" thread, and haven't gotten any response. I don't know if it would be okay with the Powers That Be to ask the question across more AAQ threads on the other forums.

The question is, who or what company first started using pyro big time in pro wrestling?
I asked a question in the Old School Wrestling "Ask a Question" thread, and haven't gotten any response. I don't know if it would be okay with the Powers That Be to ask the question across more AAQ threads on the other forums.

The question is, who or what company first started using pyro big time in pro wrestling?

if no one has answer your question, more likely no one knows the answer.
About spam

The rules of the forum are 1. it has to be about a topic and 2. back your opinion up.

well 1 is very self-explanatory, it's an either/or type deal, it was either about the topic or it wasn't.

But 2 can be a problem. Here's why. Some things are self evident. They don't need to be backed up because they are what they are.

For instance let's say the message board topic is the sky.

One response might be "the sky has stars in it."

And that's all that the response is. It's self evident the sky has stars in it, theres no need for opinion about the matter, it is what it is.

But also, this could be considered spam because "they haven't backed up their opinion" right?

Do you see what I'm saying? I'm just saying the second rule can be stretched and pulled to delete messages for all kinds of reasons.

And also how do you know when you've backed your opinion up enough? Someone could say you didn't do enough of a job in backing your opinion up and delete you at any time.
If a topic is that vague and pointless as "What color is the sky" or something to that effect, it'll be moved to a spam section. That's what they're for.

The spam rules are pretty simple, you don't need to back your post up enough to satisfy our demands or anything like that, you just need to provide some form of explanation to your thought process. Here's what I mean...

Spam: I like Randy Orton.
Non-Spam: I like Randy Orton because he's the best heel the WWE has had in years and his finisher is one of the best ever.

Pretty much the word "because" is key here. Once you get the hang of it it's really no sweat.
About spam

The rules of the forum are 1. it has to be about a topic and 2. back your opinion up.

well 1 is very self-explanatory, it's an either/or type deal, it was either about the topic or it wasn't.

But 2 can be a problem. Here's why. Some things are self evident. They don't need to be backed up because they are what they are.

For instance let's say the message board topic is the sky.

One response might be "the sky has stars in it."

You may see this type of topic on another forum, or in a spam forum on Wrestlezone, but you won't see a thread which asks what the sky has in it where you will need a reason - because spam will be allowed in that section of our forum.

And that's all that the response is. It's self evident the sky has stars in it, theres no need for opinion about the matter, it is what it is.

But also, this could be considered spam because "they haven't backed up their opinion" right?

Do you see what I'm saying? I'm just saying the second rule can be stretched and pulled to delete messages for all kinds of reasons.

While I see where you may have got the idea this is possible, the threads we allow to stay in non-spam sections will NOT include a thread where you can state a 'fact' and no reason to back it up, because we as moderators purposely move them if that's the case.

And also how do you know when you've backed your opinion up enough? Someone could say you didn't do enough of a job in backing your opinion up and delete you at any time.

A simple reason is enough.

"John Cena is good" would be classified as spam.

"John Cena is good because his finishing move is strong" would be enough for it not to be considered spam, and you would not be infracted for that post. That was 6 extra words. We don't ask for an essay,simply a 'because..'.
What I'm saying is, not everything is an opinion. Some things are facts. And not everything can be backed up, because theres nothing left to back it up. It is what it is. And sometimes thats the only response to certain topics. And thats a problem for the idea of spam on here. It leaves no room for facts, and calls for everything to be backed up by opinion.

The sky thing was an example. Not a real topic that we talk about here. It was to prove that some things are self evident and can't be backed up with mere opinion.
So basically anything based on fact and not opinion has to be in the spam section? Is that what you're saying?
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