*MERGED* The [Official] Kofi Kingston Thread

Kofi is so loved because he is over, he has a fun gimmick, he has a fun move set, and he looks like a fun person. sure he botches a few moves every now and then, but he is a good wrestler, his control frenzy or whatever is pretty cool, so, I think we should be allowed to talk about how great kofi is
I love Kofi for a few reasons:

1. I've seen him rise up the ranks to become an upper midcarder.
I remember seeing his vignettes for his ECW debut, and immediately I was looking forward to him. He showed up in his first match and had an exciting one (I never notice "botches") and I was instantly a fan. Him winning the Intercontinental title was a big shock and I loved it, and he was a great US Champion. I formed a connection with him because I saw his rise. I hope one day he can make it to the top.

2. His moveset is exciting, and he can get the crowd pumped.
Whether it be with the Boom Drop or any of his leaping attacks, Kofi knows how to entertain. He chains his moves together with some good psychology that the crowd loves to get into. He's extremely exciting to watch in the ring, especially as a casual fan who doesn't notice botches.

3. He is good on the mic.
Even when he had to fake that Jamaican accent he was all right, but since dropping it, he's been great whenever he's been given a mic. His promos against Orton were all entertaining to listen to, and even his promo before facing MVP for the US Title was great.

Those are the reasons I like him.

As for that Randy Orton punt "botch", that was a rumor, and NOTHING MORE! Orton was just being angry at what looked to be a botched run in and took his frustrations out on Kofi.
As for that Randy Orton punt "botch", that was a rumor, and NOTHING MORE! Orton was just being angry at what looked to be a botched run in and took his frustrations out on Kofi.

You don't see botches? well that is kinda sad on your part as a wrestling fan, and even if it was the botched run in as you say by dibiase, why did kofi sell it since the fans saw it??
How? How is my not seeing botches "sad"? It means that I get to enjoy the show more because I don't look for screw ups in matches. You said it yourself: I am a wrestling FAN. I am not a wrestling CRITIC.

I think if people stopped going "Oh, he botched this, he botched that" save for the REALLY bad ones, and started watching the show for enjoyment, we'd be better off.
So it's GOOD that he has a finishing move that a regular watcher of RAW can't even remember the name of, because it has a generic, godawful name and is so sloppily executed it might as well be a flying forearm?

Uh huh, clearly if one Kofi hater can't remember the name, everyone mustn't be able to remember it, huh :rolleyes:

I fail to see how it's sloppily executed. He does a 360 degree turn and hits the kick every time I've seen it. Unless that's not what the move is supposed to be, in which case I stand corrected.

Also, did you really just try to blame Kofi for the name of his finisher?

So, because the crowd goes "Boom, boom" along with him, they like him?

Well, yeah. Pretty much.

Here's my logic; you dislike Kofi (clearly) so I assume you don't boom boom along with him. So, y'know, logically, the people who do it along with him... Do like him. Make sense?

And that is why YOU like him? Drinking the Kool-Aid and everything's good, yes? His match with Orton was a botchfest, as far as I recall, and the sole reason it didn't suck rat-dick was because Orton could carry a broomstick to a decent match.

Actually, Kool-Aid isn't a big thing over here =/

But yeah, from what I recall (having watched it yesterday) there were no botches in his match with Kofi. It was pretty much spot on.

And no. Just no. As well as Orton plays his character, he's had some crap matches in his day.

It's funny you should use the word "suck" in conjunction with the term "ability", when talking about Kofi, by the way.

I see what you did here.

I saw the match. There was a weak chant near the end of the match, that Kofi inevitably mis-managed by not being able to stall bringing the match home for ten seconds and THEN taking it away.

Ok clearly you're going to be biased towards Kofi and what you may or may not have heard in terms of crowd reaction.


Sounds pretty loud to me around the 2.35 mark. And how is it his fault for stalling the match? Kozlov was the one who should've taken his time getting up. Kofi would've looked pretty silly if he had stood there with Kozlov in front of him for 5 seconds without going for TiP while the chant died down, wouldn't he?

