The Complaint Thread

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Thanks for the reply. I know warnings mean nothing, but I don't see the point of it.

Also I can't believe spamming here is considered "short condensed answers".

This forum is truly unique.

"Sassing a mod is also against the rules."


We pride ourselves on being 'truly unique'. The point of the warning was to make sure you don't end up banned. We want to see you continue posting and having fun on the forum. If you add reasons to your posts, they are generally of a higher quality, and encourage interesting discussions.

I'm not complaining for receiving an infraction for having my signature graphic be too long. It actually was too long, and I fixed that, so I do appreciate the warning, but I'm curious as to why the width of the graphic matters v. the height? Wouldn't you really be looking to curb the height more than anything, to prevent those who don't turn signatures off from having a significant portion of the page load come from large scale graphics?

Just curious.

If signatures are too long, they also stretch the forum. Which might seem okay to someone with a widescreen laptop, but use on smaller screens, or even mobile use, is severely impaired with long signatures. 500 x 300 is simply the cut off point we have.

Once again, I apologize.

I though Cena vs Austin is self explantory.

It's fine. Make sure you read the rules, and have fun - don't let this small issue put you off :)

lol. Guess whos back. Well this time its for asking if anyone wants to meet up at SS. But I made sure to put it in the general discussion and not the non-spam sections, so once again, do I even have to ask...

ALSO some deleted my critism of TNA in a thread called Negative Complaint Board.
The thread you put it in was in the non-spam section hun. The spam sections are fine for those questions, especially the 'Wrestling Spam Zone' or the Bar Room. Just check the top of each section first and you should be fine.

ALSO some deleted my critism of TNA in a thread called Negative Complaint Board.

The thread was called the "WWE negative complaining thread', meaning your criticism of TNA was off-topic, which is why I deleted it. However, it wasn't spam so I didn't warn you.
I'm beggining to think I'm wasting my time.
Thanks HBK-aholic(love the name) for helping me out real quick. Can't complain about helpful Mods, but this Forum is plain ******ed. I'll stick with keeping my thoughts to myself, that way their more apreciated and not problamtic to people who feel it necasary to delete/modify everything I say.
I'm beggining to think I'm wasting my time.
Thanks HBK-aholic(love the name) for helping me out real quick. Can't complain about helpful Mods, but this Forum is plain ******ed. I'll stick with keeping my thoughts to myself, that way their more apreciated and not problamtic to people who feel it necasary to delete/modify everything I say.

Your thoughts are definitely not "problematic", as you put it. we just ask that you place them in the right sections, and expand a little more on what you're saying.

By warning you, we're encouraging you to keep posting. Months ago, you might have been banned by now. Thanks the Admin team for bending the rules.

I'm beggining to think I'm wasting my time.
Thanks HBK-aholic(love the name) for helping me out real quick. Can't complain about helpful Mods, but this Forum is plain ******ed. I'll stick with keeping my thoughts to myself, that way their more apreciated and not problamtic to people who feel it necasary to delete/modify everything I say.
I find it amazing how people get so upset when they're asked to follow the rules just like everyone else.

I suppose that big list of rules we made were for everyone but you, right? Or maybe, you're just the only one not smart enough to follow them.
i've read a number of the other complaints over the past 12 or more pages, and really, a number of people feel the same way i do. people on this sight express their opinion and give their reason why, which is in your little rules section, and someone suspends or blocks them anyways. this seems to be more of a dictatorship of sorts rather than a forum. if someone writes something on their mind, and if one of the power mad moderators doesn't like it, regardless of the rules, they accuse the individual of spamming. wow. it's amazing to me that when 1 person wants to express their opinion, such as i did using a different name earlier today, they get banned because what they said makes sense. yeah, it sucks being wrong, but opinions are neither right or wrong. technically, you moderators play favorites to some extent. i've seen people swear in posts, and their accounts are still active, whereas my other account has been suspended or banned till nov. 2010 probably for saying how big show still has a job and he's obese. i suppose the hitlers (moderators) here will probably delete this post since it's not right in their eyes, tho it is in The Complaint Thread.
I can assure you if you broke any of our rules, there was justification for the penalties you received, such as the banning you will now receive for making an alternate account.

Also, the proper grammar for your name should be wzfareajoke. If you're going to insult us, at least do so properly.
What amazes me is, when a team of more than a dozen moderators has at least one person on to delete and handle issues, it's the moderators who have no lives. Ironic, though, that the person making those accusations has enough time and so little to do that he makes up alternate accounts just to complain about thr rules he broke on a professional wrestling discussion forum.

