I run a forum that is, well, its bigger. A lot bigger. I enjoy my time here more than there. Mainly because as I have grown up, the subject matter of that forum no longer really draws me in, while Wrestling will always be a favourite of mine.
That and, here I am encouraged to think, there, well I take the piss out of everyone while lording power over them. There if I was a member, if I got banned, I wouldn't care, because there are a lot of other forums like it. But here, well here is different. The blatant No Tolerance on spam here, is something I LOVE. I have so far received three infractions, the first two mean nothing to me really, because they caused me to leave the forum, well I guess they ment something. I didn't appreciate the rules, the third however, was after my return. Which means a lot, as I was honestly trying not to spam. Hence the apology I sent to the moderator that gave me it, and the editing of the post in question.
Overall, this is a pretty damn good forum.
PS I won't reveal the other forum, as I am already geeky enough to post on a online Wrestling forum, to be an Administrator of that other forum, makes me a bigger geek than all of you.