His pop at WrestleMania was in a league of it's own. The minor league. Kofi doesn't hold a candle to Christian as far as in-ring ability, overness or charisma goes.

Yes, because clearly Kofi was the only one in the minor league in that Money in the Bank match :rolleyes:
He sure doesn't hold a candle to Christian, I never said he did. But Kofi did get a loud pop at Mania, that was rivalled only by Christian in that match.

Of COURSE I should be questioning it, what do you think is, church? I question opinions because I want to understand and perhaps learn something; blindly accepting opinion is a very silly way to go about it. And if you're not sure enough about your opinion to defend it and/or justify it, then perhaps you're not so sure about your opinion, period.


Clearly, taking my reasons for liking Kofi and disagreeing with them is the way to go to "understand" them, right?

Because, you see, I find him to be disinteresting, bland, boring, botch-prone and sloppy, so I want to know what it is about him that makes people think he IS in fact interesting and exciting, because I don't see it.

I gave you my reasons. Did you miss them?

Come on, give me some examples, then. When was a particularly entertaining event taking place that involved Kofi? A segment, a match, anything that YOU enjoyed. And don't give me the RKO feud, because what I asked was: "What has he done since then?"

This is stupid. Firstly, it really isn't his fault if he hasn't done any great segments lately, he's not the booker. It's pretty hard for him to shine if he's not given the chance to shine, huh? Can hardly blame Kofi for that. That's like saying he's crap because he loses occasionally.

And you have to limit the time available for me to pick something I like that Kofi's done? Clutching at straws a tad, don't you think?

You shouldn't stop liking a wrestler you like because they're being misused. When Kofi was US champion he had good matches. When Kofi was feuding with Orton he had good matches. That's when I started liking him. But apparently, I'm supposed to pick something I like from a time when he's being misused because you say so. Well you know what? I can't. But that's no reason for me to stop liking him.
Uh huh, clearly if one Kofi hater can't remember the name, everyone mustn't be able to remember it, huh :rolleyes:

I fail to see how it's sloppily executed. He does a 360 degree turn and hits the kick every time I've seen it. Unless that's not what the move is supposed to be, in which case I stand corrected.

Also, did you really just try to blame Kofi for the name of his finisher?

Well, yeah. Pretty much.

Here's my logic; you dislike Kofi (clearly) so I assume you don't boom boom along with him. So, y'know, logically, the people who do it along with him... Do like him. Make sense?

Actually, Kool-Aid isn't a big thing over here =/

But yeah, from what I recall (having watched it yesterday) there were no botches in his match with Kofi. It was pretty much spot on.

And no. Just no. As well as Orton plays his character, he's had some crap matches in his day.

I see what you did here.

Ok clearly you're going to be biased towards Kofi and what you may or may not have heard in terms of crowd reaction.


Sounds pretty loud to me around the 2.35 mark. And how is it his fault for stalling the match? Kozlov was the one who should've taken his time getting up. Kofi would've looked pretty silly if he had stood there with Kozlov in front of him for 5 seconds without going for TiP while the chant died down, wouldn't he?

Yes, because clearly Kofi was the only one in the minor league in that Money in the Bank match :rolleyes:
He sure doesn't hold a candle to Christian, I never said he did. But Kofi did get a loud pop at Mania, that was rivalled only by Christian in that match.


Clearly, taking my reasons for liking Kofi and disagreeing with them is the way to go to "understand" them, right?

I gave you my reasons. Did you miss them?

This is stupid. Firstly, it really isn't his fault if he hasn't done any great segments lately, he's not the booker. It's pretty hard for him to shine if he's not given the chance to shine, huh? Can hardly blame Kofi for that. That's like saying he's crap because he loses occasionally.

And you have to limit the time available for me to pick something I like that Kofi's done? Clutching at straws a tad, don't you think?

You shouldn't stop liking a wrestler you like because they're being misused. When Kofi was US champion he had good matches. When Kofi was feuding with Orton he had good matches. That's when I started liking him. But apparently, I'm supposed to pick something I like from a time when he's being misused because you say so. Well you know what? I can't. But that's no reason for me to stop liking him.

