Uh huh, clearly if one Kofi hater can't remember the name, everyone mustn't be able to remember it, huh
Attaching labels to people isn't really a great argumentative technique. I don't hate Kofi, I just question the fanaticism with which some people tend to kiss the ground he walks on. I'm not thereby implying that you do, but I don't see him as "the next big thing" or even "the next guy to pop out of mid-card". So, I do want to hear, you know, logical reasoning on WHY people like him.
I fail to see how it's sloppily executed. He does a 360 degree turn and hits the kick every time I've seen it. Unless that's not what the move is supposed to be, in which case I stand corrected.
Yes, a spinning jumping Enziguri. And I think it looks sloppy, but this may be my perception of it of course, because he flails about like someone twirling their skirts in a field of flowers, sort of thing

Granted, it might be supposed to look like that, but I think it looks sloppy.
Also, did you really just try to blame Kofi for the name of his finisher?
Nope. What I meant was that I think it says something when I, a very regular RAW viewer for the past - god damn, has it been that long? - ten years (and trust me, getting hold of RAW in Sweden ten years ago was damn near impossible) can not properly recall the name of a supposed up-and-comer's finishing move.
Here's my logic; you dislike Kofi (clearly) so I assume you don't boom boom along with him. So, y'know, logically, the people who do it along with him... Do like him. Make sense?
Well... no. I don't dislike Kofi either, I just question why fans would support him despite so many obvious flaws, while people rip others to pieces over the same things.
I don't "boom boom" along with anyone, I'm happily engaged, thankyouverymuch. Jokes aside, though, is it really because they like him, or is it because it is one of few chances they have to "interact" with the boys in the ring and "inject" themselves into the match? A moment of opportunity, rather than a moment of support? Just saying!
Actually, Kool-Aid isn't a big thing over here =/
Granted, it's not over here either. Canned Diet Coke is more like it. (Health freaks, the lot of us Swedes).
But yeah, from what I recall (having watched it yesterday) there were no botches in his match with Kofi. It was pretty much spot on.
And no. Just no. As well as Orton plays his character, he's had some crap matches in his day.
The crap matches Orton's had have usually been bad due to the booking of the match, not the execution. Orton isn't flawless in the ring, and this thread isn't about him, but he very rarely botches anything, and his matches are often entertaining (though formulaic from time to time on regular RAWs - but whose isn't?).
Did I really say there were botches in the RKO/Kofi payoff match? Ah, damn, yeah I can see why you'd think that's what I meant. I wasn't being very clear; I was talking about the match where Ted knocked Kofi off the top rope. That match was pretty botchy, iirc (failed punt notwithstanding). I may remember wrongly though.
<crack of twig> Clever girl.
Ok clearly you're going to be biased towards Kofi and what you may or may not have heard in terms of crowd reaction.
Sounds pretty loud to me around the 2.35 mark. And how is it his fault for stalling the match? Kozlov was the one who should've taken his time getting up. Kofi would've looked pretty silly if he had stood there with Kozlov in front of him for 5 seconds without going for TiP while the chant died down, wouldn't he?
Forearm to the face, irish whip Kozlov into the ropes, do Boom Boom, Trouble in Paradise, even louder pop, not a semi-dead crowd for the finisher. Ad-libbing it. Then again, I concede that it's easy to sit here in my comfy chair and make that ad-lib
Yes, because clearly Kofi was the only one in the minor league in that Money in the Bank match
It was a linguistic segway, don't bite at stuff that's not there, we've got plenty to discuss without it
He sure doesn't hold a candle to Christian, I never said he did. But Kofi did get a loud pop at Mania, that was rivalled only by Christian in that match.
It didn't rival it, it was outclassed by Christian's pop. Christian out-pops just about anybody in the WWE right now (in the mid-card, that is) and is tremendously over.
Clearly, taking my reasons for liking Kofi and disagreeing with them is the way to go to "understand" them, right?
I gave you my reasons. Did you miss them?
Well... yes. How else would I understand anything if I didn't question it? Your opinion differs from mine, and if I am not to just accept it (which I could do, but that wouldn't lead to any interesting debate - ever) then I have to question it to contrast it to my own opinion.
I must have missed your reasons - reasons that aren't
as subjective. Reasons with reasoning behind them: "His mic work is good,
because..." Ya know?
This is stupid. Firstly, it really isn't his fault if he hasn't done any great segments lately, he's not the booker. It's pretty hard for him to shine if he's not given the chance to shine, huh? Can hardly blame Kofi for that. That's like saying he's crap because he loses occasionally.
No, it's saying he's not e.g. very good on the mic, so when he does get talk-time, he doesn't come off very sharp or good. He's not the booker, but in my opinion he doesn't use what he's given and usually underperforms when it's time to shine. When he does get the chance, he doesn't deliver - for me.
And you have to limit the time available for me to pick something I like that Kofi's done? Clutching at straws a tad, don't you think?
Not at all, since what I wanted to know by posing the question in that way is: "OK, he was over as hell when he went against the biggest heel in the company, but now he's luke-warm and flacid - why do you still like him? What KEEPS you interested in him?"
You shouldn't stop liking a wrestler you like because they're being misused. When Kofi was US champion he had good matches. When Kofi was feuding with Orton he had good matches. That's when I started liking him. But apparently, I'm supposed to pick something I like from a time when he's being misused because you say so. Well you know what? I can't. But that's no reason for me to stop liking him.
Great, you can't!

Then all I want to know is what keeps you interested in him, when he hasn't done anything entertaining in a fairly long while. See what I mean?
Actually I'm talking about Orton right now. Orton's match at Wrestlmania 25 was worse than any Kofi match I've seen.
Brother, you need to check that hypocrisy-meter there. RKO vs HHH was a very hard-booked match, and the match fitted as an angle-ender, but not as a main event at WrestleMania. That was due to the BOOKING, not due to the execution of the match. It was just a very, very awkward match because it was so strictly booked.
I'm fairly tired (new-born baby at home that needs feeding in the middle of the night, and it's 4:40am over here - night shift duty

) so there might be some silly mistakes or whatnot in my post. Just so you know