The NEW Ask a Forum Question Thread

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i know i wanted to make a FaIkon account or copy someones that has a lowercase l or capital i because they look the exact same
i know i wanted to make a FaIkon account or copy someones that has a lowercase l or capital i because they look the exact same

That would still be classed as an alt and would result in your banning.
a quick question i am thinking of making a site like this a wrestling fourm/efed whats a good site to make it free kinda like proboards
ps. i cant downoiad anything
I have a question about thread placement.

Say I want to post a thread asking about the literary techniques present in the epic poem Paradise Lost. Where do I put it? The Cigar Lounge? Movies and Television, as reading is a form of entertainment?
i would say cigar lounge because Movie and tv are for things ithat have been on tv or a movie it hasnt been in etheir as far as i know
Awesome. One more question, this one probably actually important.

I see that the report button can be used to report spam, advertising, duplicate topics, and flaming. When I was on last, specifically the 15th, Altman registered to answer a response to his post under the banned account Dudebuster. It was quite obvious he was an alt. Can I use the report function to report the suspicion of an alt, or leave it up to you guys and your super duper auto-alt finders?
The report button has a functionality called "Other" which would allow you to specify below what you need to report.
How do add a "catchphrase" or sentence in the small red text under my username? I really have no idea lol

If someone could inbox me a reply that would be great!

How do add a "catchphrase" or sentence in the small red text under my username? I really have no idea lol

If someone could inbox me a reply that would be great!


Click on "Quick Links" in the black bar towards the top of your page and choose "Edit Profile" from the pulldown menu. Then, just plug in what you want it to say under "Customer User Title."
I am going to show my ignorance here. I would like to know how you go about putting multiple quotes in a post from a user. What I mean is so that it has the users name and that little blue arrow that links you to the post. I know how to quote, but I have to either state before hand who I am quoting or I have to type their name in the quote tags. Hope I have explained that clearly.
Use the Multi-Quote Button between Quote and Fast Reply. When you're at the final one you're quoting, hit the regular quote button. Everyone you've selected will appear in the new quote and you can reply accordingly.
See that little icon between qoute and fast reply, looks like a piece of paper with a plus sign on it? That's multi qoute, just click that on all the post from different posters that you want to qoute and on the last post you want to qoute just hit the qoute button.
so i have ? r they still doing wrestlezone radio ive been away for a while in the miliitary nd ive beemn trying to find it nd i cant
so i have ? r they still doing wrestlezone radio ive been away for a while in the miliitary nd ive beemn trying to find it nd i cant

I think I can be of assistance here. That would be a question to ask someone on the Main Page. The Mods here don't have a lot of dealings with things that take place on the WZ Home Page. Hope that helps.

Sorry if I'm out of place.
I now understand how to post multiple quotes using the icon. I have just one more question. How do you seperate quotes from one long post? In other words if a poster has posted a long post with several different points how do I quote them all seperately so I could answer them seperately?
When you reach the end of the part you want to reply to, put [/quote]. WHen you reach the part where you want to start again, put [*quote*] (minus the *s) at the beginning and [/quote] at the end.
how do you get a post deleted. When I posted, it said that there was a problem with posting my answer, so when i posted it again, it duplicated my post. The psot is on the question, "Has the absence of major stars been good for the WWE?" on the WWE forum. It has been edited to notify its deletion.

Is this the right thing to do with a duplicated post and how do i get a moderator to delete it?
Sorry, but when I went to the page, it showed both my posts as deleted, which I only wanted one of them. I refressed the page several times to make sure, then reposted the post. For some reason I refressed the page and it was duplicated again. Could you delete one of them, and if any problems occur again, I will just stop posting on teh particular thread.

Sorry and thank you for you help
Seeing as it has already been deleted. I'll let you know how it could function in the future for you The New Generation. If you suffer from a duplicate post. Either the chances are that one of the moderators will notice it rather quickly.

If they do not. Please do not hesitate to send a PM to one of the G-Mods or the moderator that is active on the section.

Or if no moderator is active. Then simply report it through the report system. Press the button "Other" and specify the fact that you posted a duplicate topic.

And about the posting. We're currently suffering a bit of problems with the site. I'm certain that the owners of the server as well as the administrators taking care of that will be there to redo it all. The best I can recommend you do is either copy pasting your post into some Notepad document or simply post once. Eventually the post might reappear.

Thank you for your patience :)
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