Your Overall View Of The Forum

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Okay, but I wish I didn't have to make x number of posts before being able to start a new thread.

We have that rule in place not because of you, but because of the ad-bots. Companies have those obnoxious bots that register and create threads telling you all to buy viagra. The minimum post rule a) ensures that the bots can't spam up the forum with new threads of ads, and b) gives new posters a chance to read the rules before creating a spammy or duplicate post. It's only 10 posts - not too hard if you ask me.
Maybe not too hard for you, but I became a member here only to enquire about the whereabouts of the Voice of Wrestling radio show, a matter which for some strange reason nobody else here wants to discuss, and I didn't want to have to make 10 posts just so I could ask one simple question.

Anyway, I'll ask it here and now. What's happened to Voice of Wrestling? It went AWOL for a month, then returned for one week, with Nick hosting the show solo, and now it' s taken a hike again.

VOW was poised to become the number one pro-wrestling show on radio, especially now that Between the Ropes has become obsessed with MMA to such a degree that wrestling barely rates a mention on its broadcasts.

C'mon, Chris and Nick, it's been too long between drinks. Way too long!
Maybe not too hard for you, but I became a member here only to enquire about the whereabouts of the Voice of Wrestling radio show, a matter which for some strange reason nobody else here wants to discuss, and I didn't want to have to make 10 posts just so I could ask one simple question.

Anyway, I'll ask it here and now. What's happened to Voice of Wrestling? It went AWOL for a month, then returned for one week, with Nick hosting the show solo, and now it' s taken a hike again.

VOW was poised to become the number one pro-wrestling show on radio, especially now that Between the Ropes has become obsessed with MMA to such a degree that wrestling barely rates a mention on its broadcasts.

C'mon, Chris and Nick, it's been too long between drinks. Way too long!
Did you ever think there is a reason for that?

1) The forum is not connected with the main page. They have their thing, we have our thing, and there is very little overlap.

2) We would rather you stick around to chat on the forum and get to like it here.

3) If you're not smart enough to find the "Contact Us" link on the main page, then you don't deserve to be able to create a thread about something you can ask somebody who matters on the subject. Seriously, it's a big grey button. You can't miss it.

Unless you're not very smart. Trying reading the main page (you know, at least once) before coming on the forums to complain about something we have basically no control over.

My overall view is that despite this being a clean and respectfull forum, there are just too many regulars and a few noobs. If there were just a bit more noobs on these forums it would be fantastic
Well I've been here for quite a while, posted a bit, got to know some people, so now I'll give my overall view of this place. Overall I feel that WZ is probably one of the greatest wrestling forums on the net today. It remains generally active, even during times that the forums are giving out tons of errors. WZ also offers really good non spammy discussion. By that I mean a conversation actually goes somewhere as opposed to the typical lol or one word answers that you'll find on a lot of other forums. When I first started I got two straight infractions for spamming, I wasn't too sure why I got them as I felt that I was adding to the conversation, but I look back on those now and realize that they really didn't.

The staff for the most part are great at what they do. When Jonny was Admin he did an amazing job, and IC and Jake continue to do amazing as well. It's been real fun watching people who joined up after myself go and basically make names for themselves here. I respect a lot of the staff and feel that they all have really great ideas and what not as far as posting goes.

The forums themselves are also pretty good. The individual sections for sports, videogames, bar room, etc are all really good and all offer great topics. The only thing I'd wish to see in the Sports section is possibly forums designated to specific big leagues I.E: NHL, NFL, etc...

Otherwise this place really is the ideal spot to be for an online forum. Lots of discussion about basically anything in the chit chat forum, tons of wrestling topics, and overall just a great forum if you honestly try and make discussion. If you come on here and just spam, the staff and members will basically eat your soul...
My overall view is that despite this being a clean and respectfull forum, there are just too many regulars and a few noobs. If there were just a bit more noobs on these forums it would be fantastic

Um, no offence dude but theres LOADS of noobs. And if these noobs keep posting, they will become regulars which means there will be even more of us. Every forum needs regulars who keep the forum running. The staff isn't consisted of noobs who only post once a week.

