The Complaint Thread

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Bloody hell, it's happening to EVERYONE!

It's Doc, by the way. I can't reset my password because the email I registered my original account as has since been deactivated.

It says my password has expired and won't accept any new ones. Damn. Glad to see it's not just me, though.
It's Damn real....The reason we have it that was is it's easier for people to find the posts we want. We have cut a lot of them down recently.
Randy, if we can get it fixed we'll delete this one. If we can't, I would assume using this new one would be ok and we would delete the old one. Don't hold me to that though. You won't get in trouble for this though, at least in theory.

I have ran similar forum software before and I know about the IP coming up with the user names. Just letting you know that I am not using it as a troll account.
It's Damn real....The reason we have it that was is it's easier for people to find the posts we want. We have cut a lot of them down recently.

I suppose that makes sense, but it just seems like filing within a filing cabinet to me.

For example, having a TNA PPV's section in the TNA section when in reality, most of what happens at a PPV is discussed in individual threads following the event anyway, and any prior discussion could be discussed in a single thread named for said PPV.

Instead, we get an individual thread on each match at the PPV, as well as additional threads regarding the PPV in the PPV section, while the main section still holds a significant amount of reactionary post-weight as well.

Seems like a lot of extra work to keep track of all these threads, no?
French guy (Sorry, the site's being weird and I can't find your username):
This site has kind of a unique definition of spamming. One-line or one-sentence posts are considered "spam." Don't do it.

Don't worry about using the English broken. Some of the native English speakers don't write it very well either on the Internet. Once people realize that you actually aren't a native speaker, they'll let you slide. (er, they will forgive you.)

You got dinged (warned or infracted) both for a new thread and for spamming, I think.

You posted something on Scott Hall/Razor Ramon never getting a world title shot, despite being a 4-time IC champion when that meant more than it does now.

When do you think he should have gotten a World Title run? Who should he have beaten? Who should he have defended against? Maybe it would have kept him in WWE? Maybe split up Hall and NAsh if McMAhon gives Hall a World Title run if he stays in WWF?

The new thread, I can't help you. Next time, check if there is already a thread like that and reply to it.

The moderators don't like short posts, they're not crazy about new threads.
I suppose that makes sense, but it just seems like filing within a filing cabinet to me.

For example, having a TNA PPV's section in the TNA section when in reality, most of what happens at a PPV is discussed in individual threads following the event anyway, and any prior discussion could be discussed in a single thread named for said PPV.

Instead, we get an individual thread on each match at the PPV, as well as additional threads regarding the PPV in the PPV section, while the main section still holds a significant amount of reactionary post-weight as well.

Seems like a lot of extra work to keep track of all these threads, no?

As long as I've been here it's how it was done that there was a PPV section, mainly that's for what happens at the PPV then the TNA section for example would be used for Impact/general story lines etc.

I hope that helps :)
French guy (Sorry, the site's being weird and I can't find your username):
This site has kind of a unique definition of spamming. One-line or one-sentence posts are considered "spam." Don't do it.

Don't worry about using the English broken. Some of the native English speakers don't write it very well either on the Internet. Once people realize that you actually aren't a native speaker, they'll let you slide. (er, they will forgive you.)

You got dinged (warned or infracted) both for a new thread and for spamming, I think.

You posted something on Scott Hall/Razor Ramon never getting a world title shot, despite being a 4-time IC champion when that meant more than it does now.

When do you think he should have gotten a World Title run? Who should he have beaten? Who should he have defended against? Maybe it would have kept him in WWE? Maybe split up Hall and NAsh if McMAhon gives Hall a World Title run if he stays in WWF?

The new thread, I can't help you. Next time, check if there is already a thread like that and reply to it.

The moderators don't like short posts, they're not crazy about new threads.

And we dealt with that accordingly, the mods deal with it that's what this thread is for.
As long as I've been here it's how it was done that there was a PPV section, mainly that's for what happens at the PPV then the TNA section for example would be used for Impact/general story lines etc.

I hope that helps :)

Yeah, like I said – just curious. Thanks for your input, Lee.
Any chance I can post threads?

I'm completely unable to for some reason, think I forgot my details and such.

Hey guys. As you can see, I can't log in with my original username. I tried visiting the other rooms to figure out what to do but I constantly get script errors on my home PC, so I am limited as to which threads I can get into and post in.

Can you guys send me a PM or something and let me know if a resolution has been made for ther login problems?
Hey guys. As you can see, I can't log in with my original username. I tried visiting the other rooms to figure out what to do but I constantly get script errors on my home PC, so I am limited as to which threads I can get into and post in.

Can you guys send me a PM or something and let me know if a resolution has been made for ther login problems?

We haven't figured out the problem yet, and as you have under 10 posts, PM is not available yet.