Man you pretty much killed it there didn't you? I think you're absolutely right about this, but if I may, do you think Kofi should be in some feud right now
Here's what I think:

Give him short feuds that lasts a while and let those be the openers of PPVs and push him from there to main events going one on one with the top dogs. Not for championships but when they need someone to astray from a championship bout use Kofi see what he's got and build up his popularity that way. What do you think?
@Blade, in the video that you posted, look at 2:18. WTF was that? It looks to me like a botched DDT that Kozlov sort of made up for by selling it as if it wasn't botched. That kind of adds to what I'm trying to say about Kofi.

In your video you posted, is that a kick executed? to me it looked like his shin more than anything 'knocked' out kozlov and that would physically hurt kofi more than kozlov.

'And no. Just no. As well as Orton plays his character, he's had some crap matches in his day'

Your'e comparing orton when he was very young to what kingston does now? and orton deserved his first world title early by showing his quality in the ring at 24, unlike kofi at 28.

In your video you posted, is that a kick executed? to me it looked like his shin more than anything 'knocked' out kozlov and that would physically hurt kofi more than kozlov.

Shin bones are pretty hard...

'And no. Just no. As well as Orton plays his character, he's had some crap matches in his day'

Your'e comparing orton when he was very young to what kingston does now? and orton deserved his first world title early by showing his quality in the ring at 24, unlike kofi at 28.

Actually I'm talking about Orton right now. Orton's match at Wrestlmania 25 was worse than any Kofi match I've seen.

Orton didn't deserve a world title at 24. He wasn't over enough at all. He'd had some great matches under his belt at that point, but Orton winning the title at 24 had nothing to do with Orton, it was just for the sake of eliminating Brock Lesnar from the record books.

Also, you're assuming that Kofi at 28 has been wrestling for the same amount of time as Orton at 24. Orton had grown up with wrestling, he'd probably been wrestling since he was about 15 or 16. Kofi has been wrestling since he was 23. Just saying.

@Blade, in the video that you posted, look at 2:18. WTF was that? It looks to me like a botched DDT that Kozlov sort of made up for by selling it as if it wasn't botched. That kind of adds to what I'm trying to say about Kofi.

That seemed to me to be Kozlov's fault. It was up to Kozlov to spin Kofi so he had enough leverage to hit the DDT. Was Kofi just supposed to spin himself around off Kozlov's shoulder. Here's something that I thought you knew about pro wrestling: Usually the person taking the move is the one that makes sure the execution is good, not the one delivering it.

Also, Kozlov still landed on his head. Would've seemed pretty unprofessional to not sell it.
Lol... I think u really should think about this kinda stuff more realisticly. There is no room for kofi in the main event right now. Period. Just bc he didn't get shot to the top after his feud with orton doesn't mean anything. I said earlier, punk was in the same position last year. He was doing nothing but losing but when they needed someone to take over for the injured edge they had him win the title. this is all very subjective... We don't know what they think of him at the moment and the fact that he isn't do much right now doesn't really mean anything. If they didn't thing he was worth a damn he wouldn't have a job right now, further more, he wouldn't have been in mitb.

Give him some time... Then we will see what he is really worth. Just saying...
Uh huh, clearly if one Kofi hater can't remember the name, everyone mustn't be able to remember it, huh :rolleyes:

Attaching labels to people isn't really a great argumentative technique. I don't hate Kofi, I just question the fanaticism with which some people tend to kiss the ground he walks on. I'm not thereby implying that you do, but I don't see him as "the next big thing" or even "the next guy to pop out of mid-card". So, I do want to hear, you know, logical reasoning on WHY people like him.

I fail to see how it's sloppily executed. He does a 360 degree turn and hits the kick every time I've seen it. Unless that's not what the move is supposed to be, in which case I stand corrected.

Yes, a spinning jumping Enziguri. And I think it looks sloppy, but this may be my perception of it of course, because he flails about like someone twirling their skirts in a field of flowers, sort of thing :p Granted, it might be supposed to look like that, but I think it looks sloppy.

