Ask a Forum Question Thread

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Ah that's what I thought it was. When you hit the insert picture button to put in the URL, make sure to delete the HTTP that's in there already.
Hey Sly, I’m having problems on the site. Why does this happen?

Whenever I click on “USER CP” it shows all new replies in my subscribed threads in boldface. I’ll proceed to click on each field to read the new replies and then click “USED CP” again to go to the next one. But sometimes, When I click “USER CP” after viewing a new posts, all of the remaining boldfaced posts are no longer there and I don’t know which ones I haven’t viewed?? This is very frustrating…

I hope this explanation all came out clear.
Hey Sly, I’m having problems on the site. Why does this happen?

Whenever I click on “USER CP” it shows all new replies in my subscribed threads in boldface. I’ll proceed to click on each field to read the new replies and then click “USED CP” again to go to the next one. But sometimes, When I click “USER CP” after viewing a new posts, all of the remaining boldfaced posts are no longer there and I don’t know which ones I haven’t viewed?? This is very frustrating…

I hope this explanation all came out clear.
The way the forum works, the reason they are in boldface is because they have been posted in since the last time the forum registered you as being here. Every link you take on the forum keeps your current session active.

If you do not keep your session current and active for 15 minutes (I believe it is 15 minutes), meaning that you don't click any links in 15 minutes, then the boldface will go away, as the forum will assume you are returning again. Which means the threads won't be in boldface, because the last post in them was not during the time the forum recognized you as gone.

The best way to solve this problem, is to open every thread you want to view at the same time, in separate tabs, and then work your way through them. That's what I usually do.

Make sense?
The way the forum works, the reason they are in boldface is because they have been posted in since the last time the forum registered you as being here. Every link you take on the forum keeps your current session active.

If you do not keep your session current and active for 15 minutes, then the boldface will go away, as the forum will assume you are returning again. Which means the threads won't be in boldface, because the last post in them was not during the time the forum recognized you as gone.

The best way to solve this problem, is to open every thread you want to view at the same time, in separate tabs, and then work your way through them. That's what I usually do.

Make sense?

Wow... that can be a lot of tabs at times. No matter.

That's a good call. It makes total sense and thanks for the quick response.

Two more questions for ya, though...

1. What if I click on "List Subscriptions"? Is that a good way to keep up with new posts? It seems as if the threads that were most recently posted in get bumped to the top of that list. Am I correct?

2. Also, I have my account set to receive emails when activity happens in the threads I'm subscribed to. However, I'm only receiving a fraction of those emails. It worked like a charm about 3 months ago, but then it got very wacky. First, I stopped getting emails, completely. Then, about 2 weeks ago, I got about 40 emails in one day from very old threads and such. Now, I'm only getting a fraction of the emails. Is it working correctly right now?
Wow... that can be a lot of tabs at times. No matter.
Yes it can, I always do it with the New Posts I want to look at.

That's a good call. It makes total sense and thanks for the quick response.

Two more questions for ya, though...

1. What if I click on "List Subscriptions"? Is that a good way to keep up with new posts? It seems as if the threads that were most recently posted in get bumped to the top of that list. Am I correct?
I don't use subscribed threads, so I'm afraid I can't answer that. The way I always keep up with New Posts is by clicking the New Posts link. Also, you can always do a "Search" and type in your username, and it will bring up a list of threads that you have posted in.

2. Also, I have my account set to receive emails when activity happens in the threads I'm subscribed to. However, I'm only receiving a fraction of those emails. It worked like a charm about 3 months ago, but then it got very wacky. First, I stopped getting emails, completely. Then, about 2 weeks ago, I got about 40 emails in one day from very old threads and such. Now, I'm only getting a fraction of the emails. Is it working correctly right now?
Honestly, I can't say. That's a server issue, not a forum issue.
Hey, I was wondering about the 'Comedy Jobber for life: Aka Santino' In my user title thing. Im mainly just curious.

Coz I can edit the 'Gribble me this' one but I can't edit the other one.

Any reason for that?

just curious,
You can't edit it because it is a user rank based on your post count. You can change it by posting more. Like mines is Knockout Champion or something. The more you post, the higher it gets. You cannot edit it though.
I don't know where else to ask this, so here goes:

What are the chances that we get TNA added to the WZPC? I had asked CM a few weeks ago, and he said it was up to mods/admins, so I figured I'd pose the question...
I don't know where else to ask this, so here goes:

What are the chances that we get TNA added to the WZPC? I had asked CM a few weeks ago, and he said it was up to mods/admins, so I figured I'd pose the question...
If you can find someone who is willing to do it, then I don't see why not. But, I know I won't do it, and that seems a lot to ask of CM, so....
This is the only forum I have ever been a part of and I guess Im an idiot, but how do you quote someone in your reply?
okay, I feel like a jackass. It seems like Ive done that before and it posted the actual command and without the grey box around it

I admit I did not search all the pages for this question. I made it through about half before giving up. How can I quote multiple posts in a post of my own? Also when quoting a single post how can I break it up into many quotes with my responses between quotes? I hope that makes sense. Please be as specific as possible in your response. My name is much more a tribute to Bobby Heenan than a description of myself. Thanks.
The button between Quote and Fast Reply is called Multi-Quote. CLick that on as many as you would like and then on the final one hit the fast reply button. It will have them all in your reply.

As for breaking things up in a quote, when you want to quote something, there's more than one way to do it, but the best is to use the quote button. Highlight what you want to quote and then hit the button next to the smiley icon that looks like a piece of paper in a thought balloon. That will put it in a quote box and you can type under it.
I just wanted to throw a suggestion out there.

Given the latest turn of events with TNA signing both Hogan and Bischoff, interest and buzz around TNA is at an all-time high. Traffic has actually been double in the TNA section compared to WWE today.

Perception is reality for a lot of people, and I was wondering if the Admin staff would actually consider bumping the TNA forum up to the top section for a while, given all the extra traffic, interest, and buzz surrounding the product. I think its a great way to promote the section, since the company has now received a huge credibility boost. Alphabetically, T does come before W, as well.

Anyway, just wanted to make a suggestion.
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