If you keep posting, you won't be a noob and you won't be saying something like that again.
Overall, its a great forum. The only thing I don't understand is the signature infraction and the spamming thing. 1. I don't understand why it can't be over 200 pixels or so and 2. I thought that spamming was like the crap on YouTube that is like "Copy and paste this message to ten videos or the little dead boy woll come out of your closet and eat you!" I've seen people on Yahoo Answers probably looking for sex tips asking if the WrestleZone forums, where people agreed saying that the spamming thing was crap. I mean just write a little more on the topic, don't just say to some guy "I agree. He is good too." That doesn't help at all. Yeah I got I couple infractions when I joined but I was stupid enough not to read the rules. I understand the ten post rule, the first forum I ever signed up for had that (Tekken Zaibatsu, its a video game.) 4.5/5.
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The reason for the signiature is for those of us that are still within the dark ages or within a place that has a very severe internet speed issues, it is for those on 56K internet speed to be able to view and discuss on this forum. We explain in our rules that our spamming rules are slightly different from elsewhere, I am aware other places have laxer rules on Spamming, and to tell you the truth we have eased back on the level of what has been considered to be spam in the past.
I run a forum that is, well, its bigger. A lot bigger. I enjoy my time here more than there. Mainly because as I have grown up, the subject matter of that forum no longer really draws me in, while Wrestling will always be a favourite of mine.

That and, here I am encouraged to think, there, well I take the piss out of everyone while lording power over them. There if I was a member, if I got banned, I wouldn't care, because there are a lot of other forums like it. But here, well here is different. The blatant No Tolerance on spam here, is something I LOVE. I have so far received three infractions, the first two mean nothing to me really, because they caused me to leave the forum, well I guess they ment something. I didn't appreciate the rules, the third however, was after my return. Which means a lot, as I was honestly trying not to spam. Hence the apology I sent to the moderator that gave me it, and the editing of the post in question.

Overall, this is a pretty damn good forum.

PS I won't reveal the other forum, as I am already geeky enough to post on a online Wrestling forum, to be an Administrator of that other forum, makes me a bigger geek than all of you.
I feel quality of posts is too closely linked to the length of the posts tbh. Someone should have a talk to the moderators about that. Also, why is that HBK-aholic person a moderator? They only post in threads about HBK...and their posts aren't even that good?
Also, why is that HBK-aholic person a moderator? They only post in threads about HBK...and their posts aren't even that good?

This is something I don't like about the forums.

I found out that this forum is one of the best I've ever been on simply because the people in here are educated and passionate about what they talk about. The mods and admins want EDUCATED conversation on the threads. There's nothing wrong with that. Honestly. I personally find it as a challenge to post to my best knowledge to avoid looking like an idiot.

As far as the admins and mods, publicly stating how you don't like one of them isn't the way to go. This does nothing but bring bad attention to yourself. This is a private forum and the admins and mods have say so on what goes on. Becca's a global mod and not many like it, but it's the way it is. She was here before you were and will be here after you're gone. And dissing someone with power just isn't smart.

But overall, the forum's great.
Who am I? I'm a guy sitting here posting on the forums, just liek you, except you're a girl? Wasn't hard was it? Every other mod I've noticed participates in basically every worthwhile conversation on these forums, whereas for some reason the only reason you post is when the thread is about Shawn Michaels. I dunno, I'd just assume that a moderator, especially a Global one, should be more of an active member.

Wow, that's ******ed. A bunch of guys just red repped me...for giving my two cents...why make a thread like this if constructive criticism is essentially discouraged?

I prefer prim k dface... said
Well, the only difference really is that she has 4400 more posts than you, and they're way better than yours, and you've been on the forum longer, and she's one of the best posters whereas nobodies heard of you... other than that, ya, you're the same

So what I take from this is having mroe posts (90% about one wrestler) automatically means someone is a better poster. Quantity over quality attitude again...

Becca contributes a shit load to the forums. Waaaay more then you. Who in the living daylights are you?

So she may...but I'm not a Global Moderator, so I don't see where this guy was going with this. And what's with the elitist attitude here, this isn't the WCW lockeroom, some people here need to stop living in this fantasy world where these forums are a wrestling fed and respect gets dished out to old men with saggy breats who should have retired 10 years ago and/or HBK-aholic. Just because someon'es been around for ages doesn't mean they're a good poster. Just because some is new doesn't mean their opinion is invalid. This forum is very elitist and that's another thing I'd reccomend the mods work to resolve.
Who am I? I'm a guy sitting here posting on the forums, just liek you, except you're a girl? Wasn't hard was it? Every other mod I've noticed participates in basically every worthwhile conversation on these forums, whereas for some reason the only reason you post is when the thread is about Shawn Michaels. I dunno, I'd just assume that a moderator, especially a Global one, should be more of an active member.

