[OFFICIAL] Kane Is The New World Heavyweight Champion Thread

Well WWE I applaud you for another great shocker. Kane wins MITB and the world title in the same night and I don't think anyone deserves it more. but please no more fueds with taker.
Ugh. Christian? Maybe, but the other three have no business being anywhere near the top of the card. I'm willing to bet that giving Kane the strap will definitely give at least one weeks worth of a ratings boost for the show. None of the others would do shit for the show. Not to mention that the finally put a title on Kane!! Fuck the rest of them, they have a lot of work to do before they can claim the credentials that Kane has, he's earned this.

Well, I'm not saying Kane hasn't earned it. But I still think it should have gone to someone younger, Kofi, Drew and Dolph, don't really have to be imediatly raised to main event status, but if they did win the match, INSTANT CREDIBILITY! It would have been like Swaggers win earlier this year at 'Mania, and that turned out good. But rather than having them cash in quick and win, I'd have them hold on to it, and feed of the credibility or Mr. MITB, than if they are ready in a few months than have 'em cash it in.
Well this is a moment I was beginning to fear may never happen again, I'm actually still in disbelief that Kane is World champion!! All I can say is that it was about damn time, I don't think I've ever been so excited over anything WWE has ever done before (and that's a big statement as they've put on some great stuff during my time as a fan).

But when you've been a fan of Kane since the beginning, your patience starts to wear thin when you witness his gradual decline over the years, shitty booking and constantly being screwed out of the 'big one'....but last night more than made up for it all, whether it may have come slightly too late or not, Kane as World Champion is just awesome to me.

Now, I only hope they give him a credible reign, which they should since they've finally but the belt on him. Now is the time to make up for the one day title reign in 1998....hopefully Kane isn't just keeping it warm for The Undertaker. But for now, my hat is off to WWE for finally making this happen.

Congrats to Glen Jacobs!
So damn shocked! Kane had not held a world title in over 12 years(WWF Champion for 24 hours)I KNEW for a fucking fact that Kane would never be a world champion again. Just look what I know now.FINALLY!:worship:

I knew, was 100%positivethat Drew McIntyre was winning the ladder match and gonna cash in and beat Rey Mysterio. Which would have pissed me off enough to turn off my TV never to watch WWE again, Rey is one of my favorites ever AND Drew is one of the shittest wrestlers I have ever seen. Get that JACKASS off my TV now cause he sucks and everything about him sucks. It didnt matter to me what happened the rest of the show, I got my moneys worth when Mac DrewEntire was thrown off the ladder at the end.
Finally Kane has become the WHC. I believe that this is his first time becoming the WHC as previously we won the wwf title. But to tell you the truth, I knew before the match even started that kane was going to win the MITB. The reason for that is that kane's ring pyro is always a give away. Normally what he does these days is that he comes to the ring and the pyro goes off, but if he is going to win the match of gain the upper hand after the match, the pyro will explode after the match or if kane has one. And seen as the pyro didn't go off when kane made his enterance, then it was quite easy to assume that kane was either going to win or make a come back to the ring at some point during the PPV. But I was kind of suprised that he cashed in the opportunity so quickly. Nevertheless, all credits to kane, he has deserved this for a very long time.
That. Just. Happened.

Kane won the World Title. Can we get a small vote going here? Because I certainly wasn't the only one who thought Kane was there to catch wrestlers after spots and fill ring space. Yeah, uh, raise your hand if you saw Kane leaving the arena with the World Heavyweight Title prior to the moment he actually got the pin on Rey? Put your hand down you digusting liar. Yes YOU Toby. You deceitful prick.

Well well well, it seems that Kane is actually getting what people have been craving for years now. Probably 12 to be honest. This title reign has been wanting since 2002, and one has to think, is it too late? Kane is hardly young anymore is he? We just don't think about that because he's been stuck in perpetual upper-midcard for a few centuries. His character has been kicking around now for what? 13 years? And now they choose to give him the title? I mean sure, he's always got the monster thing going for him, and he's a crowd pleaser for sure, but what has he done the past 5 years? Engaged in meaningless "big man feuds" and played second fiddle to the Undertaker. But perhaps that was his purpose all along.