Also, did you really just try to blame Kofi for the name of his finisher? :disappointed:

Nope. What I meant was that I think it says something when I, a very regular RAW viewer for the past - god damn, has it been that long? - ten years (and trust me, getting hold of RAW in Sweden ten years ago was damn near impossible) can not properly recall the name of a supposed up-and-comer's finishing move.

Here's my logic; you dislike Kofi (clearly) so I assume you don't boom boom along with him. So, y'know, logically, the people who do it along with him... Do like him. Make sense?

Well... no. I don't dislike Kofi either, I just question why fans would support him despite so many obvious flaws, while people rip others to pieces over the same things.

I don't "boom boom" along with anyone, I'm happily engaged, thankyouverymuch. Jokes aside, though, is it really because they like him, or is it because it is one of few chances they have to "interact" with the boys in the ring and "inject" themselves into the match? A moment of opportunity, rather than a moment of support? Just saying!

Actually, Kool-Aid isn't a big thing over here =/

Granted, it's not over here either. Canned Diet Coke is more like it. (Health freaks, the lot of us Swedes).

But yeah, from what I recall (having watched it yesterday) there were no botches in his match with Kofi. It was pretty much spot on.

And no. Just no. As well as Orton plays his character, he's had some crap matches in his day.

The crap matches Orton's had have usually been bad due to the booking of the match, not the execution. Orton isn't flawless in the ring, and this thread isn't about him, but he very rarely botches anything, and his matches are often entertaining (though formulaic from time to time on regular RAWs - but whose isn't?).

Did I really say there were botches in the RKO/Kofi payoff match? Ah, damn, yeah I can see why you'd think that's what I meant. I wasn't being very clear; I was talking about the match where Ted knocked Kofi off the top rope. That match was pretty botchy, iirc (failed punt notwithstanding). I may remember wrongly though.

I see what you did here.

<crack of twig> Clever girl.

Ok clearly you're going to be biased towards Kofi and what you may or may not have heard in terms of crowd reaction.


Sounds pretty loud to me around the 2.35 mark. And how is it his fault for stalling the match? Kozlov was the one who should've taken his time getting up. Kofi would've looked pretty silly if he had stood there with Kozlov in front of him for 5 seconds without going for TiP while the chant died down, wouldn't he?

Forearm to the face, irish whip Kozlov into the ropes, do Boom Boom, Trouble in Paradise, even louder pop, not a semi-dead crowd for the finisher. Ad-libbing it. Then again, I concede that it's easy to sit here in my comfy chair and make that ad-lib :p

Yes, because clearly Kofi was the only one in the minor league in that Money in the Bank match :rolleyes:

It was a linguistic segway, don't bite at stuff that's not there, we've got plenty to discuss without it ;)

He sure doesn't hold a candle to Christian, I never said he did. But Kofi did get a loud pop at Mania, that was rivalled only by Christian in that match.

It didn't rival it, it was outclassed by Christian's pop. Christian out-pops just about anybody in the WWE right now (in the mid-card, that is) and is tremendously over.

Clearly, taking my reasons for liking Kofi and disagreeing with them is the way to go to "understand" them, right?

I gave you my reasons. Did you miss them?

Well... yes. How else would I understand anything if I didn't question it? Your opinion differs from mine, and if I am not to just accept it (which I could do, but that wouldn't lead to any interesting debate - ever) then I have to question it to contrast it to my own opinion.

I must have missed your reasons - reasons that aren't as subjective. Reasons with reasoning behind them: "His mic work is good, because..." Ya know?

This is stupid. Firstly, it really isn't his fault if he hasn't done any great segments lately, he's not the booker. It's pretty hard for him to shine if he's not given the chance to shine, huh? Can hardly blame Kofi for that. That's like saying he's crap because he loses occasionally.

No, it's saying he's not e.g. very good on the mic, so when he does get talk-time, he doesn't come off very sharp or good. He's not the booker, but in my opinion he doesn't use what he's given and usually underperforms when it's time to shine. When he does get the chance, he doesn't deliver - for me.

And you have to limit the time available for me to pick something I like that Kofi's done? Clutching at straws a tad, don't you think?