Tell me who the loser is? There's 13 of us, and 1 of you. And yet YOU keep coming back.

The regulars and even the new posters can see plainly that a little effort - nothing crazy - is all we require. I got 2 infractions my first week on the forums, and now I'm one of the forum administrators. Some people accept mistakes and learn from them, others just bitch and complain because they have nothing better to do.
You don't have freedom of speech. It's a fucking wrestling forum, not a democratic state.

i've read a number of the other complaints over the past 12 or more pages, and really, a number of people feel the same way i do.
Yes, but when half of them are your alternate accounts, I guess that really doesn't count, now does it?

people on this sight
It's "site"...but I guess I'm the illiterate one, correct?

express their opinion and give their reason why, which is in your little rules section, and someone suspends or blocks them anyways.
Actually, we block them because you're breaking the rule about only having one account on our forums.

But, then again, I wouldn't really expect someone like you to understand something so simple.

this seems to be more of a dictatorship of sorts rather than a forum.
Yup. And us dictators punish those who break the rules.

if someone writes something on their mind, and if one of the power mad moderators doesn't like it, regardless of the rules, they accuse the individual of spamming.
Nah, it's just when you spam that we warn/infract for spamming. I think the majority of posts that get made on the forum are wrong, but I don't infract them for it.

it's amazing to me that when 1 person wants to express their opinion, such as i did using a different name earlier today, they get banned because what they said makes sense.
Now, seriously, how stupid can you be? You just admitted to creating an alternate account, and then accuse the Staff of not abiding by the rules?

yeah, it sucks being wrong
But you do it so least, entertaining.

but opinions are neither right or wrong.
This is false, but we can save that discussion for later.

Of course you won't be there to participate in it, but I'm sure it will be great.

technically, you moderators play favorites to some extent.
I couldn't agree more. The posters who follow the rules we like, the ones who constantly break the rules we don't.

i've seen people swear in posts, and their accounts are still active
Yes, because swearing is not prohibited here.

Spamming and alternate accounts, on the other hand, are.

whereas my other account has been suspended or banned till nov. 2010 probably for saying how big show still has a job and he's obese.
I'd love to respond to that, but when you say "other account", I have no idea which one you are talking about.

I mean, you have like 5 of them.

i suppose the hitlers (moderators) here will probably delete this post since it's not right in their eyes, tho it is in The Complaint Thread.
No, we like to keep posts like this around to show the idiocy we constantly have to deal with from people who don't take the time to comprehend the rules.

People like you.
There's no freedom of speech: Private;y owned forums.

The rules state that you need to give reasons or else it is spam, I don't see your problem.

Add to that the fact that you can't make alts which you've done.

And you call us the sad ones?
i've read a number of the other complaints over the past 12 or more pages, and really, a number of people feel the same way i do. people on this sight express their opinion and give their reason why, which is in your little rules section, and someone suspends or blocks them anyways. this seems to be more of a dictatorship of sorts rather than a forum. if someone writes something on their mind, and if one of the power mad moderators doesn't like it, regardless of the rules, they accuse the individual of spamming. wow. it's amazing to me that when 1 person wants to express their opinion, such as i did using a different name earlier today, they get banned because what they said makes sense. yeah, it sucks being wrong, but opinions are neither right or wrong. technically, you moderators play favorites to some extent. i've seen people swear in posts, and their accounts are still active, whereas my other account has been suspended or banned till nov. 2010 probably for saying how big show still has a job and he's obese. i suppose the hitlers (moderators) here will probably delete this post since it's not right in their eyes, tho it is in The Complaint Thread.

I'd like to address just a couple of your comments. I know you are gone now, however this is for the benefit of those new members of the forums that join up and get frustrated with the same thing you did.

I'll be honest. It took me a while to get used to our definition of spamming as well, when I first got here. I got two Warnings for spamming in a short time span when I first arrived. And the problem was that I didn't read over the forum rules, either. And that was my fault that I didn't do that.

If you take a moment to read over the forum rules, and believe me gang, they aren't really all that long, then you will be better informed. The problem is that people are signing up and your going to town, and posting right away. Then, when you get the Warning ... you get all upset and wonder why. The problem was that you didn't read the rules. That is not our fault. That is your fault. Because had you read the rules, you would have been informed to how the site is structured.

Additionally, something that seems to really be forgotten to be brought up .... are you aware that we have Spam-Friendly wrestling sections? If you don't want to deal with the Spamming Rules, then guess what? You don't have to. All you have to do is click under the Spam-Friendly wrestling section and post whatever you want to talk about in there ... without worrying about "spam". To the people who are complaining about this, I simply don't understand why you don't go in there and post.