I suppose what really shocks me is the fact that this angle he's got going actually has a purpose, or at least they're trying to make it seem so. Every year it seems Kane switches brands and gets a brief moment in the spotlight before he's pushed back for more accessible, friendly people. Imposter Kane ring any bells? That feud about Rey's mask? But pish posh, it exists solely in the past now, and the future must be looked towards.

There is no doubt that Glen Jacobs cuts an imposing figure, and the big gold title around his waist (expanded though it may be since the halcyon days of 2002 and his career back then) and I'm more than certain that Kane can scrounge a solid enough match from anyone. But is that enough? Sure we're reveling like Dionysus in an orgy at Kane finally winning the title again, but are we missing the issue? Jack Swagger was aon such a roll, and to cut his reign short to give the title to Kane seems...wasteful almost. If this was all an ends to a means of rewarding him, why now? Kane hasn't truly been relevant in a long time, being quite honest, and the "solid" performances he gives aren't really enough to convince me that he should be the headliner of Pay Pew Views, even as a secondary champion. rey, love him or hate him, had star power and a high match quality, something we haven't seen from Kane (even if he has been coralled into games of titty slapping with Big Daddy V and Khali over the years)

With this in mind, I can only think that this is a part of some greater scheme to get the title to someone else, or add intrigue to the storyline that is currently going. Kane will more than likely lose the title by Summerslam, and will have done his job of carrying the gold like the workhorse he is into anothers hands. And perhaps that will be his reward, a couple of months in 2010 to show he's still got it.

Or they could have him fucking keep it and face Taker when he gets back, recycling the same old tired schtick we've seen sine WM14. I hope to god not.
I'm disappointed. Kane I feel, isn't on par with his former self. And honestly his whole "I WILL AVENGE MY BROTHER!" thing isn't entertainment to me.... I was hoping Christian, Dolph, Kofi, or Drew would win. Although I feel Christian was the best choice, Kane does deserve this, and will most likely lose the belt quickly. So for now, I guess it's alright.
Kind of a typical smark post. What has drew done to deserve this?

Kane has re-invented himself, his promos have really helped him and he's a believable champion. He's been the hottest guy going on SD, and you know what something needs to be said for someone who almost always does the right thing, never causes problems and has been a leader in WWE for over a decade.

Also he's lost a good amount of weight recently he moves well still, and was great in the MITB
Unbelievable. Truly out of the blue. I thought these MiTB matches were going to elevate new talent into the ME scene, and Raw's did that obviously, but i would never in a million years have thought that Kane would have won the MiTB contract, let alone cash in and win on the same night.

I thought for sure that there'd be some bizarre viral video from Taker appear on screen as Kane was about to chokeslam Rey, distracting him and costing him the match, making him the first to lose a MiTB cash in, because that's the kind of shitty booking they like to give Kane most of the time.

But he's the freakin' champion baby!!!!! And I think he could do very well to elevate all of the younger guys into the upper mid-card/ME status by being the champion. Kane's spent years putting guys over in regular matches, now it's time for someone like Kofi or Christian to get a 25-30 minute match on PPV with a chapion like Kane who can make them look good in the ring, and give them exposure in the ME. Ok, if they don't do well you bump them back the mid-card, but if they do well, you've got another option to use when the majority of ME'ers are hurt or on the other brand, which is the state SD is in right now.

Anyway, congratulations to Kane. He finally got a World title that definitely won't be taken from him within 24 hours....... 48? Maybe......
Words cannot describe how much I was marking out when Kane cli9mbed that ladder and claimed the Money In The Bank briefcase for himself. If I thought that was anything special, imagine how much I was marking out when he came out after the Rey Mysterio match and gave that same briefcase to the referee.