Not at all, since what I wanted to know by posing the question in that way is: "OK, he was over as hell when he went against the biggest heel in the company, but now he's luke-warm and flacid - why do you still like him? What KEEPS you interested in him?"

You shouldn't stop liking a wrestler you like because they're being misused. When Kofi was US champion he had good matches. When Kofi was feuding with Orton he had good matches. That's when I started liking him. But apparently, I'm supposed to pick something I like from a time when he's being misused because you say so. Well you know what? I can't. But that's no reason for me to stop liking him.

Great, you can't! :p Then all I want to know is what keeps you interested in him, when he hasn't done anything entertaining in a fairly long while. See what I mean?


Actually I'm talking about Orton right now. Orton's match at Wrestlmania 25 was worse than any Kofi match I've seen.

Brother, you need to check that hypocrisy-meter there. RKO vs HHH was a very hard-booked match, and the match fitted as an angle-ender, but not as a main event at WrestleMania. That was due to the BOOKING, not due to the execution of the match. It was just a very, very awkward match because it was so strictly booked.

I'm fairly tired (new-born baby at home that needs feeding in the middle of the night, and it's 4:40am over here - night shift duty ;)) so there might be some silly mistakes or whatnot in my post. Just so you know :p
Orton didn't deserve a world title at 24. He wasn't over enough at all. He'd had some great matches under his belt at that point, but Orton winning the title at 24 had nothing to do with Orton, it was just for the sake of eliminating Brock Lesnar from the record books.

So why did the fans cheer for him when he won? even though he was a HEEL against a FACE benoit??

Also, you're assuming that Kofi at 28 has been wrestling for the same amount of time as Orton at 24. Orton had grown up with wrestling, he'd probably been wrestling since he was about 15 or 16. Kofi has been wrestling since he was 23. Just saying.

Just because he is from a wrestling family that means he started wrestling young? Now YOU ARE assuming.
I think Kofi Kingston has a ton of talent but he and the E have to re-invent him somewhat. He's done practically nothing since his feud with orton. He needs to drop the Kingston second name (become Kofi Johnson or something), the entrance music needs to change as well. He has a huge amount of potentiel and the WWE needs to use him better. A move to SD! seems on the cards if they want to keep pushing him. He has all the tools but needs a story and a proper character in order for him to become the complete package. And if the E' wants him to be world champion then a scenario similar to jeff Hardy's in 08' would work out well for him with the brass ring.
Attaching labels to people isn't really a great argumentative technique. I don't hate Kofi, I just question the fanaticism with which some people tend to kiss the ground he walks on. I'm not thereby implying that you do, but I don't see him as "the next big thing" or even "the next guy to pop out of mid-card". So, I do want to hear, you know, logical reasoning on WHY people like him.

I don't kiss the ground he walks on, that's reserved for other wrestlers at the moment.

But yeah, *ahem*, I'll say it again, people like him because he's energetic, exciting, he clearly has a good attitude and good work ethic. Those are all reasons for liking someone, I find. Also, some perceive him as a bit of a spot monkey, that probably helps too.

Yes, a spinning jumping Enziguri. And I think it looks sloppy, but this may be my perception of it of course, because he flails about like someone twirling their skirts in a field of flowers, sort of thing :p Granted, it might be supposed to look like that, but I think it looks sloppy.

I find the twirling of a skirt in a field of flowers to not be very sloppy, to be honest. But yeah, you can't deny that it looks like quite a hard move. Sure, it doesn't look perfectly streamlined every time he does it, but it gets a reaction from the crowd.

Nope. What I meant was that I think it says something when I, a very regular RAW viewer for the past - god damn, has it been that long? - ten years (and trust me, getting hold of RAW in Sweden ten years ago was damn near impossible) can not properly recall the name of a supposed up-and-comer's finishing move.

Damn Swedish TV stations!
Well some people forget certain names of moves. For like a week leading up to Wrestlemania, I was frustrated because I couldn't remember the name of Undertaker's last ride. But looking at this thread, clearly everyone else seems to remember the name of the move. So I guess not remembering a name of a move says more about the individual than the move.