Nobody is saying you HAVE to post in the Spam-Free wrestling section. Nobody is holding a gun to your head. All you have to do is do a simply click on the Spam-Friendly section, and you can honestly talk about any wrestling subject you want ... current or otherwise, and post whatever you want in there. If you want to post a one-word answer, then post a one-word answer. The Spam-Friendly forums are perfect for anyone that wants to talk wrestling, without having to worry about the Spam-Rules (which really aren't that difficult).

All you have to do to avoid "spam" is simply state an opinion, and then provide a justification for that position. Think of a statement and then state the word "Because" ... and then provide a reason for why you made that statement. It isn't hard.

Now, I am not going to come down on posters and make this site like a tyranny, where you have no "Freedom of Speech" whatsoever. I know that's what is stated in the rules ... but as long as you don't use hate speech, you can pretty much talk about what you like to talk about.

BUT ... the key is ... all we ask is that you do the talking in the right place on the forum. That's it. And if most of you doing the complaining would simply use the Spam Friendly section, you would be in great shape.

Now, as far as the allegation of "Power-hungry Mods". I honestly have to say that this is the most fair wrestling forum I've been to. And I've been to a lot of forums. Our moderators do not ban you or issue infractions simply because they don't like you, like elsewhere. All you have to do is post in the right place and follow a simple set of rules.

However, at this forum, points expire after 60 days.

Other forums you go to ... you get a warning, and then your second offense ... you are immediately banned for 4 days. And if you have another offense, then you are permanently banned from the site.

You can "spam" all you want there, but they are very strict about any flaming (where we actually allow a tolerance to a degree, as long as you aren't going overboard with it ... at which then we intervene) .... and you are permanently banned after 3 offenses.

Here, not only do we give you 2 Warnings (not one) ... however after that, then you have to get a total of not one, not two, but three infractions before you are given a one week banning.

And like I said, your points do expire after 60 days, unlike elsewhere.

Now, you can get all huffy and puffy because you get a Warning (which is only just that ... a Warning) ... or if you get an Infraction ... but you really aren't giving proper credit to this site for giving you an enormous amount of chances to improve. I dare say more than anywhere else.

5 points in a total of 2 months will get you a Year-Long suspension, but you actually have to get a total of 6 points within a 2 month time period in order to be permanently banned from the site.

After all of that, I am just amazed at the people who complain.

The real key is if you don't want to worry about Spam-Rules ... and I've said this probably at least 10 times in this post, all you have to do is post in the Spam-Friendly wrestling section.
This is Leafy Shuffleboard, the site says my password is incorrect so I tell it to email me and i click on the reset password link and it says the address I sent it from was incorrect, can somebody fix this?
This is Leafy Shuffleboard, the site says my password is incorrect so I tell it to email me and i click on the reset password link and it says the address I sent it from was incorrect, can somebody fix this?

Leafy. This is Lord Sidious. Same thing happened to me. I know the team is working on it, as apparently it affected several accounts. Something must have happened overnight.

If anybody else is affected by this, I would probably recommend holding off ... DO NOT open any new accounts until it is determined what the problem is ... and then we can put out a message letting everyone know when the problem is fixed .... and then go from there.

I have also discovered that if you log out after creating a new account ... then your password will not be recognized if you try to sign back on. I just opened this account, and then tried to change the email address on file. It asked me what my current password was to continue, and it did NOT recognize it. So if I sign off this account, I will be locked out again.
Hey Sly, I just read your message about changing passwords and thats what happened to me. Im not allowed to private message you so is there anything I can do to get your help changing that or should I just post until I can contact you?
The password changing thing hasn't worked. All we can say is just to be patient, we are working on it.
This forum sure does suck. Who's running this place, apes or something?

Yeah, guess who. I've become a victim of the Great Password Fiasco of 2009. This sure does suck massively. Reset my password, still doesn't work, not on IE or Mozilla.
Sorry for creating a new account. However I needed to because of a password issue. I had to do this to see what is going on. (Basically it kept me in between two different screens, one that told me to change my pass word, and another that said incorrect password please register).

Basically It told me that I needed a new password and then I changed it. Now it wouldnt let me log in. I didn't know what to do.

Is is alright if I keep this account and just use this account while never using the Randolph H account again? or is it wrong for me to continue doing so?
Randy, if we can get it fixed we'll delete this one. If we can't, I would assume using this new one would be ok and we would delete the old one. Don't hold me to that though. You won't get in trouble for this though, at least in theory.
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