I've just received a warning for a second post in the thread "Abdullah the Butcher: Overrated or Underrated?" where I followed upon my initial post regarding him being underrated where I expanded upon a comment by another poster.

The complaint against me was "Your post does not answer the question "Over or underrated", and does not make an argument for or against either side, and is therefore spam."

I'm sorry but my follow up post was obviously an for argument in which I explained why the use of a fork is such a clever gimmick psychologically.

I know it's only a warning and not an actual infraction but this is rather over the top, sorry. I still hold by my post being a decent contribution to the thread.
And that in itself is a very clever gimmick for the character. Cannibalism is one of the basic deep-rooted psychological ways to display total domination of an enemy.

^ That is your post that you were warned for.

The thread was asking if you felt Abdullah The Butcher was overrated or underrated, and this post did not make a statement for either side.

It is only a warning, and you can feel free to go and edit this post. it hasn't been deleted.
I still can't get into my account, Freddy4190. It's really annoying. It seems everyone else has their problem fixed. I never get the reset password email when I do it. Any chance of helping? Please?
Only recommendation I have is updating your browsers in Firefox and Internet Explorer, make sure your email's linked to your WZ acct, and simply try again until it works.
I did a thread about the rock just got moved from the WWE section
[150viewers currently] to [im told] the general section [3 viewers currently]

so i wrote to the guy who moved my thread his name is LORD SIDIOUS..
some of u may agree or disagree with me but i dont long as u READ this then my job is done..

im copying and pasting EXACTLY what i said to him:

Do u know why people are too scared to make threads in the main section and yet those threads get literally thousands of views???

because of people like yourself...thats why..theres only just a couple of threads in that section made a day and yet that forum gets the most views and easily.. why are u like this???

in the scene of boxing theres a floyd mayweather hate thread every two seconds in the boxing lounge section..and the mods there dont bitch and moan about that at all... and that place is easily the most visited boxing forum on the internet..

sherdg the mma site the exact same thing!! this site gets JUST AS MUCH AS views as sherdg but UNLIKE that site, people here are forbidden to make ANY THREADS on something that was an issue even a month ago...if i wanted to talk about something that someone else talked less than a month ago THEN SO WHAT? even two weeks ago? whats the damn problem?

This site doesnt have the memory to have that many threads or something?? when i typed "rock" in the search forums there shit goin back to 2006...2006!!!!

youre telling me that u cant erase those usless threads so people can make more threads???
LOOK AT THE AMOUNT OF VIEWS THAT U GUYS GET ON YOUR THREADS and compare views to to people who make threads in the wwe section...


whats wrong with u people???

the scene has 20 and sherd has 19..and yet BOTH sites lets u talk about ANYTHING boxing or mma in their main section....i dont know who actually runs this site but u tell that person to PUT DOWN THE DRUGS and make a damn effort in making this site so people can more responses..AND THATS THE POINT OF A GODDAMN FORUM IN THE FIRST PLACE: TO GET RESPONSES...u know how many people were viewing that wwe section? 150..

Terrible...Terrible??? no TERRIBLE is the fashion u egg heads run this site..and u know what the sad thing is? u know it but just dont care...

u know how many people are viewing the general section where u put mine my thread in? 3....f*cken 3. thanks alot...and dont forget to respond..
Moved to the Complaint Thread.
I did a thread about the rock just got moved from the WWE section
[150viewers currently] to [im told] the general section [3 viewers currently]
If it was, then it is because the thread didn't belong in the WWE section. Threads don't go into certain forums based upon how many people YOU want to read them.

Do u know why people are too scared to make threads in the main section and yet those threads get literally thousands of views???
I have never heard of anyone being scared to make threads. But please continue.

in the scene of boxing theres a floyd mayweather hate thread every two seconds in the boxing lounge section..and the mods there dont bitch and moan about that at all... and that place is easily the most visited boxing forum on the internet..

sherdg the mma site the exact same thing!!
That's great. But I fail to see why we have to do something the same way everyone else does. That doesn't make sense.

this site gets JUST AS MUCH AS views as sherdg but UNLIKE that site, people here are forbidden to make ANY THREADS on something that was an issue even a month ago...if i wanted to talk about something that someone else talked less than a month ago THEN SO WHAT? even two weeks ago? whats the damn problem?
There is no problem.

But you're not talking about something that happened two weeks ago, you're talking about something that either happened over 5 years ago, or you're talking about something that has never happened, about someone who doesn't work in the WWE. So you really don't have a point.

This site doesnt have the memory to have that many threads or something?? when i typed "rock" in the search forums there shit goin back to 2006...2006!!!!
That has nothing to do with "memory". The WZ Forums suffered a database crash back in 2006, and so the board had to be re-installed to a new database. That's why it only goes back to 2006.

youre telling me that u cant erase those usless threads so people can make more threads???
Like I said, it has nothing to do with memory, so there's no reason to erase any threads.

