The complaint thread. (about the world)

Oh no, in AP US, no piece of history is un-important lol. Since, as our teacher explained to us, the actual big AP US test that we take on May 8th (the one we spend all year preparing for) can have anything on it relating to American history, so we have to know everything and then some.

Flames Out
Oh no, in AP US, no piece of history is un-important lol. Since, as our teacher explained to us, the actual big AP US test that we take on May 8th (the one we spend all year preparing for) can have anything on it relating to American history, so we have to know everything and then some.

Flames Out

I remember taking my U.S. History state test...Good times
Oh no, in AP US, no piece of history is un-important lol. Since, as our teacher explained to us, the actual big AP US test that we take on May 8th (the one we spend all year preparing for) can have anything on it relating to American history, so we have to know everything and then some.

Flames Out

Tell them to shut up and teach you more important things. Fine learning about the more important events but 50s pop culture? C'mon dudeee.
New complaint for now. (I met her online video gaming) Is such a douche...No one can say anything except her little online boyfriend without getting attacked. Yet the online boyfriend is the GM of the guild, so if anyone says anything back we get banned from guild. Stupid dark. Stupid People make me mad. My complaint. Stupid people.
My complaint is about "No turn on red" signs. Damn I fucking hate those, there's some intersections where I can understand because of how busy things get or if there is a blind spot or something like that but where I live it seems like they are just there to piss people off. There's nothing more frustrating then pulling up to a light, having to make a right and no cars are coming for miles but you have to sit there and wait for what seems like an eternity for the light to turn green. Alot of people just ignore them but I have the worst luck with cops so the time I do is the time I get caught and get 3 points on my record and pay a $200 fine.

Speaking of driving, they have a thing here in Michigan called "Michigan turns" and they are such a pain in the ass. I don't know if other states have them but basically alot of the major roads here you can't make a left hand turn at the intersection, instead you have to keep driving about a quartermile then hit what what we call a turnaround and drive back where you came from until you hit the intersection you want to turn on, then you make a right there. So instead of just making a simple left you have to go through that shit, major pain in the ass.
My complaint is about "No turn on red" signs. Damn I fucking hate those, there's some intersections where I can understand because of how busy things get or if there is a blind spot or something like that but where I live it seems like they are just there to piss people off. There's nothing more frustrating then pulling up to a light, having to make a right and no cars are coming for miles but you have to sit there and wait for what seems like an eternity for the light to turn green. Alot of people just ignore them but I have the worst luck with cops so the time I do is the time I get caught and get 3 points on my record and pay a $200 fine.

Speaking of driving, they have a thing here in Michigan called "Michigan turns" and they are such a pain in the ass. I don't know if other states have them but basically alot of the major roads here you can't make a left hand turn at the intersection, instead you have to keep driving about a quartermile then hit what what we call a turnaround and drive back where you came from until you hit the intersection you want to turn on, then you make a right there. So instead of just making a simple left you have to go through that shit, major pain in the ass.

yes. They have them in New Jersey. they are FUCKERS.
Every single right turn with traffic lights has that in England. Which is why I almost die everytime I go to Europe and stroll out into the street.
Complaint for today? Drama. Its pointless. No one ever wins....everyone just makes up and forgets about it until the next piece of drama. Seriously there are people in this world that have more drama than people that take drama classes....=\\ That was a lame joke just so you kidds know. Anyways, back on topic. I once heard of some guy wanting to beat up another guy, over that guy just looking at his girlfirends ass. If any guys ever wanna look at my girlfriends ass, have it. Because I know at the end of the day. Shes still mine, and you can't have her...Ugh stupid high school, drama.

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