Clearly you don't pay attention to much then. She earned her G-Mod spot because of her posting skills, and if you venture into the Cigar Lounge, you'll see not only is she well versed in more than Shawn Michaels, she's also well-versed in more than wrestling. It's called "well rounded."

And usually this is when I would jump in and defend you, because you were, after all, only expressing an opinion. But you took a shot at someone on my staff without knowing a damn thing about them.

Anyway, I am asking everyone - my staff included - to please stop spamming up the opinion thread now. No need to have a discussion on this topic here. If you want, take it into the bar room.

Thank you.
Wow, that's ******ed. A bunch of guys just red repped me...for giving my two cents...why make a thread like this if constructive criticism is essentially discouraged?

I'll also touch on this bullshit. I just checked your rep, and you also received Green. But you don't mention that.

I now assume you are a kid, so let me teach you a little something about freedom of speech / giving your two cents. When you post your opinion on a discussion board, it doesn't make it untouchable. It puts your opinion out there to be dissected. You accept the consequences of free speech every time you use it. FACT.

And it's also hypocritical that you made your original post as "constructive criticism," but you've got a problem with people turning that constructive criticism on you in the form of rep.
Alright, whatever mate, I take that on board, but if you can't see the elitism problem here then you're an idiot.
Also, another reccomendation, I'd make it a rule that no one's allowed to double post, editin your posts makes the forum look nice and tidy. Just a suggestion - a rule you might want to implement, it's common on many other forums.
Alright, whatever mate, I take that on board, but if you can't see the elitism problem here then you're an idiot.

Name calling = flaming warning. Just sayin'.

Anyway, you're not the first disgruntled poster to go on a "the modz are elitst naziz and thiss izn't spamm" tirades. You simply made a statement that is totally unsupportable by facts. HBK-aholic is one of the best staff members I have promoted. If you don't like her, that's cool. If you don't like me, that's cooler. No biggie.

Now I expect this is the end of this discussion in this thread. Please don't make me ask a third time.

Thank you.
Since coming back, I'm loving it! I especially like the wrestling spam section where you can be loose and free. I always used to find myself carefully thinking out everything I wrote, and making sure to follow the rules. THIS IS A GOOD THING, as it has helped me express myself in writing with more precision.

But, I was pleasantly surprised to see all the changes and more spam forums.

You guys have been doing a great job, and there is still no doubt in my mind that this is THE TOP WRESTLING DISCUSSION BOARD ON THE NET! FACT!

If it sounds like I'm kissing ass, too damn bad. Everything I said is the truth.

It's actually scary how big this place really is. There's a little of everything for everyone, and that's good.

8 thumbs up, from the octopuses! :D
I love the forum , it is a great place for the IWC to have intellectual banter about the "sports entertainment" we all love
This really is the best internet forum I´ve encountered online, the staff is great and the rules are fair and logic and easy to follow.

Plus you can have awesome discussions about wrestling and many other things, and don´t forget to enter the Bar room it´s my favourite section ;)
By far the best forum on the web. The other forum I belong to is more or less dead, and there are only a handful of half decent posters.

The rules here assure that shitty posters will be banned quickly and the good ones will be able to have intelligent discussions.
Just a quick formatting comment.

Red certainly isn't the easiest color on the eyes when it comes to reading forums. Most forums (not necessarily wrestling-related) seem to use a shade of light blue or grey, which are a lot less distracting a color than any shade of red.

Just want to throw my quick opinion on that, as the red borders do tend to be a little distracting to me, at least.
Just a quick formatting comment.

Red certainly isn't the easiest color on the eyes when it comes to reading forums. Most forums (not necessarily wrestling-related) seem to use a shade of light blue or grey, which are a lot less distracting a color than any shade of red.

Just want to throw my quick opinion on that, as the red borders do tend to be a little distracting to me, at least.
I agree completely with you, the red background isn't the best for reading the forum. However, red is the signature color of WrestleZone, so it will not change. Additionally, none of the active administrators have the ability to provide different skins to the forums, so it's kind of stuck that way.

However, if you use the "Liquid WZ" option, instead of the Fixed, it will expand the forum more, and make the amount of red space much less if you have a higher resolution setting.

But, that's really the best we can do for you.
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