It’s no secret that I dislike Rey Mysterio and to see him crushed like a bug under Kane’s foot was all the more appealing. However, it was the sheer excitement of the event that got me. When I say to myself that Kane is the World Heavyweight Champion, I still find it hard to believe. After his first reign, no one ever believed that he would ever be a Champion again and he has shown us all that we were wrong. I have always held true to the belief that he could have been a Champion again but as his career progressed and he went through phases when he could have and didn’t, I became a little disheartened and my belief dwindled a little bit.

However, I turned back into the little boy that saw The Big Red Machine defeat Stone Cold Steve Austin in a first blood match. This is huge for Kane and I don’t think it ia reward for his career as some have said. No, I think it is because he will make one hell of a Champion now and for the coming months. He has been so dominating over the last couple of weeks that no one can say he is not the best person for the job. He will likely feud with Jack Swagger for the Championship over the next few weeks and maybe months but as long as the WWE have the confidence in him to keep the strap on him for a while, then I will be very happy indeed. He does deserve it.

And hey, we are half-way into Kane’s previous longest World Championship reign.
All I can say thank you for putting this through WWE. Kane has been going nowhere in his career lately mostly just jobbing and finally wins the World Heavyweight Championship. But you better nto keep this as short as his first run. I thought Kane was very close in his feud with Edge in 2007.

EDIT: This was also the first cash in that didn't include Edge.
Kane has made history people. I thought CM Punk was going to be the person to say he is the first to win the world heavyweight, ECW, and WWE championship but no it's the big red machine who gets to claim that. I marked out just like so many others have win he won money in the bank and I marked out even more when he won the world heavyweight championship. That was one of my happiest moments in wrestling last night.
Congratulations to Kane. I hope this means WWE realized how great he was over the last 15 years. He went along with any feud they put him in, even if it was stupid, like the feuds with Rey, Big Daddy V, Mark Henry, etc..

I would hope that this reign lasts more than 24 hours, and I'm sure it will, as he's on Smackdown! So maybe he will lose it in 120 hours, but I hope he loses it on a PPV. Against either Swagger or Undertaker.
I am so happy to see The Big Red Machine as World Champ! It has been a long time coming, and there is no superstar on the roster (except maybe Christian) who deserves it more!

Kane has been with the WWE so long, and been one of its dominant big men ever since his debut, and for him to only ever have held the big belt for 1 single day is a disgrace, when you see less talented giants like Big Show and Khali have longer reigns.

It is the right time to let Kane be himself, and dominate the roster, like he should have done back in 98, the next step is to get the mask back on, maybe there could be an "accident" where he has to relive the flames of his youth, without actually getting burned, and then comes out with the mask again next week. It would be fantastic to see masked Kane again!
I do not think the primary reason for this was a "thank you" to kane.. I think they put the title on Kane because his character has been on FIRE recently . Kane has been revitalized in the eyes of the WWE universe and the big red monster is back. The only legitmate World title contendors on Smackdown are Rey Mysterio, Big Show, Jack Swagger and C M Punk.. They needed somebody else, and like always Glenn Jacobs stepped up from his usual job of putting over mid-card talent to once again become the monster heel and carry the smackdown brand.

They needed him, and like always he stepped up. This isn't some kind of "thank-you" this is what happens when you consitantly work hard, and dedicate your time to doing something to the best of your abilitys. When the unforseen happens (takers injury) You are ready to pick up the reigns and step right into the spot light right away, creating an almost MORE popular story then orginally planned.

Talk about turning a huge negative into a giant positive, they turned loosing there biggest star 3 months before the second biggest Show of the year, into one of the most intresting storylines on smackdown, and a World Title Reign people have been waiting 12 years to see.