LOOK AT THE AMOUNT OF VIEWS THAT U GUYS GET ON YOUR THREADS and compare views to to people who make threads in the wwe section...
What about it?

Exactly. And we ask that you post threads in the right place.

the scene has 20 and sherd has 19..and yet BOTH sites lets u talk about ANYTHING boxing or mma in their main section
As do we. We let you talk about anything WWE in the WWE section.

But your thread was about the Rock, and the Rock is not in the WWE.

....i dont know who actually runs this site
Crave owns, and the Administrators run it.

but u tell that person to PUT DOWN THE DRUGS
I don't do drugs. I save that for our G-Mods.

and make a damn effort in making this site so people can more responses..AND THATS THE POINT OF A GODDAMN FORUM IN THE FIRST PLACE: TO GET RESPONSES
If you only knew how much we've done since 2006 to encourage that. But hey, you've been here 2 months, clearly YOU'RE exactly the person we need to tell us how to do things.

...u know how many people were viewing that wwe section? 150..
Do you know why? When the main site, links to forum threads, that boosts the number of people that are viewing the threads.

Terrible...Terrible??? no TERRIBLE is the fashion u egg heads run this site..and u know what the sad thing is? u know it but just dont care...
I don't get it. Why is having 150 people view the WWE section bad?

u know how many people are viewing the general section where u put mine my thread in? 3....f*cken 3. thanks alot...and dont forget to respond..
So you think that we should have absolutely no organization to our forums so you can have more people look at your thread? Sorry, but no. We like to keep our forums clean and organized, and if you would like to make a thread about current WWE wrestlers and the things they do in the WWE, then feel free to make a thread in the WWE section.

But your thread didn't belong there. It belonged in the Trash forum, because it was poorly written and is one of the oldest and most tired threads in the IWC.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask respectfully.
Hey, I'm here to deliver a message on behalf of Freddy4190. He's still locked out of his account, and the email thing isn't sending him a "Change Password" email. He's made two alts, but to no avail.
slyfox your responds are the MOST pathetic attempts at hiding a poorly runned site that i have ever seen to be quite honest with u.. u KNOW that im right and all u did was try to justify how badly this site is runned...u know theres a reason why the two sites ive mentioned has more people making threads therefor making there respective sport more open to the public so they talk about things that even mattered...the fact that people DONT make threads as much as the views this site gets [obviously views will always be more of compared to threads made] shows u that people ARE SCARED to make threads..who wants there shit moved to a section that nobody views???? i dont..NOBODY does..


u dont need 30 damn forums!!! everyother forum gets 1 VIEWER u goof...

your response was disgrace at best and i dont think im goin to take your response to this seriously...this site NEEDS one change and ONE change only:

The freedom to make threads about anything we WANT in the main section.. if u wanna make raw and smackdown forums seperately FINE..but dont tell us that we can only talk about RECENT SHIT on the MAIN WWE FORUM which gets the most views u halfwit..all the mods here are EGG HEADS.
slyfox your responds are the MOST pathetic attempts at hiding a poorly runned site that i have ever seen to be quite honest with u.. u KNOW that im right and all u did was try to justify how badly this site is runned...u know theres a reason why the two sites ive mentioned has more people making threads therefor making there respective sport more open to the public so they talk about things that even mattered...the fact that people DONT make threads as much as the views this site gets [obviously views will always be more of compared to threads made] shows u that people ARE SCARED to make threads..who wants there shit moved to a section that nobody views???? i dont..NOBODY does..


u dont need 30 damn forums!!! everyother forum gets 1 VIEWER u goof...

your response was disgrace at best and i dont think im goin to take your response to this seriously...this site NEEDS one change and ONE change only:

The freedom to make threads about anything we WANT in the main section.. if u wanna make raw and smackdown forums seperately FINE..but dont tell us that we can only talk about RECENT SHIT on the MAIN WWE FORUM which gets the most views u halfwit..all the mods here are EGG HEADS.

Slyfox will be taking good care of you.

BTW, you sent the PM that you had intended for me ... to XFearbefore, one of our G-Mods to the site. Not sure why you sent it to him instead of me.

I moved your thread to the General Wrestling section.

But XFearbefore moved it to the Trash, since it was a redundant thread.

One of the concepts that you don't quite seem to understand is that threads aren't put in the areas where you want, so you can get the most attention. Organization is more so a priority, then that.

Quite frankly, there are a lot of awful embarrassing threads created in which we DON'T want to receive attention, because they are such poorly written threads.

So we don't necessarily care about every single thread on the forum getting as many views as possible.

Please don't tell us how to run a website. Given your unprofessionalism, you are the last person we would be consulting.
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