Well... no. I don't dislike Kofi either, I just question why fans would support him despite so many obvious flaws, while people rip others to pieces over the same things.

Well, I gave you my reasons. And I don't dislike anyone for the reasons I like Kofi. But that's just me.

I don't "boom boom" along with anyone, I'm happily engaged, thankyouverymuch. c

Innuendos are always good.

Jokes aside, though, is it really because they like him, or is it because it is one of few chances they have to "interact" with the boys in the ring and "inject" themselves into the match? A moment of opportunity, rather than a moment of support? Just saying!

For a small portion of the crowd, yes, that's probably the case. But mostly it's because they like him. There's a reason that the crowd response to MVP'S Ballin' is so much quieter than it was 2 years ago, and why only half the crowd said "You can't see me!" along with Cena at Mania last weekend. Cause people don't like them now.

Granted, it's not over here either. Canned Diet Coke is more like it. (Health freaks, the lot of us Swedes).

The irony being Diet Coke probably causes more health problems. Additives and artificial sweeteners FTW.

The crap matches Orton's had have usually been bad due to the booking of the match, not the execution. Orton isn't flawless in the ring, and this thread isn't about him, but he very rarely botches anything, and his matches are often entertaining (though formulaic from time to time on regular RAWs - but whose isn't?).

I agree, Orton is one of the best in the ring at the moment. But everyone botches, especially wrestlers who have as little experience as Kofi. Chris Jericho has made many botches in his time, some of which have almost ended his career and life, yet he's considered one of the best ever. Botches aren't that important, as long as a match is good. If one small botch ruins a match for you, then that's bad.

Also, Kofi's botches are very minor. Like I said, 3 or 4 times, Jericho has almost ended his career.

Did I really say there were botches in the RKO/Kofi payoff match? Ah, damn, yeah I can see why you'd think that's what I meant. I wasn't being very clear; I was talking about the match where Ted knocked Kofi off the top rope. That match was pretty botchy, iirc (failed punt notwithstanding). I may remember wrongly though.

Well the thing about that match is that it was a triple threat. It was Kofi vs Orton vs Cena, and for most of the match it was Orton vs Cena with Kofi just taking offense. Also, it was reported that it was Ted who botched the whole Kofi/Orton/Turnbuckle/Punt thing. We know that Ted got in there too late to hit Kofi, which is what he was supposed to do. But Kofi sold, and Orton got pissed off. Had nothing to do with a punt.

<crack of twig> Clever girl.

I do try.

Forearm to the face, irish whip Kozlov into the ropes, do Boom Boom, Trouble in Paradise, even louder pop, not a semi-dead crowd for the finisher. Ad-libbing it. Then again, I concede that it's easy to sit here in my comfy chair and make that ad-lib :p

So you wanted Kofi, a guy who's job might already be on thin ice due to the problems with Orton, to change the finish of a match during the finish of the match? Come on, surely you can't think that would've ended well. Kozlov ain't that good a wrestler, I don't think he would've known what was going on. He probably would've sold the forearm as the finisher.

It was a linguistic segway, don't bite at stuff that's not there, we've got plenty to discuss without it ;)

You're no fun....

It didn't rival it, it was outclassed by Christian's pop. Christian out-pops just about anybody in the WWE right now (in the mid-card, that is) and is tremendously over.

I beg to differ, but there we go. But yeah, Christian is the most over mid-carder in the WWE right now. At least, the most over face midcarder. Punk could challenge him as most over midcarder in general. But that's neither here nor there.

Well... yes. How else would I understand anything if I didn't question it? Your opinion differs from mine, and if I am not to just accept it (which I could do, but that wouldn't lead to any interesting debate - ever) then I have to question it to contrast it to my own opinion.

I must have missed your reasons - reasons that aren't as subjective. Reasons with reasoning behind them: "His mic work is good, because..." Ya know?

Well I've given you my reasons. More than once. But each time you just seem to ignore them, so I really dunno.

No, it's saying he's not e.g. very good on the mic, so when he does get talk-time, he doesn't come off very sharp or good. He's not the booker, but in my opinion he doesn't use what he's given and usually underperforms when it's time to shine. When he does get the chance, he doesn't deliver - for me.