Huge amount of respect to the Smackdown creative department, booking team, and by far Glenn Jacobs. This wasn't some convluted planned out "thank-you", this was the WWE turning to one of there go-to guys , year's after his time to shine is over and having him step up in a huge way to help carry smackdown when he was most needed.
there is no one AND I MEAN NO ONE in the WWE who has put up with more shit over the years, the horrid fueds, the nasty storylines, and losing more matches then they needed to without ANY reward, then Kane. i gave up watching Smackdown untill this "Hunt for 'Taker's attacker" story. it was interesting for me, and i been mostly happy with it! Rey won the title cuz of kane, so only fitting he loses it cuz of him too. i think it was 2 or 3 weeks ago in another Thread that i said Kane deserves one REAL title run before retiring, and i hope this is it. there is no one who has been in the company longer, and won the WHC less. (Mark Henry aside.. he had left a few times) i would actually like to see him and Taker team up when he finally returns, but a Brother vs Brother fued would be pretty cool also i guess, if done right. could be the perfect send off for kane. Came in against Undertaker, and leaves after a battle with him too. Way to go kane, you have 99% of our support. (the other 1 are on some "give it to the young guys" kick.. sorry, but no. no one else deserved it more)
I seriously thought Kane wasn't gonna win MIB. WOW, I am so happy he did. Like a lot of people said, it's about time the guy got another championship belt. I mean he deserves it. He jobbed way to much. This is very interesting and I am sooo glad he won.
I am amazed that Kane is the new champion, I didn't think it was going to happen. I thought for sure that Drew would sneak in and win the match, but now they gave it to Kane and then he cashed it in on Rey. Awesome, he deserves another title reign, and I hope Vince realizes he can capitalize on it and he keeps the title around Kane's waist for longer than a couple of weeks. Kane is a workhorse and right now he is doing great in the ring.
Extremely happy about this. I kinda thought it was possible but i thought SD would be the case they gave to a younger guy like Drew. Instead we get this great moment, and there isn't a guy in the company who has paid more dues and deserves it more. Also glad he took it off Rey, great booking there. Obviously this is leading to a Taker-Kane feud but I don't mind that it's predictable like that. I love Kane and I'm glad he's finally getting his run.
It's great to see this forum's vast appreciation for Kane's work he has done over the past 12-13 years he has been under the gimmick. I for one can say that I was very surprised when I saw Kane unhook that briefcase, because before that happened McIntyre was in hot pursuit of it, and I was afraid that the unworthy McIntyre was going to get a win his sorry ass didn't deserve then luckily Kane jumped up the ladder, knocked Drew off, and took home the case. Also I didn't see him cashing in that night either.

It was truly a great moment for any fan of Kane's or any fan who has appreciated his hard work over the past decade. Kane has deserved at least one last world title reign before retirement, that's how most of us felt. Now the WWE has delivered, and has finally decided to let Kane hold the "big one".

Now I hope that he didn't just get the title to pull a heel turn and admit that he was behind The Undertaker's vegetative state. Which would then lead to the return of The Undertaker at SummerSlam who would go on to feud with Kane for the title at the event. Which would then lead to Taker just winning the title once again. This is what I pray to the heavens for WWE not to do, especially with every smart fan predicting that Kane is the one who is truly behind Taker's attack. Besides we have seen this feud too many times, And the last time they had a serious feud, it lead to a underwhelming match at WrestleMania 20. So for the sake of everything that's right, please WWE do not set up for Kane vs. Taker 3000.
My first thought of this was "The IWC just simultaneously jizzed themselves". By the looks of it I was right. Sure it's nice to see Kane being world champion again. He's a decent talent that could make others look good while holding the belt. He could make Jack Swagger actually look legitimate once more. While retaining.

However that is the only reason I can see Kane holding the title as something positive. Making the challengers look good. Kane doesn't need the push himself in terms of building his legacy with a dominant title reign. Sure it can be dominant in it's own right in terms of "I'm dominant cause I keep retaining while making my opponents look good". Other than that I don't want to see this championship reign.

But I guess I'm gonna have to see how it turns out before I wanna comment on this being a good move, bad move, or sheer brilliance.
Watching the ppv last night (and i won't reveal anything incase anyone hasnt seen it yet) But it was pretty obvious what was going to happen, BUT IT WAS GREAT.
Kane definatly deserves a run, and i hope he has it a decent amount of time.
I feel it will build up to him and 'Taker having a feud.
Kane is probally the most deserving guy in the whole WWE roster for a good title run.

Next we only need the mask back!!!
Let the nostalgia fanatics who never left the attitude start their fantasies. "Kane won!" "Feud with Undertaker!" "Put the mask back on!"

Let's be honest here. The mask most likely isn't coming back on. He might feud with the Undertaker, but we've seen that WAAAAY too much. Sadly, nobody else really makes Kane look credible besides the Undertaker. When they fight it's gold.

I'm happy he's champion, it's something new and it's well deserved. Expect a small feud with him and Mysterio and possibly Swagger until Taker returns.
I was just at WWE.com to see if Kane's profile has been updated, and it sort of was. It was really something to see him listed as WHC, with his profile picture of him holding the title and smiling evilly. Amazing.

I'm no Kane mark by any means, but he has truly been on fire lately. He grabbed the unfortunate Undertaker accident by the horns and has been delivering chilling, passionate promos and building himself up as a true monster presence. He has been dominating and it's nice to see him rewarded like this.

It just seems so surreal, really. I never thought this day would come but I'm happy it has. He can move on to a feud with Taker over the belt, put over a young star like Kofi, and hopefully have a good title reign.

And he didn't even need to bring back the mask. ;)
Wow.....just wow. I never thought I would see this happen again...ever. Kane winning the world title is a shock moment, because it's something we all would have never expected. I don't see Kane holding on to the title for too long though. I think we can pretty much be sure that Kane VS Taker will happen now. Kane will cut a series of promos talking about how he had to take his storyline brother out of the picture in order to become World Heavyweight Champion, and we will see the Brothers Of Destruction go at for the 10,000th time. Still, I'm very excited to see Kane as world champion. I hope he doesn't lose the belt to quickly this time, because there's no Steve Austin around, so maybe he can hold on to it for a little while.
When I saw Kane climb that ladder, Right up till the second he Grabbed the case and the bell rang I was thinking of possible things that would Stop him.

Maybe a Lights Out (Taker), Swagger coming out to Screw with him, Anything.

But once it was Over, I hadnt been that shocked since Cena came back at the RR in 08.

THEN.....He actually Cashed it in and WON the Title. I was expecting the WWE to then Screw him Out of the case But it didnt Happen.

Im not saying i Wanted anything bad to happen to Kane, it just seemed like something WWE would do to him.

I Tried to Think of How this happened, Went down the list of guys and came up With...

Ziggler - Not Ready for a World Title...

Kofi - Maybe a Transitional Champ...but not yet

Cody - This was my "Dark Horse" To win the match, This Dashing Gimmick is Greatness, Give him a little time, the IC title atleast will be his.

Drew - He actually has grown on me, but just doesnt seem to be working out the way WWE had hoped.

So That leaves us with the 4 ( but 3 Deserving) Vets, Christian, Matt Hardy, Show and Kane

Matt and Christian, Both have been in the WWE a long time and both part of two of the WWEs greatest Tag Teams. Both have the "Popularity" and it seemed like it was the time for One of them (As was shown from their Promos). But a few things will Keep them from this goal...

Show - Has had many Title runs already and doesnt really need another one Unless he goes back to that Unstoppable Monster that was the ECW Champion.

Christian left the WWE for TNA, and even though he is Back now, I dont think Vince will let that go.

Matt had his whole Internet thing during the Edge & Lita backstab. Sure the fans Demand for Matt got him back in the WWE, and IMO That would have been the best time for him to go for a title, But the fued ended with Matt getting Visciously beaten down by Edge (I recall Real punches in that match. lol)

So That leaves..

Kane - A True Company man, Has never been in any Trouble (That I know of), and being the Undertakers "Brother", He has always had a big fan base. THIS man Was the best choice to win the match, and im Glad he did.

(Wow, what a first post. lol)

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