Well in fairness, he's had, what 3 promos in his entire WWE career? I think that's hard to judge on.
But I found when he was given the chance, the feud with Orton, he did deliver - for me.

Not at all, since what I wanted to know by posing the question in that way is: "OK, he was over as hell when he went against the biggest heel in the company, but now he's luke-warm and flacid - why do you still like him? What KEEPS you interested in him?"

I still like him because I know what he's capable of (no jokes, please) given the opportunity and I hope that he's given the chance to show it again because I will be entertained if he is. Same reason that Evan Bourne is liked.

Great, you can't! :p Then all I want to know is what keeps you interested in him, when he hasn't done anything entertaining in a fairly long while. See what I mean?

Look up!

Brother, you need to check that hypocrisy-meter there. RKO vs HHH was a very hard-booked match, and the match fitted as an angle-ender, but not as a main event at WrestleMania. That was due to the BOOKING, not due to the execution of the match. It was just a very, very awkward match because it was so strictly booked.

Well.... How do you know? Did you book the match? Everyone says that Triple H is a traditionalist with great respect for the business, plus he was mentored by Ric Flair. Those are all the hallmarks of someone who calls matches in the ring. But that's just my view on it.

I'm fairly tired (new-born baby at home that needs feeding in the middle of the night, and it's 4:40am over here - night shift duty ;)) so there might be some silly mistakes or whatnot in my post. Just so you know :p

I just woke up, so ditto (Y)

So why did the fans cheer for him when he won? even though he was a HEEL against a FACE benoit??

The same reason people cheered for Jack Swagger when he cashed in. It was new and exciting. Pretty simple. People loved Benoit, but they thought his title run had run its course.

Just because he is from a wrestling family that means he started wrestling young? Now YOU ARE assuming.

Well he made his debut in 2000. He would've needed a couple of years to be fully trained. So yeah, starting wresting at the age of 17 or 18 sounds pretty young to me. Even when Orton won the title, he had maybe 2 years over what Kofi has now.
I don't kiss the ground he walks on, that's reserved for other wrestlers at the moment.

Just quoting your first line to encompass your entire post, because I'd like to thank you for providing your point of view on Kofi. I will respectfully ask that we agree to disagree, and I think I've gained a little insight into why Kofi is fairly over with the live crowd.

While I don't agree with the (apparent) majority on this, I have a better understanding now, so thank you.

Well...Sheamus just kicked Kofi's ass now didn't he? I don't understand this. I'm not saying he should be invincible but come on, give him something. All he's been doing is losing all day. WWE needs to seriously give him some credentials.
Gosh I hate what the WWE is doing with Kofi right now! Things ned to seriously change soon.

I have a feeling he's gonna go 2 smackdown in the draft because over on smackdown there are way more options for feuds: mcintyre, punk, Jericho, hell I'll even take a ziggler feud if it means he'll win a freaking match!

I can only see 1 potincial feud on raw right now and that is with Cody Rhodes, but how much airtime do u think that would get on raw?!?!?!? This is the show that gives 20 minutes of shitty humor 2 every guest host/ hornswaggle!!!!!!!

Kingstons only hope of winning matchs on a weekily (or semiweekly) basis is by going to smackdown.
I saw this week's raw and I have to say, Kofi was unbelievably great. Not only did he make himself look like he could hold his own, he garnered hate for Sheamus because of the whole cheating aspect and his gimmick is extremely "Mess with me and I'll take you out" type of a gimmick. Not only that, but he didn't even botch. Great for Kofi. Any ideas here?
Never understood the fuss about Kofi. Yeah he is good but he isn't as good as everyone makes him out to be. Before he got put into the tag team match Everyone was saying it was unfair how he wasn't on the WM card. He had no decent fued so there was no point putting him on there. He is slowly turning into the new Shelton. Waaaay over rated.
i think he's become much better ever since he got moved to smackdown, plus he's on a undefeated streak for his last 14 matches, he's credible to win the mitb case imo

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